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  • - Aprende Japonés Con Cuentos
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    ** Recomendado para principiantes de japonés que dominan hiragana ** ¡Lee la fábula japonesa más famosa directamente en japonés!Cada oración y cada palabra es explicada y definida.Se incluyen MP3s sin cargo de ambos cuentos. Uno leído a un ritmo normal y otro a un ritmo más lento y fácil de seguir. Encontrarás el enlace para descargar los MP3s en la última página.LA HISTORIA Este libro contiene cuatro divertidos cuentos sobre el legendario Hikoichi-un joven que era bien conocido por su sabiduría... y picardía.En el primer cuento, Hikoichi tiene que descifrar quién es el verdadero príncipe. En el Segundo, se muestra más inteligente que el resto de los criados mientras disfruta del hanami (mirar las flores de cerezo). El tercero es sobre un misterioso paraguas que tiene vida, y concluimos con el encuentro de Hikoichi con el Tengu y su especial impermeable de paja para ocultarse. SOBRE ESTE LIBRO Este libro contiene varias versiones de los cuentos. Primero, tenemos la historia línea por línea con cada palabra de vocabulario definida y explicada. Luego, realizamos un análisis más profundo en los patrones gramaticales encontrados en el cuento. A continuación, puedes leer la historia enteramente en japonés, sin notas en español (se incluyen furigana con los kanjis). Finalmente, incluimos una traducción al español, la cual debería ser evitada hasta que te sientas seguro de haber comprendido la historia, o usarla si te resulta muy difícil descifrarla por ti mismo. Tal vez quieras intentar primero leer el cuento en japonés. O, si eres principiante, puede que te sea mejor revisar antes el vocabulario. Cualquiera sea la forma en que lo hagas, este libro te ofrece varias formas de leer, escuchar y aprender.

  • - Aprende Japonés Con Cuentos
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    ** Recomendado para principiantes de japonés que dominan hiragana ** ¡Lee la fábula japonesa más famosa directamente en japonés!Cada oración y cada palabra es explicada y definida.Se incluyen MP3s sin cargo de ambos cuentos. Uno leído a un ritmo normal y otro a un ritmo más lento y fácil de seguir. Encontrarás el enlace para descargar los MP3s en la última página.Estos cuentos están diseñados para quienes recién están comenzando con el japonés. El japonés incluye kanji cuando este es de uso normal, pero también incluiremos furigana (pequeños kana sobre los kanji) y romaji, para que puedas asegurarte de que estás leyendo con la pronunciación correcta. SOBRE ESTE LIBRO El las fábulas japonesas, Yuki Onna (literalmente "mujer nieve") es un espíritu o yōkai que aparece a los viajeros en noches de nieve. Ella aparece como una hermosa-pero pálida-mujer, quien a menudo guía a los hombres a desviarse, flotando y nunca dejando huellas en la nieve.Este libro contiene varias versiones de los cuentos. Primero, tenemos la historia línea por línea con cada palabra de vocabulario definida y explicada. Luego, realizamos un análisis más profundo en los patrones gramaticales encontrados en el cuento. A continuación, puedes leer la historia enteramente en japonés, sin notas en español (se incluyen furigana con los kanjis). Finalmente, incluimos una traducción al español, la cual debería ser evitada hasta que te sientas seguro de haber comprendido la historia, o usarla si te resulta muy difícil descifrarla por ti mismo. Tal vez quieras intentar primero leer el cuento en japonés. O, si eres principiante, puede que te sea mejor revisar antes el vocabulario. Cualquiera sea la forma en que lo hagas, este libro te ofrece varias formas de leer, escuchar y aprender.

  • - 99 Essential Sound and Action Words in Japanese
    af Yumi Boutwell
    167,95 kr.

    Struggling to sound natural in Japanese? Looking for a Japanese "text"book that's as fun as it is educational? Learn how to use ninety-nine essential Japanese onomatopoeic sound words with this book and the included Anki flashcard deck and sound files. Japanese has many words that symbolize sounds (onomatopoeia) or soundless actions or feelings (mimetic words). There are two main types of these words: 擬音語 giongo-onomatopoeia [a word that imitates a sound.]擬態語 gitaigo-ideophones or mimetic word [a word that mimics something that doesn't make a sound.]We have this in English too. Think of the 1960s' Batman TV series. Bang! POW! Boom! Or the sounds animals make but really aren't very representative. Bow-wow. Chirp. Cluck cluck. These are all English examples of giongo. What about gitaigo? We don't use words that mimic non-sounds too much, but there are a few in English: twinkle twinkle, glimmer, and willy-nilly. Each of the ninety-nine entries begins with the target word itself and several English definitions. This is followed by a single example sentence showing usage. At the bottom of the page are some notes either about the word itself or the example sentence. We are also including, for no extra charge, an Anki flashcard deck of all the words. Find the download link on the last page of the book.Covers 99 key Japanese onomatopoeiaIncludes example sentences with each sound wordDownload sound files AND an Anki flashcard deck for no extra chargeSound files include both the sound word and its example sentenceThe Anki flashcard deck includes the sound file tooReady to get started? Add to your cart now.

  • - Aprende Japonés Con Cuentos
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    ** Recomendado para principiantes de japonés que dominan hiragana ** ¡Lee la fábula japonesa más famosa directamente en japonés!Cada oración y cada palabra es explicada y definida.Se incluyen MP3s sin cargo de ambos cuentos. Uno leído a un ritmo normal y otro a un ritmo más lento y fácil de seguir. Encontrarás el enlace para descargar los MP3s en la última página.Estos cuentos están diseñados para quienes recién están comenzando con el japonés. El japonés incluye kanji cuando este es de uso normal, pero también incluiremos furigana (pequeños kana sobre los kanji) para que puedas asegurarte de que estás leyendo con la pronunciación correcta. SOBRE ESTE LIBRO Puede que sepas que nuestra primer volumen de la Colección de Libros Japoneses tiene varias historias de Hikoichi. Por lejos, aquellas historias han sido las más populares entre los estudiantes. Hikoichi es, después de todo, un personaje interesante, inteligente, pícaro y creativo para su pereza... En resumen, sus aventuras son entretenidas. Además, no muchas personas no japonesas están familiarizados con Hikoicho como lo están con Momotaro o la Princesa de la Luna. Así que, ¡sé uno de los pocos en indagar, disfrutar y aprender más sobre Hikoichi!Este libro contiene varias versiones de los cuentos. Primero, tenemos la historia línea por línea con cada palabra de vocabulario definida y explicada. Luego, realizamos un análisis más profundo en los patrones gramaticales encontrados en el cuento. A continuación, puedes leer la historia enteramente en japonés, sin notas en español (se incluyen furigana con los kanjis). Finalmente, incluimos una traducción al español, la cual debería ser evitada hasta que te sientas seguro de haber comprendido la historia, o usarla si te resulta muy difícil descifrarla por ti mismo. Tal vez quieras intentar primero leer el cuento en japonés. O, si eres principiante, puede que te sea mejor revisar antes el vocabulario. Cualquiera sea la forma en que lo hagas, este libro te ofrece varias formas de leer, escuchar y aprender.

  • - Aprende Japonés Con Cuentos
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    ** Recomendado para principiantes de japonés que dominan hiragana ** ¡Lee la fábula japonesa más famosa directamente en japonés!Cada oración y cada palabra es explicada y definida.Se incluyen MP3s sin cargo de ambos cuentos. Uno leído a un ritmo normal y otro a un ritmo más lento y fácil de seguir. Encontrarás el enlace para descargar los MP3s en la última página.Estos cuentos están diseñados para quienes recién están comenzando con el japonés. El japonés incluye kanji cuando este es de uso normal, pero también incluiremos furigana (pequeños kana sobre los kanji) para que puedas asegurarte de que estás leyendo con la pronunciación correcta. SOBRE ESTE LIBRO La famosa historia corta de Hans Christian Andersen se ha abierto camino hacia la cultura japonesa, llegando a ser una fábula muy conocida en Japón. La triste historia es sobre los sueños y deseos de una niña en su lecho de muerte en una fría víspera de Año Nuevo. Fue publicado por primera vez en Dinamarca en 1845.Este libro contiene varias versiones de los cuentos. Primero, tenemos la historia línea por línea con cada palabra de vocabulario definida y explicada. Luego, realizamos un análisis más profundo en los patrones gramaticales encontrados en el cuento. A continuación, puedes leer la historia enteramente en japonés, sin notas en español (se incluyen furigana con los kanjis). Finalmente, incluimos una traducción al español, la cual debería ser evitada hasta que te sientas seguro de haber comprendido la historia, o usarla si te resulta muy difícil descifrarla por ti mismo. Tal vez quieras intentar primero leer el cuento en japonés. O, si eres principiante, puede que te sea mejor revisar antes el vocabulario. Cualquiera sea la forma en que lo hagas, este libro te ofrece varias formas de leer, escuchar y aprender.

  • af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    ★For Upper Beginners Learning Japanese ★ Living in shadows and the in-between world of dreams and reality, yokai thrive in Japanese imagination. What are yokai? They are monsters, ghosts, unnatural beings, and even sentient household items. Yokai can be harmless and amusing, or they can be terrifying. Now you can learn about yokai and read stories about them while polishing your Japanese. ♥ ABOUT THIS VOLUMETengu is a legendary creature associated with mountains and forests. Tengu can cause mischief, but as you will read within these pages, tengu also can show kindness to people. Earlier depictions make the tengu out to be more bird-like, but, eventually, tengu came to be drawn in the form of an ascetic mountain priest called yamabushi. Unlike normal yamabushi, however, tengu have unnaturally long noses, carry a scroll called "tora no maki," and have magical powers. They say, the tengu even taught ninjas their legendary skills! FEATURESIncludes three essays or storiesEach story is presented in three formats: 1) Sentence-by-Sentence with definition and commentary below 2) Japanese only (to test your reading ability) 3) English translation (to confirm your understanding)The Sentence-by Sentence section of each story presents a small chunk of the Japanese with furigana over the kanji and a complete glossary of all the words; important grammatical patterns are pointed out and explained in plain EnglishFind a link to download sound files for the stories (for no extra charge) on the last page of the bookEach story has a slow and normal speed recording of the Japanese read by Yumi STORIES INCLUDED ① About the Tengu ② Origin of the Tengu ③ Tengu Stories WHO IS THIS FOR?This book is designed so that both those fairly new to Japanese and those in the intermediate stages can equally find value. The ideal level, however, is for the upper beginner, somewhere around the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) N4. If you are learning Japanese and are fascinated by yokai and traditional tales of old Japan, click the Buy Now button to begin studying now.

  • - Storie Giapponesi brevi e divertenti in Hiragana e Kanji di base
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    Haiimparato l'hiragana solo di recente ma hai bisogno di pratica? O forse il tuohiragana non è un problema ma vuoi migliorare la tua comprensione della letturahiragana e kanji?Questanuova raccolta di storie è qui per aiutarti! Leggiil vero giapponese: livello principiante, ma non giapponese noioso! Nontroverai la versione giapponese di Dick e Jane ma troverai storie scritte peradulti. Divertiti a leggere narrativa in flash, saggi brevissimi e storie divertentidi errori comuni commessi da studenti di giapponese. Primadi tutto, l'unico requisito è che tu sappia leggere l'hiragana e che tu sia inpossesso di una conoscenza di base del giapponese. Verranno definiti e spiegatiil vocabolario e la grammatica.Ilformato è un po' diverso da quello delle nostre letture di livello più avanzato.L'idea è di invitare il lettore a leggere l'intera storia tre volte. Ognipagina avrà una frase o due in hiragana (con spazi tra le parole per fartivedere "parole" invece di sillabe) nella parte superiore e lostesso contenuto in Giapponese (con i furigana: piccoli hiragana posti soprai kanji) nella parte inferiore. La parte centrale avrà il glossario e lespiegazioni grammaticali. Infine, la storia viene presentata in giapponesesenza furigana. Vedi se riesci a leggerlo dopo aver esaminato le due versioni ele spiegazioni precedenti.Sehai imparato da poco tempo l'hiragana potresti voler ascoltare il file audiomentre leggi la sezione dell'hiragana per esercitarti nella pronuncia corretta.Se invece hai studiato giapponese un po' più a lungo potresti iniziare subitocon la versione della parte inferiore e prendere nota del glossario per lacomprensione.Ilglossario mostrerà la parola così come appare nella storia, ma fornirà anche laforma "dizionario" in modo che tu possa cercare la parola eapprofondire.Esì, tutte le storie su Clay sono basate su eventi reali. I nomi non sono staticambiati per proteggere gli innocenti semplicemente perché non vi eranoinnocenti coinvolti. Hehe!Divertirsimentre si impara una lingua è un ottimo modo per aumentare la motivazione. Conuna maggiore motivazione è meno probabile che si salti una giornata di studio.Un giorno saltato può rapidamente diventare una settimana persa e poi una perdita...per sempre.Quindisperiamo che ti divertirai a leggere queste storie tanto quanto lo abbiamofatto noi a scriverle.

  • - The Fun Japanese Not Found in Textbooks
    af Yumi Boutwell
    127,95 kr.

    Makoto E-Zine series #52 Recommended for beginners and lower intermediates of Japanese. Now includes handy QR codes on each page to scan and instantly hear that page's sound files. (You can still download the sound files and PDF for no extra charge) FREE sound files of the stories read by a native Japanese speaker--download link found on the last page. Listen while reading. The Fun Japanese Not Found in Textbooks. If you like our readers and lessons, you will love Makoto, the e-zine filled with articles on kanji, culture, idioms, proverbs, geography, history, etymology, JLPT tips, Japanese trivia, and much more. Not only that, but every issue will include a brand new reader with newly recorded high-quality MP3s for you to download for no extra charge. In this Issue: * Laughs, Jokes, Riddles, and Puns* Vocabulary: 血も涙もない* Prefecture Spotlight: Nagano* Etymology: デカ* Anime Phrase of the Day* Haiku: 夏目漱石* Kanji Spotlight: 人* Grammar Time! だけ* Japanese Readers: Japanese Pancakes (beginner) + Yamaha (Intermediate) Buy now and start reading in seconds.

  • - The First 15 Episodes
    af Yumi Boutwell
    247,95 kr.

    READ real Japanese Today! Are you a beginner to upper beginner level students of Japanese? If so, this reader is for you. Every word is defined and important grammatical patterns are explained in plain English. If you can read hiragana, you are ready for this book.BONUS! Get FREE Sound Files of each story. Listen while reading. The link to the MP3s is found on the last page.The Storeis: While on an intergalactic spy mission, Frank the alien loses control of his spaceship and plummets to Earth. Japan to be precise. Lacking Essential repair materials, Frank must learn the earthling's language and find earth equivalents of the materials needed to repair his ship. With only a limited knowledge of Earth ways-and the Japanese language-Frank discovers a number of interesting things, not the least... natto. Join Frank and his new-found buddies in this multi-planetary adventure!* All Japanese kanji have furigana * 15 complete episodes. Each story is presented in real Japanese (with furigana) and with a running gloss which breaks down all vocabulary and grammar points.* ENGLISH SUMMARY: Finally, we have included a simple and mostly literal English translation for you to check your understanding (Don't cheat! Work through the Japanese first!).* Short stories makes reading full Japanese texts possible.* Download the FREE MP3s to listen while you study.Frank and the Obaasan is a fun (certainly not serious) reader for beginners of Japanese. If you are looking for Japanese reading material that is fairly easy but not written for children, this is a resource for you. Finally, we invite the reader to contact us with questions or requests for future Japanese readers. You will find our personal email addresses in the book. To your Japanese!What are you waiting for? Ninja up your Japanese. Click "Buy Now" now!

  • - The Fun Japanese Not Found in Textbooks
    af Yumi Boutwell
    162,95 kr.

    Makoto E-Zine series #57 Recommended for beginners and lower intermediates of Japanese. Now includes handy QR codes on each page to scan and instantly hear that page's sound files. (You can still download the sound files and PDF for no extra charge) FREE sound files of the stories read by a native Japanese speaker--download link found on the last page. Listen while reading. The Fun Japanese Not Found in Textbooks. If you like our readers and lessons, you will love Makoto, the e-zine filled with articles on kanji, culture, idioms, proverbs, geography, history, etymology, JLPT tips, Japanese trivia, and much more. Not only that, but every issue will include a brand new reader with newly recorded high-quality MP3s for you to download for no extra charge. In this IssueLaughs, Jokes, Riddles, and PunsVocabulary: 白い眼で見るPrefecture Spotlight: SaitamaEtymology: ださいAnime Phrase of the DayHaiku: 小林一茶Kanji Spotlight: 木Grammar Time! Japanese Readers: Japanese Names (beginner) + Yamanba and the Three Magic Charms (Intermediate)Buy now and start reading in seconds.

  • - Short and Fun Japanese Stories in Hiragana and Basic Kanji
    af Yumi Boutwell
    167,95 kr.

    Have you only recently learned hiragana but need practice? You've found the right book. Or perhaps, hiragana is no problem, but you want to build your hiragana and kanji reading comprehension? Ditto. If you are a beginner to upper beginner of Japanese, this new collection of stories is here to the rescue! Read real Japanese-beginner level but not boring Japanese! You won't find the Japanese version of Dick and Jane, but you will find stories written for adults. Enjoy reading flash fiction, super short essays, and funny stories of common mistakes made by learners of Japanese. Best of all, the only requirement is that you can read hiragana and have a very basic understanding of Japanese. Vocabulary and grammar will be defined and explained.Download free sound files of the stories read both slowly and at normal speed (link found on the last page)Every beginner-level story is presented in three ways: hiragana only (with spaces), Japanese with furigana, and full Japanese without furiganaOn each page, you'll find a complete glossary of the words with grammar and sentence structure explainedFor beginners (who have learned or are learning hiragana)The format is a little different from our other more advanced readers. The idea is for the reader to read the entire story three times. Each page will have a sentence or two in hiragana (with spaces between words for you to see "words" instead of syllables) at the top and that same content in full Japanese (with furigana-small hiragana over kanji) at the bottom. The middle will have the glossary and grammatical explanations. Lastly, the story is presented in Japanese without furigana. See if you can read it after going through the previous two versions and explanations. If you have just learned hiragana, you may want to listen to the sound file while reading the top hiragana section to practice correct pronunciation. If you have studied Japanese a bit longer, you may want to start with the bottom version and take note of the glossary for understanding. The glossary will have the word as it appears in the story, but it will also give the "dictionary" form so you can look the word up further. Stories included in this volume: 日本のトイレ JAPANESE TOILETS押し入れ THE CLOSETいい年II TOSHI胡坐 STILLING CROSS-LEGGED休み DAY OFFおじぎ BOWING電車 JAPANESE TRAINS日本の田舎 COUNTRYSIDE IN JAPAN日本の犬 JAPANESE DOGSタコ焼き TAKOYAKIHaving fun while learning a language is a great way to increase motivation. With increased motivation, you are less likely to skip a day's study. A skipped day can quickly become a skipped week and then a skipped... forever. And so, we hope you will have as much fun reading these stories as we had writing them.

  • - Master the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5
    af Yumi Boutwell
    117,95 kr.

    Have you ever dreamed of becoming a kanji master?Jump start your kanji ability by using this kanji writing practice notebook.This book, Japanese Kanji for JLPT N5 Writing Practice, works with the previous volume in the series to give you substantial practice on 103 of the most useful kanji in the language. Practice writing each of these basic kanji 24 times in the squares provided. While this book is not intended to be an in-depth study guide, it does have basic information atop each page such as, stroke number, on and kun readings, and the core meaning. * Covers the 103 most basic Kanji* Works best with Clay & Yumi's Japanese Kanji for JLPT N5 (see volume 2 in this series on the JLPT N5)* Includes link to a PDF so you may print copies for additional practice* Includes stroke order rules and guidelines* Each kanji has basic information such as stroke order, meaning, and pronunciations* Includes a download link to the PDF so you can print extra sheets for difficult kanji (found on the last page) Even if you aren't taking the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, these 103 kanji are absolutely essential for any beginner student of Japanese. One click now to begin your journey to kanji mastery.

  • - Hikoichi: Collezione di Letture in Giapponese
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    Hai imparato l'hiragana, la struttura delle frasi e la grammatica giapponese di base? Perfetto! Allora questa raccolta di brevi storie giapponesi è per te! Divertiti a conoscere i racconti popolari e la cultura giapponese mentre migliori il tuo vocabolario, i kanji, la grammatica e le tue capacità di ascolto (Si, perché anche i file audio delle storie sono inclusi!).Leggi nella vera lingua giapponese come il giovane Hikoichi riesca sempre a spuntarla grazie alla sua arguzia e intelligenza! Questi quattro racconti scritti in giapponese e commentati riga per riga ti condurranno mano nella mano lungo un viaggio straordinario.

  • - The Fun Japanese Not Found in Textbooks
    af Yumi Boutwell
    162,95 kr.

    Makoto E-Zine series #59 Recommended for beginners and lower intermediates of Japanese. 68 Pages 3 eBook Formats 24 Sound Files 1 Anki Flashcard Deck Now includes handy QR codes on each page to scan and instantly hear that page's sound files. (You can still download the sound files and PDF for no extra charge) FREE sound files of the stories read by a native Japanese speaker--download link found on the last page. Listen while reading. FREE Anki flashcard deck of the vocabulary found in the intermediate story. (Included in the free download) The Fun Japanese Not Found in Textbooks. If you like our readers and lessons, you will love Makoto, the magazine filled with articles on kanji, culture, idioms, proverbs, geography, history, etymology, JLPT tips, Japanese trivia, and much more. Not only that, but every issue includes two brand new stories or essays with newly recorded high-quality sound files for you to download for no extra charge. In this IssueLaughs, Jokes, Riddles, and PunsVocabulary: 歯を食いしばるPrefecture Spotlight: IbarakiEtymology: 黄昏Anime Phrase of the DayHaiku: 正岡子規Kanji Spotlight: 土Grammar Time! とJapanese Readers: Motivation (beginner) + Bunbuku Tea-Kettle (Intermediate)Buy now and start reading in seconds.

  • - With Friends: Listen & Learn in Japanese
    af Yumi Boutwell
    167,95 kr.

    Finally, a fun and easy way to learn REAL conversational Japanese!Learn how to ask and give directions in Japanese by following along with these dialogues. All dialogues are explained and you can download free MP3s to hear the conversations.We believe the best way to learn vocabulary--by far--is to study words within their proper context. The dialogues found within are all about context and how Japanese is actually used among friends. The book itself contains the dialogue with the English translation, but it also adds cultural or grammatical notes to help you understand the dialogue in context.While you do not have to know hiragana before using this ebook (romaji is provided), we highly recommend it. Every kanji here has furigana (small hiragana) over it to aid reading. However, if you do not yet know hiragana, please check out our Hiragana, the Basics of Japanese ebook: http: // download the sound files (link found on the last page). We hope this ebook by itself will be helpful, but the sound files--in our opinion--give it most of its value. Contents: IntroductionDialogue 1: About the PartyDialogue 2: Surprising MaryDialogue 3: Surprise Birthday PartyDialogue 4: Talking about the Latest MovieDialogue 5: Two Friends going ShoppingDialogue 6: A New CarDialogue 7: Deciding on a RestaurantFREE Sound File

  • af Yumi Boutwell
    117,95 kr.

    Join the Thousands who have Mastered Hiragana in Less than Two Weeks with Clay & Yumi's Method. What if a few quirky mnemonics, helpful hints, and comprehension quizzes could enable you to read real Japanese in less than two weeks from now? Imagine being able to pick up a manga in Japanese and actually sound out the words? How about being able to read the signs in the background of your favorite anime show? What would you do with your newfound superpower!? Think about it. You will be able to do what most English speakers never will: Read Real Japanese. Well, perhaps you won't be able to understand what you read, but that's what a textbook is for. Being able to read hiragana is the absolute first step toward Japanese proficiency. Do it right and do it now with Clay and Yumi's Hiragana, the Basics of Japanese. For over fifteen years, Clay and Yumi have helped thousands of students of Japanese through their popular website,, their iPhone apps, and of course their many books and readers. Several of their books have been top-ten best sellers. In this book, you'll learn: - How to master the main characters that form the foundation for all your future Japanese learning. - How to master the secondary and combination characters - How to pronounce--correctly--the troublesome sounds not natively found in English. - How to write each character--correctly--with the correct stroke order shown by step-by-step images. In this book, you'll get: - Helpful Mnemonics that make learning a foreign writing system a snap - A fully Illustrated and easy-to-read layout - All forty-six main characters plus all the variations - The history and helpful hints throughout - Writing Practice Sheets that give ample practice for each character - BONUS: Download MP3s to hear the correct pronunciation for every Japanese character and vocabulary found in the book. - BONUS: Download more PDF practice sheets to extend your practice for free. - BONUS: Buy the Paperback and get the Kindle version FREE (Amazon will show the "Matchbook Price" of $0.00 which you can buy after buying the paperback.) Some comments from real students using our learn hiragana method: "I CAN READ AND WRITE REAL JAPANESE.... I can't believe it I can't believe it I can't believe it... A BIG THANK YOU!" "After the first 7/8 lessons the rest just fell into place and with your help I learned all of these in just a few hours over 3 days." "I know it felt so cool to me to be able to read actual Japanese when I was first learning the kana.: D And the more you practice, the faster you get." PLUS! Download nearly TWO HUNDRED sound files free of charge to hear not only the correct pronunciation of each character, but also of each example word and sentence found in the book. The link to download is found on the last page of the ebook. If you have any questions before or after buying the book, please contact the author. We recommend getting the paperback since that includes practice writing pages AND you also get the MP3s and Kindle version absolutely free.

  • - Aprende Japonés Con Cuentos
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    ** Recomendado para principiantes de japonés que dominan hiragana ** ¡Lee la fábula japonesa más famosa directamente en japonés!Cada oración y cada palabra es explicada y definida.¡EXTRA! Además, incluimos el cuento de La tortuga y la liebre, también con cada palabra explicada y definida.Se incluyen MP3s sin cargo de ambos cuentos. Uno leído a un ritmo normal y otro a un ritmo más lento y fácil de seguir. Encontrarás el enlace para descargar los MP3s en la última página.LA HISTORIA Momotaro es un niño que ha nacido de un melocotón (momo) y crece para convertirse en un hombre fuerte y valiente. Los Oni (ogros) están atacando la aldea. Los aldeanos ruegan a su héroe, Momotaro, que libre sus tierras de los malvados Oni. Él se pone en camino con la ayuda de tres inusuales aliados. Respecto a La tortuga y la liebre, este cuento es sobre... Bueno, ya sabes. SOBRE ESTE LIBRO Este libro contiene varias versiones de los dos cuentos. Primero, tenemos la historia línea por línea con cada palabra de vocabulario definida y explicada. Luego, realizamos un análisis más profundo en los patrones gramaticales encontrados en el cuento. A continuación, puedes leer la historia enteramente en japonés, sin notas en español (se incluyen furigana con los kanjis). Finalmente, incluimos una traducción al español, la cual debería ser evitada hasta que te sientas seguro de haber comprendido la historia, o usarla si te resulta muy difícil descifrarla por ti mismo. Tal vez quieras intentar primero leer el cuento en japonés. O, si eres principiante, puede que te sea mejor revisar antes el vocabulario. Cualquiera sea la forma en que lo hagas, este libro te ofrece varias formas de leer, escuchar y aprender.

  • - Aprende Japonés Con Cuentos
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    ** Recomendado para principiantes de japonés que dominan hiragana ** ¡Lee la fábula japonesa más famosa directamente en japonés!Cada oración y cada palabra es explicada y definida.Se incluyen MP3s sin cargo de ambos cuentos. Uno leído a un ritmo normal y otro a un ritmo más lento y fácil de seguir. Encontrarás el enlace para descargar los MP3s en la última página.Estos cuentos están diseñados para quienes recién están comenzando con el japonés. El japonés incluye kanji cuando este es de uso normal, pero también incluiremos furigana (pequeños kana sobre los kanji) para que puedas asegurarte de que estás leyendo con la pronunciación correcta. SOBRE ESTE LIBRO Este libro contiene varias versiones de los cuentos. Primero, tenemos la historia línea por línea con cada palabra de vocabulario definida y explicada. Luego, realizamos un análisis más profundo en los patrones gramaticales encontrados en el cuento. A continuación, puedes leer la historia enteramente en japonés, sin notas en español (se incluyen furigana con los kanjis). Finalmente, incluimos una traducción al español, la cual debería ser evitada hasta que te sientas seguro de haber comprendido la historia, o usarla si te resulta muy difícil descifrarla por ti mismo. Tal vez quieras intentar primero leer el cuento en japonés. O, si eres principiante, puede que te sea mejor revisar antes el vocabulario. Cualquiera sea la forma en que lo hagas, este libro te ofrece varias formas de leer, escuchar y aprender.

  • - The Easy Way to Read, Listen, and Learn from Japanese History and Stories
    af Yumi Boutwell
    167,95 kr.

    Discover Modern Japan: An Upper Beginner's Guide to Japanese History and CultureFree PDF + Sound Files + Anki Flashcard DecksImmerse yourself in the fascinating world of modern Japan with this accessible and engaging Japanese history reader, perfect for upper beginner students of Japanese. Priced affordably, it includes three insightful essays that bring to life various aspects of contemporary Japanese culture: Reiwa, A New Era: Explore the significance of the Reiwa era, a symbol of Japan's evolving identity.Rainy Season in Japan: Planning a trip to Japan in July? Understand the nuances of Japan's rainy season and its cultural impact.Japan's Giant Hornet: Uncover the intriguing and somewhat terrifying world of Japan's giant hornet.Learn with More for no Extra Charge: Get Free Sound Files and Anki flashcardsEnhance your learning experience with FREE sound files, narrated by a native Japanese speaker.Two versions for each story: Slowly Read & Normal Speed.Use the Anki flashcards to master the vocabulary found in the stories.Available link to MP3s and Anki flashcard decks within the book.Key Features for Effective Learning: Furigana Assistance: All Japanese texts include furigana for beginners in kanji.Detailed Breakdown: Each sentence is dissected word-by-word with grammar explanations.Uninterrupted Japanese Texts: Practice reading fluently with full stories in Japanese only.Kanji in Focus: Learn key kanji in each essay.English Translations: Verify your understanding with our simple, mostly literal English translations (But try the Japanese first!).MP3 Audio: Download the FREE audio files to listen while you study, available in both normal and slow speeds.Ideal for Upper Beginners with a Foundation: This reader is best suited for learners who have a basic understanding of hiragana and foundational Japanese grammar and sentence structure.We're Here to Help! Have questions or suggestions for future Japanese readers? Contact us directly! Our personal email addresses are included in the book.To Your Japanese Success!

  • - La Sposa del Topo: Collezione di Letture in Giapponese
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    Hai imparato l'hiragana, la struttura delle frasi e la grammatica giapponese di base? Perfetto! Allora questa raccolta di brevi storie giapponesi è per te! Divertiti a conoscere i racconti popolari e la cultura giapponese mentre migliori il tuo vocabolario, i kanji, la grammatica e le tue capacità di ascolto (Si, perché anche i file audio delle storie sono inclusi!).Leggi nella vera lingua giapponese la dolce storia della famiglia di topi che vuole trovare il più grande uomo al mondo come sposo per la loro bella, intellidente ed unica figlia; e guarda il modo furbo che il giovane monaco Ikkyū-san sceglie per sfuggire all'imarazzante richiesta fattagli dallo Shogun di catturare una tigre dipinta in un quadro. Questi racconti scritti in giapponese e commentati riga per riga ti condurranno mano nella mano lungo un viaggio straordinario.

  • af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    Impara il katakana in modo veloce e indolore.Questo libro è per gli italiani che vogliono iniziare a imparare la lingua giapponese.Se vuoi imparare il giapponese, la padronanza di hiragana e katakana è il primo obiettivo da raggiungere. Molti libri di testo iniziano dando per scontato che lo studente conosca i kana. Questo ebook è pensato per aiutarti a padroneggiare rapidamente il katakana.Con questo ebook imparerai tutti i principali caratteri katakana e relative varianti. Imparerai anche importanti parole del vocabolario usando i katakana che hai studiato.**Download GRATUITO***IN PIÙ, l'ultima pagina include un link per scaricare tutti gli MP3 dei suoni (per essere sicuro di pronunciare correttamente i caratteri), un poster che puoi stampare, un PDF di flashcards che puoi stampare e ritagliare, e un PDF contenente fogli di pratica di scrittura di 14 pagine per imparare il Katakana.Tutto questo è incluso senza costi aggiuntivi.

  • - San, Chan, Sama, Say What?
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    Just how do I say "I" in Japanese? Watashi? Watakushi? Ore? Boku? Ora? Sessha? Yes. All of the above, and there are more. This quick-and-to-the-point lesson, which includes free MP3s of all the examples and words, covers the basics and beyond of Japanese pronouns and honorifics. If you are a beginner and pronouns and honorifics confuse you, this book is for you. Honorifics are words like san, sama, sensei, and senpai which convey esteem or respect for someone's position or rank. Even the pronouns are not simple. Gender, status, and familiarity all play a part in choosing your "Mr." or "Miss." This book helps demystify Japanese pronouns and honorifics. Are you a beginner? Great! Click add to cart to get started now. -- Each book in the Inazuma Series of Japanese lessons focuses on a very narrow topic, giving you both the essential information upfront and the spice of nonessential but fun information following. It is like eating your vegetables with ketchup.

  • - The Fun Japanese Not Found in Textbooks
    af Yumi Boutwell
    127,95 kr.

    Makoto E-Zine series #50Recommended for beginners and lower intermediates of Japanese.Now includes handy QR codes on each page to scan and instantly hear that page's sound files. (You can still download the sound files and PDF for no extra charge) FREE sound files of the stories read by a native Japanese speaker--download link found on the last page. Listen while reading.The Fun Japanese Not Found in Textbooks. If you like our readers and lessons, you will love Makoto, the e-zine filled with articles on kanji, culture, idioms, proverbs, geography, history, etymology, JLPT tips, Japanese trivia, and much more. Not only that, but every issue will include a brand new reader with newly recorded high-quality MP3s for you to download for no extra charge.IN THIS ISSUE: April 2022Laughs, Jokes, Riddles, and PunsVocabulary: 身を固めるPrefecture Spotlight: ShizuokaEtymology: 耳を傾けるAnime Phrase of the DayHaiku: 正岡子規Kanji Spotlight: 女Grammar Time! などJapanese Readers: Taiyaki (beginner) + Kicchomu and the Fire (Intermediate)Buy now and start reading in seconds.

  • - The Easy Way to Read, Listen, and Learn from Japanese History and Stories
    af Yumi Boutwell
    167,95 kr.

    Perfect for upper beginner students of Japanese. This affordable Japanese history reader contains three essays on Japanese History.The Three Warlords who Unified JapanSakamoto Ryoma, the ReformerMiyamoto Musashi, Japan's Greatest SwordsmanGet FREE Sound Files of the stories read by a native Japanese speaker. Listen while reading. The link to the MP3s is found within. Each story has two MP3 versions: Read Slowly & Normal SpeedGet FREE Anki flashcard decks of the vocabulary found in the story. Most include sound and the sentence from which the word came. Quick! What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word Japan? Maybe it is anime, Hello Kitty, geisha, or sumo, but I bet high on that list is the samurai warrior class. This book contains three essays on samurai history. Read--in Japanese--about the greatest swordsman in history, Miyamoto Musashi, one of the most important reformers of the bakumatsu period, Sakamoto Ryōma, and the three great warrior leaders who consolidated Japan. Yes, you can read real Japanese--even if you are fairly new to Japanese. (Although the ideal level for this series is the JLPT N3-N4 upper beginner to lower intermediate area.) FEATURES: The kanji in the story with vocabulary section all have furigana.Every sentence is broken down word-for-word and with explanation of the grammar.The full story in Japanese only (without the running gloss) is also provided so you can practice reading without interruption.Kanji in Focus covers the key kanji found in each essayFinally, we have included a simple and mostly literal English translation for you to check your understanding (Don't cheat! Work through the Japanese first!).Download the FREE MP3s to listen while you study. Includes both normal speed and slow speed readings.Download the FREE Anki flashcard decks to master the vocabulary before even starting the book!While beginners to Japanese can get a lot from this, hiragana knowledge is required.Finally, we invite the reader to contact us with questions or requests for future Japanese readers. You will find our personal email addresses in the book. To your Japanese!

  • - Beginning Phrases: Learn Basic Japanese Sentence Structure
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    If you have a hard time understanding Japanese sentence structure, this book is for you.For beginners of Japanese.Not only will you learn twenty-one extremely useful sentences, but you'll also undergo an in-depth study of the sentence structure of these phrases. Every sentence also has many more variations and examples. Don't just memorize set phrases and sound bites, truly understand the mechanics behind each and every Japanese sentence. As with all our books, your purchase Includes free sound files of all the Japanese.This book breaks down the following sentences: - I want to study Japanese. - I am studying Japanese. - Please speak a little slower. - One more time please. - Please say that one more time. - One day, I would like to go to Japan. - Do you speak English? - Where are you from? - Have you ever been to America? - I have been to Japan once. - I'm sorry. I don't understand well. - Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. - What does this kanji mean? - How is this kanji pronounced? - How do you say "cat" in Japanese? - What does "kyoumi" mean? - I can speak a little Japanese. - Your English is very good. - How long have you been studying English? - Please teach me some interesting Japanese. - Thank you for teaching me Japanese. By the end of the book, you should be able to not only understand how each sentence is constructed but also how to substitute new words to create new sentences based on these core forms.Please use the look inside feature to understand how this book is formatted. What are you waiting for? Give your Japanese a boost right now.

  • af Yumi Boutwell
    167,95 kr.

    ★For Upper Beginners Learning Japanese ★Now includes audio files, PDF, ePub, and an Anki flashcard deck of all the vocabulary found in the stories with sound and pitch accents. (See the link at the back of the book to download all this for no extra charge) Living in shadows and the in-between world of dreams and reality, yokai thrive in Japanese imagination. What are yokai? They are monsters, ghosts, unnatural beings, and even sentient household items. Yokai can be harmless and amusing, or they can be terrifying. Now you can learn about yokai and read stories about them while polishing your Japanese. ♥ ABOUT THIS VOLUMEThe kappa is one of Japan's most well-known yokai. It lives in or near rivers, loves cucumbers, and occasionally plays tricks on humans. They are not all bad, though. Kappa have been known to teach humans special knowledge such as medicine or help people in times of trouble.FEATURESIncludes three essays or stories about the kappaEach story is presented in three formats: 1) Sentence-by-Sentence with definition and commentary below2) Japanese only (to test your reading ability)3) English translation (to confirm your understanding)The Sentence-by Sentence section of each story presents a small chunk of the Japanese with furigana over the kanji and a complete glossary of all the words; important grammatical patterns are pointed out and explained in plain EnglishA link to download sound files for the stories is provided (for no extra charge) on the last page of the bookEach story has a slow and normal speed recording of the Japanese read by YumiThe download also includes a PDF version of the book and an Anki flashcard deck with all the vocabulary found in the stories. The Anki deck has sound, definitions, pitch accent diagrams, and the sentence using the word in context.STORIES INCLUDED① What is the Kappa?② A Kappa Mummy③ A Kappa Repays a DebtWHO IS THIS FOR?This book is designed so that both those fairly new to Japanese and those in the intermediate stages can equally find value. The ideal level, however, is for the upper beginner, somewhere around the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) N4.If you are learning Japanese and are fascinated by yokai and traditional tales of old Japan, click the Buy Now button and get your copy now.

  • - Learn Japanese through Jokes, Oyaji Gyagu, and Wordplay
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    Dad jokes. Every culture has them, but Japanese takes these groan-worthy yet clever puns to an all new level. Behold, the power of oyaji gyagu!The Japanese language has a large number of homophones. This makes creating puns and wordplay fairly easy. Not too fond of oyaji gyagu? Don't worry. We will also cover fun riddles and jokes that won't make Dad even grin.Features- The Joke or Riddle: Given in Japanese, romaji, and English- Explanation: Most of these jokes involve wordplay and that usually requires some explanation. We also touch on grammar when appropriate.- Vocabulary: Every vocabulary word is defined so you will fully understand the Japanese.

  • - Il Passero Con La Lingua Tagliata: Collezione di Letture in Giapponese
    af Yumi Boutwell
    187,95 kr.

    Hai imparato l'hiragana, la struttura delle frasi e la grammatica giapponese di base? Perfetto! Allora questa raccolta di brevi storie giapponesi è per te! Divertiti a conoscere i racconti popolari e la cultura giapponese mentre migliori il tuo vocabolario, i kanji, la grammatica e le tue capacità di ascolto (Si, perché anche i file audio delle storie sono inclusi!).Leggi nella vera lingua giapponese la dolce storia del vecchio innamorato del suo passero e dei tesori che ne ha avuto in cambio; e guarda in quale modo furbo il vecchio con un grosso bernoccolo riuscì a farselo togliere dalla guancia in cambio di nulla. Questi racconti scritti in giapponese e commentati riga per riga ti condurranno mano nella mano lungo un viaggio straordinario.

  • - The Easy Way to Read, Listen, and Learn from Japanese History and Stories
    af Yumi Boutwell
    167,95 kr.

    Perfect for upper beginner students of Japanese. This affordable Japanese history reader contains three essays on the Japanese art style Ukiyo-e. Read three essays on Japan's most famous contribution to the world of art, ukiyo-e. Learn about the history, famous ukiyo-e masters, and the influence it had on Western art.Ukiyo-e Part I About Ukiyo-eUkiyo-e Part II About the ArtistsUkiyo-e Part III Influence on Western ArtGet FREE Sound Files of the stories read by a native Japanese speaker. Listen while reading. The link to the MP3s is found within. Each story has two MP3 versions: Read Slowly & Normal SpeedGet FREE Anki Flashcard decks of all the vocabulary in the essays. Read--in Japanese--about the amazing history and world-wide influence of ukiyo-e. Yes, you can read real Japanese--even if you are fairly new to Japanese. FEATURES: All Japanese have furigana those starting out with kanji. (in the running gloss section)Every sentence is broken down word-for-word and with explanation of the grammar.The full story in Japanese only (without the running gloss) is also provided so you can practice reading without interruption.Kanji in Focus covers the key kanji found in each essayFinally, we have included a simple and mostly literal English translation for you to check your understanding (Don't cheat! Work through the Japanese first!).Download the FREE MP3s to listen while you study. Includes both normal speed and slow speed readings.Download the FREE Anki flashcard decks to master the vocabulary -- most with sound and pitch accent diagramsWhile beginners to Japanese can get a lot from this, hiragana knowledge is required, and we recommend a solid understanding of basic Japanese grammar and sentence structure first. Finally, we invite the reader to contact us with questions or requests for future Japanese readers. You will find our personal email addresses in the book. To your Japanese!

  • - Meeting and Greeting: Listen & Learn in Japanese
    af Yumi Boutwell
    167,95 kr.

    Finally, a fun and easy way to learn REAL conversational Japanese! (And get FREE MP3s of all the dialogues too!)Learn Japanese vocabulary in context, improve your listening comprehension, and learn how to talk to others in Japanese.This was written for beginners of Japanese.We are including, at no extra charge, MP3s for the seven dialogues found in this book. Create play-lists to study on the go or burn the sound files to a CD to listen at home. The download link is found on the last page. The MP3s are all recorded by native voice actors and actresses.The dialogues found in this book are all about context and how Japanese is actually used with friends casually and when peppered with politeness among new acquaintances.While you do not have to know hiragana before using this ebook (romaji is provided), we highly recommend it. If you do not yet know hiragana, please check out our Hiragana, the Basics of Japanese ebook: http: // download the sound files (link found on the last page). We hope this ebook by itself will be helpful, but the sound files--in our opinion--give it most of its value

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