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  • af NONE
    290,95 kr.

    This kit enables users to build virtually all simple molecules encountered in organic chemistry.Includes space-filling models that simulate the true shape of saturated compounds Provides open models that form realistic single, double, and triple bonds - even strained rings Allows smooth rotation of the bonds to make conformational analysis easy Includes a Instruction Book - with photos, diagrams, and concise discussions of chemical principlesThe set includes: 28 Hydrogen (white)14 Carbon (black)8 Oxygen (red)4 Nitrogen (blue)8 Chlorine (green)2 Bromine (orange)2 Iodine (purple)40 Single Bond, Space-filling Models (white)40 Single Bond, Open Models (short grey)12 Double and Triple Bonds, Open Models (long grey)

  • - What Animals on Earth Reveal about Aliens - and Ourselves
    af Arik Kershenbaum
    106,95 kr.

  • af Alexander T. Shulgin
    236,95 kr.

    PIHKAL (Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved) is a classic in the psychedelic genre by psychopharmacologist Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin, co-authored with his partner Ann, which provides details of his research, synthesis, and investigations into the use of a range of psychedelic compounds for the study of the human mind. The book focuses on phenethlyamines and explores their physical properties, dosages used, and duration of effects observed, and commentary.

  • af John T. Moore
    198,95 kr.

    Chemistry For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119293460) was previously published as Chemistry For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781118007303). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

  • - Making and Breaking the Periodic Table
    af Kit Chapman
    36,95 kr.

    The author takes an in-depth look at how synthetic elements are discovered, why they matter, and where they will take us. From the Cold War nuclear race to the present day, scientists have stretched the periodic table to 118 elements. They have broken the rules of the periodic table, rewriting science, and revolutionizing lives.

  • af Helge Mygind
    119,95 kr.


  • - The Essential Concepts
    af Principal Lecturer, UK) Crowe, Jonathan (Oxford, mfl.
    548,95 kr.

    Chemistry for the Biosciences introduces the essential concepts of chemistry central to understanding biological systems. With an emphasis on straightforward explanations, it features biological examples illustrating how integral chemistry is to the biosciences, and includes learning features to help students master the essentials.

  • af James Miller & Jane C Miller
    822,95 kr.

  • - Physics Meets Food, From Homemade to Haute Cuisine
    af Michael (Harvard University) Brenner
    297,95 kr.

    Based on the popular Harvard University and EdX class, Science and Cooking explores the scientific basis of why recipes work.

  • - With Complete Periodic Table!
    af Theodore Gray
    118,95 kr.

    The newest addition to Theodore Gray's popular Elements series, this magnet set features all 121 elements from the periodic table with the iconic images found in The Elements -- perfect for spelling out simple messages or just marvelling at all the elements that make up the world around you.

  • af Allan (University of Otago Blackman
    374,95 kr.

    SI Chemical Data, 7th edition, is a supplementary text for students in undergraduate chemistry courses and in high school subjects specialising in chemistry. The chemicals included have been chosen specifically to cover those typically studied in these courses. New to this edition The adoption of the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) has necessitated extensive revision of the hazard codes that were elaborately detailed in earlier editions. Now, instead of listing individual hazard codes for each element and chemical, the GHS is explained in detail, along with how to interpret a material safety data sheet (MSDS). This information provides students with the skills to discover and understand the hazards that may be associated with the chemicals they use. In addition to this major change, the order of the tables of data has been rearranged to systematise the sequence of presentation. The values of the fundamental constants have been updated, data have been updated based on the most recent published compendia and, in some cases, data have been presented in different formats to those in previous editions. New tables have been included to provide data and information on: common radioisotopes common amino acids the miscibility of common solvents 1H chemical shifts of residual protons in deuterated NMR solvents 1H and 13C chemical shifts of common solvents common biological buffers the potentials and conversion factors for common reference electrodes.

  • - The Elements and the Architecture of Everything
    af Theodore Gray & Nick Mann
    148,95 - 226,95 kr.

    Molecules explores hundreds of the most interesting, unusual and surprising chemical bonds and how they form to make up all of the stuff in the world.

  • af Pia Villadsen
    44,95 kr.

    Indhold:- Forudsætninger for et periodisk system- Grundstofbegrebet- Atomvægt- Begyndende systematisering- Det periodiske system- Hvem var opdageren?- Tiden efter 1870- Problemer- - Fire omvendte par- - Ædelgasserne- - Radioaktivitet- Atomnummerets opdagelse- Bohrs forklaring på det periodiske system- Den moderne atomfysik- Ordforklaringer- Litteraturliste og links- Vejledning: Sådan samles Courtines’ periodiske system- Tabel: Det periodiske system- Udklipsark til Courtines’ periodiske systemBogen er den eneste sammenfatning på dansk af hovedlinierne i udviklingen af teorien om materiens opbygning fra forestillingen om de fire elementer til vore dages idé om godt 100 forskellige grundstoffer. Hovedvægten ligger på etableringen af grundstofbegrebet og ikke mindst forsøgene på at ordne grundstofferne i et system på grundlag af deres kemiske og fysiske egenskaber.

  • af Arthur (University of Maryland Winter
    186,95 kr.

    Organic Chemistry I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119293378) was previously published as Organic Chemistry I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781118828076). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

  • af Chandler Burr
    128,95 kr.

    In the tradition of Susan Orlean's The Orchid Thief and James Gleick's Genius, The Emperor of Scent tells the story of Luca Turin, an utterly unusual, stubborn scientist, his otherworldly gift for perfume, his brilliant, quixotic theory of how we smell, and his struggle to set before the world the secret of the most enigmatic of our senses.

  • af Helge Mygind
    158,95 kr.

    Kemi 2000 findes i en ny udgave som med serietitlen Basiskemi.

  • - The Search for the Origin of Covid-19
    af Matt Ridley & Alina Chan
    146,95 kr.

    It's the greatest whodunnit mystery of the century: how did the first detected outbreak of Covid-19 start in Wuhan city? We know that the natural reservoir of SARS-related coronaviruses is in bats, but we do not how, where, and when SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Covid-19, acquired the ability to begin infecting people.

  • - An empowering guide to your gut and its microbes
    af Lisa and Alana Macfarlane
    146,95 - 288,95 kr.

    'We became the 'chief guinea pigs' for the British Gut Project where we discovered that despite us having 100% the same DNA our guts have only 40% the same microbiota... Thus our 'gut journey' began.'With practical advice throughout from gut experts, this is a fact-packed, achievable guide for better health.

  • af Professor of Physics, Weber State University) Schroeder & Daniel (Professor of Physics
    443,95 - 890,95 kr.

    This is a textbook for the standard undergraduate-level course in thermal physics. The book explores applications to engineering, chemistry, biology, geology, atmospheric science, astrophysics, cosmology, and everyday life.

  • af Helen Czerski
    108,95 kr.

  • af Chris Pellant
    118,95 kr.

    A guide to rocks and minerals. Featuring 600 photos, precise annotations and descriptions - from the distinguishing features of rocks to which crystal system a mineral belongs to - it helps you identify different rocks and minerals quickly and easily.

  • - A concise reference guide
    af Chris Pellant
    146,95 kr.

    A comprehensive, illustrated identification guide for beginners and serious collectors alike, featuring special colour photography of specimens held at the Natural History Museum, London.

  • af Matthew Shindell
    268,95 kr.

    "Harold C. Urey (1893-1981) was one of the most famous American chemists of the twentieth century. After winning the Nobel Prize in 1934 for the discovery of deuterium and heavy water, he participated in the Manhattan Project and NASA's lunar exploration program, and along the way helped found the fields of isotope geochemistry and cosmochemistry. He also tried to be a voice of moral authority during the Cold War, and to give Americans a reason to feel inspired to meet the challenges and anxieties of Cold War life. In this first biography, Matthew Shindell follows Urey as he moves through American science and culture in the twentieth century, drawing out the resources available to him and his generation of scientists. Shindell uses Urey's movement from farm boy to scientific celebrity to explore the changes in the American social and scientific landscape that made this trajectory possible"--

  • af Ian Fleming
    603,95 kr.

    This book is a well-established guide to the interpretation of the mass, ultraviolet, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of organic compounds. Worked examples and problem sets are included on a chapter level to allow students to practise their skills by determining the chemical structures of unknown compounds.

  • - Science and Applications, Second Edition
    af K. Ramesh (University of Florida Reddy
    1.712,95 kr.

    The globally-important nature of wetland ecosystems has led to their increased protection and restoration as well as their use in engineered systems.

  • af Henrik Nilaus
    64,94 kr.

    "Efter pausen var Birgitte den første, der spurgte: "Hvor stor er risikoen for, at der kan ske noget på et A-kraftværk, f.eks. Barsebäck?""Det er der ingen der ved," svarede Jørgen. ‘Vi ved bare, at der tit sker småuheld. Det er, når flere småuheld indtræffer samtidigt, at den helt store ulykke kan ske. Den kan ske i morgen, eller den kan ske om tusinde år. Problemet er at ulykken kan ske.""18-årige Niels‘ største bekymring er, at han er vild med klassens flotteste pige, Birgitte. Så sker ulykken på atomkraftværket Barsebäck lige på den anden side af Øresund, og Niels bliver ligesom alle andre, der befinder sig i København, ramt af de dødbringende radioaktive stråler.Selvom Niels‘ historie er fiktiv, er historien alligevel realistisk. Den fortælles nemlig med udgangspunkt i det rigtige atomkraftværk Barsebäck og myndighedernes mangelfulde beredskabsplan, der skulle sættes i gang i tilfælde af en katastrofe på atomkraftværket.Henrik Nilaus (f. 1952) er en dansk forfatter. Han debuterede som forfatter i 1984 med bogen "De sa‘ det ikke ku‘ ske" og har efterfølgende udgivet en lang række børne- og ungdomsbøger. Han har sidenhen gået på Forfatterskolen for Børnelitteratur. Henrik Nilaus bevæger sig over forskellige genrer lige fra humoristiske detektivromaner til uhyggelige dystopier.

  • af Peter Hald
    198,95 - 271,95 kr.

    Det er både sjovt og lærerigt at lave eksperimenter i kemi, og i 169 kemiske eksperimenter guider kemiker Peter Hald læseren igennem eksperimenter, der rimer på undervisning, undren og underholdning. Med eksperimenter kan man se og føle stoffet - og opnå en helt anderledes forståelse af kemien.Bogen er til dem, der har lyst til at eksperimentere med kemien, måske sammen med børnene. Den er også til lærere og undervisere på skoler og gymnasier, hvor man med røg og raketter gerne vil engagere eleverne og øge indlæringen. Samtidig kan bogen bruges af universitetsundervisere, der vil illustrere krystalstrukturer, termodynamik og reaktionskinetik.Langt de fleste forsøg kan udføres med enkle midler i et køkken. Man behøver nemlig ikke et fuldt udrustet laboratorium og eksotiske specialkemikalier for at lave interessant kemi og spændende videnskab.

  • - Bag om Hawkings univers
    af Leonard Mlodinow & Stephen Hawking
    238,95 kr.

    Hvornår og hvordan opstod universet? Hvorfor er vi her? Hvorfor er der noget frem for ingenting? Hvad udgøres virkeligheden af? Hvordan tillader naturlovene væsener som os at eksistere? Og ikke mindst: Findes der bag universets mesterværk en styrende hånd – eller tilbyder videnskaben en helt anden forklaring?Dette er nogle af de spørgsmål, som Stephen Hawking og Leonard Mlodinow stiller og besvarer i denne storslåede og betagende bog. De fortæller om den nyeste videnskabelige tænkning og universets mysterier i et letforståeligt sprog med en ganske særlig blanding af jordnær humor og svimlende overblik.‘Mesterværket – bag om Hawkings univers’ er en kortfattet, overraskende og rigt illustreret guide til store opdagelser, som ændrer vores mest fasttømrede opfattelser og trossystemer – en bog som både oplyser og provokerer i sjælden grad.

  • af Allan Blackman
    402,95 kr.

  • - The Last Alchemist in Paris and Other Episodes
    af Lars ( Ohrstrom
    126,95 kr.

    Disasters and discoveries. Industrial espionage and invention. Warfare and biopiracy. The race to find gold, uranium, precious stones. The history of scientific discovery is packed with fascinating incident. Lars OEhrstroem tells illuminating stories, rich with human interest, each based around a chemical element and principle.

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