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Bøger af Don Miguel Ruiz

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  • - En praktisk lære i personlig forvandling
    af Don Miguel Ruiz
    73,95 - 199,95 kr.

    I bogen om DE FIRE LEVEREGLER klarlægger Don Miguel Ruiz de selvbegrænsende holdninger, som berøver os vores glæde og skaber unødvendig lidelse.DE FIRE LEVEREGLER er baseret på gammel toltekisk visdom, og giver os mulighed for at åbne vores liv for en ny oplevelse af frihed, sand lykke og kærlighed. Vær ren i dit ord Tag ikke noget personligt Lad være med at formode noget Gør altid dit bedste »Don Miguel Ruiz' bog er et kort over vejen til oplysning og frihed.« - Deepak Chopra, forfatter til bl.a. De syv spirituelle love for succes »En inspirerende bog med mange fine lektioner.« - Wayne W. Dyer, forfatter til bl.a. Virkelig magi »I Castanedas tradition destillerer Ruiz den centrale toltekiske visdom og udtrykker klart og rent, hvad det vil sige for mennesker at leve som fredelige krigere i den moderne verden.« - Dan Millman, forfatter til bl.a. Den fredelige krigers vej og Praktisk spiritualitet

  • - A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship, A Toltec Wisdom Book
    af Don Miguel Ruiz
    126,95 kr.

  • af Jr. Ruiz, DON MIGUEL & Don Jose Ruiz
    126,95 kr.

  • - Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World
    af Don Miguel Ruiz
    128,95 kr.

    Explores the ways in which we attach ourselves inappropriately to beliefs and the world. This book looks at our own lives and see how an unhealthy level of attachment can keep us trapped in a psychological and spiritual fog. It teaches us to reclaim our true freedom by cultivating awareness, detaching, and discover our true selves.

  • af Don Miguel Ruiz & Janet Mills
    267,95 kr.

  • - Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness
    af Don Miguel Ruiz
    106,95 kr.

    In The Circle of Fire, bestselling author, don Miguel Ruiz, inspires us to enter into a new and loving relationship with ourselves, with our fellow humans, and with all of creation. Through a selection of beautiful essays, prayers, and guided meditations, Ruiz prepares our minds for a new way of seeing life, and opens our hearts to find our way back to our birthright: heaven on earth. The result is a life lived in joy, harmony, and contentment.In my teachings, “The Circle of Fire” ceremony celebrates the most important day of our lives: the day when we merge with the fire of our spirit, and return to our own divinity. This is the day when we recover the awareness of what we really are, and make the choice to live in communion with that force of creation we call “Life” or “God.”  From that day forward, we live with unconditional love in our hearts for ourselves, for life, for everything in creation.This book, first published in 2001 as “Prayers: A Communion with Our Creator,” will remind you of what you really are. It has always been my favorite book, and now in honor of my favorite prayer, it has been appropriately renamed “The Circle of Fire.”    — don Miguel Ruiz

  • af Don Miguel Ruiz
    414,95 kr.

    A HarperElixir BookThe beloved teacher of spiritual wisdom and author of the phenomenal New York Times and international bestseller The Four Agreements takes readers on a mystical Toltec-inspired personal journey, introducing us to a deeper level of spiritual teaching and awareness.In 2002, Don Miguel Ruiz suffered a near fatal heart attack that left him in a nine-weeks-long coma. The spiritual journey he undertook while suspended between this world and the next forms the heart of The Toltec Art of Life and Death, a profound and mystical tale of spiritual struggle. As his body lies unconscious, Ruiz's spirit encounters the people, ideas, and events that have shaped him, illuminating the eternal struggle between life?unending energy and truth?and death?matter and subjective knowledge?in which we are all called to engage.Over ten years in the making, The Toltec Art of Life and Death invites readers into the mind of a master of spiritual seeking, offering an unparalleled and intimate glimpse into the development of a soul. In this culmination of a lifetime's learning, Ruiz shares with readers the innermost workings of his singular heart and mind, and summons us to grapple with timeless insights, drawn from ancient Toltec wisdom, that are the essence of transformation.

  • af Don Miguel Ruiz
    198,95 kr.

    In the four agreements, don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that Rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the the four agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. Don Miguel Ruiz has dedicated his life to sharing the wisdom of the ancient Toltec. For more than two decades, he has guided others toward their personal freedom. Today, he continues to combine his unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern-day awareness through journeys to sacred sites around the world.

  • - Como descubrir y dominar el poder de tu interior
    af Don Miguel Ruiz & Barbara Emrys
    163,95 kr.

    En Los cuatro acuerdos, don Miguel Ruiz introduce a los buscadores en la senda a la iluminación a los principios de la cultura espiritual mesoamericana: los antiguos toltecas. En este libro nos adentra en las prácticas de los nativos americanos, y nos pide que consideremos algunas preguntas esenciales que rigen nuestras vidas y gobiernan nuestro poder espiritual. Tres preguntas eternas pueden guiarnos a descubrir nuestro poder y usarlo juiciosamente:•¿Quién soy?•¿Qué es lo real?•¿Cómo expreso amor?En cada etapa de nuestras vidas debemos hacernos estas preguntas sencillas pero muy profundas. El encontrar las respuestas nos abrirá las puertas a la siguiente etapa en nuestro crecimiento y finalmente nos conducirá a nuestro yo, completo y verdadero. Pero, como aclara don Miguel Ruiz, si no hacemos estas preguntas –o si no prestamos atención a las respuestas– seremos nosotros quienes sufriremos, porque nunca conseguiremos actuar según nuestro poder o lo usaremos para destrucción. Solo cuando el poder esté ligado a nuestra identidad, podrá estar alineado con el universo y ser de verdadero provecho para nosotros y para los demás. Las tres preguntas anteriores proveen un marco práctico que permite a los lectores involucrarse con el mensaje transformador de Ruiz y actuar como un medio para vencer el temor y la ansiedad, y hallar la paz interior. Como una guía fundamental para todos los buscadores que persiguen el autoconocimiento, el entendimiento y la aceptación, este libro es el próximo paso en nuestra metamorfosis espiritual singular.

  • af Don Miguel Ruiz & Barbara Emrys
    163,95 kr.

  • af Don Miguel Ruiz
    238,95 kr.

    Translation of Beyond fear: a Toltec guide to freedom and joy: the teachings of Miguel Angel Ruiz, M.D.

  • af Don Miguel Ruiz
    153,95 kr.

    Don Miguel tells readers that they are born in truth but grow up believing in lies - mainly about themselves. As a child one listens to the "voice of our integrity," which is rooted in truth. Once one learns to speak, he or she mainly hears the louder "voice of knowledge," which is rooted in lies and causes endless suffering. By following the guiding principles presented in this book, readers can reclaim their authentic self, just as it was before they learned to speak.

  • - Living Your Life as a Work of Art
    af Don Miguel Ruiz & Barbara Emrys
    173,95 kr.

    A HarperElixir BookThe beloved teacher of spiritual wisdom and author of the phenomenal New York Times and international bestseller The Four Agreements takes readers on a mystical Toltec-inspired personal journey, introducing us to a deeper level of spiritual teaching and awareness.In 2002, Don Miguel Ruiz suffered a near fatal heart attack that left him in a nine-weeks-long coma. The spiritual journey he undertook while suspended between this world and the next forms the heart of The Toltec Art of Life and Death, a profound and mystical tale of spiritual struggle. As his body lies unconscious, Ruiz's spirit encounters the people, ideas, and events that have shaped him, illuminating the eternal struggle between life?unending energy and truth?and death?matter and subjective knowledge?in which we are all called to engage.Over ten years in the making, The Toltec Art of Life and Death invites readers into the mind of a master of spiritual seeking, offering an unparalleled and intimate glimpse into the development of a soul. In this culmination of a lifetime's learning, Ruiz shares with readers the innermost workings of his singular heart and mind, and summons us to grapple with timeless insights, drawn from ancient Toltec wisdom, that are the essence of transformation.

  • - How to Discover and Master the Power within You
    af Barbara Emrys, Jr. Ruiz & DON MIGUEL
    148,95 kr.

    From the author of the international bestseller The Four Agreements comes a profound guide which grounds itself further in the tradition of Toltec wisdom, helping us find and use the hidden power within us to achieve our fullest and most authentic lives.

  • - A Practical Guide to Inner Peace
    af Don Miguel Ruiz
    128,95 kr.

    The bestselling author of "The Four Agreements" explores the concept of "impeccability of the word" as a simple yet potent prescription for countering the judgmental inner "voice of knowledge."

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