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Bøger af Catherine Dunne

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  • af Catherine Dunne
    75,95 - 94,95 kr.

    Da Farrell møder den yngre kvinde Grace, forelsker de sig straks i hinanden. De virker som skabt for hinanden, knyttet sammen i ønsket om at skabe et liv, der er løsrevet fra de vidt forskellige verdener, de hver især kommer fra.Deres forhold virker usårligt, men Farrell har ar på sjælen, og angsten for at miste igen begynder langsomt at kaste mørke skygger over lykken. Farrells had til sin svigerfar kammer over i en rivalisering om Graces kærlighed, der truer med at splitte forholdet ad.Catherine Dunne (født i 1954) er en irsk forfatter og lærer fra Dublin. Hendes debutroman "I begyndelsen" udkom i 1997 og blev en international succes. Catherine Dunne har udgivet flere populære romaner, som er blevet oversat til mange forskellige sprog.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    75,95 - 94,95 kr.

    I begyndelse er der en familie. Det er en helt almindelig familie. Ben og Rose og deres tre børn. Men en morgen går Ben pludselig sin vej. Tilbage står Rose med stumperne af en familie og tusind spørgsmål. Da hun forsøger at stykke et nyt liv sammen af skårene af det gamle, forstår hun, at den nye begyndelse byder på en lang række muligheder, som hun aldrig havde drømt om."I begyndelsen" blev en international bestseller. Catherine Dunnes skildring af karaktererne og deres indre liv gør, at de springer ud af bogens sider og bliver levende. Det er en gribende, velskrevet og varm roman.Catherine Dunne (født i 1954) er en irsk forfatter og lærer fra Dublin. Hendes debutroman "I begyndelsen" udkom i 1997 og blev en international succes. Catherine Dunne har udgivet flere populære romaner, som er blevet oversat til mange forskellige sprog.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    248,95 kr.

    "Acclaimed international bestseller Catherine Dunne's thrilling U.S. debut novel in the spirit of Elena Ferrante about two wronged women bent on revenge at all costs"--

  • - Irish Literary Feminisms, 1970-2020
    af Catherine Dunne, Medbh McGuckian, Moya Cannon, mfl.
    318,95 kr.

    Mapping the changes that have occurred in Irish literature over the past fifty years, this volume includes twenty-one writers, poets, and playwrights from the North and South of Ireland, who tell their own stories. They are funny, tragic, angry, philosophical, but all are vivid accounts of their experiences as women writing.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    52,13 - 60,95 kr.

    Det som Rose aldrig trodde skulle kunna hända har nu hänt. Ben är borta. Han har lämnat henne. Varför har han lämnat henne? Hon har ju gjort allt som hon någonsin kunnat förväntas att göra. Tagit hand om barnen och hemmet och stöttat sin make i hans karriär. Av någon anledning var det inte tillräckligt. Snart uppdagas det dessutom att Ben svikit henne på fler sätt än så. Inte nog med att han har övergivit sin familj och dragit utomlands - han har också varit otrogen och tömt deras gemensamma bankkonto. Hur kunde det bli såhär? Rose var säker på att deras kärlek var stark nog att hålla livet ut. Nu vet hon inte ens om hon någonsin lärt känna den riktiga Ben. Vad ska hon ta sig till? "Hela mitt hjärta" är Catherine Dunnes rörande succédebut från 1997, och ges nu ut som ljudbok för första gången på svenska.Catherine Dunne, född 1954, är en irländsk författare och lärare från Dublin. Hennes debutroman "Hela mitt hjärta" ("In the Beginning") gavs ut år 1997 och blev en internationell succé.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    52,13 - 60,95 kr.

    Efter en turbulent uppväxt, med ständiga konflikter mellan sig och sin mor, flyr Beth Dublin och flyttar till London. Där skapar hon ett nytt liv för sig själv - fritt från tunga känslor och ord som sårar. Kontakten med modern Alice är i det närmsta obefintlig. Men när Alice drabbas av ett antal slaganfall, och sedermera hamnar på sin dödsbädd, bestämmer sig Beth för att återvända till Irland och vaka över sin mor. Det är deras sista chans till försoning.När Beth möter Alice, som är blott en skugga av sitt forna jag, fylls hon av känslor hon inte vet vad hon ska göra med. Modern kan inte längre tala, men snart gör Beth en upptäckt som ska komma att förändra allt. I en låda hittar hon en hög med brev som alla är adresserade till henne själv. Brev som Alice aldrig kommit sig för att skicka. Vad är det hon velat säga sin dotter i alla dessa år? Och är det tillräckligt för att reparera deras relation - innan det är försent? Catherine Dunne, född 1954, är en irländsk författare och lärare från Dublin. Hennes debutroman "Hela mitt hjärta" ("In the Beginning") gavs ut år 1997 och blev en internationell succé.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    70,95 - 92,95 kr.

    Hoe kan haar man Ben, na een huwelijk van twintig jaar, Rose van de één op de andere dag verlaten? Rose en Ben hebben een normaal gezinnetje samen met drie kinderen. Maar wanneer Ben plotseling vertrekt, komt ze achter al zijn verborgen geheimen. Niets in haar leven is wat het lijkt en nu moet ze zichzelf en haar rol binnen het gezin opnieuw uitvinden. De roman ‘In het begin’ vertelt het verhaal over een ongelukkig huwelijk en hoe Rose als alleenstaande moeder haar leven weer op de been probeert te krijgen. Catherine Dunne (1954) is een schrijfster uit Ierland. Als kind schreef ze al korte verhalen en in 1995 werd ze fulltime romanschrijver. In 1997 brak ze internationaal door met haar roman ‘In het begin’, dat op de Italiaanse bestsellers lijst, Bancarella, belandde en in meerdere talen vertaald werd. In totaal bracht ze 10 romans uit, waaronder ‘De ommuurde tuin’. Typerend voor haar romans zijn de intieme herinneringen en gebeurtenissen binnen het gezinsleven.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    70,95 - 92,95 kr.

    De relatie tussen Beth en haar moeder Alice is altijd moeizaam geweest. Maar wanneer haar demente moeder op sterven ligt, laat Beth haar leven in Londen voor wat het is en komt ze terug naar huis in Dublin. Samen met haar broer James blijft ze tot haar laatste adem bij haar moeder. Wanneer ze de brieven leest die Alice heeft geschreven als spijtbetuiging over de ingewikkelde band met haar dochter, blikken ze terug op hun jeugd. Laat Beth haar moeder eindelijk toe in haar hart? ‘De ommuurde tuin’ is een ontroerende en intieme roman over liefde, spijt en hoop.Catherine Dunne (1954) is een schrijfster uit Ierland. Als kind schreef ze al korte verhalen en in 1995 werd ze fulltime romanschrijver. In 1997 brak ze internationaal door met haar roman ‘In het begin’, dat op de Italiaanse bestsellers lijst, Bancarella, belandde en in meerdere talen vertaald werd. In totaal bracht ze 10 romans uit, waaronder ‘De ommuurde tuin’. Typerend voor haar romans zijn de intieme herinneringen en gebeurtenissen binnen het gezinsleven.

  • - The Irish in London - Updated Edition
    af Catherine Dunne
    126,95 kr.

    New updated edition of the seminal work by Catherine Dunne, which charted the lives of the London Irish, in all their variety and colour, now with a brand new foreword by Diarmaid Ferriter. Half a million Irish people left Ireland in the nineteen-fifties, forced by decades of economic stagnation. For many, Britain was their only hope of survival.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    193,95 kr.

    When Patrick Grant meets Ella, he seizes the opportunity of a new life with her. He imagines the future with his beautiful second wife by his side: the years ahead filled with all that is bright and promising. When Ella gives birth to Daniel, Patrick's happiness is complete. A son at last. Patrick adores Daniel: a golden child, talented, artistic, loving. And then, when Daniel is fourteen, tragedy strikes. Without warning, Patrick and Ella's world is shattered beyond repair and Patrick is forced to re-evaluate everything: his own life, his role as husband and father, all his previous assumptions about family. Together with Ella, he is forced to embark on a voyage of discovery. He must confront uncomfortable truths about himself and about the privileged world he and his wife inhabit. This is the story of a family torn apart by conflict, suspicion and loss. It is also a story, ultimately, of redemption and forgiveness - and the strength of severely-tested family bonds.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    193,95 kr.

    Inspired by Greek mythology, The Years That Followed is a compelling tale of two women, thousands of miles apart, whose lives are thrown into turmoil by the power of love - and the desire for revenge. Revenge is sweeter than regret . . .It is 1966. Calista is seventeen, beautiful and headstrong. She meets the handsome Alexandros, and in an instant her whole life changes. Alexandros is magnetic, much older - and rich. He sweeps Calista off her feet. She leaves her safe, affluent Dublin home for a different life in Cyprus alongside her new husband. But his family treat her with suspicion.Meanwhile, Pilar is desperate to leave the grinding poverty of her life in rural Extremadura, so she moves to Madrid. There, she meets a man who offers her excitement and opportunity. Petros charms Pilar, and she begins to imagine a future with him - although she knows it's impossible for them to be together.Unknown to both women, tragic events are unfolding that will inextricably link their lives in a way that neither could have imagined - events that will change them and their families forever.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    148,95 kr.

    Beth flew the coop as soon as she could, making a life for herself in London. James, her dutiful brother, stayed in Dublin, raising a family not far from their mother, Alice. Now Alice is dying and Beth has returned to the shabby grandeur of her childhood home to keep vigil by her mother's bedside. Unable to speak, the only way Alice feels she can bridge the gap of understanding between her daughter and herself is to write letters to her seeking reconciliation. Set during the last days of Alice's life, this is also an extraordinary perceptive novel about childhood and growing old.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    196,95 kr.

    Hannah, May and Eleanor are sisters. Their early life in Dublin, with their middle-class parents, has prepared them for a comfortable future of marriage, children and servants. Further north, Mary and Cecilia are also sisters. They are struggling to make a living in the linen mills of Belfast, amid rising political tension. The lives of all the sisters are destined to unfold in ways that none of them could have imagined. Another Kind of Life is the intricately crafted tale of how their lives entwine, against the backdrop of the rapidly changing Ireland of the late nineteenth century. In her eagerly awaited new novel, Catherine Dunne returns to the themes of family ties, love and loyalty which she has delineated so finely in her earlier work. But this time, she opens out her canvas to tell us a much wider story. Perceptive, absorbing and beautifully told, Another Kind of Life is an unforgettable portrait of a family, and of Ireland, which will stay with the reader long after the last page.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    166,95 kr.

    A powerful and compelling story which explores one of the most difficult decisions we might ever have to make.One morning in October, William Harris is confronted by the shocking disappearance of the woman he loves.Julia Seymour has vanished without trace - from his life, from her daughter's and from her own. Her sudden departure seems to be both deliberate and final.But William is determined to find her. In the days that follow, he tries to piece together what might have driven her away. His search takes him to London, to India - and to Julia's life before he met her.In the process, William discovers secrets about Julia's past that challenge and disturb his view of all they shared together. Secrets that illuminate the present in ways he could never have expected.Praise for Catherine Dunne'A real touch of Jodi Picoult . . . a domestic setting . . . tension . . . and a little bit of darkness'Arena Arts Review, RTE Radio 1

  • af Catherine Dunne
    146,99 kr.

    After twenty years of marriage, Ben ups and leaves his wife Rose, their children and their family home in Dublin. Just like that: no words of regret, no compromise, no note - only a simple 'I don't love you anymore'. It has taken Rose all this time to get her life together again: she's brought up her three children, Lisa, Brian and Damien single-handedly, and not without difficulty for never again does she want to be completely broke, or to have to revisit that night in hospital with Damien hovering between life and death. To think about it just makes her shudder. Now Rose is concentrating on her business, the 'Bonne Bouche' bakery, and all the clients she's won, all the friends she's made. Her accounts are in order, the business is blooming. Life really doesn't seem too bad. Until Ben returns, again without warning, and it is soon clear that he expects to infiltrate Rose's carefully created world in the most unwelcome of ways. A stunning sequel to In the Beginning, Catherine Dunne's first novel, Something Like Love is an astonishing portrait of a marriage, and of how the ties that bind are sometimes there forever.

  • af Catherine Dunne
    146,99 kr.

    Four women gather to celebrate their friendship. A quarter-century of intimacies shared, betrayals survived, differences reconciled. There is Claire, with her unsuitable men; she knows that life will never give her the one thing she has always wanted. Nora, the perfect housewife, has kept something hidden from her friends for over twenty-five years. Maggie has been unhappily married to Ray for longer than she cares to remember. And then there is Georgie, feisty and opinionated, who has had her own way more than is good for her. But tonight, the complex web of spouses, lovers and secrets that has bound them all together is about to unravel. And one of the four women plans not to be there. At a Time Like This, things can never be the same again . . . 'Dunne is such a gifted storyteller that she credibly recreates a world that pulls the reader in deep . . . ' Evening Herald

  • af Catherine Dunne
    173,95 kr.

    Lynda Graham has been fortunate in life. She is happily married, with two wonderful children, Ciaran and Katie. She has a beautiful home and garden in one of the most affluent suburbs of Dublin. Her world feels safe and uncomplicated, one she now takes for granted. That is until Jon, a friend of Ciaran's from university - handsome, charming and clever - inveigles his way into their lives.There's something about Jon that Lynda finds unnerving - he is almost too perfect. And her instinct is right: Jon's arrival sets in motion a spiral of events that contributes to the gradual disintegration of all she holds dear.When Jon leaves, his disappearance is even more destructive than his presence. Lynda's quest to track him down reveals unpalatable truths about his past and the reason for his existence in their lives. Lynda knows that Jon is out there somewhere - watching, waiting, malevolent. And she also knows that she must do whatever it takes to protect the most precious thing she has - her family.'Dunne has a clever knack of turning ordinary lives into compelling fiction'Irish Post

  • af Catherine Dunne
    83,95 kr.

    Part of the Open Door series of short books for emerging readers.

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