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  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    192,95 kr.

    En El amante turco, Esmeralda finalmente se libera y supera una lucha monumental con su madre?sólo para caer bajo la esclavitud de "el turco" y descubrir que la pasión romántica también puede ser una prisión. Su viaje de liberación y descubrimiento personal es atrevido, narrado de una forma sincera, y nos conduce hacia su triunfante graduación de Harvard. El humanismo desenfrenado, el humor, y el valor psicológico que le dieron tanto éxito a sus dos primeras memorias, están una vez más completamente expuestas en El amante turco, que satisfacerá al número de lectores fieles y lo aumentará. La suya es una voz fresca, apasionante, y necesaria. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In this memoir, we become witness to the transformation of the little Puerto Rican girl who emigrated to New York with her single mother and ten siblings. Esmeralda Santiago finally breaks out of a monumental struggle with her powerful mother, only to come under the thrall of "the Turk" and discover that romantic passion, too, can become a prison. Esmeralda's journey of self-liberation and self-discovery is a daring one, candidly and zestfully recounted, and leads, most improbably, to her triumphant graduation from Harvard. The expansive humanity, earthy humor, and psychological courage that made Esmeralda's first two books so successful are on full display again in El amante turco, which will both reward the author's faithful readership and extend it. Hers is a fresh, exciting, and necessary voice.

  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    183,95 kr.

  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    409,95 kr.

    "They refer to themselves as "las Madres," a close-knit group of women who, with their daughters, have created a family based on friendship and blood ties. Their story begins in Puerto Rico in 1975 when fifteen-year-old Luz, the tallest girl in her dance academy and the only Black one in a sea of petite, light-skinned, delicate swans, is seriously injured in a car accident. Tragically, her brilliant, multilingual scientist parents are both killed in the crash. Now orphaned, Luz navigates the pressures of adolescence and copes with the aftershock of a brain injury, when two new friends enter her life, Ada and Shirley. Luz's days are consumed with aches and pains, and her memory of the accident is wiped clean, but she suffers spells that send her mind to times and places she can't share with others. In 2017, in the Bronx, Luz's adult daughter, Marysol, wishes she better understood her. But how can she when her mother barely remembers her own life? To help, Ada and Shirley's daughter, Graciela, suggests a vacation in Puerto Rico for the extended group, as an opportunity for Luz to unearth long-buried memories and for Marysol to learn more about her mother's early life. But despite all their careful planning, two hurricanes, back-to-back, disrupt their homecoming, and a secret is revealed that blows their lives wide open. In a voice that sings with warmth, humor, friendship, and pride, celebrated author Esmeralda Santiago unspools a story of women's sexuality, shame, disability, and love within a community rocked by disaster"--

  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    208,95 kr.

    "Durante su adolescencia en Espaäna, Ana Larragoity Cubillas llega a sentir una poderosa atracciâon por Puerto Rico despuâes de leer los diarios de un antepasado que colonizâo la isla con Juan Ponce de Leâon. Y en los apuestos gemelos Ramâon e Inocente --que comparten su amor por ella-- encuentra una manera de llegar a la isla. Ana se casa con Ramâon, y en 1844, con solo dieciocho aänos, cruza el ocâeano para establecerse en una remota plantaciâon azucarera que los hermanos han recibido como herencia"--

  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    194,95 kr.

    Se hacen llamar "Las Madres", un grupo muy cercano de mujeres que, junto con sus hijas, han creado una familia basada en la amistad y los lazos de sangre. Su historia comienza en Puerto Rico, en 1975, cuando Luz, de quince aänos, la niäna mâas alta en su academia de baile y la âunica negra en un mar de cisnes de piel clara, pequeänos y delicados, se lastima de gravedad en un accidente de auto. Trâagicamente, sus padres, ambos cientâificos multilingèues brillantes, tambiâen mueren en el accidente. Huâerfana ahora, Luz sortea las presiones de la adolescencia mientras lidia con las secuelas de una lesiâon cerebral, cuando dos nuevas amigas entran a su vida, Ada y Shirley. Los dâias de Luz quedan consumidos por dolores y molestias, y su memoria despuâes del accidente queda por completo en blanco, pero sufre episodios que envâian su mente a otros lugares y momentos que no puede compartir con nadie mâas.

  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    298,95 kr.

    From the award-winning, best-selling author of When I Was Puerto Rican, a powerful novel of family, race, faith, sex, and disaster that moves between Puerto Rico and the Bronx, revealing the lives and loves of five women and the secret that binds them togetherThey refer to themselves as “las Madres,” a close-knit group of women who, with their daughters, have created a family based on friendship and blood ties.Their story begins in Puerto Rico in 1975 when fifteen-year-old Luz, the tallest girl in her dance academy and the only Black one in a sea of petite, light-skinned, delicate swans, is seriously injured in a car accident. Tragically, her brilliant, multilingual scientist parents are both killed in the crash. Now orphaned, Luz navigates the pressures of adolescence and copes with the aftershock of a brain injury, when two new friends enter her life, Ada and Shirley. Luz’s days are consumed with aches and pains, and her memory of the accident is wiped clean, but she suffers spells that send her mind to times and places she can’t share with others.In 2017, in the Bronx, Luz’s adult daughter, Marysol, wishes she better understood her. But how can she when her mother barely remembers her own life? To help, Ada and Shirley’s daughter, Graciela, suggests a vacation in Puerto Rico for the extended group, as an opportunity for Luz to unearth long-buried memories and for Marysol to learn more about her mother’s early life. But despite all their careful planning, two hurricanes, back-to-back, disrupt their homecoming, and a secret is revealed that blows their lives wide open. In a voice that sings with warmth, humor, friendship, and pride, celebrated author Esmeralda Santiago unspools a story of women’s sexuality, shame, disability, and love within a community rocked by disaster.

  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    163,95 kr.

  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    173,95 kr.

    A marvelous new anthology from the editors of Las Christmas in which our most admired Latino authors share memories of their mothers.The women lovingly portrayed in Las Mamis represent a cross section of Latino life and culture. They come from rich families in the big cities of Latin America, from rural immigrant families, and from the worlds in between-and they share an extraordinary inner strength, often maintained against incredible odds. Pressed by conflicting cultural expectations, circumstance, and religion, they have managed the challenges of motherhood, leaving enduring legacies for their children. Now, in these vivid, poignant, and sometimes hilarious reminiscences-all of them infused with distinct sabor latino-Las Mamis celebrates the universality of family love and the special bond between mothers and children.Contributors include: Esmeralda Santiago, Piri Thomas, Marjorie Agosin, Junot Diaz, Alba Ambert, Liz Balmaseda, Mandalit del Barco, Gioconda Belli, Maria Escandon, Dagoberto Gilb, Francisco Goldman, Jaime Manrique, Gustavo Perez-Firmat, Ilan Stavans

  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    188,95 kr.

  • - A Memoir
    af Esmeralda Santiago
    158,95 kr.

    In this first volume of her much-praised, bestselling trilogy, Esmeralda Santiago's story begins in rural Puerto Rico from the barrio to Brooklyn to high honors at Harvard

  • - A Memoir
    af Esmeralda Santiago
    176,95 kr.

    Esmeralda's relationship with "the Turk" is told with expansive humanity, earthy humor, and psychological courage.

  • af Esmeralda Santiago
    173,95 kr.

    La historia de Esmeralda Santiago comienza en la parte rural de Puerto Rico, donde sus padres y siete hermanos, en continuas luchas los unos con los otros, vivan una vida alborotada pero llena de amor y ternura. De nia, Esmeralda aprendio a apreciar como se come una guayaba, a distinguir la cancion del coqu, a identificar los ingredientes en las morcillas y a ayudar a que el alma de un bebe muerto subiera al Cielo. Pero precisamente cuando Esmeralda pareca haberlo aprendido todo sobre su cultura, la llevaron a Nueva York, donde las reglas y el idioma eran no solo diferentes, sino tambien desconcertantes. Como Esmeralda supero la adversidad, se gano entrada a la Performing Arts High School y despues continuo a Harvard, de donde se graduo con altos honores, es el relato de la tremenda trayectoria de una mujer verdaderamente extraordinaria.

  • - A Memoir
    af Esmeralda Santiago
    188,95 kr.

    "A courageous memoir... One witnesses the blessings, contradictions, and restraints of Puerto Rican culture."--Washington Post Book World

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