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Bøger udgivet af Human Publishing ApS

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  • af Jørn Bie
    285,95 kr.

    Jørn Bie er et sleeping medium, der tidligt i sit liv, havde de første klardrømme, som er fortsat med jævne mellemrum i hans liv. Mange af disse klardrømme forstod han ikke og var ikke i stand til at tyde dem, men som tiden gik og han blev ældre, begyndte han at se en sammenhæng mellem drømmene og de beskeder, de indeholdt i forhold til hans liv. Han begyndte tidligt at tegne og skrive sine drømme ned, men det var først i 1988, han for alvor forstod, at hans klardrømme hang sammen og prøvede at fortælle ham om hans eget liv. Da forstod han, at han havde udviklet PTSD; posttraumatisk stress disorder. Her begynder bogen: Lille Dreng i Rød Trøje, da han beslutter at tegne mange af sine klardrømme sammen med de oplevelser, han har haft, for derigennem at forklare og forstå, hvordan hans liv har udviklet sig hen imod tilgivelse og forsoning. At se meningen i den store sammenhæng. Det er ved hans møde med Marion Dampier–Jeans, at det går op for ham, at han er et sleeping medium og fra dette første møde, hvor hun siger ‘JA’ til at skrive forordet til denne bog, er mange ting og forståelsen af de mange klardrømme smeltet sammen til een samlet forklaring på hans liv og oplevelser. Hans mange klardrømme indeholder besøg af afdøde, bl.a. besøg af tre mayaindianere, der talte til ham på en tusindår gammel quiché dialekt. Dette er en bog om en opdagelsesrejse i livet, om kontakt med den ‘anden verden’ gennem klardrømme og beskeder - og om forsoning og tilgivelse.

  • af Lotte Søs Farran-Lee & Ulrik Adinatha Lyshøj
    88,95 kr.

    Ulrik Adinatha Lyshøj, tantra teacher, tantric practitioner and leader of the Tantra Temple, talks to Lotte Søs Farran-Lee, writer and publisher, in this first book in the series “Let's Talk”. The book offers an open conversation about tantra, and plenty of resources and inspiration for the daily life for both Tantrics and people who do not see themselves as Tantrics. The conversation covers the different core aspects of tantra, and how to reignite love, playfulness, attraction and communication with a partner - but also how to keep the flame alive. It describes the four cornerstones in tantra, as well as the chakra system, and how to work consciously with one's own energy. It also describes why love is both the foundation, the path and a magic tool of transformation in tantra. The book offers an insight into some of the more mystical aspects of tantra - and makes these aspects available for modern day people, in a immediately applicable way. Ulrik Adinatha and Lotte also talks about tantra massage and why it has become such a major life changer for so many people. The book will debunk some of the myths and misunderstandings, describing tantra as a genuine path to deeper self knowledge, more love and joy in life, and deep transformation. The book offers inspiration for both newbies in tantra as well as more experienced practitioners. About Let’s Talk serien The Let’s Talk book is a book series of vital books on di erent subjects. Every subject is carefully selected with the intent of bringing it towards a comprehensive level, enfolding the reader into the world of the subject matter. Every book has a tight structure and the people who have been chosen to talk about their eld of expertise are highly competent. The vision is to create a space for new ideas to develop and to spark new thoughts in the reader, making a positive di erence in the realization of their human potential.

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