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  • - the science-backed guide to helping your baby get a good night's sleep - newborn to school age
    af Heather Turgeon
    146,95 kr.

    An urgent message for sleep-deprived parents: You don't have to suffer through "cry-it-out" parenting OR attachment parenting's "co-sleeping." This book shows parents how to avoid and undo cumbersome sleep habits, putting their babies and little kids on track to a full night's sleep.

  • - A practical guide to sleep-rich and stress-free parenting
    af Alison Scott-Wright
    156,95 kr.

    The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan is an invaluable guide for every parent struggling with their child's sleep patterns. Written by the highly acclaimed author, Alison Scott-Wright, this book was first published in 2010 by Transworld Publishers Ltd. It falls under the genre of self-help and parenting, offering practical solutions that have helped many families regain their much-needed sleep. The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan is not just a book, but a beacon of hope for tired parents. It's a must-read for anyone seeking a peaceful night for both themselves and their little ones.

  • af Jesper Juul
    94,95 kr.

    Om nærvær, respekt og grænser mellem voksne og børn.Denne bog handler om det, der med et gammeldags udtryk hedder "at sætte grænser for børn". Den beskriver, hvordan vi som mennesker kan afgrænse os i forhold til andre mennesker – også små og store børn – på måder, hvor ingen kommer til skade, og hvor kontakten får så høj kvalitet som muligt.Den kærlighed, vi føler for vores børn og de voksne, der står os nærmest, opleves på én måde af os selv og på en anden måde af dem. Deres oplevelse afhænger af, hvordan vi omsætter vores kærlige følelser til kærlige handlinger.På mange måder er både børns og voksnes oplevelse af at blive elsket helt individuel, men det er et fællestræk ved os, at vi ikke oplever os elsket, når vores personlige grænser bliver krænket eller ikke respekteret. Når krænkelserne er grove og hyppige, falder vores selvværd og dermed vores evne til at handle konstruktivt. Vi kan hverken passe ordentligt på os selv eller forbedre kontakten med den, der krænker os. Det gælder for både børn og voksne.Jesper Juul er familieterapeut og leder af The Kempler Institute of Scandinavia.

  • af Helen Russell
    115,95 - 163,95 kr.

  • af Abigail Shrier
    196,95 kr.

    From the author of Irreversible Damage, an investigation into how mental health overdiagnosis is harming, not helping, childrenIn virtually every way that can be measured, Gen Z's mental health is worse than that of previous generations. Youth suicide rates are climbing, antidepressant prescriptions for children are common, and the proliferation of mental health diagnoses has not helped the staggering number of kids who are lonely, lost, sad and fearful of growing up. What's gone wrong?In Bad Therapy, bestselling investigative journalist Abigail Shrier argues that the problem isn't the kids - it's the mental health experts. Drawing on hundreds of interviews with child psychologists, parents, teachers and young people themselves, Shrier explores the ways the mental health industry has transformed the way we teach, treat, discipline and even talk to our kids. She reveals that most of the therapeutic approaches have serious side effects and few proven benefits: for instance, talk therapy can induce rumination, trapping children in cycles of anxiety and depression; while 'gentle parenting' can encourage emotional turbulence - even violence - in children as they lash out, desperate for an adult to be in charge.Mental health care can be lifesaving when properly applied to children with severe needs, but for the typical child, the cure can be worse than the disease. Bad Therapy is a must-read for anyone questioning why our efforts to support our kids have backfired - and what it will take for parents to lead a turnaround.

  • af Dr. Caroline Leaf
    126,95 kr.

    Anxiety, depression, and mental health struggles are increasingly present in children ages 3-10. Bestselling author and neuroscientist shares a clear and effective five-step plan to teach your child how to manage their minds so they can live a life with greater resilience, health, and happiness in a changing and challenging world.

  • af Amanda Diekman
    153,95 kr.

    Autistic adult, Amanda Diekman, shares her experiences about how low-demand parenting her neurodivergent children has transformed her relationship and family life. Full of easy-to-implement resources and activities this is the go-to-guide for low-demand parenting.

  • af Randi Kreger
    153,95 kr.

  • af Jessica Urlichs
    178,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Jessica Urlichs
    170,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af Jessica Urlichs
    170,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • af Mona Delahooke
    166,95 kr.

    'I will be recommending this book to every parent' Dr Laura Markham'I adore this book!' Dr Tina Payne BrysonOver her decades as a clinical psychologist, Dr Mona Delahooke has helped countless distraught parents who struggle to manage their children's challenging behaviours. These families are understandably focused on correcting or improving a child's lack of compliance, emotional outbursts, tantrums and other 'out of control' behaviour. But behaviour, no matter how challenging, is not the problem but a symptom; a clue about what is happening in a child's unique physiological makeup.In Brain-Body Parenting, Dr Delahooke offers a radical new approach to parenting based on an approach that considers the essential role of the entire nervous system, which produces children's feelings and behaviours.When we begin to understand the biology beneath the behaviour, suggests Dr Delahooke, we give our children the resources they need to grow and thrive, and we give ourselves the gift of a happier, more connected relationship with them. Brain-Body Parenting empowers parents with tools to help their children develop self-regulation skills, while also encouraging parental self-care. The result is a deeper understanding of your child, encouraging calmer behaviour, more harmonious family dynamics, and increased resilience.

  • - Hjælp din teenager til at mestre livet – også i modgang
    af Pia Callesen
    158,95 kr.

    Ny bog fra psykologen og bestsellerforfatteren Pia Callesen med inspiration, råd og vejledning til, hvordan forældre kan støtte deres teenagere.Mange unge har det i dag svært og kæmper med bekymringer, negative tanker og lavt selvværd. Det er smerteligt at se sin teenager mistrives, og som forældre vil vi gøre alt, hvad der står i vores magt, for at mindske deres tristhed, uro og ubehag. Problemet er, at vi ofte gør alt for meget.Når vi i bedste mening har al opmærksomhed rettet mod de unge for at hjælpe dem ud af deres tristhed og skærme dem mod smerte, risikerer vi modsatte effekt. For i vores kamp mod mistrivslen fastholder vi vores teenageres fokus på egne bekymringer og negative tanker, og det kan føre dem ind i en tung spiral af modløshed.I stedet skal vi vise dem, at negative tanker og følelser som tristhed, vrede, angst, sorg og frygt er lige så normale, uundgåelige og forbigående som glæde, stolthed og lykke. Vi skal hjælpe dem til at undgå timelange spekulationer om eget værd ved at lade bekymringerne være og i stedet flytte fokus ud i verden væk fra sig selv. På den måde kan de lære at mestre livet – også når det er svært.Mod på Livet er en inspirationsguide til forældre, som bygger på teorien bag metakognitiv terapi og forfatterens erfaringer med de udfordringer, som unge og deres forældre fortæller om i terapien.Bogen giver eksempler, råd og vejledning til, hvordan forældre kan støtte deres teenagere i at flytte fokus fra den indre til den ydre verden og til at tænke mindre og leve mere.

  • af Sandra Hood
    183,95 kr.

    A practical guide to bringing up children according to a vegan lifestyle for health, ethical and sustainability reasons. It addresses the myths around a vegan diet being unsuitable for a growing child and answers questions from 'what about protein?' to 'will there be enough calcium?' looking at pregnancy through to the teenage years.

  • - The Whole-Child, Whole-Family, Nature-Rich Guide to Moving More
    af Katy Bowman
    343,95 kr.

    Place of publication from publisher's website.

  • af Kinfolk
    115,95 kr.

    Kindling is a place to explore the new ideas and fresh perspectives that come with being a parent. It''s non-judgmental, unfussy and made to be enjoyed by anyone currently raising a child under the age of ten. We''re interested in exploring the big ideas around parenthood, not what your child should be having for dinner or wearing at the weekend. Compact and colourful, the magazine is designed to be kept and treasured - whether on a coffee table or a child''s bookshelf.

  • - The Essential Guide to Sleep for Your Baby - and You
    af Dr. Janet Kennedy
    146,95 kr.

    Cry it out or co-sleep? Silence or Mozart? Darkness or night lights? Exhausted parents have tried everything to get their children to sleep through the night so they can too. Overwhelmed by complicated and conflicting advice, many mums, dads and babies still struggle to get a good night's sleep.In The Good Sleeper, sleep expert Dr Janet Kennedy presents the clear, concise and straightforward information parents have been missing. In a simple plan, she teaches parents to put their baby s needs ahead of his or her wants, explaining how to read the early signs of tiredness so children can be put to bed before they become overtired and start to fight sleep. Includes: The basics of infant sleep patterns How to make sure your child is well rested Soothing techniques for fussy babies How to help your child learn to put herself to sleep How to avoid excessive crying How to address sleep problems as they arise Transitioning from crib to bed Early wakings Night wakings and wanderings Bedtime routines and battles Sharing a room with a sibling and how to keep the whole family well rested!By learning how to understand your baby's signals, you'll be able to ensure that the whole family enjoys a calm bedtime and a restful night's sleep. A good night's sleep doesn't have to be a dream.

  • af Lars Daneskov
    103,95 kr.

    Ny revideret udgave. Du har ikke læst Da Vince Mysteriet, men kan ”Lotte bager” udenad. Du har ikke hørt den nye Madonna, men kender sangen fra Byggemand Bob og navnene på alle fire Teletubbies. Du har for længst glemt, hvordan det er at sove længe, men ved til gengæld, hvad en pakke libero koster og hvordan, man vasker farvekridt af tapet. Du er blevet far. At få et barn er det største bombenedslag, du vil opleve i dit liv. Din kæreste er pludselig blevet dit barns mor, dine skjorter har gylp på skuldrene, og du er fra nu af én, der får askebægre i trylledej til jul og ved, hvad ordene lækagebarriere og brystpumpe betyder. Far på færde er en underholdende og personlig beretning om at blive far og langsomt lære at være det. Det er en brugsvejleding til dem, der ikke ved, hvad de går ind til og en trøst og syndsforladelse til alle, der står midt i det: Du er ikke alene.

  • af Lou Noire
    42,95 kr.

    EN HYGGELIG BABYSHOWER-QUIZ!Det bliver et hyggeligt babyshower med det sjove quiz-show! Her er der masser af underholdende spørgsmål om baby og den kommende mor - og alt hvad der ellers kommer med storken. Hvilket hold får flest point og vinder quizzen? Det Store Babyshower Quiz-Show har masser af sjove spørgsmål, og er en sjov leg til babyshower. Der spilles i 6 kategorier: "Baby, baby, baby ohh", "It's fashion, baby!", "Gu-gu Ga-ga", "Den søde ventetid", "De små synger" og "Det begynder med en baby...". HVAD FÅR DU?Pakken indeholder 6 forskellige kategorier, 30 spørgsmål om baby, graviditeten og den kommende mor samt en spillevejledning. Spillet er designet i PDF og er lige til at downloade og printe ud.SÅDAN GØR DU:Hele babyshower-quizzen kommer i en PDF-fil, som kan downloades med det samme. Kort med kategorier og spørgsmål printes og klippes ud og foldes derefter på midten. Find en opslagstavle og sæt kortene op i rækker med kategorierne øverst. Har du ikke en opslagstavle, kan du placere kortene på bordet, med spørgsmålene vendt mod oplæseren.Der vælges en oplæser, som også er dommer. Deltagerne deles i hold, og den kommende mor udstyres med blok og kuglepen. I én af kategorierne er det nemlig hende, der afgør, om svaret er korrekt!Efter tur vælger holdene kategori samt sværhedsgrad, f.eks. "De små synger til 300 point". Oplæseren stiller spørgsmålet, og kan holdet svare, får de point og beholder turen. Kan holdet ikke svare, mister de deres tur - og nu må et af de andre hold forsøge at gætte det rigtige svar!Vinderholdet er det hold, der har flest point, når alle spørgsmål er besvaret, og pointene fordelt. Husk præmier!

  • af Lyndsey Hookway
    146,95 kr.

    Everyone's sleep is important in your family, let's talk about it.

  • af Steve Biddulph
    146,95 kr.

    Steve Biddulph's Raising Boys was a global phenomenon. The first book in a generation to look at boys' specific needs, parents loved its clarity and warm insights into their sons' inner world. But today, things have changed. It's girls that are in trouble.There has been a sudden and universal deterioration in girls' mental health, starting in primary school and devastating the teen years.Raising Girls in the 21st Century is both a guidebook and a call-to-arms for parents. The five key stages of girlhood are laid out so that you know exactly what matters at which age, and how to build strength and connectedness into your daughter from infancy onwards.Raising Girls in the 21st Century is both fierce and tender in its mission to help girls more at every age. It's a book for parents who love their daughters deeply, whether they are newborns, teenagers, young women - or anywhere in between.Feeling secure, becoming an explorer, getting along with others, finding her soul, and becoming a woman - at last, there is a clear map of girls' minds that accepts no limitations, narrow roles or selling-out of your daughter's potential or uniqueness.All the hazards are signposted - bullying, eating disorders, body image and depression, social media harms and helps - as are concrete and simple measures for both mums and dads to help prevent their daughters from becoming victims. Parenthood is restored to an exciting journey, not one worry after another, as it's so often portrayed.Steve talks to the world's leading voices on girls' needs and makes their ideas clear and simple, adding his own humour and experience through stories that you will never forget. Even the illustrations, by Kimio Kubo, provide unique and moving glimpses into the inner lives of girls.Along with his fellow psychologists worldwide, Steve is angry at the exploitation and harm being done to girls today. With Raising Girls in the 21st Century he strives to spark a movement to end the trashing of girlhood; equipping parents to deal with the modern world, and getting the media off the backs of our daughters.Raising Girls in the 21st Century is powerful, practical and positive. Your heart, head and hands will be strengthened by its message.

  • af Giovanna Fletcher
    108,95 kr.

  • - Simple ways to help you and your family feel calm, connected and content
    af Izzy Judd
    128,95 kr.

  • - Easy Weaning Recipes for All the Family to Enjoy
    af Rachel Boyett
    146,95 kr.

  • - Easy Activities & Creative Craft for Kids and their Grown-ups
    af Laura Brand
    146,95 kr.

    The Joy Journal for Magical Everyday Play is an activity guide with creative ideas of things to make and do with children

  • af Maise Njor & Asta-Maja Njor Boisen
    138,95 kr.

    At flytte hjemmefra kan være udfordrende, men at være den, der bliver ladt tilbage, kan være mindst lige så svært. Det fandt Maise Njor ud af, da hendes datter Asta-Maja fløj fra reden til Rom. Heldigvis var de ikke længere væk fra hinanden end en mail, og gennem deres korrespondance får de styr på nogle af de ting, som kan være svære at tale om, når man sidder ansigt til ansigt: kærlighed, skilsmisse, opdragelse, venskaber, feminisme og italienske mænd. Alle veje fører til moR er et kærligt og ærligt portræt af to generationer – en gribende, sjov og alvorlig korrespondance mellem mor og datter. Bogen er for alle, der er eller har været barn af en forælder. Mens I havde allermest brug for nogle stærke forældre, lå jeg på sofaen og stirrede ud i luften. Det kunne jeg ikke være bekendt.– MaiseForældre er jo bare voksne børn, og når man fatter det, kan man jo næsten ikke blive sur.– Asta-Maja

  • af Frances E. Jensen
    146,95 kr.

    Why is it that the behaviour of teenagers can be so odd? As they grow older, young children steadily improve their sense of how to behave, and then all of a sudden, they can become totally uncommunicative, wildly emotional and completely unpredictable. We used to think that erratic teenage behaviour was due to a sudden surge in hormones, but modern neuroscience shows us that this isn't true. The Teenage Brain is a journey through the new discoveries that show us exactly what happens to the brain in this crucial period, how it dictates teenagers' behaviour, and how the experiences of our teenage years are what shape our attitudes, and often our happiness in later life. Many of our ideas about our growing brains are completely re-written. They don't stop developing at the end of our teens - they keep adapting until we are in our mid-twenties. They are wired back to front, with the most important parts, the parts that we associate with good judgement, concentration, organization and emotional and behavioural control being connected last of all. The Teenage brain is a powerful animal primed for learning, but this creates problems. Addiction is a form of learning, and Frances Jensen, Professor of Pediatric Neurology at the teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School reveals exactly what lies behind all aspects of teenage behaviour and its lasting effects - from drugs, lack of sleep and smoking to multi-tasking and stress. As a mother and a scientist, Professor Jensen offers both exciting science and practical suggestions for how parents, teens and schools can help teenagers weather the storms of adolescence, and get the most out of their incredible brains.

  • af Annabel Karmel
    166,95 kr.

    The all-you-need-to-know visual guide to weaning from Annabel Karmel, Britain's best-loved weaning expert, including one hundred easy recipes.

  • af Beccy Hands & Alexis Stickland
    166,95 kr.

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