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  • - Globalisation, Robotics and the Future of Work
    af Richard Baldwin
    128,95 kr.

    The Rise of the Robots for the masses. How to survive in a world of virtual globalisation.

  • af Albert Einstein
    88,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • - The New Power to Control Evolution
    af Jennifer Doudna & Samuel Sternberg
    106,95 kr.

    The author is the co-inventor of this technology, known as CRISPR, and a scientist of worldwide renown. In this book, writing with a fellow researcher, she provides the definitive account of her discovery, explaining how this wondrous invention works and what it is capable of. It also asks us to consider what our new-found power means.

  • - (And Why Should We Care?)
    af Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw
    148,95 - 192,95 kr.

    An explanation of Einstein's equation that explores the principles of physics through everyday life. It considers the real meaning behind the iconic sequence of symbols that make up Einstein's most famous equation.

  • - An Introduction for Non-Mathematicians
    af Derek Rowntree
    128,95 kr.

    Written for those who need to know how statistics work, this work assumes no expert knowledge, and teaches through words and diagrams rather than through figures, formulae and equations. It includes questions in the argument; readers can answer them as they go, enabling them to measure their performance.

  • - The myth of individual thought and the power of collective wisdom
    af Steven Sloman & Philip Fernbach
    108,95 kr.

    The human mind is both brilliant and pathetic. We have mastered fire and have stood on the moon, and yet every one of us is fundamentally ignorant, irrational and prone to making simple mistakes every day.'In The Knowledge Illusion, the cognitive scientists Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach hammer another nail into the coffin of the rational individual . . . positing that not just rationality but the very idea of individual thinking is a myth.'Yuval Harari, bestselling author of Sapiens and Homo DeusIn this groundbreaking book, cognitive scientists Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach show how our success as a species is down to us living in a rich community of knowledge where we are drawing on information and expertise outside our heads. And we have no idea that we are even doing it.Utilizing cutting-edge research, The Knowledge Illusion explains why we think we know more than we do, why beliefs are so hard to change and why we are so prone to making mistakes. Providing a blueprint for successful ways to work in collaboration to do amazing things, it reveals why the key to human intelligence lies in the way we think and work together.

  • af Klaus Schwab
    146,95 kr.

    The founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum on how the impending technological revolution will change our livesWe are on the brink of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And this one will be unlike any other in human history.Characterized by new technologies fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will impact all disciplines, economies and industries - and it will do so at an unprecedented rate. World Economic Forum data predicts that by 2025 we will see: commercial use of nanomaterials 200 times stronger than steel and a million times thinner than human hair; the first transplant of a 3D-printed liver; 10% of all cars on US roads being driverless; and much more besides.In The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Schwab outlines the key technologies driving this revolution, discusses the major impacts on governments, businesses, civil society and individuals, and offers bold ideas for what can be done to shape a better future for all.

  • - How Earth Became Humanity's Home
    af Hugh Ross
    188,95 kr.

    The Latest Scientific Discoveries Point to an Intentional Creator Most of us remember the basics from science classes about how Earth came to be the only known planet that sustains complex life. But what most people don't know is that the more thoroughly researchers investigate the history of our planet, the more astonishing the story of our existence becomes. The number and complexity of the astronomical, geological, chemical, and biological features recognized as essential to human existence have expanded explosively within the past decade. An understanding of what is required to make possible a large human population and advanced civilizations has raised profound questions about life, our purpose, and our destiny. Are we really just the result of innumerable coincidences? Or is there a more reasonable explanation?This fascinating book helps nonscientists understand the countless miracles that undergird the exquisitely fine-tuned planet we call home--as if Someone had us in mind all along.

  • - The Definitive Visual Guide
    af DK
    118,95 - 345,95 kr.

    From the fiery mass of the Sun's core to the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, Universe takes you on the ultimate guided tour of the cosmos. Full of stunning out-of-this world images reflecting recent advances in space imagery, you'll go on a journey from our solar system all the way to the farthest limits of space.This new edition has been expanded and updated to include the most exciting new discoveries from water on Mars to planets in other solar systems plus up-to-date charts and information on the latest equipment for studying the wonders of the universe. The comprehensive night-sky atlas covers all the constellations and planetary charts showing their positions right up to 2019.With a special embossed jacket, Universe is a beautiful gift for keen amateur astronomers as well as a great reference book for the whole family.

  • - How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World
    af Pedro Domingos
    106,95 kr.

    A spell-binding quest for the one algorithm capable of deriving all knowledge from data, including a cure for cancerSociety is changing, one learning algorithm at a time, from search engines to online dating, personalized medicine to predicting the stock market. But learning algorithms are not just about Big Data - these algorithms take raw data and make it useful by creating more algorithms. This is something new under the sun: a technology that builds itself. In The Master Algorithm, Pedro Domingos reveals how machine learning is remaking business, politics, science and war. And he takes us on an awe-inspiring quest to find 'The Master Algorithm' - a universal learner capable of deriving all knowledge from data.

  • af Rebecca Skloot
    128,95 - 133,95 kr.

    The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, is now an HBO film starring Oprah Winfrey & Rose Byrne.Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. Born a poor black tobacco farmer, her cancer cells - taken without her knowledge - became a multimillion-dollar industry and one of the most important tools in medicine. Yet Henrietta's family did not learn of her 'immortality' until more than twenty years after her death, with devastating consequences . . .Rebecca Skloot's fascinating account is the story of the life, and afterlife, of one woman who changed the medical world forever. Balancing the beauty and drama of scientific discovery with dark questions about who owns the stuff our bodies are made of, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is an extraordinary journey in search of the soul and story of a real woman, whose cells live on today in all four corners of the world.'No dead woman has done more for the living . . . A fascinating, harrowing, necessary book.' - Hilary Mantel, Guardian

  • af Dava Sobel
    103,95 kr.

    The dramatic human story of an epic scientific quest: the search for the solution of how to calculate longitude and the unlikely triumph of an English genius. With a Foreword by Neil Armstrong.'Sobel has done the impossible and made horology sexy - no mean feat' New ScientistAnyone alive in the 18th century would have known that 'the longitude problem' was the thorniest scientific dilemma of the day - and had been for centuries. Lacking the ability to measure their longitude, sailors throughout the great ages of exploration had been literally lost at sea as soon as they lost sight of land. Thousands of lives, and the increasing fortunes of nations, hung on a resolution.The quest for a solution had occupied scientists and their patrons for the better part of two centuries when, in 1714, Parliament upped the ante by offering a king's ransom (GBP20,000) to anyone whose method or device proved successful. Countless quacks weighed in with preposterous suggestions. The scientific establishment throughout Europe - from Galileo to Sir Isaac Newton - had mapped the heavens in both hemispheres in its certain pursuit of a celestial answer. In stark contrast, one man, John Harrison, dared to imagine a mechanical solution.Full of heroism and chicanery, brilliance and the absurd, LONGITUDE is also a fascinating brief history of astronomy, navigation and clockmaking.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

  • af Neil deGrasse Tyson
    74,95 - 184,95 kr.

    Universet er på én gang vores hjem og en verden af enormt komplekse begreber. Så hvordan skal alle vi, der ikke har en grad i fysik, forstå det? Den berømte amerikanske astrofysiker Neil deGrasse Tysons lille, charmerende bog Astrofysik for travle mennesker er skrevet, så du og jeg kan få en fornemmelse af vores vilde og smukke hjem, mens vi venter på bussen eller morgenkaffen brygger færdig. Her er alle de vigtigste idéer og opdagelser, der ligger til grund for vores moderne forståelse af universet, serveret med liv, vid og en humoristisk pen. Fra Big Bang til sorte huller, fra kvarker til kvantemekanik og mørkt stof og jagten på at opdage exoplaneter og finde andet liv i universet. Neil deGrasse Tyson er en stor formidler, der ikke alene kan forklare astrofysik, så vi alle kan forstå det, men også formår at sætte videnskaben ind i et større perspektiv – og give stof til undren og eftertanke. Han opfordrer os til så ofte som muligt at træde ud, læne nakken tilbage og kigge op i nattehimlen. Fortabe os i, hvor storslået vores univers er og sætte livet og kloden i et kosmisk perspektiv. Astrofysik for travle mennesker er grundlæggende godt selskab – og efterlader en både klogere, mere nysgerrig og fuld af forundring.

  • - An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants
    af John Drury Clark
    288,95 kr.

    Tells the story of the search for a rocket propellant which could be trusted to take man into space. Acclaimed scientist and sci-fi author John D. Clark writes with irreverent and eyewitness immediacy about the development of the explosive fuels strong enough to negate the relentless restraints of gravity.

  • af DK
    196,95 kr.

    The application of the fundamentals of science, technology and engineering to real-life everyday situations is explored in this visual and accessible guide, addressing such phenomena as hot-air balloons, light waves and the human eye.

  • af Leonard Mlodinow
    126,95 kr.

    A succinct, startling and lavishly illustrated guide to discoveries that are altering our understanding and threatening some of our most cherished belief systems, The Grand Design is a book that will inform - and provoke - like no other.

  • af Stephen Hawking
    283,95 kr.

    Professor Stephen Hawking has been at the heart of this new scientific renaissance. Now, in The Universe in a Nutshell, beautifully illustrated with original artwork commissioned for this project, Stephen Hawking brings us fully up-to-date with the advances in scientific thinking.

  • - A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness
    af Roger Penrose
    146,95 kr.

    'One of the most important works...of the twentieth century' The TimesShadows of the Mind is a profound exploration of what modern physics has to tell us about the human mind. A visionary description of what a new physics - one that is adequate to account for our extraordinary brain - might look like.

  • - The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
    af Lynne McTaggart
    128,95 kr.

    A book which gives scientific proof of the paranormal. Psychic activity, remote viewing, the power of prayer and homeopathy are all discussed in this book which The Ecologist called 'one of the most thought-provoking reads of the year', and which has already gained a almost cult following.

  • - Reflekteret teoribrug i videnskabelige opgaver
    af Vanessa Sonne-Ragans
    229,95 - 398,95 kr.

    Anvendt videnskabsteori præsenterer en anvendelsesorienteret tilgang til videnskabsteorien. Således viser Vanessa Sonne-Ragans, hvordan den studerende anvender videnskabsteoretiske termer i sin opgave - uanset emne, fag eller din disciplin.Hun giver et overblik over teorierne og deres placering i en større videnskabelig sammenhæng og viser, hvordan videnskabsteori, udover at være en selvstændig disciplin, også er et metateoretisk redskab i videnskabelige opgaver.

  • - Videnskab i virkeligheden kapitel 5
    af Andreas Beck Holm
    9,95 kr.

    Den klassiske videnskabsteori - opsummering. "Videnskab i virkeligheden" kapitel 5.Videnskab i Virkeligheden tager afsæt i de studerendes fremtid som vidensarbejdere. Andreas Beck Holm kombinerer en grundig gennemgang af videnskabsteoretiske positioner og problemstillinger med en perspektivering til vidensarbejdernes udfordringer i virksomheder og organisationer og til, hvordan de studerende selv kan arbejde med teorierne. Stoffet præsenteres tilgængeligt og overskueligt, bl.a. gennem opsummerende kapitler, fremhævning af nøglebegreber, samt arbejds- og refleksionsspørgsmål.

  • - Kapitel 1 i Poststrukturalistiske analysestrategier
    af Carsten Bagge Laustsen & Anders Esmark
    31,95 kr.

    Poststrukturalismen har i dag vundet indpas i de samfundsvidenskabelige såvel som de humanistiske discipliner. Indtil nu har diskussionen imidlertid overvejende været præget af teoretiske og teorihistoriske bidrag, hvilket har skygget for en diskussion af spørgsmålet om poststrukturalismens anvendelighed i konkrete analyser. På denne baggrund sættes der i denne antologi fokus på spørgsmålet om, hvilken forskel poststrukturalismen gør i den konkrete analyse. Med andre ord anlægges der i antologien et analysestrategisk perspektiv på poststrukturalismen.Poststrukturalistiske analysestrategier præsenterer en række forskellige analysestrategier, sådan som de udfoldes i de vigtigste forfatterskaber inden for traditionen. Antologien udgør dermed et inspirerende katalog over den sproglige vendings omsætning til konkrete strategier for forskning, der har relevans både for studerende og forskere.Poststrukturalistiske analysestrategier omfatter både repræsentanter for strukturalismen (Claude Levi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, Jacques Lacan), den klassiske poststrukturalisme (Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Ernesto Laclau) og forfattere på kanten af poststrukturalismen (Slavoj i ek, Niklas Luhmann og Gilles Deleuze/Felix Guattari).Denne bog er produceret sideløbende med bogen Socialkonstruktivistiske analysestrategier, også udgivet på Roskilde Universitetsforlag.

  • - En fortælling om at vågne op
    af Mary O' Malley
    50,95 kr.

    Denne lille bog er en allegori om vores individuelle og kollektive rejser fra den frit flydende livfuldhed, som vi er født med og ind i sindenes begrænsninger, og så genopvågning til opdagelsen af at være autentisk os selv og fuld opvågnet for livet.Vær forsigtig! Når du har læst denne lille historie er du måske ved siden af dig selv. Faktisk er du måske heldig at blive det. Her er et vidunderligt stykke visdom, sendt, ser det ud til, fra livet selv TIL livet selv, og bestemt for hvert et barn og voksen som samler denne bog op. En storslået historie om det ”som ingen nogensinde fortalte os”, men som ville have forandret vores liv, hvis de havde, denne lille bog er, når den først er blevet introduceret, bestemt for at være blandt den skattede litteratur i enhver husholdning --- som jeg håber vil blive mange.- Neale Donald Walsch. forfatter til ”Samtaler med Gud”Mary O'Malley giver her en kort introduktion til "Livfuldhedens Magiske Skov" på origanalsproget (engelsk)

  • af Kyle Chayka
    173,95 - 216,95 kr.

    The early promise of a free Internet is long gone. Now, rather than allowing us a meaningful relationship with a range of content of our choosing, algorithms have not only removed genuine choice but de-texturized the world around us: smoothed its edges, planed down friction, and flattened differences. So coffee shops from Brooklyn to Beijing are inflected with a similar, 'Instagrammable' aesthetic. Airbnb rentals are decked out for their swipability factor as much as for their comfort. Spotify builds playlists that echo a category, looping back to music we've already heard before so as not to disrupt the flow. Netflix doesn't just make suggestions based on viewing histories but it actively changes the thumbnails to increase the chances we click on it.As Filterworld masterfully shows, culture itself has become algorithmic: a set of principles, a data rule, a line of code. And we interact with it in ever more passive ways. The result is not isolated echo chambers or a filter bubbles, but an all-encompassing Filterworld of the title. Kyle Chayka deliciously deconstructs this Filterworld: it shows us how technology has led us to this place and its effects on society and the individual, as well as how we might be able to remove the filter to gain liberation.

  • af Daniel Goleman
    146,95 kr.

    Put yourself back in control of your mind and your life with these meditation practices proven by neuroscientific research.In this modern digital age, many of us feel overwhelmed, panicked and short on time. The practice of meditation is an ancient and scientifically proven antidote to that frenzied feeling. Combining scientific expertise and spiritual wisdom, this is a practical guide on how it can help you feel calm and in control.With chapters on Breathing, Compassion and Worry, it is full of empirically proven and easy-to-follow exercises that will help you tackle mental obstacles, including issues such as self-doubt and negative thought patterns. This is a fresh perspective on meditation that will uplift and soothe your mind, whether you're new to it or not.PRE-ORDER THE LATEST BOOK FROM BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, DANIEL GOLEMAN

  • - The Truth About Low-Carb, High-Fat Eating
    af Gary Taubes
    118,95 kr.

  • - Keeping the Global Population in Check
    af Kees Van Der Pijl
    278,95 kr.

  • - How to Heal Our Land and Reclaim Our Health
    af David R. (University of Washington) Montgomery
    254,95 kr.

    A call to action that underscores why the roots of good health start with how we farm

    842,95 kr.

    *2022 Nautilus Book Award Gold Medal Winner: Ecology & Environment *2022 Nautilus Book Award Special Honors as Best of Anthology For readers of Braiding Sweetgrass and The Overstory From The Center for Humans and Nature, a collection in five volumes: essays, interviews, poetry, and stories of solidarity that highlight the interdependence that exists between humans and nonhuman beings We live in an astounding world of relations. We share these ties that bind with our fellow humans--and we share these relations with nonhuman beings as well. From the bacterium swimming in your belly to the trees exhaling the breath you breathe, this community of life is our kin--and, for many cultures around the world, being human is based upon this extended sense of kinship. Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations is a lively series that explores our deep interconnections with the living world. More than 70 contributors--including Robin Wall Kimmerer, Richard Powers, David Abram, J. Drew Lanham, and Sharon Blackie--invite readers into cosmologies, narratives, and everyday interactions that embrace a more-than-human world as worthy of our response and responsibility. These diverse voices render a wide range of possibilities for becoming better kin. Contents: Planet What are the sources of our deepest evolutionary and planetary connections, and of our profound longing for kinship? Place To what extent does crafting a deeper connection with the Earth's bioregions reinvigorate a sense of kinship with the place-based beings, systems, and communities that mutually shape one another? Partners How do relations between and among different species foster a sense of responsibility and belonging in us? Persons Which experiences expand our understanding of being human in relation to other-than-human beings? Practice What are the practical, everyday, and lifelong ways we become kin? From the recognition of nonhumans as persons to the care of our kinfolk through language and action, Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations is a guide and companion into the ways we can deepen our care and respect for the family of plants, rivers, mountains, animals, and others who live with us in this exuberant, life-generating, planetary tangle of relations. Proceeds from sales of Kinship benefit the nonprofit, non-partisan Center for Humans and Nature, which partners with some of the brightest minds to explore human responsibilities to each other and the more-than-human world. The Center brings together philosophers, ecologists, artists, political scientists, anthropologists, poets and economists, among others, to think creatively about a resilient future for the whole community of life.

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