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Musik og film

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  • af W Timothy Gallwey & Barry Green
    118,95 kr.

    The bestselling guide to improving musical performance The Inner Game of Music is the battle that all musicians have to fight against elusive opponents such as nervousness, self-doubt and fear of failure. Using the world-famous Inner Game principles, developed by bestselling author Timothy Gallwey, acclaimed musician Barry Green explains the basic principles of 'natural learning' and shows how you can apply them to reach a new level of musical application and performance. In precise, easy to understand language, Green and Gallwey explain how natural skills - such as awareness, trust and willpower - can be nurtured and enhanced. Through a series of tailored exercises The Inner Game of Music demonstrates the ways in which musicians can achieve exact intonations, artistic phrasing and improved technique. There are also chapters on ensemble playing, improvisation, composition and creativity, as well as listening skills - an essential part of the Inner Game. Following a methodology with a proven track record for generations of aspiring and professional musicians, The Inner Game of Music is invaluable to anyone seriously interested in music, and is guaranteed to deliver positive results whether you are a student, teacher, performer, or simply an appreciative listener.

  • - 25 år uden alkohol
    af Anders Houmøller Thomsen & Allan Olsen
    133,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Som 33-årig afgav skuespilleren Allan Olsen et løfte til sig selv og sin familie. Han lovede, at han aldrig ville drikke mere, og den beslutning blev afgørende for resten af hans liv. Allan Olsens misbrug var så voldsomt, at hver en flaske talte, og allerede i sin tidlige ungdom kunne han have været død af druk. Han har nu holdt sit løfte i 25 år. I han nye bog  JEG TOG EN ANDEN VEJ, fortæller han historien om den barndom og ungdom, der sendte ham lige lukt ind i en mørk og faretruende deroute. Ærligt og med åbent hjerte fortæller han om kriminalitet og resocialisering og om karrieren som skuespiller, der må holde igen ved festlige lejligheder. I dag har han valgt at bruge sine erfaringer til at hjælpe alt fra kriminelle til kendisser med at vende ryggen til forskellige former for misbrug.

  • af Tove Ditlevsen & Michael Bojesen
    28,95 kr.

    For blandet kor (SATB) og klaverTekst: Tove Ditlevsen

  • af Rihanna
    1.190,95 - 9.890,95 kr.

    All hail Rihanna: Queen Size! The statement volume for Rihanna fans, this luxury, queen-size edition is limited to 500 copies worldwide.

  • af Gucci Mane
    128,95 kr.

    The New York Times bestselling memoir from the legendary Gucci Mane spares no detail in this "cautionary tale that ends in triumph" (GQ). For the first time Gucci Mane tells his extraordinary story in his own words. It is "as wild, unpredictable, and fascinating as the man himself" (Complex). The platinum-selling recording artist began writing his remarkable autobiography in a federal maximum security prison. Released in 2016, he emerged radically transformed. He was sober, smiling, focused, and positive?a far cry from the Gucci Mane of years past. A critically acclaimed classic, The Autobiography of Gucci Mane "provides incredible insight into one of the most influential rappers of the last decade, detailing a volatile and fascinating life...By the end, every reader will have a greater understanding of Gucci Mane, the man and the musician" (Pitchfork).

  • af Dane Hallett
    345,95 kr.

    Delve into this exclusive Alien Covenant collection, containing two books, to gain an insight into David's descent into madness. Packed over two hundred illustrations and an interview with Dane Hallett and Matt Hatton, the artists from the set.

  • - En musiker finder fred i eget hus
    af Peter Bastian
    73,95 - 199,95 kr.

    "Efter at Mesterlære udkom i 2011, er der sket mange afgørende ting i mit liv. Jeg kan se, hvordan forestillingen om det gode, det højere og den bedste udgave af mig selv har været en drivkraft, men også hvordan den forestilling har skabt fjendskab i mit eget liv. Bogen handler om, hvordan jeg er kommet til forsoning med mig selv – fred i eget hus. Og om efter et langt liv at have fundet et nyt syn på kærlighed." Peter Bastian, den 20. marts 2017 Sådan skrev musikeren Peter Bastian, en uge før han døde efter flere års sygdom, 73 år gammel. Ordene faldt som en indledning til denne bog, der gengiver Bastians begejstring og forundring over at være nået frem til en tro på at være altid allerede elsket. Et tankevækkende indblik i et menneskes inderlige længsel efter kærlighed. Bogen blev til ved en samtale på Arresødal Hospice, hvor forfatteren Tor Nørretranders var på besøg 11 dage før Peter Bastians død. De to venner talte sig gennem alt det, Peter Bastian havde på hjerte. En let redigeret båndudskrift blev til bogens tekst. Bogens billeder er udvalgt af Lars H.U.G. blandt tegninger og malerier udført af Peter Bastian gennem et langt liv.

  • af Victoria Broackes & Geoffrey Marsh
    395,95 kr.

    This is the first book produced with access to the David Bowie archive of performance costume, ephemera and original artwork by the artist, which is brought together to present a completely new perspective on his creative work and collaborations.

  • af Mick Goodrick
    307,95 kr.

  • af Peder Bundgaard
    47,95 kr.

    Club 27 er en betegnelse for en række rockmusikere og kunstnere, som har det til fælles, at de er døde i en alder af 27. Betegnelsen har spillet en afgørende rolle for rockens selvforståelse og selviscenesættelse gennem årene. Med tiden har klubben fået så berømte medlemmer som Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain og senest Amy Winehouse – samt danske Michael Strunge. Dødsfaldene, der ofte er forbundet med stofmisbrug og selvmord, har givet anledning til mytemageri – ikke mindst den berømte Faust-myte – og sågar vilde konspirationsteorier. I singlen giver Peder Bundgaard sin personlige beretning om nogle af rockens tragiske skæbner – og deres fællesskab. Er Club 27 en forbandelse – eller en tilfældighed? En sandhed – eller bare en myte? Bundgaard giver et overraskende bud. Peder Bundgaard (f. 1945) har et indgående kendskab til rockmusik og skrevet flere musikbiografier samt bidraget til diverse rockleksika. Han har desuden designet pladeomslag for danske rocknavne som Gasolin', Bifrost, Sebastian, TV-2, Sort Sol, Malurt, Kashmir m.fl.

  • - Skab passion og loyalitet med sociale medier
    af Ibsen Martin, Ebbesen Toke Riis & Ardahl Rasmus
    104,95 kr.

    De Nye Fans er en bog for dig der arbejder med at formidle musik og gerne vil blive bedre til at anvende sociale medier.Bogen tager udgangspunkt i det digitale mediebillede og giver konkrete redskaber til, hvordan du kan bruge de nye medier til aktivt at skabe dialog – og hvordan du gør almindelige brugere til loyale og passionerede fans.

  • af Christian Blauvelt
    118,95 kr.

    The Star Wars galaxy is a dangerous place. Be prepared! Would you survive in the spice mines of Kessel?Could you escape from a giant space slug?From tackling extreme weather and finding shelter, to avoiding social pitfalls, learn what to do to stay alive in a galaxy far, far away. & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.

  • af Shane Speal
    156,95 kr.

    Many books have been written about how to build cigar box guitars and other unique hand-made instruments... but few have touched on why. This book presents the authentic stories of American DIY music with step-by-step projects, photo studies of antique instruments, interviews with music legends, and historical accounts. Shane Speal, the "e;King of the Cigar Box Guitar,"e; brings the making of music and musical instruments back to its roots. From a simple two-string tin can guitar to an electrified washtub bass, Shane shows how anyone can build amazing musical instruments from found items. Sidebars present the fascinating backstory of the music, capturing struggle, poverty and the blues within the artistic side of cigar box guitar building. Featuring an introduction from the New Orleans Museum of Jazz, this DIY musical instrument book is as inspirational to read in the living room as it is in the workshop.

  • - For Cinematographers and Directors
    af Blain Brown
    719,95 - 1.858,95 kr.

  • af Rickie Lee Jones
    146,95 kr.

  • - My Life as Iron Maiden's Compulsive Angler
    af Adrian Smith
    118,95 kr.

  • af Marcus J. Moore
    128,95 - 211,95 kr.

  • - The Inside Story of Stevie Ray Vaughan
    af Alan Paul & Andy Aledort
    218,95 - 348,95 kr.

    The first definitive biography of guitar legend Stevie Ray Vaughan, with an Epilogue by Jimmie Vaughan, Foreword by drummer Chris Layton, and Aterword by bassist Tommy Shannon. Despite the cinematic scope of Vaughan's life and death, there has never been a truly proper accounting of his story--until now. now.

    385,95 kr.

    Celebrate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the original Back to the Future film with this in-depth and updated look at the iconic movie trilogy and the wider world of the franchise.

  • af Jimmy Page
    444,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Kothenschulte
    218,95 kr.

    One of the most expansive illustrated publications on Disney animation, finally available in a compact edition. The landmark volume includes behind-the-scenes photos, story sketches, and cel setups of famous film scenes. It covers each of the major animated features made during Walt's lifetime, as well as lesser-known short films and episodic...

  • af Steve Schapiro
    273,95 kr.

    As special photographer on the sets and locations of Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather trilogy, Steve Schapiro witnessed legendary actors giving some of their most memorable performances. This book gathers more than 300 of Schapiro's finest photographs to take us behind the scenes of this epic cinematic saga.

  • - Book + Online Video and Audio Instruction
    af Jon Chappell, Mark Phillips, Consumer Dummies, mfl.
    88,95 kr.

    Make your music come alive with this indispensable guitar guide There's no denying that guitar players have cachet. The guitar is an ever-present part of our collective musical heritage, and the sound can be sensual, aggressive, or a million things in between.

  • - The One About the Episodes
    af Bryan Cairns, Gary Susman & Jeannine Dillon
    246,95 kr.

    A fully illustrated and authorized episode guide celebrating the 25th anniversary of the hit-television show Friends, including a look behind-the-scenes of cult-favorite episodes, exclusive photos from Warner Bros., and much more.

  • - Long Hard Road Out of Hell
    af Marilyn Manson
    196,95 kr.

  • - The Hundred Literary Heroes Who Changed His Life
    af John O'Connell
    96,95 kr.

  • af Mike Senior
    523,95 - 1.588,95 kr.

  • - For the Snare Drummer
    af George Lawrence Stone
    113,95 kr.

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