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Bøger af Lars Einar Engstrom

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  • af Lars Einar Engstrom
    144,95 kr.

    "We are all sexists. None of us can claim to be the exception that proves the rule. And very few men have the right to call themselves true feminists."These are the stark conclusions of Swedish business consultant and recruitment adviser Lars Einar Engström, who describes himself as a psychologist - and a sexist. But the author believes himself to be at last awakening from decades of conditioning that left him dismissive of women's rights to equality, unresponsive to their claims to be heard, insensitive to the qualities they bring to the workplace, and prejudiced against females in management roles. Through meticulous examination and analysis of our upbringing, our schooling and our behaviour and use of language at work, he demonstrates how we have created and sustained dangerous misconceptions and debilitating stereotypes. He spares no one - not even those women who contribute to their own subjugation. Challenging, sobering and unfailingly illuminating, this book is certain to realise the author's vision and become an 'alarm clock' for as yet unawakened sexists. By daring to suggest practical ways in which we can all change our habits to promote equality, Confessions of a Sexist helps us take the first steps towards a happier, more balanced and quite simply better world.Confessions of a Sexist was first published in Swedish in 2005 and in Danish and Icelandic in 2007.

  • af Lars Einar Engstrom
    64,94 kr.

    Pas på mændene! De forfremmer hinanden og holder kvinderne nede! Det er budskabet i den 53-årige konsulent Lars Einar Engströms bog ‘En mandschauvinists bekendelser’, som vakte stor debat både i Sverige og herhjemme da den udkom i 2005. Lars Einar Engström har arbejdet det meste af sit liv i topstillinger i svensk erhvervsliv uden at skænke ligestilling en tanke. Indtil det gik op for ham at hans 17-årige datter sandsynligvis ville møde uhyrer af samme støbning som han selv på sin vej mod toppen, nemlig mandschauvinistiske og kvindeundertrykkende sexister! Og da han ved, hvordan de tænker og gør, besluttede han sig for at skrive en bog om sexisme - til skræk og advarsel. Engströms bog er en ærlig og personlig efterforskning af de processer og kulturmønstre som er med til at skabe en sexist - herunder forfatterens egen mor!En mandschauvinists bekendelser er desuden et fagligt velunderbygget indlæg i debatten om ligestilling, fyldt med gode, konstruktive råd til kvinden, som gerne vil vide, hvordan man undgår at blive ignoreret, hånet og chikaneret af mænd på sin vej mod toppen. Bogen er oversat fra svensk og udkommer til efteråret i England og USA.

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