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Bøger udgivet af Orange Books International

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  • af Adalwolf Rupertus Brown
    248,95 kr.

    SINOSSI DEL LIBRO>L'AUTORE: Adalwolf Rupertus Brown LA CASA EDITRICE: EDIZIONI &100 MARKETINGDistinguiti e diffondi il tuo Personal Branding: il tuo libro, la tua nuova strategia di marketing! Realizziamo libri di business, curati meticolosamente dalla prima all'ultima pagina, che hanno lo scopo di alimentare positivamente l'immagine professionale dei nostri autori e di fornirgli visibilità, strategie di marketing inuguagliabili, affermazione sul mercato, sviluppo del business, aumento dei clienti. I nostri servizi nascono per aumentare a 360° il marketing dei nostri clienti e comprendono la realizzazione di bigliettini da visita accattivanti, comprensivi di QR Code e altri contenuti multimediali; la creazione di siti web personalizzati e impattanti; la strutturazione, nonché pubblicazione, di post social, comprensivi di grafica e copy, per tutte le piattaforme social; ci occupiamo della produzione completa di libri di business focalizzati sull'aumento del proprio personal branding. Realizziamo inoltre brochure, locandine, newspaper customizzati e tanto altro ancora...

  • af Charles A. Douglas
    173,95 kr.

    Come on a journey with me, my experiences, observations, and insights. Unearth, rediscover, relive, renew and enrich your life by being inspired from within. "Look Within...Be Inspired" is a must-read for all lovers of fine literature.

  • af Tunku Tan Sri Sha Bin Tunku Sulaiman
    268,95 kr.

  • af Sigal Faylayev
    198,95 kr.

    When a timid hedgehog finds a loyal friend, It learns to trust and fears come to an end. A story written in rhymes by the author Sigal Faylayev, an educator, lecturer and an author of children's books and textbooks. The book aims to encourage children to get to know, discover, improve, and find courage. The story acknowledges that everything foreign seems scary at first, but it also encourages the child to overcome their fear, try new things, overcome obstacles, and learn what is good for them in life. This is an educational children's book that both the child and parents can enjoy.

  • af Guy Windsor
    413,95 kr.

    The Duellist's Companion is a must-read exploration of 17th century Italian rapier fencing and a thorough interpretation of the style of legendary swordsman Ridolfo Capoferro, author of the most famous fencing book in history, Il Gran Simulacro, published in 1610. Through detailed illustrations and clear explanations, Guy Windsor, a leading expert in historical martial arts, takes you through preparation exercises before teaching you the guard positions, footwork, blade actions, and techniques of Capoferro's style. From foundational footwork to advanced rapier and dagger play, this book covers everything you need to know to become skilled in the use of the rapier alone, and with the dagger. This new edition has been updated with more than 400 photos, further cementing its place as a classic in the field of historical fencing. Whether you're an experienced historical fencer looking to expand your knowledge or a beginner looking to learn a new skill, The Duellist's Companion is an essential resource.

  • af Legal Specs
    343,95 kr.

    "A Book on Contemporary Socio-Legal Issues" is a thought-provoking and comprehensive exploration of the complex and ever-evolving landscape where society and law intersect. Written by an esteemed legal scholar, this captivating work delves into the pressing challenges and nuanced dynamics that define our modern world. With a meticulous examination of a wide range of socio-legal issues, this book offers a deep understanding of the complexities and implications of the legal framework within society.Through its meticulously crafted chapters, "A Book on Contemporary Socio-Legal Issues" unravels the intricate tapestry of societal challenges. From the complexities of human rights and social justice to the evolving concepts of equality, privacy, and technology, the book addresses the most critical concerns of our time. Drawing upon extensive research and real-life examples, it engages readers in an intellectual journey that encourages critical thinking and sparks meaningful conversations.This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the ever-changing landscape of gender, race, and identity in the context of the law. It explores the challenges faced by marginalized communities, shedding light on issues such as discrimination, access to justice, and the pursuit of equality. Through its empathetic lens, it not only exposes the flaws and biases within existing legal systems but also offers insights into potential solutions and avenues for progress.In addition, "A Book on Contemporary Socio-Legal Issues" dives deep into the transformative impact of technology on our legal framework. It navigates the complexities of data privacy, intellectual property rights, and the ethical dilemmas posed by emerging technologies. By exploring the evolving dynamics between law and technology, the book equips readers with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by our rapidly advancing digital age.With its accessible language and well-structured analysis, "A Book on Contemporary Socio-Legal Issues" appeals to a diverse audience. From legal scholars and practitioners seeking advanced insights to concerned citizens interested in understanding the social implications of the law, this book offers a valuable resource. It sparks critical conversations and encourages readers to actively engage in shaping a more just and equitable society.In a world where socio-legal issues are constantly evolving, "A Book on Contemporary Socio-Legal Issues" serves as a guidepost, providing readers with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of the modern legal landscape. Whether you are an academic, legal professional, policymaker, or simply a curious reader, this book offers a compelling and comprehensive exploration of the socio-legal challenges that shape our world today.

  • af Sandigdha Mishra
    98,95 kr.

    As parents, we want the best for our children. We want them to grow up to be confident, capable, and successful individuals. But sometimes, we may underestimate the power of our support and belief in our children. When we believe in our kids, it can have a tremendous impact on their development and overall well-being. Believing in your kid means having faith in their abilities, encouraging them to pursue their dreams, and being their biggest cheerleader. It means acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses and helping them develop the skills they need to succeed. When children feel like their parents believe in them, they are more likely to take risks, set goals, and work towards achieving them. It can have a lasting impact on their self-esteem, confidence, and motivation. Children who feel supported by their parents are more likely to take on challenges, set goals, and work towards achieving them. So, let your child know that you believe in them and that you are there to support them every step of the way.

  • af Marion Blackwood
    288,95 kr.

    The mission is simple. Do not fall for the enemy. All her life, Eve Sterling has hated dark mages. They are arrogant, domineering, and will do anything to get what they want. Due to their immense power, they have been able to carve out their own kingdoms on the south side of the city, where they fight each other for dominance. Ordinary people are expected to bow down or face the consequences. But Eve refuses to accept their rule.Levi Arden is one of those dark mages. As a metal mage, he has used his powers and his cunning mind to take control of a large part of the lawless south side. And his ambition doesn't stop there. He plans to rule it all someday. But he faces great resistance from both the other dark mages and from the democratic northern side who wants to reclaim their city.When a new threat to Levi appears, there is only one person who can help him dismantle it. Eve. But working together will not be easy. Levi is used to complete obedience from his people, but Eve will instead do anything she can to mess with his plans. However, as they spend more time together, complicated feelings arise and previously held certainties are turned on their head. Can the two ruthless enemies stay true to their separate missions? Or will their changing hearts doom them both?

  • af José Casado Aranda
    248,95 kr.

    ¡Prepárate para embarcarte en un emocionante viaje literario! "Cuentos y Otras Historias" del aclamado autor José Casado Aranda, es una recopilación de narraciones que despertará la imaginación del lector, independientemente de su edad. Con una variedad de relatos que abarcan desde la fantasía más inocente hasta reflexiones profundas para adultos, este libro es una verdadera joya de la literatura española.José Casado Aranda nos presenta 33 cuentos cortos que llevan la promesa de entretenimiento y enseñanza. Desde historias dulces y encantadoras para los más jóvenes, hasta reflexiones más profundas para el público adulto, cada cuento lleva en sí la firma inconfundible de su autor. A través de su maestría con las palabras, cada relato está imbuido de la esencia de Casado Aranda, entretejiendo hilos de imaginación, emociones y conocimientos de vida.Uno de los aspectos más notables de "Cuentos y Otras Historias" es su enfoque inclusivo. Aunque cada cuento está marcado con una "etiqueta de edad" sugerida, Casado Aranda anima a los lectores a desafiar estos límites y encontrar su propia interpretación y conexión con las historias, adaptándose a su propia percepción y estado emocional.El diseño del libro, complementado con siluetas y dibujos simples que marcan las pausas y hacen más amena la lectura, añade un toque de interactividad, permitiendo al lector personalizar su experiencia. Este detalle invita a los lectores a hacer del libro algo aún más suyo, demostrando una vez más el enfoque humanista y empático del autor."Cuentos y Otras Historias" es más que un simple libro; es una invitación a reflexionar, a sonreír, a cuestionarse y a disfrutar de la maravilla que es la literatura. Si buscas una lectura que te haga viajar a través de la fantasía y la realidad, que te haga pensar y sentir, no busques más: este libro es para ti. Así que prepárate para sumergirte en el universo literario de José Casado Aranda, una aventura que no olvidarás.

  • af Ekaterina Limónova
    298,95 kr.

    Ekaterina Limonova, who pursued higher education and achieved professional success without even suspecting that her hearing ability was well below average, embarks on Why, a journey through her life experiences, from her difficult childhood in the Soviet Union in the 1980s to her current life in Great Britain, where she was finally diagnosed with hearing loss, as well as one of her children.With her training and experience as a specialized speech therapist and therapeutic educator for hearing deficits, and what she has learned from her experiences, the author offers a unique and practical perspective on how to understand and help children with hearing deficits and other special educational needs.Why is an exciting and moving work that allows us to see the world from a different perspective, better understand the feelings of people with hearing deficits, and realize that no obstacle is insurmountable when there is motivation to achieve ones goals.

  • af Nia Estévez Portillo
    173,95 kr.

    Este libro de poesía no trata el desamor. Desde aquí aprenderás a despedirte de tus seres queridos, mascotas, momentos y también cosas. Todas las ausencias nos causan una herida que hay que sanar. La mejor forma es aprender a despedirse encontrando una manera de decir adiós. Deja que la poesía te cure el vacío, deja que cure tu herida. Siente cada verso para hacerlo tuyo y nota los sonidos contundentes de un corazón entero.

  • af Amara Muhurta
    153,95 kr.

  • af Lluc Oliveras
    183,95 kr.

  • af Irena Radzymi&324 & ska Imb
    113,95 kr.

    El Libro "La Hora de la Misericordia" muestra el significado de la Hora de la Misericordia, las 3 de la tarde, hora de la muerte de Jesús en la cruz. El Salvador pidió a Santa Faustina que se sumergiera, al menos por un breve momento, en su Pasión, y especialmente en su abandono en el momento de la agonía. Da indicaciones y promesas concretas para aquellos que lo acompañan en el momento de la muerte, permaneciendo espiritualmente en la Cruz a las tres de la tarde. Esta es la hora de la gran misericordia para el mundo entero. Jesús le dijo a Sta. Faustina: "Te permitiré penetrar en mi tristeza mortal. En esta hora nada le será negado al alma que lo pida por los méritos de mi Pasión" (Diario 1320).

  • af Banshi Das Gupta
    423,95 kr.

    The book is an introduction to the rapidly emerging field of fiber optic sensors that is having significant impact upon areas such as guidance and control, structural monitoring, process control, biotechnology, geographical information systems and medicine.

  • af Safia Jan
    358,95 kr.

  • af Pablo Marçal
    373,95 kr.

    Adquira agora mesmo o livro "Os Códigos do Milhão" de Pablo Marçal e comece a trilhar o caminho para a independência financeira e uma vida mais próspera.

  • af Gustavo García
    398,95 kr.

    Sumérgete en un viaje hacia la vanguardia de la industria de la construcción con nuestro libro BIM: arte y técnica. En estas páginas, exploramos en profundidad la metodología Building Information Modeling (BIM) y su poderosa capacidad para revolucionar la forma en que se diseñan, construyen y gestionan los proyectos arquitectónicos. A través de una combinación única de conocimientos teóricos y experiencias prácticas, presentamos una visión completa de BIM y su implementación en diversos campos de la industria de la construcción. Profesionales destacados comparten sus historias y aprendizajes, brindando valiosas lecciones extraídas de la aplicación exitosa de BIM en proyectos reales. Descubrirás cómo esta metodología se ha convertido en un catalizador para la modernización y la optimización de los procesos en la industria de la construcción. Ya seas un arquitecto, ingeniero o gestor de proyectos, BIM: arte y técnica te proporcionará las herramientas necesarias para comprender y aprovechar todo el potencial de BIM. Con ejemplos y consejos prácticos, este libro se convierte en una guía imprescindible para aquellos que desean impulsar su carrera profesional y participar en la transformación digital de la construcción. ¡Prepárate para un futuro más eficiente y rentable con BIM como tu aliado! Coordinadores: Gustavo García, Francisco Rosas y Luis Armando Hernández.Autores: Óscar Barreto, Andrés Bustos, Belem Bouchez, Adán González, Armando Hernández, Adolfo Hernández, Elisa López, Rubén Morón, Juan Diego Núñez, Yeritza Pérez, Edgar Preciado, Eduardo Rodríguez, Pablo Tellaeche Macías.

  • af &107, &1072, &1090, mfl.
    257,95 kr.

  • af Daniel A Melendez
    378,95 kr.

    THIS BOOK IS SO IMPORTANT TO CHRISTIANS FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS❖ Russia has already invaded many places in Ukraine. But sometimes, Russia gives the impression that it is losing the war on Ukraine.❖ Find in this book the details of the invasion of East Europe. Russia is almost alone in making war against Ukraine and NATO. According to Nostradamus' chapter 22 (16), Russia will occupy some nations of East Europe allied to NATO. But why has Russia not yet invaded East Europe?❖ Based on the interpretations of chapters 19 (37) and 20 (17), Russia will first join its military forces with some nations in the North and East of Israel before invading East Europe. Discover in this volume the details of those prophecies.❖ Are Christians and western governments ready for a European invasion? God gave the prophecies to Nostradamus so His people could prepare spiritually, psychologically, and emotionally for the wars that their nations would confront.❖ In this current book, whose title is Jesus Christ's prophecies given to M. Nostradamus, one can learn about Nostradamus' conversion to Christ and how He gave him the prophecies.❖ See why God gave M. Nostradamus the prophecies for Christians to interpret them.❖ Find in this title irrefutable reasons that confirm that Michel Nostradamus was a holy man and prophet of God.❖ Some Christian leaders, who wrongly condemned the prophet M. Nostradamus and his predictions, should ask for forgiveness from God after reading this book.❖ The Christian author of this current book was a scientist and director of several companies whose passion for reading the Bible started over forty years ago. He also studied Nostradamus' prophecies for more than thirty years.

  • af Marie G&295 & andia
    238,95 kr.

    L'histoire écrite est souvent celle des vainqueurs et des dominants, faite pour servir leurs causes. Ce dont l'auteure parle ici est plutôt l'histoire des oubliés, des invisibles, de ceux que l'on voudrait ignorer; une histoire inconnue de civilisations et de peuples disparus qui, pour certains, vécurent sur des terres, elles aussi disparues et que l'histoire écrite semble ignorer. Ignorer, à moins qu'il ne s'agisse d'une Histoire interdite . Cet essai insolite et inclassable - développé en trois livres, dont voici le premier - nous mène vers une humanité vieille de plusieurs millions d'années. Il démonte légendes, croyances et dogmes enracinés qui soutiennent des pouvoirs religieux et politico-économiques; des pouvoirs écrasants qui remonteraient à des exilés extra-planétaires qui, depuis des millénaires, tentent d'asservir l'humanité. Marie Għandia part en queste de l'histoire de l'homme inscrite dans les grands cycles de la Précession des Équinoxes et des bouleversements qui se sont abattus sur notre planète, telles les météorites qui ont détruit la vie à plus de 95 %, à deux reprises, il y a environ 215 et 65 millions d'années. Elle raconte comment de grands Êtres bienveillants aidèrent la vie à se réinstaller et à se perpétuer; elle nous explique par quel mystère ces êtres de pouvoir sont encore parmi nous. Elle nous parle de géants et de lilliputiens, de mégalithes et d'immenses cités souterraines, du plus vieux manuscrit connu: le Livre d'Hénoch. Ce livre I nous offre une vertigineuse remontée dans le temps qui débute par une évocation de l'Égypte ancienne. Car c'est dans le berceau de l'Égypte, à l'aurore du 21e siècle, au fil du Nil, que Marie Għandia fit la rencontre inattendue des Veilleurs, gardiens de la transmission orale, qui l'initièrent à l'histoire non écrite et la guidèrent vers les lieux, vestiges et documents sur lesquels appuyer ses recherches. Il lui a fallu dix années pour assimiler ce dont ces Veilleurs l'avaient instruite, tant ce qu'ils lui donnèrent à connaître était loin de ce qu'elle croyait savoir. L'auteure, née en 1945 dans la Vienne, a consacré l'essentiel de sa vie à voyager et découvrir le monde, à observer d'un oeil neuf la trajectoire de l'humanité par le biais de rencontres intenses et magiques qui ne sont pas le fait du hasard.Elle donne ainsi un sens singulier à nos origines à travers une écriture rigoureuse et extrêmement documentée de l'histoire de l'humanité.

  • af Sylvine Boucardet Grüne
    240,95 kr.

  • af C. S. Fairy
    243,95 kr.

    L'amour ne s'arrange pas C'est un monde avec sa dose de magie, un royaume prospère, et une reine différente. C'est l'histoire de Lumen, mi-humaine mi-étoile, qui a le poids d'une couronne sur la tête, et des traditions à respecter.Mais c'est aussi une jeune fille qui rêve d'amour, et qui espère le trouver. L'un des trois princes des royaumes voisins gagnera-t-il la course à la quête de son coeur ?Se faire respecter, maîtriser ses pouvoirs et choisir celui qui partagera son trône, tels sont les objectifs de Lumen. Du moins, si la menace qui pèse sur les royaumes ne vient pas tout détruire avant.

  • af J. Bazzanella
    193,95 kr.

    This book Magistrates of Damnation is a serious and brief revised version of my first book "Pyromancy" that was published and released in December / 2021. This book delves briefly into the two Categories of people of a moral group called "Gerizim" and an immoral group called "Ebal" It also mentions briefly the implications of the authoritarian regimes bringing about the deterioration of democracy worldwide step by step through and into a tyrannical dawn that is about to possess us in each and every country worldwide which is about to occur perhaps just ahead in a decade or two in our immediate future.

  • af Françoise Rochais
    288,95 kr.

    Shy and locked in an unbearable malaise, Françoise becomes a world juggling champion. Only two things matter: living in peace with herself and finding her soulmate.

  • af Colin Setterfield
    218,95 kr.

  • af Daniel John
    368,95 kr.

    This book is a complete verse-by-verse Four Gospel Harmony in four chronologically-aligned columns, side-by-side. The sets of parallel verses shared between the Gospels were unified on a word-for-word basis using a sixteen-step merging process to produce a unified Gospel text (Merger) in the fifth column, which is known as "The Synoptic Gospel". Without the duplication and repetition between the parallel sections of the Gospels this story is more than 21% shorter to read, compared to reading the individual four Gospel accounts back-to-back, and with all of the sayings and events in order the story is clear and easy to understand. Told in 360 Scenes of Action, understanding the Gospel story is further enhanced with more than 300 quotations and references from the Old Testament. Dates and Locations for each Scene, along with nine Maps of Israel and Jerusalem, make it easy to see not only what happened, but also when and where Jesus was when the event or saying occurred. Included in this edition are seven Articles on why the FIVE COLUMN four Gospel Harmony and The Synoptic Gospel word-for-word Merger were created, along with a full set of the Notes that detail the features of this book. The Gospel Verse Cross-Reference Appendix shows which verses from the four original Gospels are part of a parallel set with another Gospel(s), and where within FIVE COLUMN and The Synoptic Gospel series those verses can be found. This 378 page Paperback book includes: - The complete Gospel Story in 360 Scenes of Action- 300+ References to the Old Testament Scriptures- full set of Articles and Notes- nine Maps of Israel and Jerusalem that show where Jesus traveled- Appendix 1: Synoptic Gospel Scene Contents- Appendix 2: Gospel Verse Cross-Reference (shows every verse from the four Gospels) Other Amazon Editions: * FIVE COLUMN - Hard Cover Verse-By-Verse Edition* The Synoptic Gospel - The fifth column unified Gospel text. (available in Hard Cover, Paperback and Kindle Editions)* The Red Letter Gospel - A red-letter Edition with all of the Words of Jesus Christ in Red font, making it easy to see every Word that He spoke. (available in Hard Cover, Paperback and Kindle Editions) To see the full detail of the parallel Gospel verse merging process get the Word-For-Word Edition of FIVE COLUMN (552 pages).

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