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  • - En dansk ekspedition 1761-67
    af Thorkild Hansen
    44,94 - 236,95 kr.

  • af Peter Wohlleben
    92,95 - 221,95 kr.

    ”En kærlighedserklæring til skoven” Der sker de forunderligste ting i skoven: Træerne kommunikerer med hinanden. De drager ikke kun kærlig omsorg for deres afkom, de tager sig også af deres gamle og syge naboer. Træer har både følelser, fornemmelser og hukommelse. Det lyder måske utroligt. Men det er sandt. Skovfoged Peter Wohlleben kaster nyt lys over skovenes tætte tykninger og giver os et overraskende indblik i en hemmelighedsfuld verden. I sine fascinerende beretninger om træernes uanede evner trækker han både på sine egne erfaringer og på de nyeste videnskabelige opdagelser. ”Træernes hemmelige liv” er solgt i mere end 400.000 eksemplarer i Tyskland og er strøget ind på bestsellerlister verden over.

  • - How the Earth Shaped Human History
    af Lewis Dartnell
    128,95 kr.

  • af Christina Astrid Vorre
    138,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Christina Vorre har besøgt 10 danske øer, hvor befolkningstallet igennem det sidste århundrede har været faldende: Birkholm, Baagø, Christiansø/Frederiksø, Hirsholmene, Hjortø, Livø, Mandø, Skarø, Vejrø og Saltholm. Nogle af øerne er næsten affolket, mens andre stadig kæmper for deres overlevelse. Forfatteren beskriver nogle af de sidste øboeres tilværelse, men har også den historiske baggrund med: Hvordan var her at bo engang? Og hvorfor er det gået, som det er gået? Læseren kan fx stifte bekendtskab med Jørgen, eneboeren på Hirsholmene, og høre historien om 96-årige Mie, der efter 67 år på Mandø stadig er tilflytter. Vi dykker også ned i de ulykkelige historier fra mandehjemmet på Livø, og møder den allersidste fåreavler på Saltholm bare 12 kilometer fra Rådhuspladsen. Illustreret med over 100 fotos.

  • - Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics
    af Tim Marshall
    107,95 - 166,95 kr.

    A popular take on world events that puts the 'geo' back in geopolitics

  • - The International Bestseller - What They Feel, How They Communicate
    af Peter Wohlleben
    96,95 kr.

    Sunday Times Bestseller 'A paradigm-smashing chronicle of joyous entanglement' Charles Foster Waterstones Non-Fiction Book of the Month (September) Are trees social beings? How do trees live? Do they feel pain or have awareness of their surroundings?

    118,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • - Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World
    af Karen O'Brien
    313,95 - 463,95 kr.

  • - Maps & Graphics That Will Change How You See the World
    af James Cheshire
    246,95 kr.

    Winner of the British Cartographic Society Award 2021Winner of the John C Bartholomew Award for Thematic Mapping 2021Winner of the Stanfords Award for Printed Mapping 2021Discover the hidden patterns in human society as you have never seen them before - through the world of dataIn Atlas of the Invisible, award-winning geographer-designer team James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti redefine what an atlas can be. Transforming enormous data sets into rich maps and cutting-edge vizualisations, they uncover truths about our past, reflect who we are today, and highlight what we face in the years ahead. With their joyfully inquisitive approach, Cheshire and Uberti explore happiness and anxiety levels around the globe; they trace the undersea cables and cell towers that connect us; they examine hidden scars of geopolitics; and illustrate how a warming planet affects everything from hurricanes to the hajj. Years in the making, Atlas of the Invisible invites readers to marvel at the promise and peril of data, and to revel in the secrets and contours of a newly visible world.

  • - Mod en ny verdensorden
    af Samuel P. Huntington
    123,95 kr.

    Med sin enkle tese om, at tidligere tiders politiske konflikter mellem stater i dag er afløst af en overliggende konkurrence og truende konflikt mellem civilisationer, har Samuel Huntington sat ord på verden, som den folder sig ud i disse år. Særligt tiden efter 11. september 2001 har i stigende grad øget spændingerne mellem den vestlige verden og store muslimske befolkningsgrupper. Og den globale strid om Jyllands-Postens tegninger af profeten Muhammed gav om muligt endnu mere næring til bogens syn på verdens tilstand.Samuel Huntingtons bog The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order fra 1996 er en vor tids vigtigste bøger. Ikke fordi hans analyser og påstande nødvendigvis er rigtige - men fordi det er nødvendigt at vide, hvad han mener. Få bøger har som Huntingtons formet den verdensomspændende politiske dagsorden. Overalt taler ledende politikere, tænkere og samfundsdebattører om civilisationernes sammenstød. Det gælder i Kairo såvel som i København.

  • - Hvordan centraliseringen af Danmark ødelægger vores økonomi og sociale sammenhængskraft
    af Kaare Dybvad
    118,95 kr.

    UDKANTSMYTEN tager et opgør med myten om, at fremtiden tilhører de store byer, mens resten af landet er fortabt. I virkeligheden er provinsen økonomisk stærk, den lykkes bedre med uddannelse og integration, og afleverer hvert år milliarder til de store byer i form at tilskud til statslige arbejdspladser, uddannelse og transport. Men spørgsmålet er ikke længere, om Danmark vil knække over geografisk. Spørgsmålet er, hvornår det vil ske – og hvad vi kan gøre politisk for at vende udviklingen.UDKANTSMYTEN viser, at vi alle er dybt afhængige af provinsen, hvis vi skal bevare et stærkt velfærdssamfund. Derfor skal vi slå bak på de reformer, der har skabt en historisk voldsom centralisering af vores land de seneste ti år. På tværs af politiske skel er der brug for at finde løsninger, som styrker udviklingen i provinsen. Der er behov for et opgør med Udkantsmyten.

  • af Collins Maps
    333,95 kr.

    Fully revised general reference atlas in the exciting Collins World Atlas range. Highly detailed maps giving balanced worldwide coverage, beautifully illustrated thematic pages and thousands of facts and statistics, including world and continental ranking tables.

  • - En nordmands modvillige forsøg på at lære at elske naturen
    af Are Kalvø
    133,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Are Kalvø er vokset op midt i et postkort fra det norske vestland, men naturen har aldrig sagt ham noget. Han flyttede til byen, så sig ikke tilbage, og det var ikke et problem. Før nu. Are Kalvø er begyndt at miste sine venner til naturen. Det kom snigende. Gode venner, som før tog med på bar, begyndte pludselig at tage i fjeldet, dele billeder af skispor og i fuld alvor ytre ting som: ”Det er i mødet med naturen, man forstår, hvor lille man er.” For første gang, siden han blev tvunget til det i skolen, er Are Kalvø rejst i fjeldet på ski og til fods for at få sine venner tilbage – at finde dem i første omgang. Og for at finde ud af, hvad der foregår. Hvad foretager de sig alle disse aftener i hytterne?Hvad taler de om? Hyttebog fra helvede er Are Kalvøs kamp mod naturen. I naturen. Det er en meget, meget sjov og desuden lidt vred bog om nordmænds særegne forhold til naturen, og om hvorfor mennesket opfører sig så mærkeligt.

  • - A New Way to Think - and Drink - Whisky
    af Eddie Ludlow
    196,95 kr.

    Eddie Ludlow is a Keeper of the Quaich and the founder of The Whisky Lounge, the biggest provider of whisky events in the UK. Based in York, The Whisky Lounge runs tastings, events, festivals and schools across the UK, and beyond. Their UK events attracted 35,000 visitors in 2018. Having worked in various parts of the industry, including for Ardbeg & Glenmorangie and Oddbins, Eddie has possibly brought more whisky to more people and parts of the UK than anyone else. Eddie has been an IWSC whisky judge since 2008.

  • af Frederique Ait-Touati
    237,95 kr.

    "Reconsideration of maps, as well as the state of the world as shown through them"--

  • - Claiming Space in a Man-Made World
    af Leslie Kern
    118,95 - 268,95 kr.

    Women - Reclaim the city!

  • af Paul Humann & Ned Deloach
    388,95 - 443,95 kr.

  • af Ranulph Fiennes
    133,95 kr.

  • af Oded Galor
    128,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Times Atlases
    792,95 kr.

    A fully revised and updated twelfth edition of this major world atlas in the authoritative and prestigious Times Atlas range. This beautifully designed atlas has all the information you need, whether planning a trip, keeping in touch with world news, solving quizzes and crosswords or just exploring the world from your armchair.

  • af Alfred Lansing
    118,95 kr.

    Adventure, shipwreck, storms and survival on the high seas. 'Superb ... the greatest survival story of all time' Sir Chris Bonington

  • af Kilian Jornet
    146,95 kr.

    The most accomplished mountain runner of all time contemplates his record-breaking climb of Mount Everest in this profound and free-flowing memoir-an intellectual and spiritual journey that moves from the earth's highest peak to the soul's deepest reaches.What drives a person to the edge of one of the most difficult and revered mountains in the world? How much is one willing to sacrifice and suffer to pursue an authentic and bold life? The most accomplished mountain runner of all time, Kilian Jornet ponders these questions as he contemplates his record-breaking climb of Mount Everest, exploring the mountain's changing nature over four seasons and his own existence.As he recounts a life spent studying, tending, and ascending the greatest peaks on earth, Jornet ruminates on what he has found in nature-simplicity, freedom, and spiritual joy-and offers a poetic yet clearheaded assessment of his relationship to the mountain . . . at times his opponent, at others, his greatest muse. In this sweeping, soulful journey-the flip side of stories like Into Thin Air-Jornet illuminates with beauty and brilliance what it means to be an athlete, a competitor, and a human facing the greatest life challenges-for him, the mountain he yearns to climb and honour.

  • - Two Groundbreaking Scientists and Their Conflicting Visions of the Future of Our Planet
    af Charles C. Mann
    146,95 - 166,95 kr.

    The Wizard and the Prophet tackles the biggest question we humans are facing: can the earth sustain our growing population? Our very existence is reliant on finding an answer to this one big question.

  • - Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design
    af Charles Montgomery
    128,95 kr.

    Happy City is the story of how the solutions to this century's problems - from climate change to overpopulation - lie in unlocking the secrets to great city living This is going to be the century of the city. But what actually makes a good city? Why, really, are some cities a joy to live in? As writer and journalist Charles Montgomery reveals, it's not how much money your neighbours earn, or how spectacular the views from your windows are, or even how pleasant the climate is that makes the most difference. Journeying to dozens of cities - from Atlanta to Bogot to Vancouver - he talks to the new champions of the happy city to discover the progressive movements already transforming people's lives. He meets the visionary Colombian mayor who turned some of the world's most dangerous roads into an urban cycling haven; the Danish architect who brought the lessons of medieval Tuscan towns to modern-day Copenhagen; the New York City transport commissioner who made out of the gridlock of Times Square a place where people could lounge in the sun; and the Californian mother with the super-commute who completely rethought her idea of the suburban dream for the sake of her son's health. These urban trailblazers, as well as the many other planners, engineers, grass-roots campaigners and ordinary citizens, offer a wealth of surprising lessons for the rest of us. From how saying hello to your neighbours is just as important to your sense of trust as contact with close friends and family, and how living close to parks makes us smarter, kinder and reduces local crime rates, to the importance of the 'magic triangle' rule, Happy City shows thatsimple changes can make all the difference.Charles Montgomery is a journalist and urban experimentalist from Vancouver, Canada. His writings on urban planning, psychology, culture, and history have appeared in magazines and journals on three continents. He is the author of two previous books, and is a member of the BMW Guggenheim Lab team.

  • af Rudyard Kipling
    93,95 - 168,95 kr.

    A classic story of friendship between man and beast.Saved from the jaws of the evil tiger Shere Khan, young Mowgli is adopted by a wolf pack and taught the law of the jungle by lovable old Baloo the bear and Bhageera the panther. The adventures of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi the snake-fighting mongoose, little Toomai and the elephant's secret dance, and Kotick the white seal are all part of Mowgli's extraordinary journey with his animal friends.Brilliantly introduced by bestselling author, Christopher Paolini.

  • - A Short History of the Greater United States
    af Daniel Immerwahr
    126,95 kr.

  • af Michael Palin
    113,95 - 163,95 kr.

    This beautifully produced volume - colour plates, outstanding maps - is a landmark achievement.' - Ken McGoogan, author of Fatal Passage`I absolutely loved it: I had to read it at one sitting .

  • af Diana Beresford-Kroeger
    198,95 kr.

    "A rare gift: an inspiring tale about trees, trauma and the very purpose of life." -Andrew Nikiforuk, author of Empire of the Beetle Diana Beresford-Kroeger-a world-recognized botanist and medical biochemist-has revolutionized our understanding of the natural world with her startling insights into the hidden life of trees. In this riveting memoir, she uncovers the roots of her discoveries in her extraordinary childhood in Ireland. Soon after, her brilliant mind bloomed into an illustrious scientific career that melds the intricacies of the natural world with the truths of traditional Celtic wisdom. To Speak for the Trees uniquely blends the story of Beresford-Kroeger's incredible life and her outstanding achievement as a scientist. It elegantly shows us how forests can not only heal us as people but can also help save the planet.

  • - A Human History
    af Ed Douglas
    126,95 kr.

  • - The Shock of Global Population Decline
    af Darrell Bricker & John Ibbitson
    126,95 kr.

    For half a century, statisticians, pundits and politicians have warned that population growth is spiraling out of control, threatening to overwhelm the earth's resources. They are wrong. Empty Planet shows why exactly the opposite will soon be upon us.

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