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  • - The stay-and-support method to help your baby sleep through the night
    af Lucy Wolfe
    166,95 kr.

    The Baby Sleep Solution is a groundbreaking book by Lucy Wolfe, published in 2019 by Headline Publishing Group. This book falls under the genre of Parenting & Family, providing practical and effective solutions for your baby's sleep problems. Wolfe, a renowned sleep consultant, shares her expertise and experience, offering a comprehensive guide to help parents establish healthy sleep habits for their babies. The Baby Sleep Solution is not just a book; it's a lifesaver for all the sleep-deprived parents out there. Published by Headline Publishing Group, this book is a must-have for every parent's bookshelf. It's available in English, making it accessible for a wider audience.

  • af Eowyn Crisfield
    133,95 - 478,95 kr.

  • af Riga Forbes
    198,95 kr.

    Record and remember your unique pregnancy journey with My Pregnancy Journal.

  • - Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It
    af John Gray & Warren Farrell
    156,95 kr.

    Bestselling authors Warren Farrell and John Gray (Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus) examine the issues plaguing young males and provide solutions for raising boys to grow up healthy and productive members of society, benefiting us all.

  • - Making Sense of Preschoolers (Or Anyone Who Acts Like One)
    af Deborah MacNamara
    149,95 kr.

    Foreword by Gordon Neufeld, PhDBased on the work of one of the world's foremost child development experts, Rest, Play, Grow offers a road map to making sense of young children, and is what every toddler, preschooler, and kindergartner wishes we understood about them.Baffling and beloved, with the capacity to go from joy to frustration in seconds, young children are some of the most misunderstood people on the planet. Parents and caregivers struggle with these little ones, who are known for their extreme behaviour, from tantrums, resistance, and aggression to separation anxiety, bedtime protests, and not listening. The key to understanding youngsters lies in realizing that their challenging behaviour is not personal, nor is it a disorder or deficit.Based on science and the relational developmental approach of renowned psychologist and bestselling author Gordon Neufeld, Rest, Play, Grow reveals how critical adults are in shaping the conditions to ensure young children flourish. This is the story of how young children develop, from their intense need for attachment and the vital importance of play to discipline that preserves growth. Engagingly written, with compassion for its subjects and rich with stories from them and their parents, Rest, Play, Grow will forever change the way you think of the preschoolers in your life.Dr. Deborah MacNamara is a clinical counsellor and educator with more than twenty-five years experience working with children, youth, and adults. She is on faculty at the Neufeld Institute, operates a counselling practice, and speaks regularly about child and adolescent development to parents, childcare providers, educators, and mental health professionals. She continues to write, do radio and television interviews, and speak to the needs of children and youth based on developmental science. Deborah resides in Vancouver, Canada, with her husband and two children.Praise for Rest, Play, Grow "Rest, Play, Grow notes the preeminence of early parent-child attachment in optimal development, and it passionately affirms the primary value of play to children's well-being and creativity.-Raffi Cavoukian, singer, author"This book is developmental science translated into practical love."-Gabor Maté, MD, co-author of Hold On to Your Kids"This is a must-read for every parent of a preschooler or younger. Read this and you will truly be your 'kid's best bet.'"-Kristy Pillinger, editor-in-chief of Nurture Parenting Magazine"Deborah has translated the beautifully chaotic world of being a preschooler. If there is only one book you should read as a parent, this is the one."-Traci Costa, CEO of Peekaboo Beans"This is not a quick-fix script but, instead, presents a road map to better understand this amazing age in all its glorious imperfections."-Keyvan Hadad, MD, pediatrician"Rest, Play, Grow is a refreshing reminder of the importance of slowing down and allowing children to mature at their own pace, unhindered by societal expectations."-Lori Petro, TEACH through Love"Dr. MacNamara truly has the gift of writing, always grounding concepts in very relatable moments from her life and work as a researcher, professor, counsellor, and, of course, parent."-Genevieve Simperingham, Peaceful Parent Institute"Finally, a book for parents of young children that weds neuroscience and attachment research and is consummately useful!"-Sil Reynolds, co-author of Mothering and Daughtering

  • - how a deeper self-understanding can help you raise children who thrive
    af Daniel J. Siegel
    166,95 kr.

    In Parenting from the Inside Out, child psychiatrist Daniel J. Siegel, MD, and early childhood expert Mary Hartzell, MEd, explore the extent to which our childhood experiences shape the way we parent.

  • af Arne Nielsson
    138,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Forældrerollen ændres totalt, når et barn går i puberteten. Mange forældre bliver bange og begræder tabet. Hvor blev mit lille søde barn af? Hvad skal jeg stille op med dette uopdragne monster? Opfordringen fra denne bogs forfatterteam lyder: Sig farvel til opdragerrollen og bliv i stedet sparringspartner for dine store børn; bliv deres teenagecoach. Det skaber et langt bedre og mere holdbart forhold til teenageren, og giver dig muligheden for et langt sjovere og mere udviklende liv, også når teenageren for længst er flyttet hjemmefra og livet skal defineres på ny. En af de vigtigste konklusioner er: Dit barn er stadig i støbeskeen. Du må ikke behandle det som en voksen. Teenageren kan ikke håndtere sine følelser rationelt, det er hjernen simpelthen ikke færdigudviklet til. Derfor: Elsk din teenager, men slip ham/hende løs. Stol på, at du har gjort det godt nok. Og lær dig selv at bruge den udfordrende tid til at blive et klogere, friere og gladere menneske. Denne bogs forfattere er teenageeksperter på hver deres måde. Arne Nielsson, der har skrevet bestselleren Viljen til sejr, er en af landets førende professionelle coaches for sports- og erhvervsfolk; Anni Kirk og Tania Wolf er begge skolelærere og kognitive coaches med speciale i teenagere. Nina Vedel-Petersen er forfatter og journalist og har bl.a. skrevet bøgerne Magtkamp på chefgangen – om at være kvinde på en toppost og Man skal ikke stå og fedte med det, en interviewbog om kendte kvinders kamp for friheden.

  • - Sund start på livet
    af Charlotte Nowak
    44,94 - 147,95 kr.

    Giv baby en sund start på livet med lækker hjemmelavet mad. Charlotte Nowak er uddannet kok og har arbejdet 10 år i køkkenet på en vuggestue, så hun ved, hvad hun skriver om.

  • af Dr Aliza Pressman
    193,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Marie Mongan
    146,95 kr.

  • af Kate Silverton
    193,95 kr.

    THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'This book has changed my life' Joe Wicks'As a parenting support book this is in a class of its own . . . It is perhaps the most helpful book for parents of children of any age' Professor Peter Fonagy, CEO Anna Freud National Centre for Children & Families'This is a book that will change lives' Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, Infant Psychologist'This book is absolutely brilliant! I love that it is about parenting a healthy brain' Dr Guddi Singh, Paediatrician and Health CampaignerWant to know the secret to tackling tantrums and tears, stopping squabbles in seconds AND lay the foundations for your child's good mental health in the process? In There's No Such Thing As 'Naughty', mum to two young children, journalist and children's mental health advocate Kate Silverton shares her groundbreaking new approach to parenting under-fives that helps to make family life so much easier and and certainly a lot more fun!Kate's unique strategies, easy-to-follow scripts and simple techniques will enable you to manage those tricky everyday challenges with ease - and help you to enjoy the strongest bond possible with your child, both now and in the years ahead. Endorsed by leading figures in the field of children's mental health, at the heart of the book is a simple and revelatory way to understand how your child's brain develops and how it influences their behaviour. Rooted in the latest science - explained really simply - this engaging, accessible and warm parenting guide will redefine how you see and raise your children, with a new understanding that for under-fives, there can be no such thing as 'naughty'.

  • af Indra Nooyi
    146,95 kr.

  • - A woman's guide to power and freedom through yoga and tantra
    af Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
    295,95 kr.

    In this courageous and radical book, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli explores the sexual politics of yoga from a perspective that sees women's spiritual transformation as the most revolutionary force.

  • - How to Care for Your Kids When You Care Too Much
    af Elaine N. Aron
    163,95 kr.

    From the world-renowned authority and internationally bestselling author of The Highly Sensitive Person, comes an indispensable guide for the significant number of parents who are unusually attuned to their children.

  • - A Complete Guide to Rebuilding Your Health and Reclaiming Your Energy for Mothers of Newborns, Toddlers and Young Children
    af Dr Oscar Serrallach
    49,95 kr.

    Inspired by one of the most viewed GOOP articles ever, this groundbreaking book explores a never-before-named syndrome - 'postnatal depletion' - and offers an easy-to-follow programme for mothers to reclaim their health and energy after giving birth

  • af Mikael Schneider & Eva Rymann
    74,95 kr.

    Vi forældre er tilbøjelige til at mene, at vores børns smag står i vejen for det, som vi gerne vil have dem til at spise. Men vi kan også betragte børns smag som en ressource. Børn som voksne har en helt unik evne til at smage. Smagen har medvirket til at udvikle os til det klogeste dyr på kloden og giver os mulighed for at opleve et af menneskedyrets højeste ønsker: nydelse. Formålet med bogen er at hjælpe forældre til at forstå deres børns smag og valg og fravalg af mad. Forfatterne beskriver, hvordan vi mennesker, og især børn, smager, fordi smag i relation til sundhed, kræsenhed, måltider og livet som sådan fylder enormt meget i vores og børnenes hverdag.

  • - Simple Lessons for Radical Results
    af Esther Wojcicki
    128,95 - 186,95 kr.

    The Godmother of Silicon Valley, legendary teacher, and mother of three superstar daughters, shares her tried-and-tested methods for raising happy, healthy, successful children. How we raise and educate our children determines not only the people they become but the society we create.

  • - The Gentle Revolution
    af Glenn J. Doman & Janet Doman
    158,95 kr.

  • - By teaching you have to ask the right questions
    af Tracy Hogg & Melinda Blau
    196,95 kr.

    Tracy Hogg knows babies. Her incredible sensitivity and ability to read infants' cries, coos and assorted baby noises quickly earned Tracy the admiration and gratitude of high-profile couples, including a host of celebrities. The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems provides solutions to hundreds of baby care problems, including the Big Three: sleep, feeding and behaviour, from infancy to the age of 3. Tracy demystifies the magic she has performed with some five thousand babies. She teaches parents how to work out what kind of baby they have, what kind of mother and father they are, and what kind of parenting plan will work best for them. Believing that babies need to become part of the family - rather than dominate it - she has developed a practical programme that works with infants as young as a day old.

  • af Birgitte Wulff & Sapran Hassna
    92,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Som seksårig bliver Sapran Hassna og hendes tre søstre anbragt i pleje efter en familietragedie. På en gård ved Skælskør slår et ægtepar dørene op til deres hjem. Han er elektriker, hun er dagplejemor, og gennem seks år foretrækker de fleste at tro, at Gunnar og Lise har skabt et hjertevarmt hjem for fire forældreløse børn. Indtil Retten i Næstved i 2008 sætter et uhyggeligt punktum i pigernes forbandede barndom. Sapran Hassnas selvbiografi er en gribende og grum beretning om et ufatteligt forlis i verdens dyreste socialsystem. Hun fortæller om en barndom fuld af sult, straf og ydmygelser. Om vreden, der sætter sig som en mørk plet i sindet, når ingen vil tro på ens råb om hjælp. Og om skammen, der tager over, når mareridtet hører op.Men Sapran Hassnas fortælling er også fuld af livsmod og vilje. Hun nægter at leve et liv som offer for en plejefar fra helvede. Hun tager sin skæbne på sig og lever med den. I dag er hun 22 år. Gammel nok til at leve sit eget liv, gammel nok til at fortælle sin historie.

  • - The Complete Guide
    af April Bolding
    198,95 kr.

    Available for the first time in full color, the up-to-date and authoritative pregnancy guide that has sold 1.5 million copies--by recognizing that "one size fits all" doesn't apply to maternity care.

  • - The Diaper Dude Guide to Pregnancy
    af Chris (Chris Pegula) Pegula
    179,95 kr.

  • - Din træningsguide til en fit graviditet
    af Ann Sofie Bækgaard
    104,95 kr.

    Bogen henvender sig til kvinden der ønsker at holde sig så fit som muligt under og efter graviditeten. Forfatter Ann Sofie Bækgaard forklarer i et levende og pædagogisk sprog, hvorfor det er vigtigt at holde sig i form under graviditeten. Bogen er udover udførlige træningsprogrammer, der tager hensyn til hvor kvinden befinder sig henne i sin graviditet, forsynet med historier fra danske kvinder, der fortæller hvor stor gavn de har haft af fitness under graviditeten. Ann Sofie Bækgaard (f.1980) er en af Danmarks førende træningseksperter indenfor træning under graviditeten.

  • - Klasseledelse i folkeskole og gymnasium
    af Per Fibæk Laursen, Helle Plauborg, Jytte Vinther Andersen & mfl.
    163,95 kr.

    Klasseledelse er et begreb, der efterhånden har vundet bredt indpas i den danske undervisningsverden. Ikke underligt, for god undervisning er nok så meget afhængig af lærerens evne til at lede arbejdet i klasseværelset.I Læreren som leder gives en indføring i historisk og aktuel forskning i klasseledelse. Forfatterne gennemgår, hvad begrebet klasseledelse dækker, og hvordan klasseledelse virker i praksis. Bogen indeholder cases fra praksis i henholdsvis indskoling, mellemtrin, udskoling og gymnasium. Endelig rummer den interview med lærere, der mestrer klasseledelse. I bogen er indlagt en dvd med videooptagelser af vellykkede undervisningsforløb til illustration af bogens pointer. Helle Plauborg er lærer, cand.mag. i pædagogik og socialvidenskab og lektor i KLEO, Professionshøjskolen UCC.Jytte Vinther Andersen lærer og udviklingskonsulent i KLEO, Professionshøjskolen UCC.Gitte Holten Ingerslev er ph.d. og lektor ved Institut for didaktik, DPU, Aarhus Universitet.Per Fibæk Laursen er professor ved Center for grundskoleforskning, DPU, Aarhus Universitet.

  • af Mama Makes Books
    93,95 kr.

    This BookTrust pick is a high-contrast fold-out board book with mirror for newborns. There are black-and-white illustrations on one side for babies' developing vision, and photographs and a mirror on the other side for older babies who love looking at babies and themselves. Up to 9 months old and printed on FSC paper.

  • - An Action Guide for Parents of Young Children with Early Signs of Autism
    af Dr. Mary Barbera
    126,95 kr.

    Dr Mary Barbera has created a new approach to teaching kids with developmental delays that uses the science of Applied Behaviour Analysis married with a positive, child-friendly methodology that any parent can use ‿ whether or not their child has delays. She empowers parents, caregivers and early intervention professionals to regain hope.

  • - 'Every millennial woman should have this on her bookshelf' Pandora Sykes
    af Nell Frizzell
    128,95 kr.

    This maddening period of transformation and personal crisis is recognisable by the myriad of decisions we make - about partners, holidays, jobs, homes, savings, friendships - all of which are impacted by the urgency of the single decision that comes with a biological deadline, the one decision that is impossible to take back;

  • - Meditation, Yoga, Hypnobirthing, Natural Remedies, and Nutrition - Trimester by Trimester
    af Tracy Donegan
    166,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Ash & Armin A Brott
    153,95 - 176,95 kr.

    The New York Times best seller, trusted by millions of dads-to-be--completely revised and updated

  • - The whole nine months
    af Mark Woods
    106,95 kr.

    Pregnancy for Men takes you through each month of pregnancy, offering advice, information and anecdotes to the proud father-to be; from how your baby grows month-by-month to how to best support your partner, and be a great dad.

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