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  • - Anleitungenzvr Reflexzonentherapie
    af Kevin Kunz
    123,95 kr.

    Eine junge, höchst wirksame Methode der Physiotherapie, aus altern Volkswissen zunächst in den USA entwickelt, wird auch bei uris zunehmend praktiziert: die Reflexzonenbehandlung der Füße. Sie beruht auf der Erkenntnis, daß jedes Organ des Körpers eine ihm zugeordnete Reflexzone am fuß hat und durch entsprechende Druckpunktmassge beeinflußt werden kann. Durch diese impluse werden die Selbstheikräfte des Korpers angeregt; Verspannungen und Blockaden werden abgebaut, und die Energieabläufe im Organismus finden zu ihren Glecichgewicht. Sie geben: - eine Auflistung von Gesundheiteitsstörungen, die mit Reflexzonentherapie behandelt werden können. - nützliche Infomationen für Patienten, die mit dieser hilfreichen Ganzheitstherapie bereits Erfahungen gemacht haben oder machen wollen, - praktische Winke und Gedächtnisstützen fur alle, die sich in dieser Therapie ausbilden lassen wollen, - wertvolle Hinweise fur bereits Praktizierende.

  • - Findings in Research About Post-operative care, Maternity Care and Cancer Care
    af Kevin Kunz
    123,95 kr.

    Medical Applications of Reflexology, Part 2, Findings in Research about Post-operative Care, Maternity Care, and Cancer Care provides detailed and usable information about the value of reflexology in a medical setting. Reflexology research conducted around the world shows the benefits to patients in three areas: post-operative care, maternity care, and cancer care. Research demonstrates that post surgical patients who receive reflexology work experience significant improvement adding to medical interventions to meet common concerns. Presented here is detailed information about reflexology technique application effectively: - easing pain while avoiding adverse effects of medications and adding to pain-killing efforts when medication alone is not enough - easing anxiety, common in post-surgical patients - speeding recovery, urinary and gastrointestinal functions as well as other effects - improved quality of life for patients, e.g. avoiding constipation and better sleep - improved patient satisfaction. Reflexology has significant effects for women during all phases of the maternity experience. Presented here are details from twenty-two studies from seven countries. Researchers find reflexology to be a non-invasive and safe intervention for women during maternity. Presented here is detailed information about reflexology technique application effectively helping during: - pregnancy (easing symptoms) - delivery (shorter duration for labor and pain reduction) - postpartum care: anxiety and depression; initiating lactation more quickly and more successfully; helping with return to normalcy for urination and defecation. Detailed here is how long and how frequently reflexology has been applied to effectively help cancer patients in the management of symptoms and the side effects of chemotherapy. Research demonstrates that cancer patients who receive reflexology work experience significant improvements in physical and emotional symptoms: - chemotherapy (patients experience decreases in nausea, vomiting, anxiety, fatigue and depression) - cancer care (lessened pain, anxiety, stress, nausea and depression) - post-operative care (lessened pain and anxiety) - palliative/hospice care (alleviate fatigue, improve quality of sleep, provide support)/

  • - Como restabelecer o equilibrio energético
    af Kevin Kunz
    123,95 kr.

    Partindo do principo de que a estrutura do corpo humano e de todos os seus órgãos de refleste nos pes e nas maos e é por eles representada, a reflexologia pode ser definida coma a prática de experiências sensoriais, principalmente de pressão, aplicadas em pontos das mãos e dos pés, visando a cura de vários distúrbios comuns da saúde. A técnia da reflexologia-um dos métodos mais eficientes de auto-ajuda-supóe, portanto, o conhecimento desses pontos e a escolha acertada do tipo de pressão que deve ser exercida sobre eles para eliminar ou aliviar os focos de tensão a restabelecer o equilíbria energético do corpo como um todo. Com mais de 2,000 ilustrações que mostram em detalhe as técnicas básicas aconselhadas para cada caso, o livro se completa com dois índices: un, que enumera os diferentes tipos de distúrbios que podem afetar a saúde; o outro, que indica as áreas do corpo em que esses distúrbios costumam se localizar.

  • af Kevin Kunz
    158,95 kr.

    Reflexologie is een methode tot het stimuleren van de reflexen in de voeten om in corresponderende delen van het lichaam reacties op te wekken. Door met de vingers druk uit te oefenen op reflexpunten in handen en voeten kunnen we in alle delen van her lichaam outspanning brengen en de organes stimuleren. Reflexologie wil zo het gehel lichaam activeren en het herstel van een (natuurlijke) evenwichtstoestand binnen de lichaamsfuncties bevorderen. De tekst en de talloze illustraties laten zien hoe we de reflexologi-technieken kunnen toepassen en hoe we ze onderling kunnen combineren tot een algehele en effectieve behandling van allerlei klachten van onszelf en bij anderen. Het is een erg aangename methode, die iedereen kan leren en toepassen en die preventief en herstellend werkt. Hand-en Voetreflexologie is een overzichtelijke, deskundige en begrijplijke, zowel voor de leek als voor de professionale praktijk.

  • - : Findings in Research about Cancer Care
    af Kevin Kunz
    123,95 kr.

    Research demonstrates that cancer patients who receive reflexology work experience significant improvements in physical and emotional symptoms, being provided with help in the management of symptoms and the side effects of chemotherapy. That research is reported here in Medical Application of Reflexology: Findings in Research about Cancer. Studies from eleven countries show improvements for patients during all aspects of the cancer experience: - Chemotherapy Symptoms are lessened for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy when reflexology is applied. Results from research show patients experience decreases in nausea, vomiting, anxiety, fatigue and depression. - Management of symptoms during cancer care Management of symptoms is improved for cancer patients receiving reflexology as demonstrated by research. Lessened pain, anxiety, stress, nausea and depression was realized by hospitalized patients with implications for use of reflexology at home by trained family members. - Post-operative care Studies show that reflexology application post-operatively results in lessened pain and anxiety for cancer patients. - Palliative/hospice care Reflexology use for cancer patients in hospice or palliative care helps reduce physical and emotional symptoms, alleviate fatigue, improve quality of sleep as well as providing a method to experience a helping presence when applied by a family member.

  • af Kevin Kunz
    123,95 kr.

    Reflexologie is een methode tot het stimuleren van de reflexen in de voeten om in corresponderende delen van het lichaam reacties op te wekken. Zo kunnen we door vingerdruk op de relexpunten in alle delen van het lichaam ontspanning brengen en alle organen en lichaamsdelen stimuleren en tal van klachten en kwalen verhelpen. Reflexologie is een boeiende en doelfeffende methode, omdat ze het gehele lichaam wil stimuleren en het herstel van de evenwichtstoestand binnen alle lichaamsfunties bevordeten. Tekst en honderden illustraties maken duidelijk hoe we de reflexologie-technicken kunnen toepassen en hoc deze te combineren zijn tot een algehele, effectieve behandeling van onszelf en van anderen. Na een uieenzetting van de achtergrounden en theorie van voetreflexologie, volgt een rijk geillustreerd hoofdstuk, over de technieken. Ze geven een stapsgewijze beschrijving van de behandeling, een hoofdstuk over anatomie en een overzichtstabel van kwalen en ongemakken met de corresponderende reflexpunten. Complete Voet-Reflexologie is een complete, deskundige en begrijpelijke handleiding voor iedereen in de professionele praktijk en voor de leek die haar wil toepassen bij vrienden en kennissen. Het is een erg aangename methode, die zeer outspannend werkt.

  • - Una Alternative Natural Para Cuidar La Salud
    af Kevin Kunz
    123,95 kr.

    En la planta de los pies hay un "mapa" de nuestro cuerpo. Una mapa Invisible. Con nuestros dedos, lo podemos recorrer y masajear " a distancia" las zonas con problemas, hasta que consigan recupertar el equilibrio perdido. El como y el porque existe una rlacion directa de cada zona del pie con el organo coreeespondiente no lo sabe nadie, pero la experiencia demuestra que esta relacion existe y que tecnica de masajear el pie para alic=viar y curar las enfermedades-la reflexologia funciona eficamente.

  • - For Health Professionals and Researchers
    af Kevin Kunz
    243,95 kr.

    Reflexology research makes it possible to create evidence-based predictions about reflexology and outcomes. Research shows that reflexology with its systematic patterns of pressure technique application creates specific changes in the body and its health. Evidence found in research provides answers about two issues: what results can be obtained through reflexology work and dosing, the amount of reflexology work needed to achieve a specific outcome. The major goal of this work is to assess reflexology research to determine (1) parameters for success (or failure) with reflexology technique application and (2) dosing information. Results from some 168 reflexology studies are reported here. The studies were selected because abstract or full study information included an indication of how much reflexology work lead to reported results. This included information about the frequency (how often) and/or duration (how long) of technique application. This work includes discussions as well as tables of information. Discussions include: general factors impacting successful outcomes, general results of reflexology work, negative outcomes and control group factors. Tables include information about procedures and outcomes as well as specific dosing and results. Included also is the Bibliography of 168 studies.

  • af Kevin Kunz
    123,95 kr.

    Touch has been proven to have a powerful impact on a growing child's health. Reflexology focuses that touch on stressors in the hands and feet, providing caring interaction and a natural solution to health concerns. Use The Parent's Guide to Reflexology to learn as you follow the step by step instructions specific to a child: how-to do reflexology techniques, hints and tips for working with children, benefits of reflexology for children, alphabetical section for applying reflexology specific to common children's disorders. Or, keep handy The Parent's Guide to Reflexology to use as a reference, bringing it out when you need some healthful reflexology information for the child in your life. Use The Parent's Guide to Reflexology to learn as you follow the step by step instructions specific to a child: how-to do reflexology techniques, hints and tips for working with children, benefits of reflexology for children, alphabetical section for applying reflexology specific to common children's disorders. Or, keep handy The Parent's Guide to Reflexology to use as a reference, bringing it out when you need some healthful reflexology information for the child in your life. Use The Parent's Guide to Reflexology to learn as you follow the step by step instructions specific to a child: how-to do reflexology techniques, hints and tips for working with children, benefits of reflexology for children, alphabetical section for applying reflexology specific to common children's disorders. Or, keep handy The Parent's Guide to Reflexology to use as a reference, bringing it out when you need some healthful reflexology information for the child in your life.

  • af Kevin Kunz
    98,95 kr.

    The Complete Guide to Foot Reflexology (Original) Best selling classic text for learning reflexology. It revolutionized the way reflexology was taught and learned when it was first published in 1980, launching an industry. The Complete Guide to Foot Reflexology provided the first illustrated how-to instructions for the American natural alternative practice of reflexology. The classic is once again available as a reference work or teaching tool for reflexology. It includes learning tools for reflexology's: history, theory, charts, how to do techniques, follow-along step-by-step instructions for how to provide a session, and patterns of technique application for specific health concerns.

  • - The Reflex "Diet" Solution
    af Kevin Kunz
    123,95 kr.

    Un-sit Your Life tells you how much and how often to use the nutrient potential of being up and about with an imaginative approach to sitting, standing and walking. The goal is to re-set the metabolic rhythm and muscular pattern designed by the body s ancient ancestry. The result is weight control and a lessened risk for chronic, degenerative diseases. By following Barbara and Kevin s guide to un-sitting your life, the reflex actions involved in moving you about get the workout for which they were designed. As a result, metabolic and other processes are practiced adequately to maintain the operation of the body as it is meant to be. With this book, the focus is on techniques proven by research to elicit healthful responses. Described are how much and how often to put to use techniques for moving more to achieve a sought after result: improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol and other measures of metabolism; reduced risk for heart disease (stroke and heart attack), diabetes, cognitive decline and more; approach to muscular pain, reduced waistline and weight control. Techniques include sitting smart, taking steps, taking breaks, forest bathing (immersion), reflexology mat walking, and reflex therapies (reflexology, yoga, tai chi).

  • af Kevin Kunz & Barbara Kunz
    188,95 kr.

  • af Kevin Kunz & Barbara Kunz
    258,95 kr.

    Here''s a revolutionary way to fine-tune your relationship with your body, reduce stress, and feel better all over: Stimulate the reflexes in your hands and feet! It''s all in this hands-on encyclopedia of personal reflexology information. Here, Kevin and Barbara Kunz (authors of The Complete Guide to Foot Reflexology) bring you their unique self-health approach to wellness. Through reflexology, they teach you how to free and channel your pent-up energy -- and to prevent and correct common health problems. With more than 500 detailed instructions, this book includes: * Why your feet and hands are "important sensory organs," and their "special relationship" with your whole body. * Why reflexology works. * Specially designed pressure and movement techniques that reduce stress and actually alter the body''s tension level. Fully illustrated, with step-by-step procedures, for quick and easy application! * Treatment plans for specific aliments, from acne to whiplash. * Stride Replication, the Kunzes'' latest program of foot and hand relaxation. * A more in-depth look at body parts and their corresponding areas in the hands and feet -- all conveniently indexed. Whether you are using it as a quick reference or as the basis for further study. Hand and Foot Reflexology: A Self-Help Guide tells you what you need to know about the simple but potent experience of eflexology -- by yourself and for yourself.

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