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Bøger om South East Asia

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  • af Anish Kapoor
    596,95 kr.

    A comprehensive look at the artist's work on the symbology of art in the context of Hindu- Buddhism, art history, religion, faith and philosophy, in English and Thai

  • af Gregory Forth
    178,95 - 216,95 kr.

    A remarkable investigation into the hominoids of Flores Island, their place on the evolutionary spectrumand whether or not they still survive.While doing fieldwork on the remote Indonesian island of Flores, anthropologist Gregory Forth came across people talking about half-apelike, half-humanlike creatures that once lived in a cave on the slopes of a nearby volcano. Over the years he continued to record what locals had to say about these mystery hominoids while searching for ways to explain them as imaginary symbols of the wild or other cultural representations. Then along came the ';hobbit'. In 2003, several skeletons of a small-statured early human species alongside stone tools and animal remains were excavated in a cave in western Flores. Named Homo floresiensis, this ancient hominin was initially believed to have lived until as recently as 12,000 years ago possibly overlapping with the appearance of Homo sapiens on Flores. In view of this timing and the striking resemblance of floresiensis to the mystery creatures described by the islanders, Forth began to think about the creatures as possibly reflecting a real species, either now extinct but retained in ';cultural memory' or even still surviving. He began to investigate reports from the Lio region of the island where locals described ape-men as still living. Dozens claimed to have even seen them. In Between Ape and Human, we follow Forth on the trail of this mystery hominoid, and the space they occupy in islanders' culture as both natural creatures and as supernatural beings. In a narrative filled with adventure, Lio culture and language, zoology and natural history, Forth comes to a startling and controversial conclusion. Unique, important, and thought-provoking, this book will appeal to anyone interested in human evolution, the survival of species (including our own) and how humans might relate to ';not-quite-human' animals. Between Ape and Human is essential reading for all those interested in cryptozoology, and it is the only firsthand investigation by a leading anthropologist into the possible survival of a primitive species of human into recent timesand its coexistence with modern humans.

  • af Ursula Heinzelmann
    228,95 kr.

    There is a restaurant at 46 Alte Schönhauser Strasse in Berlin's Mitte district that evolved into an international place of pilgrimage many years ago. It is Monsieur Vuong's eatery. His photo hangs on the orange red wall, and has become its symbol. But wait, that's the father, a portrait photographer who came from Vietnam to Germany with his family in 1987 and took this »selfie« at the age of 24. His son Dat is the owner of the restaurant in front of which long queues form. No surprise, because the dishes taste heavenly and are of a soothing, unpretentious simplicity. They are authentic as Dat Vuong, culinary ambassador and culture hopper, cooks in the tradition of his mother and frequently returns to his roots, to Vietnam. Whoever eats at Monsieur Vuong returns. Whoever meets Dat Vuong wants to know his story, how it has led to his success. High time to erect a monument in his honour. Here it is, with the finest recipes from the restaurant, all easy to cook, with advice and inspiration, and all the flair of Vietnamese cook-shop that has become an international hot spot. >Die China-Küche des Herrn Wu

  • af Sam Sheridan
    193,95 kr.

    In his acclaimed national best seller, "A Fighter's Heart," Sam Sheridan took readers with him as he stepped through the ropes into the dangerous world of professional fighting. From a muay Thai bout in Bangkok to Rio, where he trained with jiu-jitsu royalty, to Iowa, where he matched up against the toughest in MMA, Sheridan threw himself into a quest to understand how and why we fight. In "The Fighter's Mind," Sheridan does for the brain what his first book did for the body. To uncover the secrets of mental strength and success, Sheridan interviewed dozens of the world's most fascinating and dangerous men, including celebrated trainers Freddie Roach and Greg Jackson; champion fighters Randy Couture, Frank Shamrock, and Marcelo Garcia; ultrarunner David Horton; legendary wrestler Dan Gable, and many more. What are their secrets? How do they stay committed through years of training, craft a game plan, and adjust to the realities of the ring? How do they project strength when weak, and remain mentally tough despite incredible physical pain? A fascinating book, bursting at the seams with incredible stories and insight, "The Fighter's Mind" answers these questions and many more.

  • af Dinah Jefferies
    188,95 kr.

    1952, Fransk Indokina. Siden morens død har 18-årige Nicole levet i skyggen af sin smukke storesøster, Sylvie. Søstrene er halvt franske, halvt vietnamesiske. Deres far er silkehandler, og da han overlader familievirksomheden til storesøsteren, må Nicole nøjes med en forladt silkebutik i et af Hanois gamle vietnamesiske kvarterer.Området vrimler med militante oprørere, der ikke skyer nogen midler i deres kamp mod det franske styre. For første gang i sit ellers trygge liv bliver Nicole konfronteret med, hvad koloniherredømmet indebærer, og hvilke grusomheder også hendes egen familie har været involveret i.Krigen nærmer sig, og alle må vælge side. Men Nicole er ikke kun splittet mellem loyaliteten overfor familien og sin egen retfærdighedsfølelse, også kærligheden afkræver hende et umuligt valg.

  • af Jan-Philipp Sendker
    123,95 kr.

    Glæd dig til tredje og sidste bind i Jan-Philip Sendkers smukke og hjerteskærende Burma-trilogi om modgang, ukuelighed og en kærlighed, der er stærkere end alt andet. Ko Bo Bo er 12 år og bor hos sin onkel U Ba i den smukke by Kalaw i Burma. Bo Bo er en speciel dreng. Han holder sig helst for sig selv – og han har en usædvanlig evne: Han kan aflæse andre menneskers følelser i deres øjne. Hans far besøger ham kun en gang om året, og hans mor er blot et fjernt minde. Men en dag fortæller U Ba ham historien om hans forældre: To mennesker, der elsker hinanden, men hvis kærlighed er truet af politiske begivenheder – og ikke mindst af hans mors sygdom, som er omgærdet af mystik. Bo Bo beslutter sig for at drage ud for at finde sine forældre. Han er overbevist om, at han kan gøre sin mor rask. Sendker skriver i sin vanlige fængslende stil og vil uden tvivl begejstre de mange læsere, der har ventet med længsel på det sidste bind i den populære bestseller-serie.

  • af George Orwell
    96,95 - 118,95 kr.

    'Shooting an Elephant' is Orwell's searing and painfully honest account of his experience as a police officer in imperial Burma; killing an escaped elephant in front of a crowd 'solely to avoid looking a fool'. The other masterly essays in this collection include classics such as 'My Country Right or Left', 'How the Poor Die' and 'Such, Such were the Joys', his memoir of the horrors of public school, as well as discussions of Shakespeare, sleeping rough, boys' weeklies and a spirited defence of English cooking. Opinionated, uncompromising, provocative and hugely entertaining, all show Orwell's unique ability to get to the heart of any subject.

  • - En rejsedagbog fra Thailand, Borneo og Den Malaysiske Halvø
    af Torben S. L. Svendsen
    128,95 kr.

    Vi prioriterer rejser af længere varighed, og til destinationer fjernere end tidligere. "Backpacking for begyndere" fortæller om en families første rygsækrejse - en rejse i ukendt land. 2 voksne og 2 børn som prøver kræfter med en verden der ligger og venter. Bogen tager dig med på 9 ugers rejse med interessante fortællinger, oplevelser og informationer, som kan inspirere dig til at tage det næste skridt og søge ud i den store fantastiske verden. Læseren får indsigt i, hvor let det er at komme af sted, samt hvad man skal have med i såvel den fysiske som den mentale rygsæk. Samtidig giver denne rejsedagbog stof til eftertanke, og rejser spørgsmål om blandt andet vores egne indre begrænsninger, misundelse, prioriteringer, og vort syn på verden omkring os.

  • - En drøm blev til virkelighed
    af Lars Fougstedt Christiansen
    228,95 kr.

    Så længe jeg kan huske tilbage, har jeg haft drømmen. Drømmen om det fremmede og eksotiske. De mægtige Himalaya Bjerge, små arabiske handelsbyer, Borneos jungle, savannen i Østafrika, Amazonflodens rige dyreliv, Inkariget, Saharas golde ørken og Pampa-sletten i Argentina ...Sådan starter beskrivelsen af min første store rejse, som varede to år. En rejsebeskrivelse, som tog sit udspring for 32 år siden, og dengang var tænkt som memoirer til min datter Aya. En evighed før hun blot var en tanke.Bogen henvender sig til alle med rejselyst. Dig der selv er på vej ud for at opleve vores fantastiske verden. Eller dig der kan huske, hvordan det var at rive et år eller to ud af kalenderen og rejse rundt, dengang mobiltelefonen hørte fremtiden til, og al kontakt til familien gik via det lokale posthus. Hvem du end er, så sæt dig til rette og tag med mig på en eventyrlig rejse i tid og sted.Eventyret starter, hvor hverdagens forudsigelighed stopper.God fornøjelse med bogen!Lars Fougstedt Christiansen, september 2024.

  • af Nicola Dinan
    167,95 - 224,95 kr.

    Maveskind er en sårbar coming of age-historie om transkønnethed, venskab og den første store kærlighed.Tom møder Ming til en dragfest, mens de begge læser på universitetet. De bliver hurtigt kærester, men langsomt starter en forskydning i deres forhold. Ming ændrer sig lidt efter lidt, og det bliver tydeligt, at han ikke føler sig hjemme i sin egen krop og gerne vil skifte køn. Mings transition lægger et stort pres på deres forhold, og åbner op for en række spørgsmål omkring, hvorvidt det er værd at miste en del af sig selv for at blive den man gerne vil være.Maveskind sætter fokus på transkønnethed og med sin kærlige tilgang til spørgsmålet, giver den et tættere og mere autentisk billede af, hvad det vil sige, ikke at føle sig hjemme i sin krop. Hvad det vil sige at skifte køn, selvom det betyder, at man må miste meget af det, man havde før.

  • af Kaamil Ahmed
    142,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai
    167,95 - 224,95 kr.

    Én familie, to generationer af kvinder og en krig der vil forandre deres liv for evigt.Hanoi, 1972. De amerikanske bomber regner ned over Vietnam og tolvårige Hương og hendes bedstemor Diệu Lan er nødsaget til at søge dækning. For Diệu Lan føles krigen alt for velkendt. Hun har tidligere måttet ofre alt for at holde sammen på familien, mens landet faldt fra hinanden. Nu må Hương gøre det samme.Når bjergene synger er en episk slægtsroman, hvor Trần-familiens prøvelser fortæller historien om de grusomheder Vietnam har været vidne til som nation. Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai har skrevet en kærlighedserklæring til sit hjemland, hvor vietnamesisk kultur og traditioner får lov at berige siderne. En smuk og gribende roman der udfolder Vietnams smertefulde historie, men samtidig giver håb for fremtiden. "... en fængende, rørende roman (...) en roman der, i mere end en forstand, heler historien"- New York Times"En lysende fortælling, der giver genlyd på tværs af generationer"- O, the Oprah Magazine

  • - A Photographic Essay of Vietnamese Children During the Vietnam War
    af Bedford Lee Chandler
    267,95 kr.

    The poignant images in this book reveal the anguish, terror, bewilderment, and happiness of children born into a war that affected their everyday lives. Those who greeted me on jungle trails were happy, frightened, and wary. Barefooted, often balancing a little brother or sister on their hip holding out a hand for anything that we might give them. The ones standing apart, fearful, harboring memories of horrific things endured or witnessed. At the time I knew little of their life realities. It was to come fitfully with time, as they confronted me in the hamlets and villages with disease, illness, and injury.

  • af Bo Hardin
    236,95 kr.

    Just Fine in Vietnam is the raw and unvarnished recollections of a Vietnam soldier, Bo Hardin. It is a compelling story about the kind of aggression and fear one experiences only in a war zone. It tells his story about his experiences there and his unplanned departure from each tour. Many of the stories are grueling recounts of the very worst things that can happen when men and women go to war. In Hardin's mind, Vietnam had become his true home, and how he became addicted to a chosen lifestyle of combat, comradery and the arms of a woman that had captured his soul.

  • af Peter Greene
    280,95 kr.

    Vivid memoir of Marine gunship missions in Vietnam.

  • af Johnnie Clark
    108,95 kr.

  • af Gary Linderer
    108,95 kr.

  • af Thom Nicholson
    88,95 kr.

  • af Gary Linderer
    108,95 kr.

  • af Kelly Johnson
    169,95 kr.

    Embark on a gastronomic adventure through the vibrant and diverse culinary landscape of Vietnam with "55 Vietnamese Recipes for Home." This captivating cookbook invites you to explore the rich tapestry of Vietnamese cuisine, celebrated for its balance of flavors, fragrant herbs, and unique cooking techniques.Inside, you'll discover a meticulously curated collection of authentic recipes that showcase the essence of Vietnamese cooking. From the iconic Pho and aromatic Banh Mi to lesser-known regional specialties, each recipe is thoughtfully crafted to bring the distinctive tastes of Vietnam to your kitchen.Immerse yourself in the culinary traditions passed down through generations, as "55 Vietnamese Recipes for Home" shares not only recipes but also the stories and cultural significance behind each dish. This cookbook captures the visual appeal of Vietnamese cuisine and serves as a visual feast for the eyes.Whether you're a seasoned home cook or a culinary enthusiast eager to expand your repertoire, this cookbook is designed for everyone. With easy-to-follow instructions and accessible ingredients, you can recreate the magic of Vietnamese flavors in the comfort of your own home."55 Vietnamese Recipes for Home" is not just a cookbook; it's a passport to the heart of Vietnam's culinary heritage. Allow the enticing aromas and mouthwatering tastes to transport you to the bustling street markets and cozy family kitchens of this enchanting Southeast Asian country. Add this cookbook to your collection and savor the irresistible tastes of Vietnam with every turn of the page.

  • af Charles Henderson
    263,95 kr.

  • af Peter John McCann
    275,95 kr.

    Brutally honest, confronting memoir of a National Serviceman's deployment to Vietnam as an infantry soldier. Captivating, extensive military detail and personal revelations.

  • af Hamza Alavi
    213,95 - 948,95 kr.

  • af Kelly Johnson
    164,95 kr.

    Embark on a culinary journey through the enchanting landscapes and diverse cultures of Southeast Asia with "35 Southeast Asian Recipes for Home." This cookbook invites you to explore the rich tapestry of flavors, aromas, and vibrant dishes that define the region's gastronomic heritage.Immerse yourself in the tantalizing world of Southeast Asian cuisine as you discover a collection of authentic recipes. From fragrant curries and noodle masterpieces to street food delights and aromatic desserts, each recipe is a celebration of the diverse influences that make Southeast Asian cooking a true culinary adventure."35 Southeast Asian Recipes for Home" is not just a cookbook; it's a passport to the heart of Southeast Asia, offering a glimpse into the stories, traditions, and cultural significance behind each dish. With easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips, this cookbook is perfect for both novice home cooks and seasoned chefs eager to master the art of Southeast Asian cuisine.Elevate your cooking with the bold and exotic flavors of Thai Green Curry with Chicken, Filipino Adobo Chicken and Burmese Tea Leaf Salad, and learn the techniques that bring the essence of street markets and bustling kitchens into your home. Whether you are recreating the fiery excitement of a Thai curry or savoring the delicate balance of Vietnamese spring rolls, "35 Southeast Asian Recipes for Home" promises an unforgettable culinary experience that transports you to the heart of Southeast Asia.Open the pages of this cookbook, and let the enticing aromas and vibrant tastes of Southeast Asia come alive in your kitchen. "35 Southeast Asian Recipes for Home" is your ticket to a culinary expedition, where each recipe tells a story, and each dish is a delicious masterpiece waiting to be savored.

  • af Abraham Jean Arnaud Gerlach
    463,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book. ++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification: ++++ Fastes Militaires Des Indes-Orientales Néerlandaises Abraham Jean Arnaud Gerlach J. Norman & fils, 1859 History; Europe; Western; History / Asia / Southeast Asia; History / Europe / Western; Indonesia; Military ceremonies, honors, and salutes; Netherlands

  • af Isaac Donoso
    1.038,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the written heritage of Muslims in the Philippines, the historical constitution of chancelleries within the Islamic sultanates, and the production of official letters to conduct local and international diplomacy. The standard narrative on Muslims in the Philippines is one that centres political and armed struggles within the region. However, two important aspects remain unattended: the cultural and intellectual production of the sultanates, and the Moro involvement in Southeast Asian Islamic civilization. This book connects the development and personality of the Philippine sultanates into the regional context of local communities that adopted an international faith. Political alliances and religious missions altered different ethnolinguistic groups and furnished them with the Word, the Qur¿anic message, and the Arabic script. Indeed, customary orality and Adab shaped a way of being and acting modelled after what was called the Bichara. Particularly, the book studies the Moro Letter as cultural craft with political meaning, and Jawi heritage in the Philippines. A general catalogue of Jawi manuscripts from the National Archives of the Philippines is provided as appendix.

  • af Ralph White
    133,95 - 233,95 kr.

    Ralph White tells the remarkable story of how as a young banker in Saigon during the final weeks before the city fell to the North Vietnamese, he saved the entire staff of the Saigon branch of Chase Manhattan bank and their families, via a secret American-run network he discovered -- Argo meets The Fall of Saigon.

  • af James Syhabout
    423,95 kr.

    Easy & essential Isan Thai & Lao recipes from a refugee chefJames Syhabout's hugely popular Hawker Fare restaurant in San Francisco is the product of his unique family history, his diverse career experience, and the food of his childhood. Hawker Fare immortalizes the dishes of this celebrated restaurant, which are inspired by the open-air ?hawker? markets of Thailand and Laos as well as the fine-dining sensibilities of Syhabout's career beginnings. The book starts with stories from his roving career as a classically trained chef, as well as his travels as an adult in his parents' homelands?his mother's ancestral village in Isan, Thailand's northeast region, and his father's native country of Laos. From building a pantry with sauces and oils to making staples like sticky rice and padaek, to new takes like Syhabout's recipe for instant ramen noodles with poached egg, Hawker Fare explores the many dimensions of this singular chef's cooking and ethos on ingredients, family, and eating well. This cookbook offers a new definition of what it means to be making food in America, in the full and vibrant colors of Thailand, Laos, and California.

  • af Wallace Terry
    108,95 kr.

  • af John Roosa
    258,95 - 508,95 kr.

    In the early morning hours of October 1, 1965, a group calling itself the September 30th Movement kidnapped and executed six generals of the Indonesian army, including its highest commander. The group claimed that it was attempting to preempt a coup, but it was quickly defeated as the senior surviving general, Haji Mohammad Suharto, drove the movement's partisans out of Jakarta. Riding the crest of mass violence, Suharto blamed the Communist Party of Indonesia for masterminding the movement and used the emergency as a pretext for gradually eroding President Sukarno's powers and installing himself as a ruler. Imprisoning and killing hundreds of thousands of alleged communists over the next year, Suharto remade the events of October 1, 1965 into the central event of modern Indonesian history and the cornerstone of his thirty-two-year dictatorship.Despite its importance as a trigger for one of the twentieth century's worst cases of mass violence, the September 30th Movement has remained shrouded in uncertainty. Who actually masterminded it? What did they hope to achieve? Why did they fail so miserably? And what was the movement's connection to international Cold War politics? In Pretext for Mass Murder, John Roosa draws on a wealth of new primary source material to suggest a solution to the mystery behind the movement and the enabling myth of Suharto's repressive regime. His book is a remarkable feat of historical investigation.

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