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Bøger af Winnie Dunn

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  • - Kend dit sansemønster
    af Winnie Dunn
    233,95 - 271,95 kr.

    Måske kan du lide fyrværkeri, høj musik og ekstremsport? Måske foretrækker du at læse for dig selv eller at købe ind på nettet i stedet for at gå i indkøbscenteret? Måske har du problemer med at arbejde i støjende omgivelser? Eller måske kan du uden problemer ignorere forstyrrelser? I Lev sanseligt forklarer Winnie Dunn, hvordan dine individuelle sansemønstre påvirker den måde, du reagerer på over for alt, hvad der sker for dig dagen igennem. Hver af os kan identificere os med et af fire sansemønstre. Ved at bruge spørgeskemaet i denne bog kan du finde frem til dit eget sansemønster og sammenligne det med din partners eller din kollegas. Det har nemlig stor betydning for, hvordan man løser sansemæssige konflikter derhjemme og på arbejdet. Når du kender dit sansemønster, vil du være i stand til at vælge netop den rigtige påklædning, det rigtige job eller det rigtige hjem og forstå, hvorfor du træffer disse valg. Lev sanseligt henvender sig ikke blot til faguddannede psykologer og ergoterapeuter men er skrevet som en lettilgængelig indføring og vejledning i, hvordan vores sanser og psykologi spiller sammen, når vi skal forholde os til de sanseindtryk, vi modtager fra vores omverden og medmennesker.

  • af Winnie Dunn
    823,95 kr.

    Bringing Evidence Into Everyday Practice: Practical Strategies for Health Care Professionals, Second Edition provides a step-by-step process for learning how to use literature to inform quality practices in an accessible workbook format. Bringing Evidence Into Everyday Practice simplifies analyzing research through repetition of core strategies and the systematic introduction of increasingly complex techniques for interpreting literature. Students, early career professionals, and interdisciplinary teams alike can build a common language and structure for selecting and evaluating evidence to incorporate into their practices. What's included in Bringing Evidence Into Everyday Practice: - Worksheets to guide learning, available in print and as writable PDFs online - Ample opportunities to repeat and practice skills - Summary articles, emerging practices, and data collection - How to search databases, examine quality features, and identify the parts of a research article > Instructors in educational settings can visit for supplemental faculty materials to be used for teaching in the classroom. Bringing Evidence Into Everyday Practice: Practical Strategies for Health Care Professionals, Second Edition walks readers through each step of reviewing articles in the literature--providing them with a scaffolding of understanding how to evaluate and incorporate evidence into their practice.

  • - Understanding Your Senses
    af Winnie Dunn
    213,95 - 748,95 kr.

    The book explains how people's individual sensory patterns affect the way we react to everything that happens to us throughout the day. Readers can use the questionnaire to find their own patterns and the patterns of those around them, and can benefit from practical sensory ideas for individuals, families and businesses.

  • - Supporting Best Practice in Occupational Therapy
    af Winnie Dunn, Mary C. Law & Carolyn Manville Baum
    1.429,95 kr.

    With an emphasis on the context of best practice in occupational therapy, this book has an approach based on evidence rehabilitation and accountability. This edition includes structured measures that allow this to be the only resource needed for measuring occupational performance, a chapter on participation measures and also appendices.

  • af Winnie Dunn
    1.470,95 kr.

    Provides the most current information about providing services within community settings, with material addressing early intervention, early childhood, school-age services, and transitions. It is rooted in best practice principles from interdisciplinary literature and illustrates how occupational therapy professionals implement those principles in their everyday practices.

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