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Bøger af Charlotte Bronte

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  • af Charlotte Bronte
    209,94 kr.

    JANE EYRE er fortællingen om den fattige og forældreløse Jane, der vokser op i 1800-tallets England hos sin onkel og dennes tyranniske kone og børn, der mishandler hende både fysisk og psykisk og til sidst sender hende på kostskole.Efter hendes skoletid er forbi, får hun arbejde som guvernante på det store gods Thornfield Hall. Her stifter hun bekendtskab med godsets ejer, den mystiske mr. Rochester, som hun senere forelsker sig i, og sammen med ham lærer hun gradvist sine egne følelser og lidenskaber at kende, men både Thornfield Hall og mr. Rochester gemmer på dystre hemmeligheder.Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855) var en engelsk digter og romanforfatter. Hun var den ældste af de tre Brontë-søstre og hendes romaner er blevet klassikere inden for engelsk litteratur. JANE EYRE blev udgivet i England i 1847 og er hendes mest berømte roman.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    85,95 - 188,95 kr.

    'The masterwork of a great genius' William Makepeace ThackerayA novel of intense emotional power, heightened atmosphere and fierce intelligence, Jane Eyre dazzled and shocked readers with its passionate depiction of a woman's search for equality and freedom on her own terms. Its heroine Jane endures loneliness and cruelty in the home of her heartless aunt and the cold charity of Lowood School. Her natural independence and spirit prove necessary when she takes a position as governess at Thornfield Hall. But when she finds love with her sardonic employer, Rochester, the discovery of a shameful secret forces her to make a terrible choice. Edited with an Introduction and notes by STEVIE DAVIES

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    196,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    128,95 kr.

    Jane Eyre er fortællingen om den forældreløse og fattige Jane, der vokser op i 1800-tallets England hos sin onkel og dennes tyranniske kone og børn, der mishandler hende både fysisk og psykisk og til sidst beslutter at sende hende til kostskolen Lowood. På Lowood bliver Jane nedgjort og ydmyget af den ondskabsfulde inspektør pastor Brocklehurst, men hun knytter også nære og varme relationer, som får stor indflydelse på resten af hendes liv. Da Janes skoletid er forbi, og efter at have arbejdet nogle år som lærerinde på Lowood, får hun arbejde som guvernante på det store gods Thornfield Hall. Her stifter hun bekendtskab med godsets ejer, den mystiske Mr Rochester, som hun senere forelsker sig i, men både Thornfield Hall og Mr Rochester gemmer på dystre hemmeligheder, der tvinger Jane ud i svære beslutninger."Bogen er den dag i dag tilfredsstillende for fantasien, fordi den rummer alle de elementære ønskedrømselementer og samtidig følger urtypen på en 'rigtig historie' – selve eventyrets linie. Der er ikke så forfærdelig mange bøger i verdenslitteraturen, der har denne elementære dragning, og de der er der, elskes uforandret gennem generationer." - Elsa Gress"Så åbner vi Jane Eyre … Forfatteren har fat i vores hånd og fører os med på hendes vej, får os til at se, hvad hun ser, forlader os ikke et øjeblik eller lader os glemme hende. Til sidst er vi gennemtrængt af Charlotte Brontës geni, hendes heftighed, hendes indignation … Det er den røde og urolige glød fra hjertets brand, der illuminerer hendes sider." - Virginia Woolf"Charlotte Brontës roman om den forældreløse Jane Eyre er en af romanhistoriens helt store klassikere. Romanen, der nu genudgives, har det hele: Dannelse, lidenskab og en spirende kvindefrigørelse." - Per Krogh Hansen, Berlingske

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    78,95 - 146,95 kr.

    Ranked as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of English fiction, this title portrays the heroine, who although poor and of plain appearance, possesses an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage. She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social order.

  • - (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Flexi Edition)
    af Charlotte Bronte
    196,95 kr.

    Jane Eyre finds fulfilment in her duties as a governess and the love of her life in her employer Edward Rochester. But when a dark secret from Rochester's past comes to light, Jane must make the most difficult decision of her life.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    44,94 - 275,95 kr.

    Efter en ikke nærmere angivet familietragedie rejser hovedpersonen, den unge kvinde Lucy Snowe, fra England til den fiktive franske by Villette for der at finde arbejde som lærerinde på en pigeskole. Her inddrages hun i gentagne eventyr, forviklinger og romancer. Charlotte Brontë var den mest produktive og den længstlevende af de tre berømte Brontë-søstre; hun udgav foruden ”Villette” romanerne ”Jane Eyre” (1847), ”Shirley” (1849) og ”The Professor” (udgivet posthumt 1857). Også søstrene Emily og Anne udgav romaner, der i dag er selvskrevne blandt verdenslitteraturens klassikere. "Villette er en endnu mere vidunderlig bog end Jane Eyre. Der er noget næsten overnaturligt i dens styrke" – George Eliot

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    59,95 kr.

    "Selvbiografisk" roman om den forældreløse Jane, der vokser op hos sin tante, der mest opfatter hende som en sten om halsen, og senere på pigekostskolen Lowood. Efter skolen søger hun en stilling som guvernante for den lille kokette Adele, en datter eller plejedatter af den rige Edward Rochester på herregården Thornfield. Både mr. Rochester og hans hus er rigt på mysterier, ikke mindst den sindssyge kvinde, der er gemt bort på et loftrum.Rochester og Jane forelsker sig i hinanden og vil gifte sig trods standsforskellen, men i det øjeblik, de står foran alteret, indfinder en advokat sig fra London og afslører en af Rochesters hemmeligheder. Jane flygter og finder husly hos den overspændte præst St. John Rivers og hans to søstre.Udgaven er baseret på den første, komplette danske oversættelse fra 1850.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    96,95 - 113,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    96,95 kr.

    Little treasures, the FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning, gift edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The unabridged text is accompanied by a Glossary of Victorian and Literary terms produced for the modern reader.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    53,95 kr.

    Based on the author's personal experience as a teacher in Brussels, this work presents a tale of repressed feelings and subjection to cruel circumstance and position, borne with heroic fortitude.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    328,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    108,95 - 3.319,95 kr.

    A new edition of this classic from one of the greatest writers of the nineteenth century. Features the definitive Clarendon edition of Villette which is sourced from the earliest printings of Bronte's great work. The text is supplemented with a newly commissioned introduction, which gives a thorough and in depth analysis of the context of this fine example of the nineteenth century novel.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    128,95 kr.

    The orphaned Jane Eyre is no beauty but her plain appearance belies an indomitable spirit, sharp wit and great courage. As a child she suffers under cruel guardians, harsh schooling and a rigid social order but when she goes to Thornfield Hall to work as a governess for the mysterious Mr Rochester, the stage is set for one of literature's most enduring romances. A beloved classic and undisputed masterpiece, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre explores class, society, love and religion through the eyes of one of fiction's most unique and memorable female protagonists.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by Sam Gilpin.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    96,95 - 186,95 kr.

    'That evening more firmly than ever fastened into my soul the conviction that Fate was of stone, and Hope a false idol - blind, bloodless, and of granite core. I felt, too, that the trial God had appointed me was gaining its climax, and must now be turned by my own hands, hot, feeble, trembling as they were'With neither friends nor family, Lucy Snowe sets sail from England to find employment in a girls' boarding school in the small town of Villette. There she struggles to retain her self-possession in the face of unruly pupils, an initially suspicious headmaster and her own complex feelings, first for the school's English doctor and then for the dictatorial professor Paul Emmanuel. Drawing on her own deeply unhappy experiences as a governess in Brussels, Charlotte Bront 's last and most autobiographical novel is a powerfully moving study of isolation and the pain of unrequited love, narrated by a heroine determined to preserve an independent spirit in the face of adverse circumstances.The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    53,95 kr.

    Shirley is a woman of independent means; her friend Caroline is not. Both struggle with what a woman's role is and can be. Their male counterparts - Louis, the powerless tutor, and Robert, his cloth-manufacturing brother - also stand at odds to society's expectations.

  • - Bind 1
    af Charlotte Bronte
    59,94 kr.

    Ny oversættelseJane Eyre er den victorianske askepot-historie om den forladte pige, der vokser op som udstødt først hos sin tante – siden på en kostskole for forældreløse piger. Men Jane Eyre er andet og mere end det; kreativ, videbegærlig og ambitiøs, som hun er, får hun arbejde som guvernante på et gods tilhørende den vilde og sprudlende mr. Rochester med de mere ”mørke” sider. Jane er derimod følelsesmæssigt et ubeskrevet blad, da hun møder Rochester, men sammen med ham lærer hun gradvist sine følelser og lidenskaber at kende. Et universelt og nuanceret portræt af en selvstændig kvindes udvikling og selvrealisation.Denne nye oversættelse af Charlotte Brontës evige klassiker om Jane Eyre består af to bind. Dette er det første.Den engelske romanforfatter Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855) er især kendt for Jane Eyre, der føjede nye og mere realistiske nuancer til victoriansk fiktion. Hun var den ældste og mest produktive af de tre Brontësøstre, hvor Emily Brontë er mest kendt for Stormfulde højder, og Anne Brontë for Agnes Grey.Jane Eyre (1845) var Charlotte Brontës første roman og skulle blive et af de allermest kendte og berømmede værker fra den klassiske engelske victoriatid. Genfærd, mystiske hændelser, låste værelser, afdøde personer, der får markant indflydelse på romanernes handling – dette var emner, den såkaldte gotiske roman tog op, godt inspireret af samtidens store interesse for det overnaturlige – og for det spirende psykologiske. Også i Jane Eyre findes disse virkemidler, og tilbage står man med en roman, som hensætter læsereni gys og spænding.De gotiske romaner skulle over én kam komme til at skabe inspiration for meget senere litteratur og danne grobund for mange især kvindelige forfattere, der i de tre Brontë-søstre fandt stærke forbilleder. Brontë-søstrene skabte værker, der i dag stadig står som varige fyrtårne i den klassiske litteratur. Charlotte Brontës roman om Jane Eyre er et af dem.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    265,95 kr.

    Illustrated Edition: This special edition of "Jane Eyre" comes with 20 stunning illustrations, bringing the vivid characters and gothic landscapes of Charlotte Brontë's masterpiece to life.Includes Comprehensive Summary: Dive into the heart of the story with a detailed summary that captures the essence of each chapter, making this classic more accessible and engaging.Character List: Get to know the unforgettable characters of "Jane Eyre" with our detailed list, offering insights into their backgrounds and the roles they play in this timeless narrative.Author Biography: Explore the life of Charlotte Brontë, the brilliant mind behind "Jane Eyre", and discover the experiences that shaped her writing and led to the creation of this enduring work of literature.Step into the world of "Jane Eyre", Charlotte Brontë's indelible contribution to English literature, now presented in a stunning illustrated edition that breathes new life into this beloved classic. This edition not only captures the essence of Brontë's gothic romance but also enhances it with 20 beautiful illustrations that immerse you in the atmospheric depths of Victorian England.The narrative of "Jane Eyre" is about an orphan who overcomes the limitations of a difficult upbringing to grow into a strong, self-reliant woman in pursuit of respect, love, and a sense of belonging. She works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and meets the enigmatic and moody Mr. Rochester. This sparks the start of a turbulent love tale that is equally about discovering oneself and discovering another.This edition is enriched with a comprehensive summary that guides you through the novel's complex narrative and themes, a detailed list of characters to help you keep track of Brontë's extensive cast, and a biography of the author, offering insight into her life and how it influenced her writing.Whether you're a lifelong fan of "Jane Eyre" or discovering it for the first time, this illustrated edition is a must-have for your collection. It's not just a book but a journey into a world where the struggles for love, independence, and identity are as real and compelling today as they were in Brontë's time. Embrace the spirit of "Jane Eyre" and let this timeless tale of passion, morality, and resilience captivate your heart and imagination.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    154,95 kr.

    Jane Eyre ranks as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of English fiction. Although the poor but plucky heroine is outwardly of plain appearance, she possesses an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    93,95 - 181,95 kr.

  • - The Original Text 1847 Special Edition illustrated
    af Charlotte Bronte
    490,95 kr.

    Charlotte Bront's novel "Jane Eyre" was first published in 1847. Jane Eyre is the bildungsroman whose plot follows the development of the eponymous character throughout her maturation into a grownup and her attraction to Mr. Rochester, the master of the nearby Thornfield Hall. The novel is noteworthy because of its revolutionary way of prose fiction, because it had been among the first to concentrate on the spiritual and moral growth of its protagonist through an individual first-person account.It's set in northern England during the early 19th century and it is arranged into 5 separate stages. Childhood at Gateshead Hall, schooling at Lowood School, governess at Thornhill Hall, time at Moor House, along with reunion and union with Mr. Rochester. The novel looks at social problems as well as ideas at all phases - some of which challenge the status quo - race, sexuality, faith, feminism.Individualism, moral conviction as well as character are defining features of Jane Eyre's character. The novel also includes social criticism anchored in Christian morality. The novel's handling of different things and Jane's character make it regarded as avant - garde.Jane experiences mistreatment as well as struggles as a kid, her development as well as learning at Lowood School, her complex relationship with Mr Rochester at Thornfield Hall and her spiritual and moral adversities. The novel concludes with Jane reconnection with Rochester after he's been blinded as well as hurt, and their ensuing union and content life.The "Jane Eyre" series is renowned for its complexities and advanced thinking views, especially in its portrayal of Jane as an independent, driven woman protagonist.Charlotte Bront's "Jane Eyre" is an intricate and richly detailed novel which permits very much to examine. Listed here are major findings from its analysis: Bildungsroman Genre: . "Jane Eyre" is a bildungsroman which charts Jane's psychological and moral growth from her infancy to her adulthood. The journey is not just physical but also profoundly psychological, expressing the character's inner strength as well as moral resolve.The relation between Feminism and Social Critiques: Jane Eyre is frequently acknowledged as a very early feminist novel. Jane's persona challenges traditional female expectations of the 19th century. She values her self worth and also wants emotional and financial independence, wants equality of relationships and believes in self worth. The novel critiques the few choices attainable to women of the era as well as questions class and gender conventions.Gothic Features: This novel includes elements of the Gothic style - the enigmatic Thornfield Hall, the town Byronic hero Mr. Mr. Rochester and also the madwoman in the attics. The psychological and emotional depth of the novel is enhanced by these elements that produce a feeling of suspens e and foreboding.Religion as well as Morality: "Jane Eyre" is a religious tale. The novel concentrates on different religious figures and how they impacted Jane, like Mr. Brocklehurst as well as Helen Burns, who all practice hypocrisy and compassionate Christianity. The book deals with Jane's spiritual and moral growth as she applies her principles in a world which frequently opposes her values.

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    123,95 - 318,95 kr.

    After a tragedy in her family, Lucy Snow leaves her home to become a teacher at a French boarding school. Lucy soon begins to fight against an overwhelming sense of desolation. Meeting a charming doctor and a strict, peculiar schoolmaster changes her life forever-- and threatens to break her spirit. Villette is noted not so much for its plot as for its acute tracing of Lucy's psychology. The novel, in a gothic setting simultaneously explores themes of isolation, doubling, displacement, and subversion and each of their impacts upon the protagonist's psyche. Villette is sometimes celebrated as an exploration of gender roles and repression. In The Madwoman in the Attic, critics Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar have argued that the character of Lucy Snowe is based in part on William Wordsworth's Lucy poems. Gilbert and Gubar emphasise the idea of feminine re-writing. Some critics have explored the issues of Lucy's psychological state in terms of what they call "patriarchal constructs" which form her cultural context. Villette also explores isolation and cross-cultural conflict in Lucy's attempts to master the French language, as well as conflicts between her English Protestantism and Catholicism. Her denunciation of Catholicism is unsparing: e.g. "God is not with Rome."

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    128,95 - 213,95 kr.

    The novel Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character. The novel is set somewhere in the north of England, during the reign of George III (1760-1820), and goes through five distinct stages: Jane's childhood at Gateshead Hall, where she is emotionally and physically abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but suffers privations and oppression; her time as governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family, during which her earnest but cold clergyman cousin, St. John Rivers, proposes to her; and her reunion with, and marriage to, her beloved Rochester. During these sections the novel provides perspectives on a number of important social issues and ideas, many of which are critical of the status quo (see the Themes section below). Literary critic Jerome Beaty opines that the close first person perspective leaves the reader "too uncritically accepting of her worldview", and often leads reading and conversation about the novel towards supporting Jane, regardless of how irregular her ideas or perspectives

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    208,95 kr.

    Roman izvestnoj anglijskoj pisatel'nicy Sharlotty Bronte - klassika zhenskoj literatury. V nem est' vse, ot chego tak zamiraet serdce: pervoe robkoe chuvstvo, obmanutye nadezhdy, vernye druz'ja i nastojashhaja ljubov'. Sud'ba geroini tragichna, no, nesmotrja na mnozhestvo zhiznennyh trudnostej, Dzhejn nahodit v sebe sily borot'sja za svoe schast'e! Jeto - odna iz samyh znamenityh knig vseh vremen i narodov. Kniga, na kotoroj vyrosli pokolenija i pokolenija chitatel'nic. Kniga, kotoraja ne stareet i ne terjaet svoego obajanija. Kniga, kotoraja jekranizirovalas' besschetnoe kolichestvo raz, odnako dazhe udachnye jekranizacii ne v silah byli peredat' vsju ee prelest' i vsju silu ee vozdejstvija na zhenskoe serdce. Jeto Dzhejn Jejr - odin iz nemnogih ljubovnyh romanov, voshedshih v zolotoj fond mirovoj literatury. Kniga s illjustracijami!

  • - Original and Unabridged
    af Charlotte Bronte
    83,95 - 188,95 kr.

    This edition contains the original and unabridged text of The Professor.The Professor was the first novel by Charlotte Brontë. It was originally written before Jane Eyre and rejected by many publishing houses, but was eventually published posthumously in 1857 by approval of Arthur Bell Nicholls, who accepted the task of reviewing and editing of the novel.William Crimsworth refuses his uncle's proposals to become a clergyman. Instead he becomes a clerk for his wealthy brother, tensions and jealousies end that career and he takes a new job at an all-boys boarding school in Belgium.William is captivated by Mlle. Reuter, the headmistress of the neighbouring all-girls school. And so starts his travails of love.

  • - Teil 2
    af Charlotte Bronte
    208,95 kr.

    Großdruck 2. Teil Die junge Jane Eyre verlässt das Waisenhaus, wo sie sich recht unglücklich gefühlt hat, um eine Stellung als Erzieherin bei Lord Rochester anzunehmen. Rasch findet sich Jane im hochherrschaftlichen Anwesen zurecht und freundet sich mit der kleinen Adele, ihrem Schützling, an. Zwischen ihr und ihrem Arbeitgeber Lord Rochester entspinnt sich eine Romanze, aber den schmucken, sehr viel älteren Herrn umgibt ein dunkles Geheimnis. An beider Hochzeitstag erfährt Jane, dass die von ihrem Gatten in spe rechtskräftig geschiedene Ex-Ehefrau einst verrückt geworden sei und hier im Schloss versteckt gehalten werde. Noch am selben Tag kommt es zu einer Tragödie

  • - Teil 1
    af Charlotte Bronte
    198,95 kr.

    Großdruck 1. Teil Die junge Jane Eyre verlässt das Waisenhaus, wo sie sich recht unglücklich gefühlt hat, um eine Stellung als Erzieherin bei Lord Rochester anzunehmen. Rasch findet sich Jane im hochherrschaftlichen Anwesen zurecht und freundet sich mit der kleinen Adele, ihrem Schützling, an. Zwischen ihr und ihrem Arbeitgeber Lord Rochester entspinnt sich eine Romanze, aber den schmucken, sehr viel älteren Herrn umgibt ein dunkles Geheimnis. An beider Hochzeitstag erfährt Jane, dass die von ihrem Gatten in spe rechtskräftig geschiedene Ex-Ehefrau einst verrückt geworden sei und hier im Schloss versteckt gehalten werde. Noch am selben Tag kommt es zu einer Tragödie

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    253,95 kr.

    Die junge Jane Eyre verlässt das Waisenhaus, wo sie sich recht unglücklich gefühlt hat, um eine Stellung als Erzieherin bei Lord Rochester anzunehmen. Rasch findet sich Jane im hochherrschaftlichen Anwesen zurecht und freundet sich mit der kleinen Adele, ihrem Schützling, an. Zwischen ihr und ihrem Arbeitgeber Lord Rochester entspinnt sich eine Romanze, aber den schmucken, sehr viel älteren Herrn umgibt ein dunkles Geheimnis. An beider Hochzeitstag erfährt Jane, dass die von ihrem Gatten in spe rechtskräftig geschiedene Ex-Ehefrau einst verrückt geworden sei und hier im Schloss versteckt gehalten werde. Noch am selben Tag kommt es zu einer Tragödie

  • - Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
    af Charlotte Bronte
    269,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book. ++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification: ++++ The Novels Of The Sisters Bronte ...: Shirley, By Charlotte Bronte; Volume 4 Of The Novels Of The Sisters Bronte; Edmund Dulac Charlotte Bronte, Anne Bronte Edmund Dulac J. M. Dent & company, 1905

  • af Charlotte Bronte
    78,95 - 583,95 kr.

    Jane Eyre follows the emotions and experiences of its title character, including her growth to adulthood, and her love for Mr. Rochester, the byronic master of fictitious Thornfield Hall. The story focusses on the gradual unfolding of Jane's moral and spiritual sensibility during her growth and development.

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