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Bøger af Luc Boltanski

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  • af Luc Boltanski & Eve Chiapello
    196,95 kr.

    Presents the changes in contemporary business culture. Using an analysis of the management texts that have formed the thinking of employers in their reorganization of business, this book traces the contours of a new spirit of capitalism. It shows that from the middle of the 1970s, capitalism abandoned the hierarchical Fordist work structure.

  • - A Sociology of Emancipation
    af Luc Boltanski
    289,95 - 645,95 kr.

    * This is a major new work of social theory by one of the leading sociologists in France today. Formerly a close collaborator of Pierre Bourdieu, Luc Boltanski has gone on to develop his own distinctive brand of critical, pragmatic sociology. * His recent book The New Spirit of Capitalism is widely recognized as a major work.

  • af Luc Boltanski
    538,95 kr.

    A vital and underappreciated dimension of social interaction is the way individuals justify their actions to others, instinctively drawing on their experience to appeal to principles they hope will command respect. Individuals, however, often misread situations, and many disagreements can be explained by people appealing, knowingly and unknowingly, to different principles. On Justification is the first English translation of Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thevenot's ambitious theoretical examination of these phenomena, a book that has already had a huge impact on French sociology and is likely to have a similar influence in the English-speaking world. In this foundational work of post-Bourdieu sociology, the authors examine a wide range of situations where people justify their actions. The authors argue that justifications fall into six main logics exemplified by six authors: civic (Rousseau), market (Adam Smith), industrial (Saint-Simon), domestic (Bossuet), inspiration (Augustine), and fame (Hobbes). The authors show how these justifications conflict, as people compete to legitimize their views of a situation.On Justification is likely to spark important debates across the social sciences.

  • af Luc Boltanski
    298,95 kr.

    Luc Boltanski (f. 1940) er fransk sociolog og en af den moderne samfundsvidenskabs mest prominente skikkelser. Boltanski begyndte sin karriere som elev af Pierre Bourdieu, men har siden distanceret sig fra sin læremesters billede af samfundet, hvor mennesker passivt og forblændede lader sig styre af skjulte magtstrukturer, som kun den klarsynede sociolog er i stand til at afdække. I opposition til Bourdieu har Boltanski insisteret på almindelige menneskers dømmekraft og deres evne til - ligesom samfundsforskere - at forholde sig kritisk og reflekteret til den sociale verden. En evne, siger Boltanski, som ikke mindst kan observeres i den enorme mængde store og små konflikter, der gennemsyrer samfundet og skaber en konstant dynamik i dets sociale og økonomiske institutioner.   Boltanski har gjort dette fokus på almindelige menneskers moralske og kritiske kapaciteter til grundstenen for et nyt, vidtfavnende sociologisk paradigme, som i de seneste år har vundet større og større udbredelse inden for alle grene af samfundsvidenskaben. Paradigmet er blevet døbt "pragmatisk sociologi".   Denne tekstsamling er den første bog på dansk af Boltanski og giver et bredt indblik i hans mangesidede forfatterskab. Bogen rummer artikler om bl.a. hverdagslivets kritikker og retfærdiggørelser, om kærligheden grammatik, om medlidenhedes krise i massemediernes tidsalder samt om netværkskapitalismens fremkomst og kapitalismekritikkens betydning herfor.   Luc Boltanski er professor ved École des hautes études en sciences sociales i Paris.

  • af Luc Boltanski
    374,95 kr.

  • - A Critique of Commodities
    af Luc Boltanski & Arnaud Esquerre
    409,95 kr.

  • - Detective Stories, Spy Novels and the Making of Modern Societies
    af Luc Boltanski
    424,95 - 645,95 kr.

    * A pathbreaking new book by one of the world s leading sociologists * The book is a study of the rise of detective novels and spy novels in the 19th and 20th centuries, and Boltanski shows that these genres tell us something important about the nature of modern societies and the modern state.

  • - A Sociology of Engendering and Abortion
    af Luc Boltanski
    232,95 - 704,95 kr.

    * Abortion is a contentious issue in social life but it has rarely been subjected to careful scrutiny in the social sciences. Here, Boltanski, a leading sociologist, seeks to develop a sociology of birth and abortion. * He draws on reports gathered from hospital settings and in-depth interviews with women who have had abortions.

  • af Luc Boltanski
    332,95 - 645,95 kr.

    * A major new book by one of the world s leading sociologists. * Forms the basis for the path-breaking work that Boltanski has developed over the past 20 years, work that has examined the moral foundations of society in and through the forms of everyday conflict.

  • - Remaking Critique
    af Luc Boltanski & Nancy Fraser
    1.606,95 kr.

    Under what conditions can political philosophy and sociology open up new spaces of freedom? In a globalized world, how can we both ensure individual autonomy and guarantee greater levels of social justice? How can we effectively rearticulate a critique of domination and a philosophy of emancipation? Domination and Emancipation presents an exchange between the sociologist Luc Boltanski and the political philosopher Nancy Fraser, reorganized, revised, and introduced by Philippe Corcuff. The first part of the book is based on questions that were presented during a debate between the two at the 2012 festival ''Mode d''emploi'', an exchange that is certain to become a classic debate of critical theory. The debate is augmented by newly translated interviews that see Boltanski venturing into radical politics with Olivier Besancenot and Fraser discussing the future of feminism. The book concludes with a rethinking of individualism and alienation in order to provide the groundwork for a new social theory for the 21st Century.

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