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Bøger af Fritjof Capra

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  • af Fritjof Capra
    125,95 kr.

    Fritjof Capra's groundbreaking exploration of the parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism.'It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet.' Werner HeisenbergAn international bestseller which has sold over one million copies worldwide, The Tao of Physics is a classic exploration of the connections between Eastern mysticism and modern physics.The book's central thesis, that the mystical traditions of the East constitute a coherent philosophical framework within which the most advanced Western theories of the physical world can be accommodated, has not only withstood the test of time but is ever more emphatically endorsed by ongoing experimentation and research.Fritjof Capra addresses recent scientific developments in this, the third edition, in the form of a chapter-length afterword on 'The Future of the New Physics'.

  • - Det levende som system. En syntese
    af Fritjof Capra & Pier Luigi Luisi
    280,95 - 387,95 kr.

    I denne bog tager Capra og Luisi et opgør med en af videnskabens grundantagelser – at verden er som én stor maskine, vi kan splitte i stumper og stykker. Siden den videnskabelige revolution, hvor denne mekanistiske verdens- og livsforståelse blev grundlagt, har vi forsømt at erkende livet på kloden som ét sammenvævet system. Med det systemiske syn på liv følger en dyb økologisk bevidsthed og en sans for den fundamentale gensidige afhængighed, der er mellem alle fænomener i verden. Det gamle adskillelsesparadigme er ved at falde fra hinanden, og det giver håb om en ny og bedre fremtid. Selvom bogen primært er skrevet til studerende, henvender den sig også til alle, der er interesseret i en forståelse af den nye systemiske livsopfattelse og dennes betydning for en bred række fagligheder – fra politik og filosofi til medicin, psykologi og biologi. FRITJOF CAPRA er stifter af Center for Ecoliteracy i Berkeley, Californien. Han er fysiker og systemteoretiker og har beskæftiget sig med en systematisk undersøgelse af videnskabens filosofiske og sociale implikationer i de sidste 35 år. PIER LUIGI LUISI er professor i biokemi ved universitetet i Rom. Han er kemiker og stod bag de interdisciplinære Cortona-uger, og han beskæftiger sig med eksperimentelle og filosofiske aspekter ved livets oprindelse.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    257,95 kr.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    552,95 kr.

    Uma das principais personalidades nas fronteiras da física, espiritualidade, meio ambiente e teoria sistêmica, Fritjof Capra, apresenta neste livro a evolução de seu pensamento ao longo de cinco décadas sintetizado no tema ¿Padrões de Conexãö. Ele traz nesta obra uma síntese brilhante e representativa de seu trabalho, mostrando a mudança da visão de mundo mecanicista de Descartes e Newton para uma visão de mundo sistêmica, capaz de abranger e proporcionar informações sobre o seu pensamento a respeito das ciências da vida, ecologia e política ambiental. Organizada de forma temática e cronológica, ele documenta sua jornada intelectual revolucionária e de longo alcance, trazendo-nos a evolução do pensamento de um dos principais pensadores do último meio século.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    237,95 kr.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    432,95 kr.

    A dinâmica subjacente aos principais problemas de nosso tempo - o câncer, o crime, a poluição, o poder nuclear, a inflação, a carência de energia - é sempre a mesma. Chegamos a uma época de mudanças dramática e potencialmente perigosa, um ponto de mutação para o planeta como um todo. Estamos precisando de uma nova visão da realidade, que permita que as forças que estão transformando o nosso mundo possam fluir como um movimento positivo de mudança social. O físico e pensador sistêmico Fritjof Capra nos apresenta essa visão, um paradigma holístico que une o que há de melhor entre a ciência e espiritualidade.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    212,95 kr.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    287,95 kr.

    A compelling vision of a new reality, a reconciliation of science and the human spirit for a future that will workThe dynamics underlying the major problems of our time-cancer, crime, pollution, nuclear power, inflation, the energy shortage-are all the same. We have reached a time of dramatic and potentially dangerous change, a turning point for the planet as a whole. We need a new vision of reality, one that allows the forces transforming our world to flow together as a positive movement for social change. Now distinguished scientist Fritjof Capra gives us that vision, a holistic paradigm of science and spirit. "This splendid and thoughtful book is an essential guide for anyone inquiring about the place of science and metascience in our contemporary culture. Those who enjoyed Fritjof Capra's Tao of Physics should not expect a sequel; this is a much more ambitious book that attempts and succeeds in presenting a whole worldview from the viewpoint of a committed and experienced physicist who also writes from within the North American culture…. It is unusually detailed and thorough in its inclusion of the conventional and the alternative approaches to topics ranging from ecology through medicine and psychology to economics. It is at once scholarly and easy to read."-Jim Lovelock, New Scientist

  • af Fritjof Capra
    192,95 kr.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    569,95 - 576,95 kr.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    312,95 kr.

    Fritjof Capra, scientist, educator, activist, and accomplished author, presents the evolution of his thought over five decades in Patterns of Connection. First introduced in the late 1950s to the work of Werner Heisenberg, a founder of quantum mechanics, Capra quickly intuited the connections between the discoveries of quantum physics and the traditions of Eastern philosophy-resulting in his first book, the bestselling The Tao of Physics. This synthesis, representative of the change from the mechanistic worldview of Descartes and Newton to a systemic, ecological one, went on to inform Capra's thinking about the life sciences, ecology, and environmental policy.Today Fritjof Capra remains a major figure at the crossroads of physics, spirituality, environmentalism, and systems theory. Organized thematically and chronologically, the essays in Patterns of Connection document the revolutionary and far-reaching intellectual journey of one of the major public thinkers of the last half-century.

  • - Toward a Legal System in Tune with Nature and Community (16pt Large Print Edition)
    af Fritjof Capra
    425,95 kr.

    Description: At the root of many of the environmental, economic, and social crises we face today is a legal system based on an outdated and ultimately destructive worldview. In this groundbreaking book, bestselling author, physicist, and systems theorist Fritjof Capra and distinguished legal scholar Ugo Mattei show how, by incorporating concepts from modern science, the law can be updated to reflect a more accurate view of how the world works and become a progressive force. Capra and Mattei trace the fascinating parallel history of law and science to show how the two disciplines have always influenced each other - until recently. Science now sees the world as being made up of interconnected networks. But law is stuck in a mechanistic, 17th century paradigm that views the world as discrete individual parts. This has led to a disregard for the health of the whole - for example, elevating the rights of individual property owners over the good of the community. But Capra and Mattei outline the basic concepts and structures of a legal order consistent with the ecological principles that sustain life on this planet.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    105,95 kr.

  • af Fritjof Capra, Ernest Callenbach, Lenore Goldman & mfl.
    257,95 kr.

    Business people need help reducing the impact of their companies on the environment. This book will help them identify what can be done, systematically set priorities, and create an action plan for implementing improvements. It will also help them sell an impact reduction program to their top management. In contrast to the current practice of "compliance auditing," a process focused on meeting governmental regulations, this Elmwood Institute guide shows how to conduct an "eco-audit" - a complete examination of an organization in relation to its long-term ecological sustainability. Such an audit scrutinizes every aspect of the organization and its operations, including product design and manufacture, management techniques, corporate culture, and goals. This book provides a comprehensive framework for companies that need to design their own audits. In addition, a set of thirteen checklists guide managers through the audit process, covering such topics as energy, materials, wastes, finance, marketing, transportation, and international business relations.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    296,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE 2015 IBPA BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AWARD IN POLITICS/CURRENT EVENTS The Ecology of Law Fritjof Capra and Ugo Mattei argue that at the root of many of the environmental, economic, and social crises we face today is a legal system based on an obsolete worldview. Capra, a bestselling author, physicist, and systems theorist, and Mattei, a distinguished legal scholar, explain how, by incorporating concepts from modern science, the law can become an integral part of bringing about a better world, rather than facilitating its destruction. This is the first book to trace the fascinating parallel history of law and science from antiquity to modern times, showing how the two disciplines have always influenced each other—until recently. In the past few decades, science has shifted from seeing the natural world as a kind of cosmic machine best understood by analyzing each cog and sprocket to a systems perspective that views the world as a vast network of fluid communities and studies their dynamic interactions. The concept of ecology exemplifies this approach. But law is stuck in the old mechanistic paradigm: the world is simply a collection of discrete parts, and ownership of these parts is an individual right, protected by the state. Capra and Mattei show that this has led to overconsumption, pollution, and a general disregard on the part of the powerful for the common good. Capra and Mattei outline the basic concepts and structures of a legal order consistent with the ecological principles that sustain life on this planet. This is a profound and visionary reconceptualization of the very foundations of the Western legal system, a kind of Copernican revolution in the law, with profound implications for the future of our planet.

  • - A Unifying Vision
    af Fritjof Capra & Pier Luigi Luisi
    295,95 - 639,95 kr.

    Over the past thirty years, a new systemic conception of life has emerged at the forefront of science. New emphasis has been given to complexity, networks, and patterns of organisation, leading to a novel kind of 'systemic' thinking. This volume integrates the ideas, models, and theories underlying the systems view of life into a single coherent framework. Taking a broad sweep through history and across scientific disciplines, the authors examine the appearance of key concepts such as autopoiesis, dissipative structures, social networks, and a systemic understanding of evolution. The implications of the systems view of life for health care, management, and our global ecological and economic crises are also discussed. Written primarily for undergraduates, it is also essential reading for graduate students and researchers interested in understanding the new systemic conception of life and its implications for a broad range of professions - from economics and politics to medicine, psychology and law.

  • af Fritjof Capra
    277,95 kr.

    Leonardo da Vinci is celebrated as the archetypal Renaissance man. He made extraordinary discoveries in numerous fields and pioneered entire disciplines, among them fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, theoretical botany, and embryology. Leonardo's unique synthesis of art, science, and technology is not only fascinating intellectually but also very relevant to our time-it prefigures modern systems theory.Our sciences and technologies have become increasingly narrow in their focus, unable to understand our multi-faceted problems from an interdisciplinary perspective; and our business and political leaders are often incapable of "connecting the dots." This is exactly what we can learn from Leonardo. As the author shows throughout the book, Da Vinci practiced a science and technology that honored and respected the unity of all life, recognized the fundamental interdependence of all natural phenomena, and connected the microcosm (the human being) with the macrocosm (the living Earth). That is exactly the kind of science and technology we need today.

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