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Bøger af Tass Saada

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  • af Tass Saada
    146,95 kr.

  • - Historien om en snigskyttes omvendelse
    af Tass Saada & Dean Merrill
    89,95 kr.

    Den utrolige beretning om Tass Saada, der blev født i Gazastriben, men voksede op som flygtning i Saudi-Arabien og Qatar.Årene som flygtning fyldte ham med et intenst had til staten Israel og det folk, som havde frarøvet ham hans hjem. Som 17-årig forlod han derfor sin familie og sluttede sig til Yasser Arafats Fatah-organisation, som med våben i hånd kæmpede for palæstinensernes ret til at vende tilbage til de israelsk-besatte områder.Tass Saada steg hurtigt i graderne og med sit gevær spredte han død og ødelæggelse blandt israelske soldater og civile. Desuden fungerede han i en periode som privatchauffør for Arafat.Tass Saadas farefulde liv kunne meget vel være endt i en tragedie, men ad underlige veje havnede han i USA, hvor mødet med en kristen forretningsmand, ændrede hans liv radikalt.

  • af Tass Saada
    133,95 kr.

    What motivates Islamic terrorists? What is in the mind of terror? Our news reports from the Middle East cover events--bombings, massacres, and suicide attacks. Our newscasters take time to explain who the players are--from Hezbollah to the Iranian Quds, from ISIS to the Palestinian National Authority. But there is something underneath these events and players that fuels atrocity after atrocity in the Middle East. What is it? Tass Saada provides the answer to that question as he delves into the mind of terror, explaining what motivates extremist groups throughout the Middle East. A former Muslim and a onetime sniper with Yasser Arafat's Fatah organization, Tass has lived it himself. At age 42, he steered his life in a radical new direction, committing it to Jesus. Tass not only describes the motivations and aspirations of those who live in the Middle East, he also outlines a peaceful solution. We can plant seeds of hope that will transform not only the Middle East, but also our increasingly diverse neighborhoods at home. Discover the mind behind terror and how to oppose its grip.

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