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Historie og filosofi

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  • af Ed Winters
    126,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Every time we eat, we have the power to radically transform the world we live in. Our choices can help alleviate the most pressing issues we face today: the climate crisis, infectious and chronic diseases, human exploitation and, of course, non-human exploitation. Undeniably, these issues can be uncomfortable to learn about but the benefits of doing so cannot be overstated. It is quite literally a matter of life and death.Through exploring the major ways that our current system of animal farming affects the world around us, as well as the cultural and psychological factors that drive our behaviours, This Is Vegan Propaganda answers the pressing question, is there a better way? Whether you are a vegan already or curious to learn more, this book will show you the other side of the story that has been hidden for far too long. Based on years of research and conversations with slaughterhouse workers and farmers, to animal rights philosophers, environmentalists and everyday consumers, vegan educator and public speaker Ed Winters will give you the knowledge to understand the true scale and enormity of the issues at stake. This Is Vegan Propaganda is the empowering and groundbreaking book on veganism that everyone, vegan and sceptic alike, needs to read.

  • - A History of Walking
    af Rebecca (Y) Solnit
    113,95 kr.

    A profound and meandering modern classic about the historical, political and philosophical paths traced by walkers, their routes and the act of walking

  • af Francis Fukuyama
    146,95 kr.

    THE GLOBAL BESTSELLER. STILL AS RELEVANT TODAY. 20th anniversary edition of The End of History and the Last Man, a landmark of political philosophy by Francis Fukuyama, author of The Origins of Political Order'A fascinating historical and philosophical setting for the twenty-first century' - Tom Wolfe'Was Francis Fukuyama the first man to see Trump coming?' - Paul SagarWith the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 the threat of the Cold War which had dominated the second half of the twentieth century vanished. And with it the West looked to the future with optimism but renewed uncertainty.The End of History and the Last Man was the first book to offer a picture of what the new century would look like. Boldly outlining the challenges and problems to face modern liberal democracies, Frances Fukuyama examined what had just happened and then speculated what was going to come next.Tackling religious fundamentalism, politics, scientific progress, ethical codes and war, The End of History and the Last Man remains a compelling work to this day, provoking argument and debate among its readers.'Awesome . . . a landmark . . . profoundly realistic and important . . . supremely timely and cogent . . . the first book to fully fathom the depth and range of the changes now sweeping through the world' - George Gilder, The Washington Post'A basic rule of intellectual life is that celebrity destroys quality ... Francis Fukuyama is a glorious exception to this rule' - The EconomistFrancis Fukuyama was born in Chicago in 1952. His work includes America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy and After the Neo Cons: Where the Right went Wrong. He now lives in Washington D.C. with his wife and children, where he also works as a part time photographer.

  • - The Logic of Misogyny
    af Kate Manne
    118,95 kr.

  • af Padmasambhava
    93,95 - 126,95 kr.

  • af Benjamin Hoff
    126,95 kr.

    The Tao of Pooh & The Te of Piglet (Winnie-the-Pooh)

  • - 14 intellektuelle der ændrede USA
    af Christian Olaf Christiansen & Astrid Nonbo Andersen
    188,95 kr.

    Amerikansk kultur og politik fylder meget i vores bevidsthed og i det danske mediebillede. Vi ved meget om det (populær)kulturelle Amerika, men det er de færreste af os, der ved særligt meget om de tænkere og tanker, der har formet den stormagt, der har så stor indflydelse på vores liv. Amerikanske tænkere er en velformidlet introduktion til de tænkere og bevægelser, der har haft størst indflydelse på det amerikanske samfund og den konkrete politiske udvikling i landet de seneste 150 år. Nogle som f.eks. Martin Luther King, Richard Rorty og Ayn Rand er mere kendte i Danmark end andre, som f.eks. teologen Reinhold Niebuhr eller den afroamerikanske borgerrettighedsaktivist W.E.B. Du Bois, men tilsammen giver udvalget et unikt indblik i USA’s idémæssige traditioner, historie og kultur. Den vil give danskerne en langt mere dybdegående introduktion til og forståelse for f.eks. USA’s udenrigspolitik, for race- og slavespørgsmålet, for USA’s særlige ideologiske historie, hvor ’liberalisme’ og ’socialisme’ f.eks. betyder noget ganske andet end herhjemme og for den store betydning, som religion – ikke mindst kristendom – har i USA. Udvalget af de 14 amerikanske tænkere (samt tea party- og occupy wallstreet-bevægelserne) er foretaget i kyndigt samråd med amerikanske idehistorikere og er skrevet af de absolut førende danske USA-eksperter som f.eks. Niels Bjerre-Poulsen, Carl Pedersen, Vibeke Schou-Tjalve og Casper Sylvest. Redaktørerne Astrid Nonbo Andersen og Christian O. Christiansen, der begge er idéhistorikere, har forsynet bogen med en fyldig indledning, der introducerer til værket og centrale begreber som liberalisme, socialisme, republikanisme og andre væsentlige politiske tankestrømme i USA. ANMELDELSER"En oplysende idehistorisk antologi leverer solide introduktioner til tænkere, der har præget det moderne USA. Læsere, der er nysgerrige efter de store linjer og historiske debatter, der gemmer sig bag samtidens stridigheder i et polariseret USA, kan med fordel indlede den intellektuelle opdagelsesrejse her." Niklas Hessel, Weekendavisen "Det første værk på dansk om amerikanske offentlige intellektuelle er både inspirerende og en trist påmindelse om den aktuelle krise i USA's politiske og akademiske liv." ★★★★ Michael Bach Henriksen, Kristeligt Dagblad “Udgivelsen her giver et perspektiv på amerikansk politik, som er helt nødvendigt, hvis man skal et spadestik dybere end den aktuelle politiske situation.” Mogens Hansen, Samfundsfagsnyt

  • af Peter Singer
    176,95 kr.

    How should we treat non-human animals? In this book, the author addresses this simple question with trenchant, dispassionate reasoning. Accompanied by the disturbing evidence of factory farms and laboratories, his answers triggered the birth of the animal rights movement.

  • af Jean Baudrillard
    298,95 kr.

    Develops a theory of contemporary culture that relies on displacing economic notions of cultural production with notions of cultural expenditure. This book represents an effort to rethink cultural theory from the perspective of a concept of cultural materialism, one that radically redefines postmodern formulations of the body.

  • af The School of Life
    146,95 kr.

    A parenting guide providing compassionate instruction and insight into raising a resilient well-balanced child.

  • - The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius
    af Donald Robertson
    168,95 - 278,95 kr.

    The life-changing principles of Stoicism taught through the story of its most famous proponent.

  • af J Krishnamurti
    128,95 kr.

    Born in poverty in India, Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) became a leading spiritual and philosophical thinker whose ideas continue to influence us today. George Bernard Shaw declared that he was the most beautiful human being he had ever seen and Aldous Huxley was one of his close friends. Whether debating politics with Nehru, discussing theories with Rupert Sheldrake and Iris Murdoch, or challenging his students not to take his words at face value, Krishnamurti engaged fully with every aspect of life. He is regarded by many modern religious figures as a great teacher, an extraordinary individual with revolutionary insights; Joseph Campbell, Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra are all indebted to his writings.Freedom from the Known is one of Krishnamurti's most accessible works. Here, he reveals how we can free ourselves radically and immediately from the tyranny of the expected. By changing ourselves, we can alter the structure of society and our relationships. The vital need for change and the recognition of its very possibility form an essential part of this important book's message.

  • - Why the World Has Gone Nuts
    af Piers Morgan
    118,95 - 173,95 kr.

    'The biggest threat to our freedom in the 21st century isn't coronavirus but hysterically woke liberals trying to kill democracy by suppressing free speech.

  • - Why Mortality Makes Us Free
    af Martin Hägglund
    126,95 kr.

  • - Foundations for a New Science of Consciousness
    af Philip Goff
    166,95 kr.

    In Galileo's Error, he has taken the first step on a new path toward the final theory of human consciousness.'A must-read for anyone interested in the future of consciousness studies' Annaka Harris, New York Times bestselling author of Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind

  • - A Contemporary Plant-based Ayurvedic Cookbook
    af Sahara Rose Ketabi
    196,95 kr.

  • - The Modern Science of Mental Health
    af L. Ron Hubbard
    156,95 - 387,95 kr.

    Describes the human mind. This book presents the anatomy and full description of the reactive mind, the previously unknown source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurities which enslave Man. It shows you how to get rid of it, and so achieve something Man has previously only dreamed of: the State of Clear.

  • - The Essential Works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984
    af Michel Foucault
    126,95 kr.

    Covers the topics Foucault helped make the core agenda of Western political culture - medicine, prisons, psychiatry, government and sexuality - emphasising Foucault's practical concern with discrimination, coercion and exclusion in human society.

  • af Sun Tzu
    58,95 kr.

    HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.

  • - Samtaler med Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
    af Nisargadatta Maharaj
    328,95 kr.

    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj er en af Indiens største vismænd, og JEG ER DET er en samling af hans tidløse lære. Bogen betragtes af mange som en moderne, spirituel klassiker, der stadig tiltrækker nye læsere og vidner om det helt unikke ved denne seers liv og arbejde. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj fremførte ikke en bestemt ideologi eller religion, men blotlagde lige så stille mysteriet om Selvet. Hans budskab er enkelt, direkte og alligevel helt sublimt. Vismandens mission var at lede hver enkelt menneske til en forståelse af dets sande natur og tidløsheden ved væren. Han lærte mennesker, at sindet må genkende og gennemtrænge sin egen værenstilstand, ikke ’at være dette eller hint, her eller der, dengang eller nu,’ men blot tidløs væren. Nisargadatta var et ydmygt familiemenneske med en lille butik i Bombay, hvor han levede indtil sin død i 1981, 84 år gammel. Han havde ingen formel uddannelse, men blev elsket og respekteret for sin dybe indsigt og helt usædvanligt klare, direkte udlægning. Hundredvis af søgende fra hele verden kom for at sidde hos ham i hans beskedne hjem og lytte til hans lære. Han indgav dem alle det håb, at ’hinsides den virkelige erfaring, findes ikke intellektet, men Selvet, det lys hvori alting træder frem (…) den bevidsthed, hvori alting sker.’ JEG ER DET er en samling af Nisargadattas samtaler med de søgende, som hjælper læseren til en klarere forståelse af de ældgamle spørgsmål: ’Hvor kommer jeg fra?’, ’Hvem er jeg?’ og ’Hvor er jeg på vej hen?’

  • - A Contrivance of Horror
    af Thomas Ligotti
    166,95 kr.

    In Thomas Ligotti's first nonfiction outing, an examination of the meaning (or meaninglessness) of life through an insightful, unsparing argument that proves the greatest horrors are not the products of our imagination but instead are found in reality."There is a signature motif discernible in both works of philosophical pessimism and supernatural horror. It may be stated thus: Behind the scenes of life lurks something pernicious that makes a nightmare of our world."His fiction is known to be some of the most terrifying in the genre of supernatural horror, but Thomas Ligotti's first nonfiction book may be even scarier. Drawing on philosophy, literature, neuroscience, and other fields of study, Ligotti takes the penetrating lens of his imagination and turns it on his audience, causing them to grapple with the brutal reality that they are living a meaningless nightmare, and anyone who feels otherwise is simply acting out an optimistic fallacy. At once a guidebook to pessimistic thought and a relentless critique of humanity's employment of self-deception to cope with the pervasive suffering of their existence, The Conspiracy against the Human Race may just convince readers that there is more than a measure of truth in the despairing yet unexpectedly liberating negativity that is widely considered a hallmark of Ligotti's work.

  • af Simone de Beauvoir
    98,95 kr.

    Vintage Feminism: classic feminist texts in short formWITH AN INTRODUCTION BY NATALIE HAYNESWhen this book was first published in 1949 it was to outrage and scandal.

  • - Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain
    af Antonio Damasio
    126,95 kr.

    In the centuries since Descartes famously proclaimed, 'I think, therefore I am,' science has often overlooked emotions as the source of a person's true being.

  • - Expanded Edition
    af Alan W. Watts
    146,95 kr.

    Become What You Are, a thought-provoking book by the renowned philosopher Alan W. Watts, invites readers to explore and question the very nature of their being. Published by Shambhala Publications Inc in 2003, this masterpiece has become a staple in the genre of philosophy and spirituality. Watts, with his profound understanding and unique perspective, challenges our common beliefs and urges us to look beyond the obvious to understand our true nature and purpose. This book is not just a read, but an experience that compels you to delve deep into your existence and 'Become What You Are'. A must-read for those seeking answers to life's most fundamental questions. Dive in and let the journey of self-discovery begin.

  • af Dolores (Dolores Cannon) Cannon
    179,95 kr.

  • af Carl Von Clausewitz
    196,95 kr.

    ON WAR is the most significant attempt in Western history to understand war, both in its internal dynamics and as an instrument of policy. Since the work's first appearance in 1832 it has been read throughout the world, and has stimulated generations of soilders statemen, and intellectuals from Marx and Bismarck to Raymond Aron.

  • af Ed Winters
    115,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • af The School of Life
    168,95 kr.

    Exploring ideas around minimalism, simplicity and how to live comfortably with less.

  • - How we forgot to live meaningful lives
    af Morten Albaek
    114,95 - 126,95 kr.

    How to restore meaning to your work and life.

  • - Tanker til sig selv
    af Marcus Aurelius
    117,95 - 222,95 kr.

    Marcus Aurelius var kendt som filosoffen på kejsertronen, da han skrev en lang række stoiske aforismer på græsk under sine mange felttog. Aforismerne er samlet i værket Ta eis heauton (Tanker til sig selv). Hans filosofi er præget af en beskeden og værdig holdning til livets tilskikkelser. En del af hans tanker ligner kristendommens, som han i øvrigt bekæmpede. Lighederne skyldes, at også kristendommens var påvirket af stoicismen.Marcus Aurelius' her foreliggende "Betragtninger" indeholder alle 12 bøger i L. C. Hansteens klassiske oversættelse med moderniseret retskrivning.Tidligere er udsendt Marcs Aurelius'"Tanker til sig selv", i et kommenteret udvalg ved K. G. Brøndsted.

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