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  • af Efe Kurt
    432,95 kr.

    "C¿z¿rt¿l¿ Tex-Mex: Güneybat¿ Lezzetlerinde Bir Mutfak Yolculüu"na hö geldiniz! Bu yemek kitab¿ sizi Tex-Mex mutfä¿n¿n canl¿ ve cezbedici dünyas¿n¿ ke¿federek heyecan verici bir gastronomik maceraya at¿lmaya davet ediyor. Teksas ve Meksika'dan gelen lezzetlerin birle¿imiyle, bu e¿siz mutfak tarz¿, her iki dünyan¿n en iyilerini bir araya getirerek damak zevkinizi memnun edecek dumanl¿, baharatl¿ ve tuzlu yemeklerin ä¿z suland¿ran bir kar¿¿¿m¿yla sonuçlan¿r. Bu yemek kitab¿nda, sizi Güneybat¿ Amerika'n¿n zengin kültürel miras¿n¿ ve mutfak geleneklerini yans¿tan çok çe¿itli tarifleri sergileyen bir Tex-Mex mutfak turuna ç¿karacä¿z. ¿ster deneyimli bir ¿ef olun, ister mutfakta yeni bälayan biri olun, bu kitapta herkes için bir ¿eyler var. Doyurucu chilis ve c¿z¿rt¿l¿ fajitalardan sevimsiz enchiladas ve lezzetli salsalara kadar her tarif, orijinalli¿i ve lezzetlili¿i sälamak için özenle haz¿rlanm¿¿t¿r. "C¿z¿rt¿l¿ Tex-Mex" sayfalar¿nda, size sadece ä¿z suland¿ran yemekler yapmak için ad¿m ad¿m talimatlar vermekle kalmayacak, ayn¿ zamanda bu sevilen mutfä¿n kökenleri ve etkileri hakk¿nda büyüleyici hikayeler ve içgörüler payläacä¿z. Tex-Mex'i tan¿mlayan ana malzemeleri ke¿fedecek, bu cesur tatlar¿ elde etmek için kullan¿lan teknikleri ö¿renecek ve tarifleri 7 tercihlerinize uyacak ¿ekilde özelle¿tirmek için de¿erli ipuçlar¿ alacaks¿n¿z. O halde önlü¿ünüzü kap¿n ve Güneybat¿ ruhunu mutfä¿n¿za tä¿maya haz¿rlan¿n. ¿ster ¿enlikli bir toplant¿ya ev sahipli¿i yap¿yor olun, ister hafta içi bir ak¿am yeme¿i haz¿rl¿yor olun, ya da sadece ate¿li ve leziz Tex-Mex mutfä¿n¿n tad¿na bakmak için can at¿yor olun, bu yemek kitab¿ güvenilir arkadä¿n¿z olacak. "C¿z¿rt¿l¿ Tex-Mex"in mutfak hazinelerini ke¿federken ve mutfak keyfi yolculüuna ç¿karken kimyon, ac¿ biber ve taze ki¿ni¿ aromalar¿n¿n evinizi doldurmas¿na izin verin

  • af Lan Nguy¿n
    477,95 kr.

    Chào m¿ng b¿n ¿¿n v¿i "Tex-Mex nóng h¿i: Hành trình ¿m th¿c qua h¿¿ng v¿ Tây Nam"!Cün sách d¿y n¿u ¿n này m¿i b¿n d¿n thân vào m¿t cüc phiêu l¿u ¿m th¿c thú v¿, khám phá th¿ gi¿i ¿m th¿c Texas-Mex sôi ¿¿ng và h¿p d¿n. V¿i s¿ k¿t h¿p các h¿¿ng v¿ t¿ Texas và Mexico, phong cách ¿m th¿c ¿¿c ¿áo này k¿t h¿p nh¿ng gì t¿t nh¿t c¿a c¿ hai th¿ gi¿i, t¿o ra s¿ pha tr¿n h¿p d¿n gi¿a các món khói, cay và m¿n s¿ làm hài lòng v¿ giác c¿a b¿n.Trong cün sách d¿y n¿u ¿n này, chúng tôi s¿ ¿¿a b¿n tham gia m¿t chuy¿n tham quan ¿m th¿c c¿a Tex-Mex, gi¿i thi¿u nhi¿u công th¿c n¿u ¿n ph¿n ánh di s¿n v¿n hóa phong phú và truy¿n th¿ng ¿m th¿c c¿a vùng Tây Nam n¿¿c M¿. Cho dù b¿n là m¿t ¿¿u b¿p dày d¿n kinh nghi¿m hay ng¿¿i m¿i b¿t ¿¿u vào b¿p, cün sách này ¿¿u có th¿ gì ¿ó dành cho t¿t c¿ m¿i ng¿¿i. T¿ ¿t th¿nh sön và món fajitas nóng h¿i ¿¿n món enchiladas phô mai và salsas n¿ng nàn, m¿i công th¿c ¿¿u ¿¿¿c ch¿ bi¿n c¿n th¿n ¿¿ ¿¿m b¿o ¿¿ ngon và chân th¿c.Xuyên süt các trang c¿a "Tex-Mex nóng h¿i", chúng tôi s¿ không ch¿ cung c¿p cho b¿n h¿¿ng d¿n t¿ng b¿¿c ¿¿ t¿o ra nh¿ng món ¿n ngon mi¿ng mà còn chia s¿ nh¿ng câu chuy¿n h¿p d¿n và hi¿u bi¿t sâu s¿c v¿ ngün g¿c c¿ng nh¿ ¿nh h¿¿ng ¿¿ng sau n¿n ¿m th¿c ¿¿¿c yêu thích này. B¿n s¿ khám phá các thành ph¿n chính t¿o nên Tex-Mex, tìm hi¿u v¿ các k¿ thüt ¿¿¿c s¿ d¿ng ¿¿ ¿¿t ¿¿¿c nh¿ng h¿¿ng v¿ ¿¿m ¿à ¿ó và nh¿n ¿¿¿c các m¿o có giá tr¿ ¿¿ tùy ch¿nh công th¿c n¿u ¿n phù h¿p v¿i s¿ thích c¿a b¿n.Vì v¿y, hãy l¿y t¿p d¿ c¿a b¿n và s¿n sàng mang tinh th¿n c¿a Tây Nam vào nhà b¿p c¿a b¿n. Cho dù b¿n ¿ang t¿ ch¿c m¿t büi h¿p m¿t l¿ h¿i, chün b¿ b¿a t¿i trong tün hay ch¿ ¿¿n gi¿n là thèm m¿t h¿¿ng v¿ ¿m th¿c Tex-Mex b¿c l¿a và ¿¿y h¿¿ng v¿, cün sách n¿u ¿n này s¿ là ng¿¿i b¿n ¿¿ng hành ¿áng tin c¿y c¿a b¿n. Hãy ¿¿ h¿¿ng th¿m c¿a thì là, ¿t và rau mùi t¿¿i tràn ng¿p ngôi nhà c¿a b¿n khi b¿n khám phá kho tàng ¿m th¿c c¿a "Sizzling Tex-Mex" và b¿t ¿¿u hành trình th¿¿ng th¿c ¿m th¿c.

  • af Charlotte Haas
    442,95 kr.

    Willkommen bei ¿Brutzelndes Tex-Mex: Eine kulinarische Reise durch die Aromen des Südwestens"! Dieses Kochbuch lädt Sie ein, sich auf ein spannendes gastronomisches Abenteuer einzulassen und die lebendige und verlockende Welt der Tex-Mex-Küche zu erkunden. Mit der Verschmelzung von Aromen aus Texas und Mexiko vereint dieser einzigartige kulinarische Stil das Beste aus beiden Welten und ergibt eine köstliche Mischung aus rauchigen, würzigen und herzhaften Gerichten, die Ihren Gaumen erfreuen wird. In diesem Kochbuch nehmen wir Sie mit auf eine kulinarische Reise durch Tex-Mex und stellen Ihnen eine große Vielfalt an Rezepten vor, die das reiche kulturelle Erbe und die kulinarischen Traditionen des amerikanischen Südwestens widerspiegeln. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Koch oder ein Anfänger in der Küche sind, dieses Buch hat für jeden etwas zu bieten. Von herzhaften Chilis und brutzelnden Fajitas bis hin zu käsigen Enchiladas und pikanten Salsas - jedes Rezept wurde sorgfältig ausgearbeitet, um Authentizität und Köstlichkeit zu gewährleisten. Auf den Seiten von ¿Brutzelndes Tex-Mex" geben wir Ihnen nicht nur Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für die Zubereitung köstlicher Gerichte, sondern teilen auch faszinierende Geschichten und Einblicke in die Ursprünge und Einflüsse dieser beliebten Küche. Sie entdecken die wichtigsten Zutaten, die Tex-Mex ausmachen, erfahren mehr über die Techniken, mit denen diese kräftigen Aromen erzielt werden, und erhalten wertvolle Tipps, wie Sie Rezepte an Ihre Vorlieben anpassen können. Schnappen Sie sich also Ihre Schürze und machen Sie sich bereit, den Geist des Südwestens in Ihre Küche zu bringen. Egal, ob Sie eine festliche Zusammenkunft veranstalten, ein Abendessen unter der Woche vorbereiten oder einfach nur Lust auf die feurige und würzige Tex-Mex-Küche haben, dieses Kochbuch wird Ihr vertrauenswürdiger Begleiter sein. Lassen Sie die Düfte von Kreuzkümmel, Chilischoten und frischem Koriander Ihr Zuhause erfüllen, während Sie in die kulinarischen Schätze von ¿Brutzelndes Tex-Mex" eintauchen und sich auf eine Reise voller kulinarischer Genüsse begeben

  • af Kornelia Król
    437,95 kr.

    Witamy w ¿Skwiercz¿cy Tex-Mex: kulinarna podró¿ przez po¿udniowo-zachodnie smaki"!Ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska zaprasza Ci¿ do ekscytuj¿cej kulinarnej przygody, odkrywania t¿tni¿cego ¿yciem i kusz¿cego ¿wiata kuchni teksäsko-meksykäskiej. Dzi¿ki po¿¿czeniu smaków z Teksasu i Meksyku, ten wyj¿tkowy styl kulinarny ¿¿czy w sobie to, co najlepsze z obu ¿wiatów, daj¿c przepyszn¿ mieszank¿ w¿dzonych, pikantnych i pikantnych potraw, które zachwyc¿ Twoje kubki smakowe. W tej ksi¿¿ce kucharskiej zabierzemy Ci¿ w kulinarn¿ podró¿ po Tex-Mex, prezentuj¿c szerok¿ gam¿ przepisów, które odzwierciedlaj¿ bogate dziedzictwo kulturowe i tradycje kulinarne po¿udniowo-zachodniej cz¿¿ci Ameryki.Niezale¿nie od tego, czy jeste¿ do¿wiadczonym szefem kuchni, czy pocz¿tkuj¿cym w kuchni, w tej ksi¿¿ce kädy znajdzie co¿ dla siebie. Od obfitych chili i skwiercz¿cych fajitas po tandetne enchilady i pikantne salsy, kädy przepis zostä starannie opracowany, aby zapewni¿ autentyczno¿¿ i smakowito¿¿. Na stronach ¿Skwiercz¿cy Tex-Mex" nie tylko dostarczymy Ci instrukcji krok po kroku, jak stworzy¿ przepyszne potrawy, ale tak¿e podzielimy si¿ fascynuj¿cymi historiami i spostrze¿eniami na temat pochodzenia i wp¿ywów tej ukochanej kuchni. Odkryjesz kluczowe sk¿adniki, które definiuj¿ Tex-Mex, poznasz techniki stosowane w celu uzyskania tych odwänych smaków i uzyskasz cenne wskazówki dotycz¿ce dostosowywania przepisów do w¿asnych preferencji.Chwy¿ wi¿c fartuch i przygotuj si¿ na wprowadzenie ducha Po¿udniowego Zachodu do swojej kuchni. Niezale¿nie od tego, czy organizujesz uroczyste spotkanie, przygotowujesz kolacj¿ w tygodniu, czy po prostu masz ochot¿ posmakowä ognistej i aromatycznej kuchni teksäsko-meksykäskiej, ta ksi¿¿ka kucharska b¿dzie Twoim zaufanym towarzyszem. Niech aromat kminku, papryczek chili i ¿wie¿ej kolendry wype¿ni Twój dom, zag¿¿biaj¿c si¿ w kulinarne skarby ¿Skwiercz¿cy Tex-Mex" i wyruszaj¿c w kulinarn¿ rozkosz.

  • af Ida Amundsen
    432,95 kr.

    Velkommen til "Shitting Tex-Mex: A Culinary Journey through Southwestern Flavors"! Denne kokeboken inviterer deg til å begi deg ut på et spennende gastronomisk eventyr, og utforske den livlige og fristende verdenen til Tex-Mex-kjøkkenet. Med sin blanding av smaker fra Texas og Mexico, bringer denne unike kulinariske stilen sammen det beste fra begge verdener, noe som resulterer i en appetittvekkende blanding av røykfylte, krydrede og salte retter som vil glede smaksløkene dine. I denne kokeboken tar vi deg med på en kulinarisk omvisning i Tex-Mex, og viser et bredt utvalg av oppskrifter som gjenspeiler den rike kulturarven og kulinariske tradisjonene i det amerikanske sørvestlandet. Enten du er en erfaren kokk eller nybegynner på kjøkkenet, har denne boken noe for enhver smak. Fra solid chili og sydende fajitas til cheesy enchiladas og saftige salsaer, hver oppskrift er nøye laget for å sikre autentisitet og deilighet. Gjennom sidene til Shitting Tex-Mex vil vi ikke bare gi deg trinnvise instruksjoner for å lage appetittvekkende retter, men også dele fascinerende historier og innsikt i opprinnelsen og påvirkningene bak dette elskede kjøkkenet. Du vil oppdage nøkkelingrediensene som definerer Tex-Mex, lære om teknikkene som brukes for å oppnå de dristige smakene, og få verdifulle tips for å tilpasse oppskrifter til dine preferanser. Så grip forkleet ditt og gjør deg klar til å bringe sørvestens ånd til kjøkkenet ditt. Enten du er vertskap for en festlig sammenkomst, forbereder en ukesmiddag eller bare har lyst på en smak av det brennende og smakfulle Tex-Mex-kjøkkenet, vil denne kokeboken være din pålitelige følgesvenn. La aromaene av spisskummen, chilipepper og fersk koriander fylle hjemmet ditt mens du dykker ned i de kulinariske skattene til "Shitting Tex-Mex" og legger ut på en reise med kulinarisk glede.

  • af Michael Bell
    477,95 kr.

    Welcome to "Sizzling Tex-Mex: A Culinary Journey through Southwestern Flavors"! This cookbook invites you to embark on an exciting gastronomic adventure, exploring the vibrant and tantalizing world of Tex-Mex cuisine. With its fusion of flavors from Texas and Mexico, this unique culinary style brings together the best of both worlds, resulting in a mouthwatering blend of smoky, spicy, and savory dishes that will delight your taste buds. In this cookbook, we will take you on a culinary tour of Tex-Mex, showcasing a wide variety of recipes that reflect the rich cultural heritage and culinary traditions of the American Southwest. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, this book has something for everyone. From hearty chilis and sizzling fajitas to cheesy enchiladas and zesty salsas, each recipe has been carefully crafted to ensure authenticity and deliciousness. Throughout the pages of "Sizzling Tex-Mex," we will not only provide you with step-by-step instructions for creating mouthwatering dishes but also share fascinating stories and insights into the origins and influences behind this beloved cuisine. You'll discover the key ingredients that define Tex-Mex, learn about the techniques used to achieve those bold flavors, and gain valuable tips for customizing recipes to suit your preferences. So, grab your apron and get ready to bring the spirit of the Southwest to your kitchen. Whether you're hosting a festive gathering, preparing a weeknight dinner, or simply craving a taste of the fiery and flavorful Tex-Mex cuisine, this cookbook will be your trusted companion. Let the aromas of cumin, chili peppers, and fresh cilantro fill your home as you delve into the culinary treasures of "Sizzling Tex-Mex" and embark on a journey of culinary delight.

  • af Freyr Gíslason
    432,95 kr.

    Velkomin í ¿Sviðandi Tex-Mex: A Culinary Journey through Southwestern Flavors"! Þessi matreiðslubók býður þér að leggja af stað í spennandi matargerðarævintýri, kanna hinn lifandi og hrífandi heim Tex-Mex matargerðar. Með samruna bragðtegunda frá Texas og Mexíkó, sameinar þessi einstaki matreiðslustíll það besta af báðum heimum, sem leiðir af sér ljúffenga blöndu af reyktum, krydduðum og bragðmiklum réttum sem munu gleðja bragðlaukana. Í þessari matreiðslubók munum við fara með þig í matreiðsluferð um Tex-Mex og sýna fjölbreytt úrval af uppskriftum sem endurspegla ríkan menningararf og matreiðsluhefðir suðvestur Bandaríkjanna. Hvort sem þú ert vanur kokkur eða byrjandi í eldhúsinu, þá hefur þessi bók eitthvað fyrir alla. Allt frá kjarngóðum chilis og snarkandi fajitas til ostaríkra enchilada og ljúffengra salsa, hver uppskrift hefur verið vandlega unnin til að tryggja áreiðanleika og ljúffengt. Á öllum síðum ¿ Sviðandi Tex-Mex munum við ekki aðeins veita þér skref-fyrir-skref leiðbeiningar um að búa til ljúffenga rétti heldur einnig deila heillandi sögum og innsýn í uppruna og áhrif á bak við þessa ástsælu matargerð. Þú munt uppgötva helstu innihaldsefnin sem skilgreina Tex-Mex, læra um aðferðir sem notaðar eru til að ná þessum djörfu bragði og fá dýrmæt ráð til að sérsníða uppskriftir að þínum óskum. Svo gríptu svuntuna þína og gerðu þig tilbúinn til að koma anda suðvestursins í eldhúsið þitt. Hvort sem þú ert að hýsa hátíðlega samkomu, undirbúa kvöldverð á viku eða einfaldlega þráir að smakka eldheita og bragðmikla Tex-Mex matargerðina, þá verður þessi matreiðslubók þinn trausti félagi. Leyfðu ilmi af kúmeni, chilipipar og ferskum kóríander að fylla heimili þitt þegar þú kafar í matreiðslufjársjóðina ¿Sviðandi Tex-Mex" og leggur af stað í ferðalag um matreiðslu

  • af Vera Toska
    437,95 kr.

    Mirë se vini në "Tex-Meks cëcëritës: Një Udhëtim Kulinar përmes Shijeve Jugperëndimore"! Ky libër gatimi ju fton të filloni një aventurë emocionuese gastronomike, duke eksploruar botën e gjallë dhe magjepsëse të kuzhinës Tex-Mex. Me shkrirjen e shijeve nga Teksasi dhe Meksika, ky stil unik i kuzhinës bashkon më të mirat e të dy botëve, duke rezultuar në një përzierje të shijshme të pjatave me tym, pikante dhe të shijshme që do të kënaqin shijet tuaja. Në këtë libër gatimi, ne do t'ju çojmë në një turne kulinarie në Tex-Mex, duke shfaqur një shumëllojshmëri të gjerë recetash që pasqyrojnë trashëgiminë e pasur kulturore dhe traditat e kuzhinës të Amerikës Jugperëndimore. Pavarësisht nëse jeni një kuzhinier me përvojë ose fillestar në kuzhinë, ky libër ka diçka për të gjithë. Nga specat djegës të përzemërt dhe fajitat e ndezura deri te enchiladat dhe salsa të shijshme, secila recetë është krijuar me kujdes për të siguruar autenticitet dhe shije. Përgjatë faqeve të "Tex-Meks cëcëritës", ne jo vetëm që do t'ju ofrojmë udhëzime hap pas hapi për krijimin e pjatave të shijshme, por gjithashtu do të ndajmë histori dhe njohuri interesante mbi origjinën dhe ndikimet pas kësaj kuzhine të dashur. Do të zbuloni përbërësit kryesorë që përcaktojnë Tex-Mex, do të mësoni rreth teknikave të përdorura për të arritur ato shije të guximshme dhe do të merrni këshilla të vlefshme për personalizimin e recetave sipas preferencave tuaja. Pra, kapni përparësen tuaj dhe bëhuni gati për të sjellë frymën e Jugperëndimit në kuzhinën tuaj. Nëse jeni duke organizuar një mbledhje festive, duke përgatitur një darkë të javës ose thjesht dëshironi të shijoni kuzhinën e zjarrtë dhe me shije Tex-Mex, ky libër gatimi do të jetë shoqëruesi juaj i besuar. Lërini aromat e qimnonit, specave djegës dhe cilantros së freskët të mbushin shtëpinë tuaj ndërsa zhyteni në thesaret e kuzhinës të "Tex-Meks cëcëritës" dhe nisni një udhëtim me kënaqësi kulinare.

  • af Ole Arvidsson
    397,95 kr.

    Velkommen til "Sydende Tex-Mex: A Culinary Journey through Southwestern Flavors"! Denne kogebog inviterer dig til at begive dig ud på et spændende gastronomisk eventyr, hvor du udforsker Tex-Mexkøkkenets pulserende og fristende verden. Med sin fusion af smag fra Texas og Mexico, samler denne unikke kulinariske stil det bedste fra begge verdener, hvilket resulterer i en læskende blanding af røgfyldte, krydrede og krydrede retter, der vil glæde dine smagsløg. I denne kogebog tager vi dig med på en kulinarisk rundvisning i Tex-Mex, der viser en bred vifte af opskrifter, der afspejler den rige kulturelle arv og kulinariske traditioner i det amerikanske sydvest. Uanset om du er en garvet kok eller nybegynder i køkkenet, har denne bog noget for enhver smag. Fra solid chili og sydende fajitas til osteagtige enchiladas og saftige salsaer, hver opskrift er blevet omhyggeligt udformet for at sikre autenticitet og lækkerhed. Gennem siderne i "Sydende Tex-Mex" vil vi ikke kun give dig trinvise instruktioner til at lave læskende retter, men også dele fascinerende historier og indsigt i oprindelsen og indflydelsen bag dette elskede køkken. Du vil opdage de vigtigste ingredienser, der definerer Tex-Mex, lære om de teknikker, der bruges til at opnå disse dristige smage, og få værdifulde tips til at tilpasse opskrifter, så de passer til dine præferencer. Så tag dit forklæde og gør dig klar til at bringe ånden fra sydvest til dit køkken. Uanset om du er vært for en festlig sammenkomst, forbereder en aftenmiddag eller bare har lyst til en smag af det brændende og smagfulde Tex-Mex-køkken, vil denne kogebog være din betroede følgesvend. Lad aromaerne af spidskommen, chilipeber og frisk koriander fylde dit hjem, mens du dykker ned i de kulinariske skatte i "Sydende Tex-Mex" og begiver dig ud på en rejse med kulinarisk glæde

  • - Dårlige tider
    af Chuck Dixon
    147,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Lee, Jimbo og resten af de hårdt kæmpende Rangere tager tilbage til det forhistoriske Nevada for at finde den mand, de efterlod på deres første mission.Denne episke søgen bringer dem ind i farlige møder med gigantiske rovdyr, der for længst er uddøde. Men det farligste af alle disse dyr er mennesket.Tilbage i nutiden bliver en fra deres hold bortført af en mystisk milliardær, der vil forøge sin formue sin formuer ved at bruge det videnskabelige mirakel, der går under navnet Tauber-røret.New York Times-bestsellerforfatter

  • af Las Vegas Sun
    177,95 kr.

    "Vegas Golden Knights owner Bill Foley made a bold prediction before the franchise's inaugural season: Playoffs in three years; Cup in six. The league's "Golden Misfits" got to work immediately, making it all the way to the Final in year one but leaving empty-handed. Now the Golden Knights have fulfilled that original promise, beating the Florida Panthers to bring home their first Stanley Cup."--

  • af Christina Lean
    297,95 kr.

    No Pictures or Maps included at this timeFrom where to catch the best sunsets to which attractions are the best with kids in tow, this guide has all of the information you need to plan your next Arizona vacation.When you think of Arizona, what is the first thing you think of? It's the Grand Canyon, isn't it?But what about all of the other wonders that Arizona has to offer?If you had one weekend in Sedona or Tucson or Williams, would you know what to do to make the most of your visit?Arizona is a beautiful state, full of natural wonders that will have you oohing and aahing as you drive iconic Route 66 through deserts that look handpainted, waterfalls that seem plucked directly from a photograph, and towns with more culture and history than you ever imagined.But with Arizona being the 6th largest state in the nation, you might be worrying that you will miss many of the best attractions because you simply don't know where to look.Don't fret - this book has all the information you need... and more! Inside this informative guide on some of the most fantastic attractions Arizona has to offer, you will discover:A brief history of each of the seven areas highlighted - discover the past of each of these fascinating locationsWhere to go if you want to enjoy a snow-filled adventure - hint: it's where you'll find the highest point in the entire state!The town that is home to a jail that accidentally slid down a hill - view this iconic landmark in all of its infamous gloryAll of the reasons you should visit this second-highest concrete-arch dam - including why kids will love their visit to this impressive damThe best place to visit if your family loves waterparks - this 7-acre masterpiece has been ranked amongst the top ten waterparks in all of the U.S.!Which town is said to have seven energy vortexes - feel rejuvenated by connecting to the earth's energyThe best place to watch a real-life wild west gunfight - be transported back to the days of outlaws and cowboys!Where you can drive right by bears and wolves and other wild animals - experience the wonders of the animal kingdom from the comfort of your carThe park that still pays homage to a classic cartoon and is now home to amazing birds of prey - witness these majestic creatures in action as you are overcome with nostalgiaAnd much more.Arizona is packed full of so much to see that it would take anyone a decade to experience everything this wonderful state has to offer.But with this book as your guide, you will be able to hit some of the best highlights and make memories that last a lifetime.So what are you waiting for?

  • af Jessica Dunham
    197,95 kr.

    Presents a guide for road trip on Route 66, highlighting key attractions, activities, and entertainment options along the route as well as accommodations and restaurants.

  • af Eileen Delehanty Pearkes
    182,95 - 247,95 kr.

    This is a book for anyone, of any age, who cares about rivers.This story of the Columbia River is unique. Told from the river¿s perspective, it is an immersive, empathetic portrait of a once-wild river and of the Sinixt, a First People who lived on the mainstem of this great western river for thousands of years and continue to do so even though Canada declared them ¿extinct¿ in 1956.The book¿s re-release comes at a critical time for natural systems and for reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples across North America. The Colville Confederated Tribes, representing over 3,000 Sinixt People, recently won a precedent-setting case in the Supreme Court of Canada affirming that Aboriginal Rights do not stop at the border. The important story of the Sinixt weaves together with the ongoing ecological impact of hydropower development on the Columbia and its tributaries.Central to the story is the joyous spirit of salmon, once a free swimmer in the Columbiäs currents north of the border but now blocked from ancestral spawning grounds by Grand Coulee and other dams. Restoring migratory fish indigenous to the Upper Columbia will require transboundary cooperation. With Indigenous Nations on both sides of the US¿Canada border now leading the way, many are hopeful that the fish will return.Lavishly illustrated by Nelson, BC, designer Nichola Lytle, this portrait of a globally significant river will inspire anyone who reads it to care about the future of the salmon, a fish that unites all of us in its quest for freedom and possibility.

  • af Sarah Elmeligi
    342,95 kr.

    Now available in paperback, this lavishly illustrated book explores the complex behavioural characteristics of North Americäs largest land carnivores by examining the bear¿human relationship from the bear¿s perspective.From the first moment Sarah Elmeligi came eye to eye with a grizzly bear, her life changed. In a moment that lasted mere seconds, she began to question everything she thought she knew about bears. How could this docile creature be the same one with a fearsome reputation for vicious attacks? Through years of research, Elmeligi grew to appreciate that bears are so much more than data points, stunning photos, and sensational online stories. Elmeligi expertly weaves the science of bear behaviour with her passionate account of personal encounters. Dive into the life of a bear biologist as Sarah¿s colleagues recount their own ¿stories from the field¿ ¿ intimate moments with bears where they were connected to an animal with personality, decision-making capabilities, and a host of engaging behaviours.Join Elmeligi and Marriott on a journey that examines and shares the behaviour of black, grizzly, and polar bears in North America in a way you¿ve never seen before. What Bears Teach Us will surprise you, inspire you, foster your curiosity, and teach you something new about bears and maybe even yourself.

  • af Kelley Cleary Coffeen
    307,95 kr.

    New Mexico chile peppers grown around the village of Hatch are world famous for their culinary versatility, unique flavor, and varying levels of heat. In The Big Book of Hatch Chile, Kelley Cleary Coffeen offers more than 180 detailed but easy-to-use recipes for everything from chile-laced margaritas to several variations on the classic green chile cheeseburger. Find amazing new recipes and familiar Hatch chile favorites, including weeknight time-savers and Saturday-night showstoppers. Spice up your home menus with everything from amazing appetizers to delicious desserts, soups and stews, Mexican classics, and many more. In every chapter Coffeen, who has lived in chile country for over thirty years, serves up generous helpings of Hatch chile lore and history. The Big Book of Hatch Chile takes you on a trip to explore the history and evolution of Hatch chile and the flavor characteristics that make it the most versatile and sought-after chile varietal. Coffeen profiles family farms, restaurants, and everyone and everything that makes chile central to the identity of the Hatch valley and New Mexico. You'll find details on chile resources, chile varieties and their flavor characteristics and nutritional value, the differences between dried chile and fresh chile, and tips for buying, roasting, and storing Hatch chile.

  • af William J. Wood
    377,95 kr.

    The Story After thirty years as a patient-oriented Surgical Oncologist, a profit-minded healthcare corporation ejects Dr. William J Wood Jr, MD. So begins his journey of escape and healing. With wife, cat and camera on board, he travels the road home to his beloved Sonoran Desert, in a new Class A, the Photon Bus. The ague of winter in Oregon yields to light and laughter. Pursued relentlessly by storms, they link together the beautiful places with old and new friends. A photographer, Bill searches out the timeless panoramas, the harvested photons, of the American West. The Book. New paperback with additional photos! Adventures on the road trigger humorous, rabbit-hole explorations of navigation algorithms, Earthships, Ansel Adams, atomic bombs, the Anasazi, renewable energy, Georgia Okeeffe, photons, the colonization of California, camera sensors, the RV Industry and more. A vanishing cat appears. A UFO hovers over the ghost town of Rhyolite. Streets named after Andy Devine, Merle Haggard and Buck Owens are given their due. Poseidon shows up for a night of fun. This book has everything from secret lairs in Antarctica to Harris Hawk haircuts. It's a ride! Bonus essays on the RV Industry: Can RVs Ever Be Green? RV Construction for Idiots. How Not To Buy an RV. The RV industry Is Booming. The Author Bill Wood is a published author (Mothertime, a medical thriller) and photographer (past president, Portland Photographic Society). Specializing in Melanoma, Dr. Wood was Director of Melanoma Surgery, Oregon State Chairman of the ACOS Cancer Liaison Committee and member of the Executive Committee, Columbia River Oncology Group. He is retired from a rewarding career in cancer surgery. Reviews "That was an entertaining read! I've never been in an RV." Daniel Mathews, author Cascade Olympics Natural History Great read!" Sharon Blecksmith, artist "I ain't no strikt grammmerion, but Antartica? Anything I can do, Brother Bill. You've got it." Joe Cantrell, photographer and Northwest artist "Great stuff, eggs!" Robert Hoff MD, Cardiologist "Fascinating!" Roger L. Bertholf PhD, author Chromatographic Methods in Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology "Congratulations on your retirement." Jana Grimes, cousin "Wonderful stuff. Thanks for the interesting bits of prose." Richard Vigran MD. Radiologist "Great stuff, Bill. Still slaving away in Seattle." Jim Vincent MD, Pulmonolgist

  • af Dino G Maniatis
    257,95 kr.

    "The history of Cherry Hills Village is about the trailblazers, settlers, visionaries, and others who came to Colorado from disparate places and backgrounds with their dreams in hand and a vision of a life in the Rocky Mountains. This cast of characters created a narrative of westward expansion -- a saga of migration, discovery, opportunity, and hope. Here, natives and newcomers raised families, started businesses, created a city, and established multigenerational legacies. For millennia, the area has been continuously inhabited by different cultures, including prehistoric and Indigenous peoples, followed by European immigrants. Early and more recent residents alike knew that there was something special about the place that would become Cherry Hills Village."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Maya Silver
    197,95 kr.

    Spark your sense of wonder and immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring landscape of Utah's five national parks. Inside Moon Zion & Bryce you'll find:Flexible Itineraries: Unique and adventure-packed ideas ranging from one day in each park to a week-long road trip covering all of them, designed for outdoor adventurers, road-trippers, families, and more The Best Hikes in Utah's National Parks: Individual trail maps, mileage and elevation gains, and backpacking options for Zion, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches, Capitol Reef, and Grand Staircase-Escalante Experience the Outdoors: Trek between the thousand-foot walls of the Narrows, hike Angels Landing to unbelievable canyon views, and marvel at hoodoos in Bryce. Soak up the serenity of winter on cross-country skis or take a week-long road trip to hit every park on your list. Contemplate ancient Indigenous rock art throughout the parks, mountain-bike through the desert in Moab, and stay late to spot constellations in the dark sky How to Get There: Up-to-date information on gateway towns like Moab, park entrances, park fees, and tours Where to Stay: Campgrounds, resorts, and more both inside and outside the parks Planning Tips: When to go, what to pack, safety information, and how to avoid the crowds, with full-color photos and easy-to-use maps throughout Expertise and Know-How: Utah-based outdoorswoman Maya Silver shares her tips for travelers who want to backpack, mountain bike, raft, rock climb, hike, and more Find your adventure in Zion and Bryce with Moon.   Visiting more of North America's incredible national parks? Try Moon USA National Parks, Moon Yellowstone & Grand Teton, or Moon Best of Grand Canyon. Hitting the road? Try Moon Southwest Road Trip.   About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell—and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you.  For more inspiration, follow @moonguides on social media.

  • af Becky Lomax
    197,95 kr.

    Through lush green parkland and up to the top of jagged summits, forge your own path with Moon Glacier National Park. Flexible Itineraries: Unique and adventure-packed ideas for day trips, a week on the road, families with kids, wildlife enthusiasts, and more The Best Hikes in Glacier: Individual trail maps, mileage and elevation gains, and backpacking options Experience the Outdoors: Trek through fields of alpine wildflowers and walk beneath waterfalls. Go whitewater rafting, cast a line into the Flathead River for wild trout, or hop on a guided horseback ride. Drive or bike the Going-to-Sun Road, take in views of snowy peaks and glaciers, and spot wild moose or grizzlies roaming the mountainside How to Get There: Up-to-date information on gateway towns, park entrances, park fees, and tours Where to Stay: Spend a night in a historic lakeside lodge, or sleep under the stars with campgrounds, resorts, and more both inside and outside the park Planning Tips: When to go, what to pack, safety information, and how to avoid the crowds, with full-color photos and detailed maps throughout Expertise and Know-How: Explore Glacier with former park guide and Whitefish local Becky Lomax Experience the best of Glacier National Park with Moon. Visiting more of North America's national parks? Try Moon Yellowstone & Grand Teton. Trying to hit them all? Check out Moon USA National Parks.   About Moon Travel Guides: Moon was founded in 1973 to empower independent, active, and conscious travel. We prioritize local businesses, outdoor recreation, and traveling strategically and sustainably. Moon Travel Guides are written by local, expert authors with great stories to tell—and they can't wait to share their favorite places with you.  For more inspiration, follow @moonguides on social media.

  • af Linda Regnier
    111,95 - 120,95 kr.

    Santa Fe is well known as an artist's paradise, but the diverse land offers so much more to the hiking enthusiast. This compact guide will direct readers to some of the loveliest short hikes in the Bandelier, Pecos Wilderness, and Hyde State Park areas. Venture to breathtaking peaks or hike low-lying canyons, all within an hour's drive of Santa Fe, while catching engrossing glimpses into the rich culture and history of northern New Mexico.Look inside for: Casual hikes to full-day adventuresHikes for everyone, including familiesClear trail maps and mileage landmarksTrail ranking to find just the right level of adventure for your groupGPS coordinates

  • af Juliet C Stromberg
    297,95 kr.

    "This book follows a two-decade journey in urban conservation gardening on a four-acre irrigated parcel in Phoenix, Arizona, from the perspective of a retired botanist and her partner. Through a playful use of language and humor, the book not only introduces the plants who are feeding them, buffering the climate, and elevating their moods but also presents the animals and fungi who are pollinating the plants and recycling the waste. This work shows all of us the importance of observing, appreciating, and learning from one's surrounding ecosystem"--

  • af Dan Bernstein
    182,95 kr.

    He Kept His Day Job is a memoir by retired columnist Dan Bernstein about his life-long love of playing trombone.

  • af Stan Tekiela
    125,95 kr.

    "Learn to identify mammals in Arizona. With Stan Tekiela's famous field guide, mammal identification is simple and informative. The Mammals of Arizona Field Guide features all 144 species found in the state, organized by family and then by size. When you see a mammal, you can determine its family by common visual characteristics and then turn to the corresponding section to find out what it is!"--

  • af Stan Tekiela
    125,95 kr.

    "Make bird-watching in Nevada even more enjoyable. With Stan Tekiela's famous bird guides, field identification is simple and informative. There's no need to look through dozens of photos of birds that don't live in your area. The Birds of Nevada Field Guide features 138 species of Nevada birds organized by color for ease of use. Full-page photographs present the species as you'll see them in nature, and a "compare" feature helps you to decide between look-alikes"--

  • af Nora Bowers
    152,95 kr.

    Originally published in 2008 as Cactus of Arizona: field guide.

  • af Ken Lee
    267,95 kr.

    Abandoned Route 66: Under a Western Moon is an unforgettable nocturnal journey on the most famous roadway in the United States, focusing on the Southwest. One of the earliest cross-country highways, Route 66 beckoned many in the United States to migrate west. As businesses and communities grew along the road, it became a beacon of liberation, opportunity, and eventually, loss. With the building of the faster Interstate Highway System, motorists bypassed Route 66. Prosperity evaporated, with many leaving their homes, markets, diners, gas stations, and kitschy roadside attractions to the elements. Wander with the author along the "Main Street of America" as he illuminates these forgotten locales with light, creating haunting dreamlike exposures of several minutes or more. If you are a fan of creative photography or the Mother Road, or have an insatiable curiosity for travel, Abandoned Route 66: Under a Western Moon invites you to climb in back, sit tight, and take hold for a surrealistic night escape with the top down.

  • af Charlie Abowd
    367,95 kr.

    Nevada politics, history, and fabulous recipes combine for an entertaining, informative memoir by renowned Chef Charlie Abowd. This "James Beard Award" winning chef has spent his life immersed in his three passions-- cuisine, music, and politics. Growing up in the tumult of the 1960s San Francisco music scene mixed with Vietnam War protests and activism, while learning the art of cooking at his parents' Bay Area restaurants, informed Charlie's future. He promoted concerts and provided stage lighting for the biggest bands of the time, while living in the Santa Cruz mountains. This passion continued throughout his life. During its iconic forty-year run, Adele's Restaurant, and later, Café at Adele's in Carson City, became legendary for fine dining, musicians, and celebrities that visited, and where Nevada's movers and shakers gathered. Around its tables and over delicious cuisine, business people and elected representatives made deals and negotiated legislation. Adele's played a pivotal role in bringing people together to benefit the greater Nevada good. Charlie has seen it all and now shares his stories interspersed with his patrons' favorite recipes.

  • af Paul W. Papa
    145,95 kr.

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