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  • af Syed Nasar
    228,95 kr.

    Covering a range of topics, from DC magnetic circuits to electronic control of DC and AC motors, this work includes many problems with detailed solutions to help students learn quickly and raise test scores without investing unnecessary time. It is useful for undergraduate students of electrical engineering.

  • af Sebastian (Stanford University) Thrun
    881,95 kr.

  • af Tracy Martin
    216,95 kr.

    Baltimore, MD

  • af Syed Nasar
    395,95 kr.

    Offers a diagram-packed timesaver to help you master several types of problem you'll face on tests. This book contains problems that cover every area of electric circuits, from basic units to complex multi-phase circuits, two-port networks, and the use of Laplace transforms.

  • af Simon (McMaster University Haykin
    562,95 kr.

    The book provides a balanced and integrated treatment of continuous-time and discrete-time forms of signals and systems intended to reflect their roles in engineering practice. This approach has the pedagogical advantage of helping the reader see the fundamental similarities and differences between discrete-time and continuous-time representations.

    2.291,95 kr.

    Secure Smart Embedded Devices, Platforms and Applications provides a broad overview of the many security and practical issues of embedded devices, tokens, and their operation systems, platforms and main applications.

  • af Peter Dodd
    213,95 kr.

  • af Jimmie Cathey
    226,95 kr.

    Helps to master the fundamentals of electronic devices and circuits. This book includes: key concepts, principles, and terminology of electronic devices and circuits; introduction to Pspice, the industry standard circuitry design tool; evaluation copy of Pspice, with examples and solved problems; and, useful concepts and design of circuitry.

  • - Theory for the User
    af Lennart Ljung
    2.198,95 kr.

    Suitable for courses in System Identification, this book provides a description of the theory, methodology and practice of System Identification - the science of building mathematical models of dynamic systems by observing input/output data. It includes material on subspace methods, non-linear black box models - such as neural networks.

  • af William C. O'Mara, Robert B. Herring & Lee P. Hunt
    2.593,95 kr.

    A comprehensive summary of the science, technology and manufacturing of semiconductor silicon materials. It details various known properties of silicon. It includes a set of binary phase diagrams. It discusses practical aspects such as materials handling, safety, impurity and defect reduction.

  • af L.A. Moxon
    180,95 kr.

  • - På tærsklen til en digital revolution
    af Sune Aagaard
    138,95 kr.

    Det er nu, det sker. Vær modige. Det er budskabet fra de digitalt ansvarlige i 10 af Danmarks største og mest betydningsfulde virksomheder til resten af dansk erhvervsliv. For den digitale revolution rummer enorme muligheder for dem, der tør.Til daglig skal de sikre deres virksomheder de bedst mulige vilkår i en ny og dramatisk forandret konkurrence. De skal finde nye veje til konkurrencedygtighed og markedsandele, mens velkendte forretningsmodeller forsvinder fra den ene dag til den anden, når digitale teknologier viser nye og bedre veje. De følger udviklingen tæt, og deres beslutninger har konsekvenser, både for virksomhederne og for Danmark.I bogen her deler de deres tanker om de digitale teknologier og deres konsekvenser. Hvilke teknologier kommer til dramatisk at forandre vores verden? Hvad betyder digitaliseringen for konkurrencen? Hvor hurtigt kommer det til at gå, og hvem bliver vindere og tabere? Hvad skal virksomhederne gøre for at finde de rigtige svar, og hvad skal Danmark gøre for at ruste sig bedst muligt til en virkelighed i dramatisk forandring?

  • - – i et multimodalt perspektiv
    af Staffan Selander & Gunther Kress
    198,95 kr.

    Hvordan anvendes digitale medier i undervisningen? Hvilken betydning har det for de traditionelle roller som lærer og elev? Hvilke andre moderne formidlingsformer anvendes?Det er nogle af de spørgsmål, der bliver besvaret i bogen, der præsenterer et nyt perspektiv på læring som supplement til tidligere teorier på området.Fokus er især på: – Læring som kommunikation. – At transformere information til viden. – Skolens eller uddannelsesinstitutionens rammer for læring og kulturer. – Praksis for evaluering og bedømmelse.Forfatterne ønsker at sætte ord på dagens undervisning, hvor mange forskellige medier – herunder digitale medier – spiller en stor rolle for den lærende.Bogen henvender sig til undervisere på alle niveauer fra folkeskolen og op, lærerstuderende samt forskere inden for pædagogik og it-didaktik.

  • af Takayoshi Kobayashi
    1.402,95 kr.

  • af Partha Pratim Sahu
    503,95 - 2.506,95 kr.

  • - Spectral, Energy, and Hardware Efficiency
    af Emil Bjornson
    1.113,95 - 1.118,95 kr.

    1.085,95 kr.

    This book discusses the operation of power systems amid the 4th industrial revolution and the value of Industry 4.0 technologies to grid operators and end customers.

  • af Eitan Michael Azoff
    482,95 - 1.243,95 kr.

  • af Ravindra (President Das
    292,95 - 1.190,95 kr.

    820,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a major technological advancement in the 21st century. This book presents different ways of adopting emerging technologies in transportation operations, including security, safety, online training, and autonomous vehicle operations on land, sea and air.

    1.613,95 kr.

    This book discusses state-of-the-art reviews of the existing machine-learning techniques and algorithms including hybridizations and optimizations. It is aimed at graduate students and researchers in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and electrical engineering.

    1.613,95 kr.

    AI is having potential to boost healthcare industry, education, smart government, online banking, marketing, business management, media industry, science & technology and many more. AI enabled research startups will provide better opportunities to exhibit novel ideas and concepts in thisbook.

    1.296,95 kr.

    This book examines ways to regulate generative AI to reduce online hate and secure justice in a digital environment. Featuring research and offering practical guidelines, the book presents tangible guidelines for regulating generative AI models so they do not contribute to online hate disinformation and imagery.

    503,95 kr.

    This book examines ways to regulate generative AI to reduce online hate and secure justice in a digital environment. Featuring research and offering practical guidelines, the book presents tangible guidelines for regulating generative AI models so they do not contribute to online hate disinformation and imagery.

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