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  • af Tomas Eloy Martinez
    174,95 kr.

    Un éxito instantáneo en America Latina, La novela de Perón, escrita por el periodista y novelista argentino Tomás Eloy Martinez, antes de la publicación de su renombrada Santa Evita, es una ficción que cuenta la verdad. Combinando artículos de diario, fotos, testimonios y entrevistas del autor con el mismo Perón, con ficciones fantásticas, Martinez construye una obra audaz y potente que es la vez un retrato brillante de Juan Perón, el dictador más respetado y odiado en la historia de Argentina, y también una investigación de los efectos devastadores y extraños del poder absoluto. Con su estilo único, Martínez nos sumerge en esta intriga donde la política y la muerte son fuerzas eróticas. Un cuento histórico de la vida de Juan Perón se convierte en una vista intima de este personaje quien hasta ahora ha sido enigmático.

  • af Tomas Eloy Martinez
    188,95 kr.

  • af Tomas Eloy Martinez
    228,95 kr.

    "One of the most original and entertaining books to come out of Latin America in recent years."-Mario Vargas Llosa On June 20, 1973, General Juan Peron, the most revered-as well as the most hated-dictator in the history of Argentina, returned to his homeland after eighteen years of exile. His arrival was the occasion for a fratricidal massacre. Less than a year later, Peron was dead. The throngs that filed past his body as it lay in state were as vast and impassioned as those that had mourned his wife, Evita, the music hall performer Peron had turned into Argentina's secular saint and who embalmed corpse he had turned into his personal talisman. Out of the facts of this enigmatic despot's life, the Argentine journalist and novelist Tomas Eloy Martinez has created a novel who fantasy only heightens its humanity. For in The Peron Novel the mask of history is lifted to reveal a tragically hollow man who was a born follower until the moment he found himself transformed into a leader. The result is a tour de force, the most audacious and compelling meditation on absolute power since Gabriel Garcia Marquez's The Autumn of the Patriarch. "A brilliant image of national psychosis. Vividly written."-The New York Times Book Review

  • af Tomas Eloy Martinez
    198,95 kr.

    Un clásico de la gran literatura latinoamericana y una referencia insoslayable para entender las contradicciones y desencuentros de la Argentina. Diosa, reina, señora, madre, benefactora, árbitro de la moda y modelo nacional de comportamiento. Santa Evita para unos y para otros una analfabeta resentida, trepadora, loca y ordinaria, presidenta de una dictadura de mendigos. El protagonista de esta novela es el cuerpo de Eva Duarte de Perón, una belleza en vida y una hermosura etérea de 1,25 m después del trabajo del embalsamador español Pedro Ara. Un cuerpo del que se hicieron varias copias y que, en su enloquecedor viaje por el mundo durante dieciséis años, trastorna a cuantos se le acercan y se confunde con un pueblo a la deriva que no ha perdido la esperanza de su regreso.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA Latin-American literature classic, and an inescapable reference to understanding Argentina’s contradictions and disagreements.   Goddess, queen, lady, mother, patron, fashion icon, and national role model. Santa Evita to some, and to others a bitter illiterate, a social climber, insane and ordinary, president in a dictatorship of beggars. The protagonist is the body of Eva Duarte de Perón, beautiful in life, and an ethereal beauty of 1.25 m after Spanish embalmer Pedro Ara finished his work. A body of which several copies were made, and that, in its maddening-sixteen-year journey throughout the world, disturbs everyone that comes near it and merges with a nation adrift, a nation that has not given up hope to see her return.

  • af Tomas Eloy Martinez
    146,95 kr.

    An extraordinary novel that will propel the International Man Booker Prize-nominated Tomas Eloy Martinez to wide recognition and major sales

  • af Tomas Eloy Martinez
    166,95 kr.

    The bizarre after-life of her embalmed body - hidden, hijacked, replicated, smuggled abroad, buried, resurrected, repatriated - echoed her equally strange life.

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