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  • af Penelope Douglas
    168,95 kr.

    True love comes from the most forbidden places in this TikTok smash hit from New York Times bestselling author Penelope Douglas, now with bonus material!Jordan has nowhere else to go when her boyfriend offers to let her move in with him and his dad. Working a dead-end job, with her relationship sputtering, she jumps at the opportunity, expecting to help out around the house in exchange.  What she doesn’t anticipate is for her heart to race every time Pike pulls into the driveway, or to burn when their eyes meet over the breakfast table. He’s kind and listens to her and protects her in a way no man ever has before. Her sister once told her there are no good men, and if you find one, he's probably unavailable. Only Pike isn't the unavailable one…she is.As the days go by, Pike’s finding it anything but simple to have his son’s girlfriend living in his house. He can’t stop thinking about her and holding his breath every time they cross paths. It feels like she’s becoming a part of him. Except he knows they’re not free to give in to this. How could they when he’s her boyfriend’s father?

  • af Kristine Tiedt
    161,95 kr.

    Næsten alle voksne mennesker har prøvet at få en, men hvad er en orgasme egentlig? Og kan det virkelig passe, at klitoris først blev opdaget i 1998? Orgasmebogen er en tegneserie, der handler om seksualitet og lyst. På satirisk og lettilgængelig vis belyser den emnet igennem en blanding af fakta og fiktion. Trods øget viden og fokus på sex generelt i samfundet er der stadig mange tabuer om emnet. For eksempel viser nyere undersøgelser, at to ud af tre kvinder ikke får orgasme med deres partner under sex, imens stort set alle kvinder gør, når de onanerer.Med udgangspunkt i bogens tre hovedpersoner inddrages historiske facts om særligt kvinders seksualitet, nyere forskning, videnskabelige data og centrale begreber og teorier.

  • af Mia Sheridan
    168,95 - 226,95 kr.

  • - Leveregler der kan bringe dig langt
    af Martin Thorborg
    159,94 kr.

    Skab din egen succes er en inspirerende bog skrevet af den anerkendte forfatter, Martin Thorborg. Udgivet i 2023, er denne bog en must-read for enhver, der stræber efter at opnå succes på deres egne vilkår. Bogen falder ind under genren selvhjælp og business, og den er fyldt med praktiske råd og indsigt, der kan hjælpe læserne med at forme deres egen vej til succes. Thorborg deler sine egne erfaringer og læringer i denne bog, hvilket gør den både relaterbar og inspirerende. Udgivet af Gyldendal Business, en af de mest anerkendte udgivere i Danmark, er 'Skab din egen succes' en bog, der fortjener en plads på enhver ambitiøs persons boghylde.

  • - Min vej ud af jødisk fundamentalisme
    af Deborah Feldman
    89,95 - 187,95 kr.

    En medrivende fortælling om litteraturen som vejen til frihed Deborah Feldman blev født ind i et ultraortodokst jødisk miljø i Williamsburg, New York. Her voksede hun op hos sine hasidiske bedsteforældre, hvis liv og hverdag var dikteret af strenge religiøse regler for, hvad man måtte tænke, sige, spise og gøre. Deborah er imidlertid selvstændig og nysgerrig; efterhånden lærer hun sig det forbudte sprog engelsk og sniger sig på biblioteket, hvor en verden af store læseoplevelser venter. Jane Austens heltinder viser Deborah, at man kan lægge afstand til slægtens klare forventninger og samfundets snævre kønsroller, men vejen er tung og svær at gå alene. Deborah bliver gift som bare 17-årig med en umoden ung mand, og sammen farer de vild i et ulykkeligt ægteskab. Deborah overlever mentalt og følelsesmæssigt ved i smug at begynde at studere litteratur. Efterhånden får hun styrke og mod til at lægge en plan: Hun må kræve skilsmisse for at kunne forlade det lukkede miljø – det store spørgsmål er, om hun kan få lov at beholde sin lille søn? Deborah Feldman, født 1986, voksede op i et hasidisk samfund i Williamsburg, Brooklyn hos sine bedsteforældre. Da den selvbiografiske fortælling Uortodoks udkom på amerikansk, blev den straks en bestseller. Forfatterens historie er på vej som Netflix-serie. Deborah Feldman bor og arbejder i Berlin.

  • af Shantel Tessier
    228,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Cecilie Grønlund
    73,95 - 152,95 kr.

    Luna er 22 år og faret vild i livet og sin egen identitet. Hun bor på Nørrebro og ved ikke, hvad hun vil, arbejder på en cafe og tumler rundt på må og få, mens hun bruger en masse energi på at spekulere på, hvordan det går med hendes ekskæreste, og om hun kan få ham tilbage. Hun opfører sig som en typisk fange af Instagram-kulturen, der har gjort både hende selv og en stor del af hendes generation usikre, selvoptagede og søgende - og midt i sin egen selvoptagethed glemmer hun at være nærværende i forhold til vennerne, der stille og roligt afskriver hende. Et knivskarpt tidsbillede og et ærligt og troværdigt portræt af Luna på 22 år, der flyder rundt i strømmen af Instagram-opslag og likes og tankerne om, hvor fedt alle de andre har det, og hvor meget styr, de har på DERES liv. 

  • af Lars Kjædegaard
    178,95 - 222,95 kr.

    Søren Madsen bliver student i 1970’ernes Helsingør. Han er en ung mand med en ambition: Han vil være dommer i sin hjemby. En nat møder han den flippede pige Anna, og de forelsker sig. Men Anna gemmer på en mørk hemmelighed, og pludselig forsvinder hun uden spor.I retsbygningen regerer Sørens mentor, dommeren Helge Pontoppidan. Retsmaskineriet kører, og loven håndhæves, men andre steder i byen udmåles retfærdighed efter en helt anden og dunklere lov. Den lærer Søren langsomt at kende, mens han martres af spørgsmålet: Hvor er Anna?Lars Kjædegaards roman "Dommeren i Helsingør" er en dramatisk fortælling om forbrydelse og kærlighed i Helsingørs over- og underverden.Politiken: "Kjædegaard er jo en af vor tids allerbedste krimiforfattere. Med en kraftpræstation af en bog skildrer Lars Kjædegaard i en blanding af historisk roman, magisk realisme og sædeskildring et stykke danmarkshistorie i Nordsjælland." (…)

  • af Ana Huang
    198,95 kr.

  • af Sophie Lark
    163,95 kr.

    They're a match made in Hell.The Griffins and the Gallos have been battling for control of Chicago's underworld for generations. Their rivalry has always been flammable, but it reignites with a fury when Aida, the youngest and wildest Gallo sibling, crashes a party at the Griffin mansion and accidentally sets fire to the library. To stave off all-out war, her father quickly arranges a marriage between her and Callum Griffin, eldest son and heir to the Irish mafia.Cold, ambitious, and brutal, Callum is determined to tame his headstrong new bride. But Aida is more than capable of giving as good as she gets-starting with poisoning Callum on their wedding night. The problem is, murdering him would be a lot easier if he didn't look so good while she was trying to do it.She's got a lockbox around her heart. He's got something to prove.In their struggle for dominance, who will go up in flames first?

  • af Krista Ritchie
    156,95 kr.

    "The TikTok sensation Addicted Series continues with Kiss the Sky, now in a print edition with special bonus material! Fall in love with Rose and Connor in this edgy new adult romance set in a world of lust, fame, swoonworthy men, and friendships that run deeper than blood in this special edition with bonus materials-in print only! A virgin "ice queen" heiress & the arrogant god who wants to melt her... Rose Calloway thought she had everything under control. At twenty-three, she's a Princeton graduate, an Academic Bowl champion, a fashion designer and the daughter of a Fortune 500 mogul. But not everything comes easy. When Rose's fashion line is in peril, she plans an unconventional solution to save it. Making matters more intense, she agrees to be in a relationship with her "godly" college rival, Connor Cobalt. At twenty-four, Connor Cobalt bulldozes weak men. Confident and smart-as-hell, Connor vows to help Rose outside of the bedroom and inside. But melting this ice queen is a challenge no one has been able to succeed at. And now they're living together"--

  • af Moa Romanova
    226,95 kr.

    Moa har krise. I perioder ligger hun søvnløs og passiv, mellem vasketøj og opladere. Andre dage er hun manisk på jagt efter den altafgørende begivenhed, der skal ændre hendes liv. Midt i det hele møder hun en kendt, ældre tv-fyr på Tinder. Han vil rigtig gerne hjælpe med hendes kunstnerkarriere. Fucker hele tiden op handler om panikangst, adrenalinafhængighed og depression. Men også om at grine ad det hele og til sidst finde den rette vej. Eller i hvert fald nogle helt okay veje.Moa Romanova har læst på Göteborgs Konstskola og Serieskolan i Malmø. Fucker hele tiden op er hendes litterære debut.

  • af Colleen Hoover
    345,95 kr.

    The #1 New York Times bestselling, emotionally raw It Ends with Us—soon to be a major motion picture—and its powerful sequel It Starts with Us is now available in a beautifully designed, limited edition two-book boxed set for new and longtime Colleen Hoover readers.In the “glorious and touching” (USA TODAY) It Ends with Us, Lily is overwhelmed with passion for the inflexible and proud Ryle. But her too-good-to-be-true romance is suddenly a lot more complicated when her first love, Atlas, suddenly comes back into her life. Then, in It Starts with Us, read Atlas’s side of the story as Colleen Hoover explores more of Atlas’s past and what the future holds for Lily and him.

  • af Kandi Steiner
    183,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af StineStregen
    184,95 kr.

    En ung kvindes vej til selvstændighed set gennem StineStregens sårbare, sjove og skarpe penHvordan i alverden håndterer man forældre, venner, kærester, sex, når man ser voksen ud udenpå, men stadigvæk ikke er så voksen indeni?Efter successen med stribebogen DET BLIVER ET LANGT LIV til unge teenagere (piger) henvender FORKLÆDT SOM VOKSEN sig til det lidt ældre publikum (15+) og beskriver alle de mulige og umulige situationer, man kommer ud i, når man befinder sig i tusmørkelandet mellem barn og voksen.Stine Spedsbjerg / StineStregen er bl.a. illustrator, forfatter og bladtegner og har tidligere vundet Pentel-prisen for Årets Bladtegner. StineStregen har en blog med selvbiografiske hverdagsstriber.Stribebøger af StineStregen:Det bliver et langt livForklædt som voksenVoksenværkHvis du er teenager, så læs DET BLIVER ET LANGT LIV. Hvis du er forælder til en teenager, så læs: DET BLIVER ET LANGT LIV. Hvis du er forælder til en tween, så læs: DET BLIVER ET LANGT LIV. Hvis du selv har været teenager, så læs: DET BLIVER ET LANGT LIV. Det er den seneste udgivelse fra StineStregen, og igen er jeg helt enormt begejstret. Bogen indkapsler fuldstændig teenagelivet for både teenager og forælder i en række striber, og jeg føler mig lige dele som bogens hovedperson; teenageren og som hendes helt enormt pinlige mor. SUK! @withregram • @mitbogskab

  • af Penelope Douglas
    163,95 kr.

    "In fifth grade, my teacher set us up with pen pals from a different school. Thinking I was a girl because my name is Misha, the other teacher paired me up with her student, Ryen. My teacher, believing Ryen was a boy like me, agreed. It didn't take long for us to figure out the mistake. And for the next seven years, we were everything. She's the only one who keeps me on track, talks me down, and accepts everything I am. We only had three rules. No social media, no phone numbers, no pictures. We had a good thing going. Why ruin it? Until I run across a photo of a girl online named Ryen. I have to meet her. I just don't expect to hate what I find. He hasn't written in three months. Did he die? Get arrested? Knowing Misha, neither would be a stretch. Without him around, I'm going crazy. I need to know someone is listening to me. It's my own fault. I should've gotten his phone number or picture or something. He could be gone forever. Or right under my nose, and I wouldn't even know it"--

  • af Penelope Douglas
    153,95 kr.

    "Tiernan de Haas doesn't care about anything anymore. The only child of a film producer and his starlet wife, she's grown up with wealth and privilege but not love or guidance. Shipped off to boarding schools from an early age, it was impossible to escape the loneliness and carve out a life of her own. And when they suddenly pass away, she knows she should be devastated. But has anything really changed? She's always been alone, hasn't she? Jake Van der Berg, her father's stepbrother and her only living relative, assumes guardianship of Tiernan. Sent to live with Jake and his two sons, Noah and Kaleb, in the mountains of Colorado, Tiernan quickly learns that these men now have a say in what she chooses to care and not care about anymore. As the three men take Tiernan under their wing, she slowly finds her place among them...and as a part of them. Because lines blur and rules become easy to break when no one else is watching. One of them has her. The other one wants her. But he's going to keep her."--

  • af S. Massery
    288,95 kr.

  • af Krista Ritchie
    156,95 kr.

    "Twenty-five-year-old Ryke Meadows knows he's hard to love. With a billion-dollar inheritance, a track-star resume, and an alpha-male personality-he redefines the term likable-asshole. But he's not living to make friends. Or enemies. He just wants to free climb three of the toughest mountains in Yosemite without drama or interruption. And then he receives a distressed call from a girl in Paris. Daisy Calloway is finally eighteen. With her newfound independence, she can say goodbye to her overbearing mother and continue her modeling career. Next stop: Paris. Fashion Week begins with a bang, and Daisy uncovers the ugly reality of the industry. She wants to prove to her family that she can live on her own, but when everything spirals out of control, she turns to Ryke to keep her secrets. As Daisy struggles to make sense of this new world and her freedom, she pushes the limits and fearlessly rides the edge. Ryke knows there's deep hurt beneath every impulsive action. He must keep up with Daisy, and if he lets her go, her favorite motto -- 'live as if you'll die today' -- may just come true."--

  • af Krista Ritchie
    156,95 kr.

    "Of all the days in the month, I have to be stuck in traffic on the one that means the most to me. I try not to badger Nola, my family's driver, on our ETA to the house I share with Rose. Instead, I anxiously shift on the leather seat and rapidly text my sister. Is he already there? Please say no, please tell me I haven't missed his homecoming. I'm supposed to wait on the white wrap-around porch of our secluded house in Princeton, New Jersey: many acres of lush land, a crystal blue pool, black shutters. The only thing it's missing is the picket fence. I'm supposed to give him a tour of the cozy living room and the granite kitchen, leading him upstairs to the bedrooms where I sleep. He won't be in one of the two guestrooms. Nope, he'll be making residence in mine for the first time ever. And maybe awkwardness will linger at the idea of sharing a bed and a bathroom day and night, at the idea of cohabitating beyond a kitchen. Our relationship will be one-hundred percent real, and there'll be no nightcaps of bourbon or whiskey. I'll be able to say don't do that. And he'll be able to grip my wrists, keeping me from compulsively climaxing until I pass out. We're supposed to help each other"--

  • af Catherine McKenzie
    218,95 kr.

  • af N. S. Perkins
    193,95 kr.

    Lexie Tuffin has one goal in life: making it to the Olympics as a gymnast for Team USA. Her dream was almost crushed when she injured herself last year and lost everything: her coach, her gym, and her future. Now, she's starting from scratch. The only gym that will have her is in Nowhere, Vermont, but she's determined to make a comeback. Nothing and no one is going to shake her focus. Except, apparently, Finn Olsen. Finn has spent his adult life traveling the world, never wanting to settle in one place until last year, when he came back to his dull hometown to manage his friend's Christmas tree farm. And while he's slowly fallen in love with the job, he can't shake the wild reputation he earned for himself so many years ago. The town still sees him as a liability, and maybe that's how he sees himself. It's definitely how Lexie sees him. After a catastrophic introduction, Lexie wants nothing to do with Finn. The fact that she rents a cabin on his farm makes their interactions unavoidable, to Lexie's great despair. However, the more they bump into each other, the clearer it becomes that the snarky flannel-wearing man might not be so bad after all. In fact, he might be the first person to ever really see her. Her mind should only be on her training. He doesn't want to fall for anyone. But neither of them seems able to stop feelings from developing, and the further they go from their own expectations, the more they risk finding what they've been looking for all along: somewhere to belong.

  • af Avery Keelan
    158,95 kr.

    After my life goes sideways in the middle of sophomore year, I'm forced to move in with my older brother and two of his hockey teammates. I'm less than thrilled at the idea of living with three athletes and their stinky gear, their rotating door of hookups, and their tendency to inhale every snack in the house.But when I walk in the front door with an armload of boxes, I'm faced with another problem entirely.Hades.One of my new roommates is the tall, tattooed stranger from my one-night stand on Halloween.

  • af Meghan Quinn
    198,95 kr.

    Agreeing to help his best friend Lia Fairweather-Fern with her hurried wedding plans, Breaker Cane discovers he might have feelings for the bride-to-be.

  • af Olivia Wildenstein
    248,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Penelope Douglas
    168,95 kr.

    "His name is Michael Crist. My boyfriend's older brother is handsome, strong, and completely terrifying. The star of his college's basketball team gone pro, he's more concerned with the dirt on his shoe than me. But I saw him. I heard him. The things that he did, and the deeds that he hid... For years, I bit my nails, unable to look away. Now, I'm in college, but I haven't stopped watching. The things I've seen aren't content to stay in my head anymore. Because he's finally noticed me. Her name is Erika Fane, but everyone calls her Rika. My brother's girlfriend looks down when I enter a room and stills when I am close. While I haven't had her body, I know that I have her mind. That's all I really want anyway. Until my brother leaves for the military, and I find Rika alone and unprotected in my city. The opportunity is too good to be true. Three years ago she put a few of my friends in prison, and now they're out. And now every last one of her nightmares will come true"--

  • af Meghan Quinn
    198,95 kr.

    ""Are you two friends?" Ha! Friends with JP Cane? That's laughable. Besides the fact that he firmly believes men and women can't be friends and work together, it's safe to say Kelsey Gardner doesn't want her boss's friendship, anyway. He's annoyingly loud, obnoxiously handsome, and has made an art out of pushing Kelsey's buttons all day, every day. No, thank you. So you can imagine how horrified Kelsey is when she not only has to fly out to San Francisco with JP for work, but stay in the same penthouse during the trip. They'll be sharing the same air, twenty-four-seven, as full-fledged working roommates. And being that close is a nightmare--the man doesn't seem to know how to wear a shirt, thrives off protein bars, and is constantly flirting up a storm. Tack on his polished good looks up close, and Kelsey's suddenly staring down the barrel of a seductive temptation that makes it hard to sleep. But she can control herself. She's been doing it since she first met the guy, after all. Because if there's one thing she knows for certain, it's that she and JP Cane are so not meant to be"--

  • af Colleen Hoover
    898,95 kr.

    This beautifully designed, limited edition five-book boxed set of the spellbinding Hopeless series—a passionate love story about two young people who must decide if they can move on from their painful pasts and enjoy a future together—is now available for new and longtime Colleen Hoover readers.In Hopeless, Sky and Holder are instantly attracted to one another, but both are hiding dark and troubled pasts. When Holder’s secrets are revealed, Sky is forever changed and must decide if she can ever trust again. Holder is haunted by the girl he couldn’t save in Losing Hope. But perhaps it is only through allowing himself to love Sky that he can begin to heal. Finding Cinderella follows Daniel as he meets the perfect woman, only for her to disappear from his life. A year later, he meets the mysterious Six, and it seems like true love. But will Daniel actually get his happily ever after? In the "emotionally wrenching and utterly original" (Sara Shepard, New York Times bestselling author) All Your Perfects, Quinn and Graham’s perfect love is threatened by their imperfect marriage, and the one thing that could save them might be the very thing that pushes their relationship beyond the point of repair. Finally, in Finding Perfect, the friends are planning a Friendsgiving dinner, but secrets threaten their happiness. Can they all finally move on from their pasts or is it too late?

  • af Colleen Hoover
    498,95 kr.

    This beautifully designed, limited edition three-book boxed set of the captivating Maybe Someday series—an unforgettable love story filled with romance, desire, and music—is now available for new and longtime Colleen Hoover readers.College student Sydney’s world is turned upside down when she discovers her boyfriend is cheating on her in Maybe Someday. Wondering what her next step should be, she crosses paths with the mysterious Ridge and the two soon find themselves drawn to one another. Featuring songs by Griffin Peterson. In the novella Maybe Not, roommates Warren and Bridgette can barely stand to be in the same apartment together. But Warren has a theory he wants to test—surely someone with that much hate inside must also have the same amount of passion. But can he convince Bridgette to reveal that side of her? Finally, in Maybe Now, couples Ridge and Sydney and Warren and Bridgette face tumultuous changes. Further complicating matters is Ridge’s friend Maggie, whose determination to live life to the fullest raises Sydney’s suspicions. This stunning conclusion features new songs by Griffin Peterson.

  • af Rachel L. Schade
    213,95 - 308,95 kr.

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