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Landbrug og byggeri

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  • af Ernst Jan de Place Hansen
    319,95 kr.

    Tagboliger er særligt udsat for vind og vejr i kraft af deres placering øverst i en bygning. De skal derfor opføres med ekstra omhu for at sikre de enkelte bygningsdeles og bygningens funktion i deres levetid.I SBi-anvisning 226 gennemgås de enkelte bygningsdele: klimaskærmen, tagkonstruktionen, bygningens funktion samt indeklima og installationer. Der er fokuseret på de områder der giver særlige byggetekniske udfordringer når tagboliger skal opføres: konstruktion, brand, lyd og adgangsforhold.Anvisningen henvender sig primært til professionelle rådgivere, men også embedsmænd og professionelle bygningsejere kan med fordellæse med.Anvisningen er en del af et tagboligprojekt, hvorSBi-anvisning 225, Etablering af tagboliger, gennemgårbeslutningsfasen fra ide til realisering.

  • af Torben Valdbjørn Rasmussen
    188,95 kr.

    SBi-anvisning 229, Byggematerialer med asbest, er et katalog over kendte asbestholdige byggematerialer, der har været anvendt i dansk byggeri i perioden fra ca. 1900 til 1990. Anvisningen henvender sig til bygningsejere, byggeriets rådgivende og projekterende parter samt udførende entreprenører og håndværkere. Anvisningen kan også anvendes som lærebog.

  • - Viden giver sejlgllæde
    af Magne Klann & Øyvind Bordal
    94,95 kr.

    Sektion 3: Jollesejlads - fra Sejlerbogen, Danmarks store håndbog til sejlere. Sejlerbogen begynder med gennemgang af de helt grundlæggende færdigheder som bådens udstyr og navigation, men går også i dybden med mere avancerede emner som bådfart, opgavefordeling, strategi og sejltrim. Dermed er den velegnet til både begynderen og den dygtige sejler med mange års erfaring. Tanken er, at den skal kunne følges af den enkelte sejler gennem dennes udvikling - hele vejen fra begynder til ekspert. Bogen omhandler både tursejlads og kapsejlads. Sejlerbogen er inddelt i fire sektioner: 1. Grundlæggende sejlads - om bl.a. vind og vejr, knob og tovværk, regler på vandet og kapsejlads for begyndere.2. Kølbåde - om bl.a. køb af båd, udstyr, navigation, rigning og rigtrim og sejlads i hårdt vejr.3. Jollesejlads - om bl.a. valg af jolletype, teknik og sejltrim.4. Kapsejlads - om bl.a. taktik og strategi, hvordan vindskift udnyttes, mærkerundinger og bådfart.Sejlerbogen kan købes samlet både i trykt udgave og som e-bog. De 4 sektioner kan købes enkeltvis i den elektroniske version.Sejlerbogen har et moderne grafisk design, flotte fotos, enkle og tydelige illustrationer og en tekst, som ikke gør tingene vanskeligere end de er. Sejlerbogen er udgivet i tre skandinaviske lande og trykt i mere end 15.000 eksemplarer. 772 fotos og illustrationer. Forord af OL-vinder Jesper Bank.

  • af Ross Mars
    173,95 kr.

    A coherent picture of regenerative agriculture and all that it entails. From rural to urban and from physical practices on the land to financial and social impacts of the way we produce our food, many different topics are included. He provides ethical as well as practical guidelines to consider and a scientific base from which to make decisions.

  • - What Everyone Needs to Know (R)
    af Robert (Betty Freyhof Johnson Class of 1944 Professor of Political Science Paarlberg
    123,95 - 407,95 kr.

    In a lively and easy-to-navigate, question-and-answer format, Food Politics carefully examines and explains the most important issues on today's global food landscape.

  • af Holly Scoggins, Mark Bridgen, Lydiane Kyte & mfl.
    248,95 kr.

    An updated edition of one of the most accessible and practical books on cloning plants, refreshed by the inclusion of new photographs and the latest technology.

  • af Gautam Sen
    1.518,95 kr.

    The story of Bugatti's reincarnation in the late 1980s. When in 1987, Romano Artioli and his high-profile associates--Ferruccio Lamborghini, Paolo Stanzani and Jean-Marc Borel--decided to reincarnate Bugatti, one of the most famous automotive marques of all time, they were not the first to go down this path. Attempts at relaunching famous brands, such as Duesenberg, Invicta, Mercer and Stutz, had been made by moneyed adventurers, yet all the projects, almost without fail, had ended in sorrow. In what way could Bugatti be any different? In Ferruccio Lamborghini, Paolo Stanzani and design legend Marcello Gandini, they had three of the most prominent names in the Italian supercar firmament, and the factory at Campogalliano was one of the most modern, stylish, and theoretically efficient in the realms of automotive manufacturing edifices. The inauguration itself was an event of great splendour, with the who's who of the European automobile industry present, suggesting a bright future for the marque. Five years later, Romano Artioli's dream was over. Bankruptcy was declared, the factory was closed, leaving the last hundred workers jobless, and the beautiful campus reduced to a ghost building. Not even a decade had passed between the first germs of an idea in 1986, and the end in 1995, yet there are enough ingredients for an exciting action-filled television series: discord, rivalry, pride, power, money, prestige, stars, crises and a dramatic end. What happened? Why did it happen? Bugatti: The Italian Decade answers all that and more.

  • af Terje Aven & Shital Thekdi
    486,95 - 1.465,95 kr.

  • af John Lewis-Stempel
    118,95 - 126,95 kr.

  • - Fortællingen om en ø med slidsomme landmænd, hummerfiskere, fyrpassere, kvinder, lærere og opfindsomme børn
    af Annie Brydegaard Danielsen
    49,95 kr.

    I klart vejr kan man fra Odsherred og Nordsjællands nordlige kyster se en lille ensomt beliggende ø ude i Kattegat. Om natten fejer fyrtårnets lyskegle horisonten rundt i løbet af beroligende sekunder, efterfulgt af sekunder i mørke. Det er Hesselø, en af Danmarks mest isolerede øer, der i mange år hørte under Rørvig Kommune. I bogen kommer jeg ind på Hesseløs historie fra stenalderen, middelalderens kongers fæstebønder, hummerfiskere, sæljægere og frem til ejere og indbyggere de sidste godt og vel 130 år på fyret, brevsamlingsstedet, skolen, gården og i fritidshuse på Hesselø. Øen er omkring 1,5 km lang og 800 m bred - et grønt og frodigt paradis midt i Kattegat. Hvert kapitel kan læses som en lille historie for sig. Jo mere man læser og ser på kort og billeder, vil man få et indblik i, at postbåden og fyr- og vagervæsnets skibe var en vigtig livsnerve til omverdenen for øens slidsomme landmænd, hummerfiskere, fyrpassere, kvinder, lærere og børn. Skarpsynet og storsindede voksne og opfindsomme børn, hvor hverdagens rutiner blev afbrudt af skibsforlis, ulykker på land, krige, varemangel og glæden ved socialt samvær til jul, nytår, hummergilde, midsommerbål, besøg af håndværkere, feriegæster, kunstnere og videnskabsfolk. Udviklingen inden for Fyr-og Vagervæsenet har været stor. I de første år fungerede Hesselø Fyr som et åbent kulblus i læ af et lanternehus med spejle. Da fyrtårnet forhøjedes, blev det udstyret med en roterende bulls-eye-linse til petroleumsgas, senere fik det elektricitet med strøm fra en generator, og nu leverer solceller strøm til fyret.

  • af Ryan Ridgway
    146,95 kr.

    As more and more people join the do-it-yourself revolution, they are breathing new life into many time-honored skills and crafts. Blacksmithing is among the trades that are enjoying a resurgence for both practical and artistic uses, yet there isn't an abundance of readily accessible information available to beginning blacksmiths to help them get started and understand the craft. Author Ryan Ridgway, a veterinarian and blacksmith with more than 15 years of metalworking experience, hopes to fill that void with this comprehensive volume geared toward answering the many questions that new blacksmiths often have. By explaining the physics of moving metal, the different styles of anvils and forges, and alternative fuel sources, Ridgway sets his book apart from less detailed volumes. Forty practical, easy-to-follow projects are presented, showing aspiring blacksmiths how to make tools, such as hammers and chisels; farm implements, such as gate latches and hoof picks; and items for home use, including drawer pulls and candle holders.

  • af Dana Ellis Hunnes
    226,95 kr.

    What can you do to improve your health and at the same time improve the health of our home planet? Do you want to be a healthier and more sustainable consumer? In this straightforward, easy-to-understand and entertaining book, dietitian and environmentalist Dr. Dana Ellis Hunnes outlines the actions we can all take. Many people feel overwhelmed by the scope of climate change and believe that only large, sweeping changes will make any difference. Yet the choices we make every day can have effects on climate change, the oceans, the land, and other species. This book outlines the problems we are facing, and then presents ideas or 'recipes' to empower us, to help us all make a difference. Recipe For Survival provides the guidance that you can use right now to improve your health, your family's health, and the health of the environment simultaneously.

  • af All Creatures Great and Small
    146,95 - 186,95 kr.

  • af James Herriot
    118,95 kr.

    Evocative, funny and poignant, this is the third volume of memoirs from James Herriot who inspired the television series All Creatures Great and Small

  • af Mark Shepard
    248,95 kr.

  • - Materials, Systems and Damage
    af Pere Roca, Angelo Gaetani & Paulo B. (University of Minho Lourenco
    548,95 - 855,95 kr.

  • af Ian Cramb
    178,95 kr.

    Author Ian Cramb was a fifth-generation stonemason who relied on traditional methods to create and restore beautiful stone structures. In this do-it-yourself manual for homeowners, masonry contractors, and restoration specialists, Cramb drew on his fifty years of life experience in the craft to cover restoration techniques for historic structures in the U.S. and Britain. The book covers various types of stone, stone-cutting, and traditional mortar mixes for walls, foundations, and buildings.

  • af Harrison Gardner
    196,95 kr.

    Harrison Gardner is a man on a mission to help us rediscover the lost art of building our own while leaving a more harmonious mark on the environment. Build Your Own explores the principles of construction and outlines a multitude of practices and methods that enable you to build a home with the materials available to you.

  • af Marina O'Connell
    246,95 kr.

    Here is a toolkit for farmers and growers about tried and tested agroecological methods for transforming industrial food growing into a resilient agricultural revolution. The four challenges of climate change mitigation and adaptation, offsetting biodiversity loss and producing enough good food for a growing population are identified. The author uses the case study of her Huxhams Cross Farm to show how dead soil was transformed into a thriving fertile land, drawing on a toolkit of biodynamic, organic, agroforestry, regenerative, agroecological and permacultural methods. The principles, methods and techniques of each approach are explained concisely, with illustrative case studies of successful examples and follow up resoources such as film references. The book concludes with the Huxhams Cross Farm case study with research evidence, reviewing the extent to which the four challenges are tackled successfully by the Toolkit; how the resilient farming revolution can be brought about by food choices, policy, tackling barriers such as land access, the psychology of scarcity and how to build farmer capacity for the resilient food growing transition.

  • af Tom Pemberton
    118,95 kr.

  • af Joel Salatin
    295,95 kr.

    "I love your ideas, but I only have a few acres. How do I do this at my scale?" Success with domestic livestock does not require large land bases. Joel Salatin and his family's Polyface Farm in Virginia lead the world in animal-friendly and ecologically authentic, commercial, pasture-based livestock production. In Polyface Micro he adapts the ideas and protocols to small holdings (including apartments)! Homesteaders can increase production, enjoy healthy animals, and create aesthetically and aromatically pleasant livestock systems. Whether you're a new or seasoned homesteader, you'll find tips and inspiration as Joel coaches you toward success and abundance.

  • af George Bruce
    880,95 - 1.210,95 kr.

    This book highlights the main features of shipbuilding management which lead to successful completion of shipbuilding projects. Building a ship is a complex project, so the principles of project management are described, first in general terms and then with specific reference to their application in shipbuilding.

  • af Sally Urwin
    108,95 kr.

  • - 50 Easy-to-Grow Plants for the Organic Home Garden or Landscape
    af Allyson Levy
    295,95 kr.

    "[A] resource for growing healthy, resilient, low-maintenance trees, shrubs, vines and other fruiting plants from around the world--perfect for farmers, gardeners and landscapers at every scale"--Provided by publisher.

  • - A how-to and why manual for farm, municipal, institutional and commercial composters
    1.498,95 kr.

    The Composting Handbook provides a single guide to the science, principles and best practices of composting for large-scale composting operations facing a variety of opportunities and challenges converting raw organic materials into a useful and marketable product. Composting is a well-established and increasingly important method to recycle and add value to organic by-products. Many, if not most, of the materials composting treats are discarded materials that would otherwise place a burden on communities, industries, farms and the environment. Composting converts these materials into a valuable material, compost, that regenerates soils improving soils for plant growth and environmental conservation. The Composting Handbook expands on previously available resources by incorporating new information, new subjects and new practices, drawing its content from current scientific principles, research, engineering and industry experience. In both depth and breadth, it covers the knowledge that a compost producer needs to succeed. Topics include the composting process, methods of composting, equipment, site requirements, environmental issues and impacts, business knowledge, safety, and the qualities, uses and markets for the compost products. The Composting Handbook is an invaluable reference for composting facility managers and operators, prospective managers and operators, regulators, policy makers, environmental advocates, educators, waste generators and managers and generally people interested in composting as a business or a solution. It is also appropriate as a textbook for college courses and a supplemental text for training courses about composting or organic waste management.

  • - With Plans for Barns, Cabins, & Outbuildings
    af Leigh Seddon
    288,95 - 413,95 kr.

    With an emphasis on practicality and economy, this authoritative and well-illustrated how-to reference manual covers all stages of the pole building process, from initial designing and planning through to the actual construction stage.

  • - Key Issues
    af Mark (University of the West of England & UK) Everard
    437,95 - 1.649,95 kr.

  • - Adventures on a Scottish Highland Croft
    af Lynn Cassells
    186,95 kr.

    [F]or anyone who has ever sat in a city office dreaming of owning a smallholding one day and living off the land, this book will inspire them to take the plunge. Rated 5 stars by The TelegraphI raced through this beautiful story with mounting awe and excitement. What Lynn and Sandra have achieved on their croft in Scotland is a miracle of rebirth on land Isabella Tree, author of WildingThe inspiring story of two courageous women who took the leap and embraced a whole new way of life. Kate Humble, author of Home CookedAs seen on the BBC's This Farming Life Our Wild Farming Life is what happens when you follow your dreams of living on the land; a story of how two people became farmers - and how they learned to make a living from it, their way. Lynn and Sandra left their friends, family and jobs in England to travel north to Scotland to find a small piece of land they could call their own. They had no money, no plan and no experience in farming. They had in mind keeping a few chickens, a kitchen garden and renting out some camping space, but instead, they fell in love with Lynbreck Croft - 150 acres of wild Scottish Highlands filled with opportunity and beauty, shrouded by the Cairngorms mountains. This is the inspirational true story of Lynbreck Croft - a regenerative Scottish croft rooted in local food and community - and the dreams of two women in search of a new, wilder existence. In Our Wild Farming Life, Lynn and Sandra recount their experiences as they rebuild their new home and work out what kind of farmers they want to be. They learn how to work with Highland cattle, become part of the crofting community and begin to truly understand how they can farm in harmony with nature to produce wonderful food for themselves and the people around them. Through efforts like these, Lynn and Sandra have been able to combine regenerative farming practices with old crofting traditions to keep their own personal values intact.

  • - A Complete Guide for Farmers, Gardeners and Landscapers
    af Ben Raskin
    196,95 kr.

    "The first and only complete guide to sourcing and using woodchip-an abundant, inexpensive, and ecologically sustainable material-for savvy growers and landscapers at any scale, from farm to garden to greenhouse. The Woodchip Handbook is the essential guide to the many uses of woodchip both in regenerative agriculture and horticulture. Author Ben Raskin, Head of Horticulture and Agroforestry at the Soil Association, draws on his extensive practical experience using woodchip, provides the latest research from around the world, and presents inspiring case studies from innovative farmers. The book explores and unlocks the tremendous potential of woodchip to enhance soil health and plant growth: As a natural mulch for weed suppression, temperature buffering, and water conservation As a growing medium for propagating plants As a decomposing source of warmth for hotbeds in the greenhouse or hoop house As a carbon-rich compost ingredient that supports beneficial fungi and microorganisms As a powerful soil health booster, when applied as small-sized ramial chipped wood As an ideal substrate for growing many kinds of edible or medicinal mushrooms As a sustainable, versatile, and durable material for foot paths and ornamental landscaping Some of these techniques, like mulching-or the renewable harvest potential from coppicing and pollarding trees-have been around forever. Yet there is always new science to be discovered, such as the role that salicylic acid from willow woodchip can play in preventing tree diseases or promoting livestock health when used as a bedding material. Whether you are a commercial grower or farmer, a permaculture practitioner, or a serious home gardener producing your own fruit and vegetables, The Woodchip Handbook will show you how to get the most out of this readily available and renewable material"--

  • af Dale Strickler
    213,95 kr.

    Healthy soil is key to sustaining life on Earth. While more and more people are starting to see the need for soil restoration, there is very little understanding of just how it can be accomplished. There is a rapidly emerging demand for a "how to" manual for soil restoration. Dale Strickler is an expert on building healthy soil and restoring degraded soil, and in The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil, he presents the science of soil, along with proven methods of restoring depleted soil and agricultural practices from around the world that continue to build soil, rather than cause it to deteriorate. Strickler provides a solid foundation in the science of healthy soil, explaining how soil has become so degraded over time and the dire consequences for the human species, not just in terms of food scarcity but also the social, health, and environmental consequences of growing food in poor soil. He addresses the chemical, physical, and biological principles behind soil function, and presents actual farming practices that can be used to regenerate soil, techniques and strategies for remediating contaminated soil, and agriculture systems both past and present that functioned to build soil, such as the ancient chinampas systems of Mexico and the permaculture systems of today.

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