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Bøger af Takashi Hiraide

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  • af Takashi Hiraide
    123,95 - 150,95 kr.

    Prisbelønnet japansk roman, der har ligget på bestsellerlisterne i USA, Frankrig og England Et par i trediverne bor til leje i en lille hytte i en stille del af Tokyo. De arbejder begge hjemme som freelance skribenter, men har ikke længere noget at sige hinanden. En dag inviterer en smuk hunkat sig selv på besøg i deres køkken. Den går igen, men kommer tilbage dagen efter og næste dag og næste dag igen. Nye, små glæder dukker op sammen med katten; dagene bliver lysere og mere farverige. Pludselig virker det, som om livet igen har noget i vente for det unge par; de går ture sammen, taler og deler historier om katten og dens særheder med hinanden. En bevægende og poetisk roman om tilværelsen, kærlighedens væsen og om at miste. "En vidunderlig, overdådig læseoplevelse fyldt med filosofiske betragtninger, humor og intelligens. " – Publishers Weekly

  • af Takashi Hiraide
    123,95 kr.

    The Sunday Times and New York Times BestsellerA couple in their thirties live in a small rented cottage in a quiet part of Tokyo. They work at home as freelance writers. They no longer have very much to say to one another. One day a cat invites itself into their small kitchen. She is a beautiful creature. She leaves, but the next day comes again, and then again and again. New, small joys accompany the cat; the days have more light and colour. Life suddenly seems to have more promise for the husband and wife; they go walking together, talk and share stories of the cat and its little ways, play in the nearby Garden. But then something happens that will change everything again.The Guest Cat is an exceptionally moving and beautiful novel about the nature of life and the way it feels to live it. Written by Japanese poet and novelist Takashi Hiraide, the book won Japan's Kiyama Shohei Literary Award, and was a bestseller in France and America.

  • af Takashi Hiraide
    163,95 kr.

    A bestseller in France and winner of Japan's Kiyama Shohei Literary Award, The Guest Cat, by the acclaimed poet Takashi Hiraide, is a subtly moving and exceptionally beautiful novel about the transient nature of life and idiosyncratic but deeply felt ways of living. A couple in their thirties live in a small rented cottage in a quiet part of Tokyo; they work at home, freelance copy-editing; they no longer have very much to say to one another. But one day a cat invites itself into their small kitchen. It leaves, but the next day comes again, and then again and again. Soon they are buying treats for the cat and enjoying talks about the animal and all its little ways. Life suddenly seems to have more promise for the husband and wife - the days have more light and color. The novel brims with new small joys and many moments of staggering poetic beauty, but then something happens....As Kenzaburo Oe has remarked, Takashi Hiraide's work "really shines." His poetry, which is remarkably cross-hatched with beauty, has been acclaimed here for "its seemingly endless string of shape-shifting objects and experiences,whose splintering effect is enacted via a unique combination of speed and minutiae."

  • af Takashi Hiraide
    56,95 kr.

    Weil sie genug von dem Lärm und Stress der Metropole Tokyo haben, zieht ein junges Paar auf der Suche nach einem Neuanfang in ein Gartenhaus außerhalb der Stadt. Nach einer Weile läuft ihnen eine kleine Katze zu, die von dem Paar mehr und mehr in den Alltag integriert wird. Doch als das kleine Kätzchen plötzlich verwindet, wird den beiden schlagartig bewusst, welche Bedeutung es für sie hatte. Takashi Hiraide wurde 1950 geboren und ist ein japanischer Lyriker und Schriftsteller. Bereits während seines Studiums in Tokyo veröffentlichte er unter anderem Gedichtbände und Reiseberichte. Für seine Werke erhielt Hiraide zahlreiche Auszeichnungen.

  • af Takashi Hiraide
    168,95 kr.

    The radiant subway. The wall that clears up, endless. A thundering prayer of steel that fastens together the days, a brush of cloud hanging upon it, O beginning, it is there-your nest. Thus the keynotes of Hiraide's utterly original book-length poem unfold-a mix of narrative, autobiography, minute scientific observations, poetics, rhetorical experiments, hyper-realistic images, and playful linguistic subversions-all scored with the precision of a mathematical-musical structure.

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