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Bøger af Sara Paretsky

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  • - V.I. Warshawski 20
    af Sara Paretsky
    118,95 - 198,95 kr.

    The edge-of-seat new crime novel featuring America's toughest and most caring private eye, V.I. Warshawski.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    93,95 kr.

  • - A Sunday Times Crime Book of the Month Pick
    af Sara Paretsky
    32,95 kr.

    Sara Paretsky follows her instant New York Times bestseller Fallout-her most widely read novel in years-with an extraordinary adventure that pits her acclaimed detective, V.I. Warshawski, against some of today's most powerful figures.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    223,95 kr.

    The gripping new thriller from the international bestseller - Sara Paretsky is back!

  • af Sara Paretsky
    44,94 kr.

    En hjemløs i Chicagos gader ser i en åbenbaring Jomfru Marias ansigt vædet med tårer af blod på en garagemur under et luksushotel. Og inden længe valfarter andre udstødte kvinder til muren. Men hotellet vil have fjernet de hjemløse, der virker provokerende på gæsterne, og beder hotellets advokat, Harriet Stonds løse problemet.Harriet Stonds søster, den 19-årige Mara Stonds, der er fuld af trods over for sin velhavende bedstefar, bliver katalysator for krigen mellem rige og fattige, mens hun blandt samfundets udstødte leder efter den mor, hun aldrig har kendt.Sideløbende med handlingen i Chicagos gader har Sara Paretsky skrevet en historie om en familie, der lever på en livsløgn. En familieskandale med forsmået kærlighed, skjulte breve og skeletter i skabene.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    73,95 kr.

    Intet glemt er den 10. bog om V.I. Warshawski. For V.I. begynder sagen ved en konference i Chicago, hvor vrede demonstranter kræver udbetaling af Holocaust-midler. En ukendt mand rejser sig under konferencen og fortæller en forbløffende historie om en barndom, der blev ødelagt af Holocaust – en historie, der har rystende konsekvenser for Lotty Herschel, V.I.’s ven og mentor.Lotty tvinges til at huske sin barndom. Hun blev som niårig sammen med en lille gruppe jævnaldrende børn sendt fra Østrig til London lige inden nazisternes terror begyndte. Hendes forældre og slægtninge blev tilbage, og hun har i over 50 år forsøgt at glemme ved at begrave sig i arbejde. Paul Radbuka hævder at have fået sin hukommelse tilbage med hjælp fra en psykoterapeut.Nu ser det ud til at denne mands historie får betydning for flere af V.I.’s venner. Men er han den, han hævder at være? Eller blot en bedrager, der prøver at gøre en andens historie til sin egen?Den rædselsslagne V.I. ser sin elskede ven gå i stykker, og hun beslutter sig for at hjælpe på den eneste måde hun kan, nemlig ved at efterforske Radbukas fortid. Hun kommer nærmere og nærmere sandheden, der truer med at ødelægge Lotty Herschels liv.V.I. Warshawski er tilbage i en spændende og kompleks klassisk kriminalroman. En roman om Holocaust-midler, forsikringssvindel, bedrag og mord, men ikke mindst om kærlighed og venskab.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    73,95 kr.

    Kropskontakt er den 9. bog om V.I. Warshawski.På en bar i Chicago, hvor hendes kusine Petra arbejder, overværer privatdetektiven Victoria Warshawski af og til et noget specielt live show: En body artist lader sin nøgne krop dekorere af gæsterne, og bagefter kan motiverne downloades fra en hjemmeside. Showet tiltrækker alle slags mennesker - af mere eller mindre lyssky karakte - heriblandt krigsveteraner og andre med forbindelse til krigen i Irak. En aften finder Victoria en af stamgæsterne udenfor baren med to kugler i brystet og et enkelt ord på læberne: "Alley ..." Kropskontakt er en stakåndet thriller med markante holdninger og et skæbnedrama i højeste gear – en klassisk Paretskykrimi. Pressen skriver:»Jeg ville ønske, jeg havde læst hele serien, men selv uden at kende alle Vics facetter er jeg i rasende godt selskab med denne højspændte krimi.«***** – Julia Lahme, Femina »Sara Paretsky er stadig i glimrende form.«**** – Lars Ole Sauerberg, Jyllands-Posten»Sarah Paretsky skriver fremragende, veloplagt og formår ikke mindst at give sine romaner et kvindelig twist - en vinkel, som ikke ofte bliver brugt, men som i Paretskys pen er både charmerende, forførende og lige i øjet. Læs denne forrygende bog.«– Marianne D. Cornett, Nordjyske»Kropskontakt er Sara Paretsky og den socialt engagerede V.I., som fansene kender dem. Den midaldrende, hårdkogte og pistolsvingende privatdetektiv går til makronerne, så kuglerne flyver rundt i luften. Der er fuld valuta for pengene til de mange fans.«***** – Jan Vandall, MetroXpress

  • af Sara Paretsky
    73,95 kr.

    Drøje tider er den 9. bog om V.I. Warshawski.Et verdensomspændende multimedieforetagende, Global Entertainment, har erhvervet Chicago-avisen, The Herald-Star, og tvunget avisens medarbejdere til det ene kompromis efter det andet for at bevare deres job. Det lykkes reporteren, Murray Ryerson, V.I. Warshawskys gode ven og rival gennem længere tid, at skabe sig en karriere som vært for et tv-show på Globals netværk.På vej hjem fra en reception for at fejre Murrays debut som skærmtrold, er V.I. millimeter fra at køre over en kvinde, der ligger på gaden. Og V.I., der prøver at trænge til bunds i mysteriet om den forslåede, forladte kvinde, bliver kastet ud i sin karrieres sorteste og mest rystende sag, hvor vi følger hendes møde med en velhavende Chicago-familie med problemer, en forvænt Hollywoodstjernes verden og ledsager hende ind bag pigtråden om et kvindefængsel, hvor de farligste forbrydere måske befinder sig på den forkerte side af tremmerne.Drøje tider er Sara Paretsky, når hun er bedst: En roman der er lige så lidenskabelig, kompleks og underholdende som dens heltinde, V.I. Warshawski.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    73,95 kr.

    Heksejagt er den 11. bog om V.I. Warshawski.I kølvandet på 11. september påtager V.I. Warshawski sig en opgave for en tidligere klient. Hun skal overvåge et gammelt familielandsted, der står tomt, men en nat overrasker hun en ubuden gæst og styrter i guldfiskebassinet. Da hun griber ud efter noget at holde fast i, lukker hendes fingre sig om en iskold hånd. Et lig er dukket op til overfladen.Opdagelsen hvirvler V.I. ind i to store Chicago-familiers historier, hvor der tegner sig et kompliceret spil om blod, sex, penge, skandaler – og mord. Samtidig bliver hun involveret i en sag om en savnet ægyptisk dreng, der muligvis har forbindelser til et terrornetværk.Heksejagt er en krimi om flere generationers forræderi og hemmeligheder – politiske, seksuelle og økonomiske. Hver især potentielle dræbere.

  • - V.I. Warshawski 21
    af Sara Paretsky
    118,95 - 196,95 kr.

    The twenty-first V.I. Warshawski thriller from one of America's greatest female crime writers.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    93,95 - 139,95 kr.

    Vics kvarter er ved at blive overtaget af "yuppier", der med deres bidselsko og sorte mapper vil gøre området mere eksklusivt. Skatterne ryger i vejret og almindelige mennesker som Vic, der lever fra hånden til munden, presses til at følge med – eller pakke sammen og forlade denne del af byen. Værst går det dog ud over gamle Hattie Frizell og hendes fem hunde, der i yuppiernes øjne er bydelens værste skamplet. Da Hattie indlægges på hospitalet, er naboparret advokat Todd Pichea og hans kone Chrissie ikke sene til at melde sig som den gamle kvindes juridiske værger. Vic bliver involveret i sagen, men inden længe bliver hun del af endnu en redelighed, da underboens gode, gamle ven er forsvundet. I forsøget på at løse begge sager afdækker Vic en skandale, der har forbindelse til en af byens ældste og mest magtfulde familier. Ud over at kæmpe med myndigheder og bedragere bliver Vic pludselig fanget i en personlig kamp, hvor venner bliver til fjender, og hvor hun pludselig må stå ansigt til ansigt med sin eksmand Dick Yarborough. Sara Paretsky, født 8. juni 1947 i Iowa, USA, er en amerikansk forfatterinde. Hun er mest kendt for at have skrevet serien om privatdetektiven V.I. Warshawski, og Paretsky krediteres ofte for at have været den første til at omdanne kvindens rolle og image i krimigenren. "V.I. Warshawski er, som det sjældent er set blandt fiktive privatdetektiver, en fuldt ud realiseret karakter... Sara Paretskys følsomhed og moralske perspektiv, kombineret med hendes fine talent, gøre hende til en betydningsfuld, amerikansk romanforfatter." - Mostly Murder

  • af Sara Paretsky
    113,95 kr.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    123,95 kr.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    123,95 kr.

    V. I. Warshawski explores secrets and betrayals that stretch across four generations in this New York Times bestselling novel from one of the most compelling writers in American crime fiction..."A thoughtful, high-tension mystery."-The Washington Post Book World"A genuinely exciting and disturbing thriller."-Chicago TribuneAs a favor to her most important client, V. I. agrees to check up on an empty mansion. But instead of a mysterious intruder she discovers a dead man in the ornamental pond-a reporter for an African-American publication whom the suburban cops are quick to dismiss as a suicide.When the man's shattered family hires V. I. to investigate, she is sucked into a Gothic tale of sex, money, and power, leading her back to McCarthy-era blacklists and forward to some of the darker aspects of the Patriot Act. As V. I. finds herself penned in to a smaller and smaller space by an array of people trying to silence her, and before she can untangled the sordid truth, two more people will die-and V.I.'s own life will hang in the balance.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    128,95 kr.

    "Yes, this is a violent world that Nate inhabits, but he steers a true and moral course through the layers of deception, skullduggery and sometime worse that make these stories such high-density entertainment."T. Jefferson Parker, author of The Room of White FireIn this rollicking collection private investigator Nate Hollis, a routine visit to the dentist sends him into an underground world of addictive vices; hunts a killer in the dead of winter in Chicago; uncovers secrets from the buried past; stalks the stalker of super hero street performers in the back alleys of Tinseltown; braves the unforgiving streets of New York City to stop a killer, and more in this electric-charged assortment of stories.New York Times bestseller Sara Paretsky, Edgar winner Naomi Hirahara, Deadly Ink nominee Sarah M. Chen, hardboiled adept Scott Adlerberg, and new pulpster Phillip Drayer Duncan along with Hollis' creator and 2018 Anthony Award winner Gary Phillips (Black Pulp, Peepland) deliver tales of a P.I. who Kevin Burton Smith in Mystery Scene magazine said was "Slick as spit, big-shouldered Hollis walks the walk and talks the talk..." This edition also includes two previously published Hollis stories by Phillips, "King Cow" and "Hollywood Killer."Praise for the previous Nate Hollis collection, Hollis P.I."Each story entertained and what was a little bit surprising to me was the consistency of voice, from our author collective presenting our intrepid investigator Nate."Goodreads review "...excellent stories that really filled the bill!"Amazon review

  • af Sara Paretsky
    168,95 kr.

    Sometimes, time doesn't heal all wounds...When a young woman named Sabrina disappears without a trace in Kansas, private investigator V.I. Warshawski knows she must act fast. But when she discovers Sabrina close to death in a drug house, the locals don't take kindly to her - and Sabrina's mother becomes suspicious. V.I. finds herself under the sharp gaze of the FBI - and the men running the county's opioid distribution. And when a dead body surfaces a few days later, V.I. is pitched headlong into a battle between the locals - with roots that date all the way back to the American Civil War.The war might be over, but its legacy remains - and V.I.'s survival depends on keeping one step ahead in a game she doesn't even know she's playing...

  • af Sara Paretsky
    285,95 kr.

    Legendary detective V.I. Warshawski uncovers a nefarious conspiracy preying on Chicago's weak and vulnerable, in this thrilling novel from New York Times bestseller Sara Paretsky.On her way home from an all-night surveillance job, V.I. Warshawski is led by her dogs on a mad chase that ends when they discover a badly injured teen hiding in the rocks along Lake Michigan. The girl only regains consciousness long enough to utter one enigmatic word. V.I. helps bring her to a hospital, but not long after, she vanishes before anyone can discover her identity. As V.I. attempts to find her, the detective uncovers an ugly consortium of Chicago powerbrokers and mobsters who are prepared to kill the girl. And now V.I.'s own life is in jeopardy as well.Told against the backdrop of a city emerging from its pandemic lockdown, Overboard lays bare the dark secrets and corruption buried in Chicago's neighborhoods in masterly fashion.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    263,95 kr.

    Legendary detective V.I. Warshawski uncovers a mystery with roots dating back to the Civil War in this edge-of-your-seat thriller from New York Times bestseller Sara Paretsky.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    323,95 kr.

    Legendary detective V.I. Warshawski uncovers a mystery with roots dating back to the Civil War in this edge-of-your-seat thriller from New York Times bestseller Sara Paretsky.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    186,95 kr.

    Legendary detective V.I. Warshawski uncovers a nefarious conspiracy preying on Chicago's weak and vulnerable, in this thrilling novel from New York Times bestseller Sara ParetskyOn her way home from an all-night surveillance job, V.I. Warshawski's dogs lead her on a mad chase that ends when they discover a badly injured teen hiding in the rocks along Lake Michigan. The girl only regains consciousness long enough to utter one enigmatic word. V.I. helps bring her to a hospital, but not long after, she vanishes before anyone can discover her identity. As V.I. attempts to find her, the detective uncovers an ugly consortium of Chicago powerbrokers and mobsters who are prepared to kill the girl. And now V.I.'s own life is in jeopardy as well.Told against the backdrop of a city emerging from its pandemic lockdown, Overboard lays bare the dark secrets and corruption buried in Chicago's neighborhoods in a masterly fashion.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    134,95 kr.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    208,95 kr.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    218,95 kr.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    333,95 kr.

    NAMED A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE WASHINGTON POST?A proper hero for these times . . . To us, V.I. is perfect.? ? THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW "Sara Paretsky's gloriously kick-ass private eye, V.I. ?Vic? Warshawski, is back . . . in a political-rot thriller that's the definition of perfection in the genre." ? THE WASHINGTON POSTChicago's legendary detective, V.I. Warshawski, knows her city's rotten underbelly better than most, but she's unable to avoid it when her goddaughter drags her into a fight over lakefront land use, in this propulsive novel from New York Times bestseller Sara Paretsky.Chicago may be the city of broad shoulders, but its political law is ?Pay to Play.? Money changes hands in the middle of the night, and by morning, buildings and parks are replaced by billion-dollar projects.Chicago PI V.I. Warshawski gets pulled into one of these clandestine deals through her impetuous goddaughter, Bernie Fouchard. Bernie tries to rescue Lydia Zamir, a famed singer-songwriter now living on the streets; Zamir's life fell apart when her lover was murdered next to her in a mass shooting at an outdoor concert. Not only does Bernie plunge her and V.I. headlong into the path of some ruthless developers, they lead to the murder of the young man Bernie is dating. He's a computer geek working for a community group called SLICK.V.I. is desperate to find a mysterious man named Coop, who roams the lakefront in the middle of the night with his dog. She's sure he holds the key to the mounting body count within SLICK. Coop may even know why an international law firm is representing the mass murderer responsible for Lydia's lover's death. Instead, the detective finds a terrifying conspiracy stretching from Chicago's parks to a cover-up of the dark chapters in America's meddling in South American politics. Before she finds answers, this electrifying novel pushes V.I. close to the breaking point: People who pay to play take no prisoners.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    173,95 kr.

    Before there was Lisbeth Salander, before there was Stephanie Plum, there was V.I. WarshawskiIn Fallout, Paretsky takes her hero?Victoria Iphigenia by birth, V.I. by profession, and Vic to her friends?on her very first case out of Chicago, when the hunt for a vanished film student and a faded Hollywood star leads her to Kansas. Accompanied by her dog, V.I. tracks the pair through a university town, across fields dotted with Cold War?era missile silos . . . and into a past riven by long-simmering racial tensions.She hopes her search will yield the key to the mysteries of the present, but every answer V.I. finds unveils another puzzling question?and leads to more dead bodies. And in her most baffling case to date, not even the seasoned V.I. is safe.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    238,95 kr.

    In "Miss Bianca," a young girl becomes involved in espionage when she befriends a mouse in a laboratory that is conducting dark experiments. Ten-year-old V.I. Warshawski appears in "Wildcat," embarking on her very first investigation to save her father. A hardboiled New York detective and elderly British aristocrat team up to reveal a murderer in Chicago during the World's Fair in "Murder at the Century of Progress." In the new title story, "Love & Other Crimes," V.I. treads the line between justice and vengeance when the wrongful firing of a family friend makes him a murder suspect.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    333,95 kr.

    "Readers can find comfort in the dedication V.I. gives the cries for help she hears from friends, neighbors, and strangers... Very few series authors deliver as masterfully as Sara Paretsky." -- San Francisco Book ReviewLegendary detective V.I. Warshawski uncovers a nefarious conspiracy preying on Chicago's weak and vulnerable, in this thrilling novel from New York Times bestseller Sara ParetskyOn her way home from an all-night surveillance job, V.I. Warshawski's dogs lead her on a mad chase that ends when they discover a badly injured teen hiding in the rocks along Lake Michigan. The girl only regains consciousness long enough to utter one enigmatic word. V.I. helps bring her to a hospital, but not long after, she vanishes before anyone can discover her identity. As V.I. attempts to find her, the detective uncovers an ugly consortium of Chicago powerbrokers and mobsters who are prepared to kill the girl. And now V.I.'s own life is in jeopardy as well.Told against the backdrop of a city emerging from its pandemic lockdown, Overboard lays bare the dark secrets and corruption buried in Chicago's neighborhoods in a masterly fashion.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    273,95 kr.

    Before there was Lisbeth Salander, before there was Stephanie Plum, there was V.I. Warshawski.Sara Paretsky takes her legendary hero?Victoria Iphigenia by birth, V.I. by profession, and Vic to her friends?on her first case out of Chicago, when the hunt for a vanished film student and a faded Hollywood star leads her to Kansas. Accompanied by her dog, V.I. tracks the pair through a university town, across fields dotted by Cold War-era missile silos . . . and into a past riven by long-simmering racial tensions. She hopes her search will yield the key to the mysteries of the present but every answer V.I. finds unveils another puzzling question?and leads to more dead bodies. Suspenseful and provocative, witty and intelligent, Fallout finds both Sara Paretsky and V.I. Warshawski working at the height of their abilities.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    103,95 kr.

    The bestselling V.I. Warshawski novels have dazzled readers and earned the acclaim of critics everywhere. "V.I. Warshawski rules,” writes Newsweek, crowning her "the most engaging woman in detective fiction.” Of V.I.'s creator, the Chicago Tribune says "Sara Paretsky has no peer.” Now Paretsky brings her incomparable storytelling brilliance to her most powerful Warshawski novel yet. Total Recall follows the Chicago P.I. on a road that winds back more than fifty years — and into an intricate maze of wartime lies, heartbreaking secrets, and harrowing retribution. For V.I., the journey begins with a national conference in downtown Chicago, where angry protesters are calling for the recovery of Holocaust assets. Replayed on the evening news is the scene of a slight man who has stood up at the conference to tell an astonishing story of a childhood shattered by the Holocaust — a story that has devastating consequences for V.I.'s cherished friend and mentor, Lotty Herschel. Lotty was a girl of nine when she emigrated from Austria to England, one of a group of children wrenched from their parents and saved from the Nazi terror just before the war broke out. Now stunningly — impossibly — it appears that someone from that long-lost past may have returned. With the help of a recovered-memory therapist, Paul Radbuka has recently learned his true identity. But is he who he claims to be? Or is he a cunning impostor who has usurped someone else's history ... a history Lotty has tried to forget for over fifty years?As a frightened V.I. watches her friend unravel, she sets out to help in the only way she can: by investigating Radbuka's past. Already working on a difficult case for a poor family cheated of their life insurance, she tries to balance Lotty's needs with her client's, only to find that both are spiraling into a whirlpool of international crime that stretches from Switzerland and Germany to Chicago's South Side. As the atrocities of the past reach out to engulf the living, V.I. struggles to decide whose memories of a terrible war she can trust, and moves closer to a chilling realization of the truth — a truth that almost destroys her oldest friend.With fierce emotional power, Sara Paretsky has woven a gripping and morally complex novel of crime and punishment, memory and illusion. Destined to become a suspense classic, Total Recall proves once again the daring and compelling genius of Sara Paretsky.

  • af Sara Paretsky
    118,95 - 196,95 kr.

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