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Foreword by Preben Damgaard "Building Successful Partner Channels" is a book laying out the roadmap for achieving global market leadership through independent channel partners in the software industry. The book applies the business model and business model environment frameworks developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur and concludes that taking the indirect route to market adds an additional layer of complexity to our business model as we leave the control of finding, winning, making, keeping and growing happy customers to third parties. The book explains that the direct and the indirect go-to-market approach are not options we can choose freely between, independent of the nature of our business model and business model environments and it discusses when the indirect go-to-market approach is applicable and advantageous and when it is not. The book concludes that taking the indirect route to market requires that the channel is an integrated element of our product offering and value proposition. The indirect route to global market leadership requires developing and maintaining a channel partner program and the book lists all the elements of this program including the critical channel partner P&L model. The book concludes that our partner program will change substantially as we move from early stage channel building to the mature mode where most of our revenue comes from existing channel partners. The book describes the process for channel partner recruitment, and concludes that the initial process is very similar to the process of hiring top performing sales people. However, where we pay staff to perform their duties from the day they join, channels partners will have to make substantial investments before they reap the benefits of the cooperation. Channel partner recruitment is therefore initially a long process requiring substantial investments. The dynamics of channel partner recruitment changes as we move from the early mode channel development stage to the mature stage and the book recommends that we should recruit as many channel partners as we possibly can. We then let them demonstrate where they belong in the channel pyramid classifying channel partners and the book discusses how we should manage each group. A full chapter is devoted to discuss adopting the indirect channel approach at a later stage after having applied a direct approach first, introduces some simple sanity checks to verify if switching is feasible and explains how this switch can be accomplished.
Preben og Erik er i starten af 20erne da de åbner Damgaard Data. Kun 8 år senere har virksomheden 100 medarbejdere og en omsætning i multimillionklassen."Fra Damgaard til Microsoft" er fortællingen om to iværksættere, Preben og Erik Damgaard, der gennem opfindsomhed og hårdt arbejde blev til danske iværksætter konger. Hans Peter Bech har udført over 200 timers interviews med, blandt andre, Damgaard-brødrenes medarbejdere, leverandører og kunder. De interviews danner grundlaget for denne medrivende og imponerende historie."Fra Damgaard til Microsoft" er biografi og lærebog i en. Brødrenes historie giver et ucensureret indblik i et erhvervsliv der er uforudsigeligt og uden garantier.
Balladen i Mekka er historien om Aalborgdrengen Henrik Bertelsen. Handlingen starter i juli 1979, hvor Henriks liv skal til at slå nogle gevaldige koldbøtter. Verden omkring ham undergår kolossale ændringer, der åbner muligheder, men også faldgruber. Han sidder i et godt solidt job som fuldmægtig i Arbejdsministeriet med en klar karrierevej foran sig. Ved siden af underviser han på Danmarks Forvaltningshøjskole og på Københavns Universitet. Ikke fordi han er fagligt super skarp, men fordi han har været lidt heldig med sit netværk, og fordi han er en god pædagog. Henriks elever kan godt lide hans måde at undervise på. Han er faktisk populær. På privatfronten flasker tingene sig fint. Henriks ægteskab fungerer fremragende, han er i gang med at stifte familie (adoptere) og er ved at etablere bofællesskab i Nordsjælland (en ny model for villa, Volvo og vovse), som han selv er medinitiativtager til.Ud af det blå dukker der en mulighed op for at komme med i et ambitiøst erhvervsprojekt i Saudi-Arabien. Han griber chancen, og så ruller lavinen. Projektet løber løbsk og kræver mere og mere tid. Tid som han ikke har. Igen er heldet med ham, og lige som det ser sortest ud, udskrives der folketingsvalg. Aktiviteterne i hans afdeling i ministeriet går i stå, og han kan frigøres til arbejdet i Mellemøsten.Parallelt med erhvervsprojektet og indflytningen i bofællesskabet, skal han og hans kone, engelske Samantha, adoptere et barn fra Indonesien. Det indebærer, at de skal opholde sig i landet i tre uger. De ved ikke, hvornår de skal af sted, men skal være klar til at rejse med få dages varsel.Midt i virakken får Henrik tilbudt et særdeles vellønnet job som salgstrainee i et stort amerikansk computerfirma. I den retning havde han aldrig set, men arbejdet i Mellemøsten havde åbnet hans øjne for, hvad det private erhvervsliv kunne tilbyde.Forblændet af muligheden for eventyr får Henrik ikke forholdt sig til de langsigtede konsekvenser af projektet i Saudi-Arabien, og langsomt men sikkert fanger bordet. Samantha vil under ingen omstændigheder flytte til et arabisk land, og hans egne planer går da heller ikke i den retning. Igen reddes han af udefrakommende hændelser. Novemberoprøret i Mekka i 1979 sætter en stopper for projektet, og han kan trække sig ud af det uden at lade nogen i stikken. Det sker dog ikke uden drama, for han opholder sig netop i Mekka på det tidspunkt, hvor oprøret bryder ud og er tæt på at komme alvorligt i klemme.Overvejelserne om et jobskifte er en karrieremæssig koldbøtte af de helt store, der kræver grundige overvejelser, og hvor udfaldet svinger frem og tilbage. Henrik beslutter at tage springet. Umiddelbart efter rejser han og Samantha til Indonesien for at adoptere deres første barn. Adoptionen, der indebærer tre ugers eventyr i fjernøsten, fuldstændiggør den lille familie, men efterlader også en undertone af mere snævre rammer for fremtiden.
Dive into the world of AI with "Applying Artificial Intelligence," a transformative guide designed to demystify the technology and unlock its potential for your organisation. Amidst the whirlwind of misconceptions and speculative narratives surrounding AI, this book emerges as a beacon of clarity, shedding light on how technology can enhance human performance."Applying Artificial Intelligence" is not just another book; it's a strategic toolkit tailored for forward-thinking organisations eager to harness the power of the technologies. With a focus on practical application, this guide empowers your in-house experts to bridge the gap between complex AI concepts and real-world business challenges. It's about turning the abstract into the actionable.Imagine equipping your team with the knowledge to identify opportunities where AI can drive innovation, optimise operations, and create unparalleled competitive advantages. This book offers a pragmatic approach to understanding AI's role in problem-solving and decision-making, backed by a practical methodology for confidently managing the projects.Gone are the days when the realms of AI technology and business strategy operated in silos. "Applying Artificial Intelligence" champions a collaborative approach, advocating for the education of your domain experts in AI principles. This strategy ensures that those who know your business best also lead the charge in integrating AI solutions, making for a seamless fusion of tech prowess and business acumen.Prepare to transform your organisation's approach to AI, turning scepticism into strategy and confusion into clarity. "Applying Artificial Intelligence" is your gateway to unlocking the untapped potential of AI in your business, one insightful chapter at a time. Let your domain experts become the architects of your AI-driven future, and watch as your business unfolds new horizons of efficiency and innovation.
Going Global on a Shoestring is a handbook for the executives and business developers in small and medium sized software-companies (20-200 employees) that lay out the strategies for global expansion as well as perform the actual field work with winning the first customers abroad.It is a book about how to get the first customers outside your domestic market. We could call it establishing the foundation for global growth. Getting that foundation in place and then scaling it to market leadership are two very different tasks. This book is mainly about the first task and not so much about the other.The book is based on Everett M. Rodger’s principles around Diffusion of Innovations, Alexander Osterwalder’s business model framework, thirty case stories from the industry and the author’s personal experience with growing companies from incubation to global market leadership. It provides a practical approach to international expansion, when you cannot afford making big mistakes.
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