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    1.729,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the design, implementation, and management of secure Human Cyber-Physical Systems (HCPS s) in smart manufacturing environments. It covers a wide range of topics, including risk assessment, security architecture, data privacy, and standard specifications for HCPSs.

    517,95 kr.

    This book discusses biomass as a raw material for the production of liquid or gaseous biofuels and valuable chemicals. The authors show how its volume and composition can be predicted, by which form of processing it can be converted into valuable products, as well as in which ways its negative environmental impact can be limited.

  • af Francis J. Hopcroft
    517,95 - 1.404,95 kr.

    517,95 kr.

    A comprehensive resource on different aspects of sustainable carbon capture technologies including recent process developments, environmentally friendly methods and roadmaps for implementations. Discusses also the socio-economic and policy aspects of carbon capture and the challenges, opportunities, and incentives for change in industry and policy.

    1.197,95 kr.

    This book provides a practical guide to federated deep learning for healthcare including fundamental concepts, framework, and the applications comprising of domain adaptation, model distillation, and transfer learning. It covers concerns in model fairness, data bias, regulatory compliance, and ethical dilemmas.

    517,95 kr.

    This monograph presents several key issues related to the actions aimed at mitigating the negative impact on the environment connected with the acquisition and transport of energy, management of municipal and industrial wastes, as well as the impact of the industry on the aquatic and soil environment.

  • af Michael (Department Medical Radiation Physics Ljungberg
    525,95 - 2.077,95 kr.

    This state-of-the-art handbook, the second in a series that provides medical physicists with a comprehensive overview into the field of nuclear medicine, focuses on mathematical modelling, dosimetry, and radiation protection.

    985,95 kr.

    Computer vision is an effective solution in a range of real-life applications. With the advent of the machine and deep learning paradigms, this book adopts machine and deep learning algorithms to leverage digital image processing for designing accurate biometrical applications. A must-read for anyone working on computer vision

    1.251,95 kr.

    Innovative and creative teaching methods tailored to meet the demands of the current era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 are increasingly prevalent in Higher Education Institutions. This book explores and showcases various aspects of Innovative Pedagogies for Higher Education 4.0 to provide a comprehensive understanding of this evolving field.

    1.517,95 kr.

    New carbon materials have been developed to meet challenges of a growing global demand for energy-saving materials and sustainable materials. This book describes progress towards the conversion and efficient utilization of porous carbon and its derived precursor as electrode materials for clean energy.

    1.197,95 kr.

    This book covers need for 6G connectivity arising from the pursuit of higher data speeds, ultra-low latency, massive IoT connectivity, enhanced spectral efficiency, and the facilitation of new and transformative applications.

  • af Massimo Mitolo
    1.251,95 kr.

    This book brings an unparalleled learning experience, integrating cutting-edge simulation tools, Multisim Live and Tinkercad, to explore the realm of circuits.

    1.623,95 kr.

    Up-to-date coverage of the energy scenario in the South Asian Energy Corridor, discussing energy security versus clean energy. It explores the role of diversifying supplies for the future to gain energy security that can lead to mapping joint ventures among conventional rival countries, especially India, China, Japan, and Pakistan.

    517,95 kr.

    This book is the collection of selected articles that appeared at the First International Analytics Conference 2023 held in Hyderabad in virtual mode on February 2nd the 3rd 2023.

    1.517,95 kr.

    Hydrogen Utilization in Fuel Cells introduces the fundamentals, characteristics, and applications of fuel cells, materials used, the role of hydrogen in different fuel cell types, and applications of fuel cells in transportation and small portable and stationary power systems.

    1.304,95 kr.

    The success of hydrogen energy markets depends on developing efficient hydrogen storage and transportation methods. This book comprehensively reviews hydrogen storage and transportation technologies along with related safety hazards and challenges.

    1.517,95 kr.

    Hydrogen has wide applications across many industries. This book covers the utilization of hydrogen in petrochemical products, vehicles and power generation systems, and in refinery hydrotreating, metallurgy, welding, annealing, and heat-treating of metals.

    6.941,95 kr.

    The Handbook presents readers with an exhaustive treatment of technological advances in the production and application of hydrogen. The six volumes in the Handbook discuss theory and practical methods from production, purification, and applications to transportation and storage and applications.

    1.251,95 kr.

    This book gives a comprehensive description of various aspects of 2D semiconductors including their synthesis, surface science, characterizations, and their allied application in environmental remediation including air and water purification, oil-water separation, hydrogen production, and CO2 removal.

    495,95 kr.

    The Routledge Companion to Vsevolod Meyerhold brings together a wealth of scholarship on one of the foremost innovators in European theatre. It presents a detailed picture of the Russian director's work from when it first emerged on the modern stage to its multifarious present-day manifestations.

    1.889,95 kr.

    Semiconducting Fibers: Preparation, Advances, and Applications is a comprehensive study of the properties and emerging applications of semiconducting fibers. Various approaches to fabricating semiconducting fibers, their characteristics, and the working principles of nano-dimensional devices are covered.

  • af Osama Gad
    1.091,95 kr.

    System Dynamics covers linearity-based modeling techniques before delving into nonlinear systems. It compares the Bond Graph technique against traditional techniques (Newton's law, Kirchhoff's law, the law of the conservation of energy, and the heat transfer law).

    1.623,95 kr.

    The goal of this book is to examine problems, concerns, and solutions for supporting digital twins with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The book also explains how to stream real-time big data on an IoT platform using various ways and strategies.

    1.836,95 kr.

    This state-of-the-art handbook provides medical physicists with a comprehensive overview of the field of nuclear medicine.

  • af Zhichuan Guan
    823,95 - 1.210,95 kr.

    Comprehensively discussing all aspects of drilling technologies, and providing abundant figures, illustrations and tables, examples and exercises to facilitate the learning process, it is a valuable resource for students, scholars and engineers in the field of petroleum engineering.

    3.484,95 kr.

    The book begins with exploring the research and innovation in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Information Technologies including secure transaction, monitoring, real time assistance and security for advanced stage learners, researchers and academicians has been presented.

  • af Hans Jørgen Neilsen
    288,95 kr.

    Tilhængerne af atomkraft har haft vind i sejlene overalt i EU, siden invasionen af Ukraine og boykotten af Rusland udløste en europæisk energikrise. Det gælder også herhjemme, hvor der for første gang i nyere tid er et flertal for at satse på atomkraft.Samtidig gør klimakrisen og biodiversitetskrisen det stadig mere påtrængende at gennemføre en omlægning til grøn energi hurtigst muligt.Atomkraft. Alt det ingen har fortalt os er en tour de force gennem alt det, vi troede, vi vidste om atomkraft, men som tit viser sig at være forkert. Fx findes det ikke et eneste eksempel på, at kvinder, der har været udsat for selv meget høje doser radioaktivitet, har født ”sjove børn” med handicap af den grund.I bogen gennemgår forfatteren de mange argumenter, der findes imod a-kraft, og påviser, at en stor del er baseret på fordomme og myter uden hold i virkeligheden.Atomkraft. Alt det ingen har fortalt os bygger på et hav af videnskabelige kilder, men den er skrevet i et fortællende, letflydende og letlæst sprog, hvor læseren samtidig kommer med på en række øjenåbnende rejser rundt om i verden.Tag fx med til Gabon, hvor der engang fandtes naturlig atomkraft i jorden, til Lolland, hvor et bølgende landskab af nyanlagte bakker skjuler noget af Danmarks vindmølleaffald, og til Ukraine, hvor strålingen i landsbyen Tjernobyl er mindre end i metroen under Kongens Nytorv i København.Du behøver (slet ikke) være energi-, politik- eller fysiknørd for at læse med. Men der er garanti for, at du efter endt læsning har været godt underholdt og samtidig fået en masse ny viden.Bogen har et forord at Lars Rebien, formand for Novo Nordisk Fonden, der har bevilget 120 mio. kr. til forskning i atomkraft i Danmark.

  • af Richard Black
    99,95 kr.

    How will the world produce more, cleaner energy? Journalist and analyst Richard Black sets out a vision for the future which could benefit us all.

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