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  • - Anglo-Romanian Relations in the Aviation Industry (1966-1993)
    af Mauro Elli
    567,95 kr.

    By the mid-1960s, the whole European aviation industry had begun looking at two main solutions in order to survive competition from the USA: European cooperation, and exports to markets still closed to the Americans. Against this background, Anglo-Romanian dealings in the aviation industry over a period of almost thirty years are a case of converging politico-military interests with major interpretative potential. This holds true for the history of East-West relations and infra-Western commercial competition, but also for the transformation of domestic decision-making patterns and the change in economic priorities. While Britain became Romaniäs first commercial partner in order to offer a new outlet to the aviation industry, Bucharest was looking at the U.K. to pursue a strategy of industrial modernisation and political visibility. The story of their intersection sheds light on the lower-level reality of Détente in Europe. The degree of collaboration across the Iron Curtain was not just the product of a generally improved diplomatic atmosphere, but ¿ at least in the present case ¿ the result of a peculiar mixture of political ambition, economic viability, and technological expertise. Indeed, the change of economic paradigm in the UK (from Neo-Keynesianism to monetarist Neo-Liberalism), along with President Ceau¿escu¿s fixation with foreign debt, played a crucial role in the vicissitudes of Anglo-Romanian relations in the aviation industry in the period between the demise of Détente and the end of the Cold War. This points to a reasonably articulated model, which is hinged on the category of ¿transfer¿, rather than on the category of ¿cooperation¿.

  • - Pro-European Groups and the French, Belgian and British Empires (1947-1957)
    af Laura Kottos
    383,95 kr.

    396,95 kr.

    This publication is based on two seminars and international conferences that took place at Porto Law School, Catholic University of Portugal in March 2014 and March 2015, with the support of the European Commission, in order to contribute to a productive debate about the challenges of European Competition law in the next decade.

  • - 60 ANS de Politique d'Unite Europeenne Des Gouvernements Et Des Presidents de la Republique Francaise (1943-2003)- Deuxieme Tirage
    af Gerard Bossuat
    697,95 kr.

  • - Sociabilites, reseaux et pratiques diplomatiques en Europe depuis 1919 / Networks, Practices and Dynamics of Socialization in European Diplomacy since 1919
    372,95 kr.

    Il est souvent avance qu'au lendemain de 1914-1918, la diplomatie des " Cabinets " laisse la place a une New Diplomacy, exposee aux opinions publiques. Toutefois, et c'est l'objet de cet ouvrage, ce modele n'est pas immuable et, entre resistances et continuites a ce " nouvel ordre ", par voies informelles ou officielles, la politique etrangere a du, sans cesse, se reinventer.

  • - Comparing Strategies amidst Prospects for Integration and National Resistance
    548,95 kr.

  • af Marco Balboni & Giuliana Laschi
    468,95 kr.

    In the framework of the so-called Barcelona process, the European Union concluded several bilateral agreements with Morocco aimed to deepen their economic integration. The 2000 Association agreement European Union¿Morocco is the general legal framework for the development of relationships among the two parties. In this context, the recent Agreement on reciprocal liberalisation measures on agricultural products and fishery products, entered in force in 2012, and the Fisheries Partnership Agreement, issued in 2013, were established. They reiterate and update former agreements. No one of them expressly excludes the territory of Western Sahara from the scope of application, in contrast with other similar agreements negotiated with other countries, such as the Free trade pact between Morocco and the United States of America. The non-exclusion of the territory of Western Sahara raises several concerns on the compliance of these agreements with International Law, not only in relation to the principle of self-determination of peoples but also with the principle of sovereignty of natural resources, the prohibition of exploitation of resources of a territory under occupation, the obligation to not recognise situations arisen in an illegal way, the prohibition to negotiate agreement with an occupying country once the process of decolonisation has begun.

    888,95 kr.

    This book examines transatlantic security relations in recent years. The end of the Cold War in the late 1980s brought a change in these relations, but they remain important for Europe¿s security. Despite efforts to develop a European security policy within the European Union, the continent still largely depends on the United States for its security, as demonstrated by the NATO involvement to deal with the civil wars in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s. The lessons from those conflicts had the EU move towards an autonomous defence policy from 1999 and the Lisbon Treaty has recently strengthened what is now called the Common European Defence Policy (CEDP). But this policy is still geared towards ¿soft security¿ missions of conflict resolution, peace-making and peace creation. When it comes to more traditional security operations requiring heavy military involvement, European countries depend on US hardware and software, as we saw in Libya during the Arab Spring. Equally, in the fight against terrorism, transatlantic cooperation is also very important. This book considers all these issues and presents a strong analysis of the future of transatlantic security relations from the perspective of the EU.

  • - An Historical Perspective / Une perspective historique
    968,95 kr.

  • - Un regard historique / The Historical Lens
    348,95 kr.

  • - The hour of the EU?
    723,95 kr.

  • - The New Europe, New Europes? / Nouvelle Europe, nouvelles Europes ?
    492,95 kr.

  • - American Aid and European Re-Industrialization
    324,95 kr.

  • - Entering a different world / A la decouverte d'un nouveau monde
    480,95 kr.

  • - Un defi pour l'Europe ? / A Challenge for Europe?
    432,95 kr.

  • - The Evolution of the EEC/EU Institutions and Policies
    1.213,95 kr.

  • - Interpretations of the Process of European Integration
    888,95 kr.

  • - Nouvelles approches en histoire de l'integration europeenne / New Approaches in European Integration History
    468,95 kr.

    Tout au long du XX siècle, divers schémas d¿Europe ont été imaginés ou mis en ¿uvre. Ce recueil de 25 contributions de jeunes chercheurs issus de dix pays différents illustre cette diversité. Ils ont été réunis à l¿occasion du premier colloque de l¿association RICHIE (Réseau international de jeunes chercheurs en histoire de l¿intégration européenne) qui s¿est tenu à Paris en 2005. À l¿heure où la Constitution européenne et les frontières de l¿Europe suscitent de profondes interrogations, cet ouvrage collectif contribue à une meilleure compréhension des contradictions de l¿Europe actuelle. C¿est un outil de travail indispensable pour tous ceux qui s¿intéressent à l¿état actuel de la recherche historique sur l¿intégration européenne. Over the course of the 20 century, Europeans devised, and at times even implemented, various visions of Europe. This book, with contributions from 25 young researchers from 10 different countries, illustrates this diversity. They participated in the first RICHIE conference, held in Paris in 2005 (RICHIE: Réseau international de jeunes chercheurs en histoire de l¿intégration européenne or International Network of Young Researchers in European Integration History). At a time when the European constitution and Europe¿s borders are raising many questions, this book will help readers understand the origins of its current contradictions. It is a necessary tool for all those who want to know the present state of historical research on European Integration.

  • - Actes du IIIe colloque international RICHIE - Proceedings of the 3rd international RICHIE conference
    480,95 kr.

  • - How the West Shaped the Helsinki CSCE
    af Angela Romano
    763,95 kr.

    The Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) is usually overlooked in the literature on the Cold War and presented as the seal of détente. The Final Act came to be considered as the mere official recognition of the European balance for the sake of a fictitious dialogue and vague statements on the freer circulation of ideas, people and information. The emerging human rights movements in Eastern Europe then came as the unintentional consequence of a complete diplomatic and political failure. It is the opinion of the author that the West neither limited its action to a passive acceptance of a long-sponsored Soviet proposal nor sold out half a continent. The author carefully traces back the roots of the CSCE and argues that the Helsinki conference was also the result of the development in Western positions and a thoroughly conceived action, especially as far as the EC member states were concerned. She analyses the internal dynamics of the Western caucus and reveals the divergences on ideas, attitudes and goals that emerged between the United States and the European allies. In such a connection the author argues that the Hague Summit and the creation of the European Political Cooperation gave a boost to an active role of the EC states and the starting of serious pan-European talks. The author offers not only a thorough analysis of the Western experience at Helsinki, but also new seminal interpretations in the fields of Cold War history, transatlantic relations and the history of the European integration. By examining and reconciling all these aspects in a common context, this book contributes to more complete understanding of both détente and the CSCE.

  • - Its Action in Europe and Worldwide from post World War II until the 1990s- Volume III: The European People's Party- Continental and Social Cooperation
    407,95 kr.

    Internationalism is a key element for the Christian Democrat identity and movement of thought and action. It is based on a particular framework of ideas and beliefs that leads the party to interpret the relationship between men and nations from an international point of view, ensuring the human being a central place in every social policy.

    432,95 kr.

    This book analyses the debates on the concept and practices of the free movement of persons within Europe, the security dimension of the European Union, illegal immigration and migration management, human rights and the role of various players and interests.

  • - (1849-1939)
    456,95 kr.

    Peace is generally defined as a state of non-belligerency between states. This volume proposes to substantiate concepts, projects, movements, speeches, images and representations, and to deepen the knowledge of the key personalities who thought about peace between 1849 and 1939.

  • - German Political Economy as Perceived by European Partners
    383,95 kr.

    As of a consequence of the economic crisis, in 2010 there was a marked deterioration in cross-border relations between Italy and Germany. The confusion among economists, split between pro-and anti-Euro positions, could do nothing to counter this growing wave of populist nationalism. This books discusses the theoretical issues implied by recent economic policy debates.

  • - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
    432,95 kr.

    The contributions to this volume address the legal nature and structure of the European Union by focusing on the issue of European constitutionalism. Possibilities and aporias of a transnational democracy relying on elements of a European constitution are considered from a legal, philosophical and historical perspective.

  • - A Historical Perspective
    407,95 kr.

    An interdisciplinary reflection on identity and on the European spaces that establish a relation with the rest of the world at the European and at a global level: Enlargement and Information Policies as tools of external relations, ultraperipheric regions, relations with the Caspian sea's region and Latin America are among the main issues analysed.

  • - Its Action in Europe and Worldwide from post World War II until the 1990s. Volume II: The Development (1945-1979). The Role of Parties, Movements, People
    670,95 kr.

    Internationalism is a key element for the Christian Democrat identity and movement of thought and action. It is based on a particular framework of ideas and beliefs that leads the party to interpret the relationship between men and nations from an international point of view, ensuring the human being a central place in every social policy.

  • - Its Action in Europe and Worldwide from post World War II until the 1990s. Volume I: The Origins
    642,95 kr.

    Internationalism is a key element for the Christian Democrat identity and movement of thought and action. It is based on a particular framework of ideas and beliefs that leads the party to interpret the relationship between men and nations from an international point of view, ensuring the human being a central place in every social policy.

  • - From the Charter of Fundamental Rights to the Crisis, the State of the Art
    698,95 kr.

    A serious and plural reflection about Human Rights, democracy and economy in the European Union, under the scenario of the deepest economic and social crisis of the last decades, precarious labour market and deregulation, and a growing distance between citizens and political elites. With the participation of known scholars from the EU and Brazil.

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