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Bøger af E. T. A. Hoffmann

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  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    153,00 kr.

    E.T.A. Hoffmanns fortællinger har i snart to hundrede år begejstret læsere over hele verden. Hermed præsenteres de absolut største af dem samlet i to bind. Fortællingerne fordeler sig ligeligt mellem gotiske fortællinger, der bugner af skæbne­ramte mænd, farlige kvinder, lumpne djævle og luskede dobbeltgængere, og kunsteventyr, hvor alfer, feer, børn og andet godtfolk bekæmper troldvæsen i alle dets former. Hos den humoristiske, vilde og grumme romantiker Hoffmann er det typisk dumheden, snæversynet, fantasiløs­heden og i særdeleshed det entydigt rationalistiske livssyn, der får nogle gevaldige drag over nakken. Blandt de 16 udvalgte fortællinger er naturligvis den drabelige klassiker ‘Nødde­knækker og musekonge’ og den udødelige ‘Sandmanden’. Men vi får også lejlighed til at nyde gyserne ‘Det tomme hus’ og ‘Majoratet’ og de fornøjelige beret­ninger om Mester Loppes eventyr og om Magister Blecks frygteligt fornuftige hærgen. Og så møder vi verdenslitteraturens første detektiv i ‘Frøken Scudéry’.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    18,95 kr.

    De to venner Ludvig og Euchar overværer i en park et nummer af et par spanske gøglere - en ung pige og en dværg. Nogle dage senere fortæller Euchar i et selskab en historie om en vens oplevelser som guerilla under Napoleons krige i Spanien, og Ludvig erklærer sin kærlighed til den forkerte pige.Historien tager udgangspunkt i en på Hoffmanns tid populær filosofi om, at alting i universet har en indre sammenhæng - men hvad er sammenhængen i dette?

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    13,95 kr.

    En stormende novemberaften kommer det lille selskab, der hver torsdag indfinder sig hos oberst v. E., ind på spøgelser og overnaturlige historier. Midt i en af historierne bliver døren slået op, og en fremmed gæst kommer ind. Det er grev S., en af faderens gamle venner, som kommer for at anholde om datteren Angelikas hånd. Hun vil imidlertid ikke vide af greven, da hun elsker den unge ritmester Morits v. R., men da denne meldes død i krigen, får greven pludselig en mærkværdig magt over Angelika.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    145,95 kr.

    "The Devil's Elixir Vol. I" by using E. T. A. Hoffmann is a gripping Gothic novel that unfolds in a global of mystery, intrigue, and supernatural elements. The narrative revolves around the enigmatic individual of the monk Medardus, whose lifestyles takes a dark turn after he inadvertently consumes a mysterious elixir. Set towards the backdrop of 18th-century Germany, the story explores themes of morality, guilt, and the conflict between properly and evil. As Medardus grapples with the results of the elixir, the radical delves into mental and philosophical depths, blurring the strains between fact and the supernatural. The plot takes surprising twists as Medardus will become entangled in a series of macabre events, together with murder, mystery societies, and encounters with the occult. E. T. A. Hoffmann, recognized for his prowess in weaving memories of the uncanny, creates a narrative that captivates readers with its atmospheric descriptions and mental intensity. "The Devil's Elixir" is marked via Hoffmann's exploration of the human psyche, showcasing his capacity to meld horror and philosophy into an unbroken narrative. Vol. I of "The Devil's Elixir" units the level for a compelling adventure into the darker nation-states of human life.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    144,95 kr.

    "The Devil's Elixir Vol. II" by using E. T. A. Hoffmann is a gripping Gothic novel that unfolds in a global of mystery, intrigue, and supernatural elements. The narrative revolves around the enigmatic individual of the monk Medardus, whose lifestyles takes a dark turn after he inadvertently consumes a mysterious elixir. Set towards the backdrop of 18th-century Germany, the story explores themes of morality, guilt, and the conflict between properly and evil. As Medardus grapples with the results of the elixir, the radical delves into mental and philosophical depths, blurring the strains between fact and the supernatural. The plot takes surprising twists as Medardus will become entangled in a series of macabre events, together with murder, mystery societies, and encounters with the occult. E. T. A. Hoffmann, recognized for his prowess in weaving memories of the uncanny, creates a narrative that captivates readers with its atmospheric descriptions and mental intensity. "The Devil's Elixir" is marked via Hoffmann's exploration of the human psyche, showcasing his capacity to meld horror and philosophy into an unbroken narrative. Vol. II of "The Devil's Elixir" units the level for a compelling adventure into the darker nation-states of human life.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    107,95 kr.

    First published in 1815, The Devil's Elixirs is a macabre masterpiece of German literature, and is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the Romantic movement, or the genres of fantasy and horror which it spawned.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    148,95 kr.

    E.T.A. Hoffmanns sort-romantiske eventyr fra 1820 er fortællingen om en pæn, borgerlig familie. Den lille Marie, der har en livlig fantasi, leger julenat med sine gaver, mens familien sover. Legetøjet er skabt af hendes gudfader, det mekaniske geni Droßelmeier.En grusom kamp udspiller sig julenat mellem Nøddeknækkeren og Musekongen.Bogen er en del af Klims klassikerserie oversat af Hans-Jørgen Birkmose, hvoraf de seneste er illustreret af Martin Røes.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    228,95 kr.

    Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann was a contemporary of Ludwig von Beethoven: a composer himself, a music critic, and a late-German-Romantic-movement writer of novels and numerous short stories. His incisive wit and poetic imagery allow the reader to peer into the foibles of society and the follies of human psychology. (In fact, Hoffmann¿s wit may have gotten him into a bit of legal trouble, as parts of Master Flea were censored and had to be reworked when authorities disliked certain satirical criticisms of contemporary dealings of the court system.)Join gentleman bachelor Peregrine Tyss as his life as a recluse takes a twist, when he gains an epic advantage of tiny proportions. Part proto-science-fiction and part Romantic fantasy, Master Flea follows the fate of a mysterious, captivating princess at the intersection of numerous suitors, human and insect. Like a lesson from a fable or a tale of classical mythology, Hoffmann¿s fairy-tale allegory shows how seeking forbidden knowledge can poison the soul, and how following the heart can heal it.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    113,95 kr.

    " Enter the enchanting world of "Nutcracker and the Mouse King" by E. T. A. Hoffmann, where imagination, magic, and a timeless holiday tale come together. This classic book tells the captivating story of young Clara and her extraordinary journey into a world of fantasy, where toys come to life, battles are fought, and dreams come true.In "Nutcracker and the Mouse King," readers will follow Clara's adventures as she receives a special nutcracker doll as a gift on Christmas Eve. As the clock strikes midnight, Clara is transported into a magical realm, where the Nutcracker comes alive, and she finds herself embroiled in a battle against the Mouse King and his army. Through E. T. A. Hoffmann's rich storytelling, readers will be swept away by the beauty and wonder of this timeless tale.E. T. A. Hoffmann's vivid imagination and intricate storytelling bring to life the whimsical characters and the fantastical world of the Nutcracker. From the graceful Sugar Plum Fairy to the mischievous Mouse King, readers will be captivated by the diverse cast of characters and the thrilling adventures that unfold.Join Clara on her enchanting journey through the realms of magic, where bravery, loyalty, and the power of the imagination reign supreme, in this beloved holiday tale."

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    133,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    133,95 kr.

    Unfern eines anmutigen Dorfes, hart am Wege, lag auf dem von der Sonnenglut erhitzten Boden hingestreckt ein armes zerlumptes Bauerweib. Vom Hunger gequält, vor Durst lechzend, ganz verschmachtet, war die Unglückliche unter der Last des im Korbe hoch aufgetürmten dürren Holzes, das sie im Walde unter den Bäumen und Sträuchern mühsam aufgelesen, niedergesunken, und da sie kaum zu atmen vermochte, glaubte sie nicht anders, als daß sie nun wohl sterben, so sich aber ihr trostloses Elend auf einmal enden werde. Doch gewann sie bald so viel Kraft, die Stricke, womit sie den Holzkorb auf ihrem Rücken befestigt, loszunesteln und sich langsam heraufzuschieben auf einen Grasfleck, der gerade in der Nähe stand. Da brach sie nun aus in laute Klagen: "Muß," jammerte sie, "muß mich und meinen armen Mann allein denn alle Not und alles Elend treffen? Sind wir denn nicht im ganzen Dorfe die einzigen, die aller Arbeit, alles sauer vergessenen Schweißes ungeachtet in steter Armut bleiben und kaum so viel erwerben, um unsern Hunger zu stillen? - Vor drei Jahren, als mein Mann beim Umgraben unseres Gartens die Goldstücke in der Erde fand, ja, da glaubten wir, das Glück sei endlich eingekehrt bei uns und nun kämen die guten Tage; aber was geschah! - Diebe stahlen das Geld, Haus und Scheune brannten uns über dem Kopfe weg, das Getreide auf dem Acker zerschlug der Hagel, und um das Maß unseres Herzeleids vollzumachen bis über den Rand, strafte uns der Himmel noch mit diesem kleinen Wechselbalg, den ich zu Schand' und Spott des ganzen Dorfs gebar. - Zu St.- Laurenztag ist nun der Junge drittehalb Jahre gewesen und kann auf seinen Spinnenbeinchen nicht stehen, nicht gehen und knurrt und miaut, statt zu reden, wie eine Katze.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    144,94 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    713,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann & Bertall
    268,95 - 418,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    143,95 kr.

    “I could list plausible comparisons all day and night, but The Golden Pot is simply unlike anything else I have ever read.” — Justin Taylor, The Washington PostMacabre and fantastical, Hoffmann’s wildly imaginative tales offer an unflinching view of human nature and sing clearer than ever in a masterful new translationWhether a surrealist exploration of the anxieties surrounding automation, or a mystery concerning a goldsmith, missing jewels, and a spate of murders, each tale in this collection reveals the complexities of human desire and fear.Hoffman, whose most famous work is “The Nutcracker,” is often compared to Edgar Allan Poe. Hoffman’s massive influence qualifies him as the godfather of the German Romantic Movement which led to the horror genre.The macabre, fantastical nature of his subject matter inspired a broad swath of culture, with two of the longer stories in this collection “The Sandman” and “The Automaton” influencing Philip K. Dick’s original inspiration for Blade Runner. The murder mystery “Mademoiselle de Scudéry” is perhaps one of the earliest prototypes of the detective genre story.Music and madness flow through E.T.A. Hoffmann’s phantasmagoric stories. The ringing of crystal bells heralds the arrival of a beguiling snake, and a student’s descent into lunacy; a young man abandons his betrothed for a woman who plays the piano skillfully but seems worryingly wooden; a counselor’s daughter must choose between singing and her life.Peter Wortsman’s masterful new translation allows Hoffmann’s distinct and influential style to shine, while breathing new life into stories that seem both familiar and uncanny.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    288,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    361,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    143,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann, Leo Delibes & Charles Nuitter
    163,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    178,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    228,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    238,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    269,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    238,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    361,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    237,95 kr.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    364,95 kr.

    Artist Natalie Frank's evocative drawings accompany five of E. T. A. Hoffmann's most influential short stories, published here in a new translation by fairy-tale scholar Jack Zipes. Tales including The Sandman speak to twenty-first century preoccupations in this thoughtful and visually compelling rendition.

  • af E. T. A. Hoffmann
    284,95 kr.

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