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  • - En dansk ekspedition 1761-67
    af Thorkild Hansen
    44,94 - 236,95 kr.

  • af Peter Wohlleben
    92,95 - 221,95 kr.

    ”En kærlighedserklæring til skoven” Der sker de forunderligste ting i skoven: Træerne kommunikerer med hinanden. De drager ikke kun kærlig omsorg for deres afkom, de tager sig også af deres gamle og syge naboer. Træer har både følelser, fornemmelser og hukommelse. Det lyder måske utroligt. Men det er sandt. Skovfoged Peter Wohlleben kaster nyt lys over skovenes tætte tykninger og giver os et overraskende indblik i en hemmelighedsfuld verden. I sine fascinerende beretninger om træernes uanede evner trækker han både på sine egne erfaringer og på de nyeste videnskabelige opdagelser. ”Træernes hemmelige liv” er solgt i mere end 400.000 eksemplarer i Tyskland og er strøget ind på bestsellerlister verden over.

  • - How the Earth Shaped Human History
    af Lewis Dartnell
    128,95 kr.

  • - Coloring Book for Adults: Beautiful Designs for Stress Relief, Creativity, and Relaxation
    af Mantra
    128,95 kr.

    Flowers Coloring Book: Beautiful Designs for Stress Relief, Creativity, and Relaxation. Includes stress relieving designs that help you relax, unwind and relieve stress. The beautiful designs in this coloring book are printed on premium quality single-sided sheets.Coloring Books from Mantra Colors are an excellent choice. This coloring book includes: Beautiful, exquisite artwork that lets you create your own art masterpieces Designs that enable a flow of creativity as you color and relax All designs are printed on single sides sheets Printed on PREMIUM QUALITY sheets that allow you to use a variety of color types including colored pencils, crayons, gel pens and many more!About MantraMantra is a brand of Mantra Colors, a global design studio that focuses on developing premium, high-quality artwork, art products and media.

  • - Coloring Book for Adults: Beautiful Designs for Stress Relief, Creativity, and Relaxation
    af Mantra
    128,95 kr.

    Relaxation Coloring Book: Beautiful Designs for Stress Relief, Creativity, and Relaxation. Includes stress relieving designs that help you relax, unwind and relieve stress. The beautiful designs in this coloring book are printed on premium quality single-sided sheets.Coloring Books from Mantra Colors are an excellent choice. This coloring book includes: Beautiful, exquisite artwork that lets you create your own art masterpieces Designs that enable a flow of creativity as you color and relax All designs are printed on single sides sheets Printed on PREMIUM QUALITY sheets that allow you to use a variety of color types including colored pencils, crayons, gel pens and many more!About MantraMantra is a brand of Mantra Colors, a global design studio that focuses on developing premium, high-quality artwork, art products and media.

  • af Ben Oliver
    108,95 kr.

    Luka is imprisoned in the Block when an audacious break-out reunites him with his friends at last. Hiding out in the heart of the destroyed city, Luka realises the scale of their mission to defeat all-powerful AI, Happy. How can they stay hidden, let alone win the war?

  • af Ben Oliver
    86,95 kr.

    Luka Kane was executed in front of a jeering crowd but before he died, he opened one pair of eyes to the truth: Chester 'Chilly' Beckett's. Except, Luka isn't dead at all. A bold escape sets in motion a race against time as Happy's world-ending plans draw to a climax ...

  • - The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need
    af Bill Gates
    123,95 - 218,95 kr.

    In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical - and accessible - plan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emissions in time to avoid a climate catastrophe. Bill Gates has spent a decade investigating the causes and effects of climate change. With the help of experts in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, political science, and finance, he has focused on what must be done in order to stop the planet's slide toward certain environmental disaster.In this book, he not only explains why we need to work toward net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases, but also details what we need to do to achieve this profoundly important goal. He gives us a clear-eyed description of the challenges we face. Drawing on his understanding of innovation and what it takes to get new ideas into the market, he describes the areas in which technology is already helping to reduce emissions, where and how the current technology can be made to function more effectively, where breakthrough technologies are needed, and who is working on these essential innovations.Finally, he lays out a concrete, practical plan for achieving the goal of zero emissions-suggesting not only policies that governments should adopt, but what we as individuals can do to keep our government, our employers, and ourselves accountable in this crucial enterprise. As Bill Gates makes clear, achieving zero emissions will not be simple or easy to do, but if we follow the plan he sets out here, it is a goal firmly within our reach.

  • - Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
    af Robin Wall Kimmerer
    106,95 kr.

  • - A Scientist's Guide to Our Past, Present, and Future
    af Vaclav Smil
    106,95 kr.

  • af Christina Astrid Vorre
    138,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Christina Vorre har besøgt 10 danske øer, hvor befolkningstallet igennem det sidste århundrede har været faldende: Birkholm, Baagø, Christiansø/Frederiksø, Hirsholmene, Hjortø, Livø, Mandø, Skarø, Vejrø og Saltholm. Nogle af øerne er næsten affolket, mens andre stadig kæmper for deres overlevelse. Forfatteren beskriver nogle af de sidste øboeres tilværelse, men har også den historiske baggrund med: Hvordan var her at bo engang? Og hvorfor er det gået, som det er gået? Læseren kan fx stifte bekendtskab med Jørgen, eneboeren på Hirsholmene, og høre historien om 96-årige Mie, der efter 67 år på Mandø stadig er tilflytter. Vi dykker også ned i de ulykkelige historier fra mandehjemmet på Livø, og møder den allersidste fåreavler på Saltholm bare 12 kilometer fra Rådhuspladsen. Illustreret med over 100 fotos.

  • - Et opgør med tidens CO2-panik
    af Johannes Krüger
    138,95 kr.

    De dystre forudsigelser om en forestående klimakatastrofe dyrkes i dag som en religion. Med FNs klimapanel som det øverste præsteskab og CO2-kvoter som moderne aflad. Men hvad nu hvis der ikke er nogen videnskabeligt bevislig sammenhæng mellem drivhusgasser, temperaturstigninger, vildt vejr og smeltende gletsjere? Hvad nu hvis klimaet forandrer sig, ligesom det altid har gjort – uanset hvad mennesker gør? I denne øjenåbnende og foruroligende bog om alarmismens vildfarelser og klimaets sande tilstand tager professor emeritus Johannes Krüger bladet fra munden. Han kortlægger de mange fejlagtige antagelser om klimaet, som for tiden har drevet verdenssamfundet ud i en nytteløs kampagne mod global opvarmning. Og han viser, at drivkraften bag nutidens små klimaforandringer er naturlige klimasvingninger på den store skala, og at CO2’s betydning er overvurderet. Johannes Krüger forklarer blandt meget andet, hvordan verdenshavene vil fortsætte med at stige i de kommende århundreder og årtusinder, uantastet af klimakorrekt levevis. At polerne ikke smelter med alarmerende hast. At de tropiske orkaner og storme ikke er blevet flere, men færre end for årtier siden. Og at tørker og mudderskred i den tredje verden ikke er konsekvensen af CO2-udslip, men af en befolkningseksplosion, der kræver mad og forandrer hele landskaber. Johannes Krüger, f. 1941, er tidligere professor ved Institut for Geografi og Geologi, Københavns Universitet, med forskningsområdet gletsjere og landskab i samspil med klimaet før og nu. Han er desuden forfatter til flere bøger og populærvidenskabelige artikler og er en efterspurgt foredragsholder.

  • - Red verden lidt hver dag
    af Anders Nolting Magelund & Anna Fenger Schefte
    168,95 kr.

    Nemme og helt konkrete råd til, hvordan man som almindelig dansker kan leve mere klimavenligt og yde sit eget bidrag til at redde kloden. Klimakrisen er på alles læber, og stadig flere danskere vil gerne leve klimavenligt og ændre rutiner, vaner og forbrug, hvis det kan skabe en bedre fremtid, for vores efterkommere. Men hvordan gør man? Mange oplever stor forvirring omkring, hvad en ’klimavenlig hverdag’ og et ’klimavenligt forbrug’ egentligt er. Forfatterne er erfarne klimajournalister og har ryddet op i undersøgelser, klimaråd, der peger i mange retninger, rapporter og halve og hele sandheder i debatten og har underbygget deres grundige research med de mest præcise tal og nyeste data. Klimaguiden er således en uundværlig guide i forhold til at blive klogere på, hvad vi selv kan gøre, og hvad der har størst effekt og giver praktiske råd til små og lidt større greb i hverdagen. Bogen er bygget overskueligt op i kapitler, der hver handler om en vigtig del af vores tilværelse som mad, bolig, transport, penge, rejser og tøj. Kapitlerne gennemgår alt, hvad der er relevant at vide inden for hvert område og giver konkrete råd til, hvordan livet kan indrettes klimavenligt. Danskerne har verdens syvende største CO2-forbrug pr. indbygger, og den enkelte kan gøre en forskel i sin hverdag. Klimaguiden viser hvordan.

  • - How Degrowth Will Save the World
    af Jason Hickel
    106,95 kr.

  • af Kim Stanley Robinson
    133,95 kr.

    From the visionary New York Times bestselling author of New York 2140 comes a near-future novel that is a gripping exploration of climate change, technology, politics, and the human behaviours that drive these forces.

  • - A Greener Way to Cook for You, Your Family and the Planet
    af Anna Jones
    233,95 kr.

    Award-winning cook Anna Jones blazes the trail again for how we all want to cook now: quick, sustainably and stylishly.

  • - Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics
    af Tim Marshall
    107,95 - 166,95 kr.

    A popular take on world events that puts the 'geo' back in geopolitics

  • af Aranya
    156,95 kr.

    Are you excited about permaculture but unclear how to put it into practice for yourself? Permaculture Design: A Step-by-Step Guide is just what you need! In this unique, full colour guide, experienced permaculture teacher Aranya leads you through the design process from beginning to end, using clear explanations, flowcharts and diagrams. Permaculture Design: A Step-by-Step Guide is based on course worksheets which have been designed, refined and tested on students over time. Linking theory to practice, Aranya places the ethics, principles, philosophies, tools and techniques directly into the context of the process itself. This guide covers: Systems and patterns, Working as part of a design team, Land and non-land based design, Design frameworks, Site surveying and map making, Interviewing clients, Working with large client groups, Identifying functions, Choosing systems and elements, Placement and integration, Creating a design proposal, Project management, Presenting your ideas to clients, and much more. While written for anyone with a basic grasp of permaculture, this book also has plenty to offer the more experienced designer.

  • af Sharon Blackie
    116,95 kr.

    'I love this book. Truly, it's mind-blowing in the most profound and exhilarating sense. This is an anthem for all we could be, an essential book for this, the most critical of recent times. I sincerely hope every woman who can read is given one, and has the time and the space to read it.' - Manda Scott, author of Boudica and Into the Fire'This is the core of our task: to respect and revere ourselves, and so bring about a world in which women are respected and revered, recognised once again as holding the life-giving power of the earth itself.'A life-changing journey from the wasteland of modern society to a place of nourishment and connection.If Women Rose Rooted has been described as both transformative and essential. Sharon Blackie leads the reader on a quest to find their place in the world, drawing inspiration from the wise and powerful females in native mythology, and guidance from contemporary women

  • - The International Bestseller - What They Feel, How They Communicate
    af Peter Wohlleben
    96,95 kr.

    Sunday Times Bestseller 'A paradigm-smashing chronicle of joyous entanglement' Charles Foster Waterstones Non-Fiction Book of the Month (September) Are trees social beings? How do trees live? Do they feel pain or have awareness of their surroundings?

  • - Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops
    af Martin Crawford
    318,95 - 456,95 kr.

    This book tells you everything you need to know to create your own forest garden with beautiful illustrations and helpful tips throughout.

  • - 73 Things About the World You Need to Know
    af Vaclav Smil
    106,95 kr.

  • - The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
    af Paul Hawken
    196,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERFor the first time ever, an international coalition of leading researchers, scientists and policymakers has come together to offer a set of realistic and bold solutions to climate change. All of the techniques described here - some well-known, some you may have never heard of - are economically viable, and communities throughout the world are already enacting them. From revolutionizing how we produce and consume food to educating girls in lower-income countries, these are all solutions which, if deployed collectively on a global scale over the next thirty years, could not just slow the earth's warming, but reach drawdown: the point when greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere peak and begin todecline. So what are we waiting for?

  • - The truth about processed food and how it poisons people and the planet
    af Dr Robert Lustig
    115,95 - 166,95 kr.

    It's not what you eat that's damaging your health it's how that food is 'made'. The truth behind ultra-processed food that the food industry doesn't want you to know.

  • - My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future
    af David Attenborough
    126,95 kr.

    It is the story of how we came to make this, our greatest mistake - and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right. We have one final chance to create the perfect home for ourselves and restore the wonderful world we inherited.'All we need is the will to do so.'

    118,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • - Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World
    af Karen O'Brien
    313,95 - 463,95 kr.

  • - Colour Nature's Wonders
    af Kerby Rosanes
    106,95 kr.

    With over 50 endangered and vulnerable creatures and landscapes to colour, this book will raise awareness of our fragile world and inspire conservation.

  • af Rachel Carson
    106,95 kr.

    Exposes the destruction of wildlife through the widespread use of pesticides. This book aims to creates public awareness of the environment.

  • af Frank Erichsen
    44,94 kr.

    Selvforsyning er kodeordet for Frank Erichsen på Kastaniegården uden for Grenå på Djursland. Som i det første bind af "Det enkle liv" deler han i nr. 2 bog ud af sine erfaringer med projekter han har gennemprøvet og som man har kunnet følge på tv. Med lige dele opfindsomhed, ihærdighed og stædighed kaster han sig i denne bog ud i projekter som at holde geder, om at sætte hegn, om at dyrke bær, bygge udhuse og dyrke kartofler. Familien, kone og to små børn, følger interesseret med på sidelinjen og er de første til at afprøve og bedømme resultatet. Med stemningsfyldte fotos af bl.a. Sofie Klougart og instruktive tegninger af Theresa Jessing.

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