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  • af Patrick M. (Emeryville Lencioni
    32,95 kr.

    Poster for The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

  • - A People's History, 1962-1976
    af Frank Dikotter
    43,95 kr.

    Acclaimed by the Daily Mail as ''definitive and harrowing'' , this is the final volume of ''The People''s Trilogy'', begun by the Samuel Johnson prize-winning Mao''s Great Famine.After the economic disaster of the Great Leap Forward that claimed tens of millions of lives between 1958 and 1962, an ageing Mao launched an ambitious scheme to shore up his reputation and eliminate those he viewed as a threat to his legacy. The stated goal of the Cultural Revolution was to purge the country of bourgeois, capitalist elements he claimed were threatening genuine communist ideology. But the Chairman also used the Cultural Revolution to turn on his colleagues, some of them longstanding comrades-in-arms, subjecting them to public humiliation, imprisonment and torture.Young students formed Red Guards, vowing to defend the Chairman to the death, but soon rival factions started fighting each other in the streets with semi-automatic weapons in the name of revolutionary purity. As the country descended into chaos, the military intervened, turning China into a garrison state marked by bloody purges that crushed as many as one in fifty people.When the army itself fell victim to the Cultural Revolution, ordinary people used the political chaos to resurrect the marked and hollow out the party''s ideology. In short, they buried Maoism. In-depth interviews and archival research at last give voice to the people and the complex choices they faced, undermining the picture of conformity that is often understood to have characterised the last years of Mao''s regime. By demonstrating that decollectivisation from below was an unintended consequence of a decade of violent purges and entrenched fear, Frank Dikotter casts China''s most tumultuous era in a wholly new light.Written with unprecedented access to previously classified party documents from secret police reports to unexpurgated versions of leadership speeches, this third chapter in Frank Dikotter''s extraordinarily lucid and ground-breaking ''People''s Trilogy'' is a devastating reassessment of the history of the People''s Republic of China.

  • - The autobiography of the legendary Manchester United manager
    af Alex Ferguson
    43,95 kr.

    Sir Alex Ferguson's compelling story is always honest and revealing he reflects on his managerial career that embraced unprecedented European success for Aberdeen and 26 triumphant seasons with Manchester United. Sir Alex Ferguson's best-selling autobiography has now been updated to offer reflections on events at Manchester United since his retirement as well as his teachings at the Harvard Business School, a night at the Oscars and a boat tour round the Hebrides, where he passed unrecognised.The extra material adds fresh insights and detail on his final years as United's manager. Both the psychology of management and the detail of football strategy at the top level can be complex matters but no-one has explained them in a more interesting and accessible way for the general reader than Sir Alex does here. MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY is revealing, endlessly entertaining and above all inspirational.

  • - A Modern Girl's Guide to the New Age World
    af Emma Mildon
    62,95 kr.

    A fun guide to everything mind, body, spirit that defines New Age practices for a new generation.

  • - Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't
    af Simon Sinek
    36,95 kr.

    Imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up inspired to go to work, feels trusted and valued during the day, then returns home feeling fulfilled. This is not a crazy, idealized notion. Today, in many successful organizations,great leaders are creating environments in which people naturally work together to do remarkable things.In Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek, internationally bestselling author of Start With Why, investigates these great leaders from Marine Corps Officers, who don't just sacrifice their place at the table but often their own comfort and even their lives for those in their care, to the heads of big business and government - each putting aside their own interests to protect their teams. Sinek argues that this is what it means to be a leader and asks are you a leader?'As refreshingly simple and easy to follow as it is thought-provoking' Management Today

  • af Donna Tartt
    32,95 kr.

    The Secret History, a captivating novel written by the talented Donna Tartt, was first published in 2004 by Random House USA Inc. This intriguing piece of literature falls under the genre of mystery, offering readers a deep dive into a world of secrets and suspense. The Secret History is a testament to Tartt's ability to weave complex narratives and create unforgettable characters. The book has been praised for its rich prose and intricate plot, making it a must-read for any fan of the genre. Published by Random House USA Inc, this book is a testament to their commitment to bringing quality literature to readers everywhere. The Secret History is not just a book, but an experience that leaves its readers pondering long after the last page is turned.

  • af Dusan Jurgen
    33,95 kr.

  • af Nicolaj Hojer Nielsen
    104,95 kr.

    Are you an entrepreneur, looking for investors take your venture to the next level? Do you want to start a business and wonder where to get the funds?This book reveals:* Where to to find investors and the best approaches to win their support* What investors are really looking for but wont tell you * How to persuade banks, business angels, VCs and public funders* Insider tips for compiling material that satisfies investors* Little-known strategies that will boost your successThe Startup Funding Book is about building understanding and preparing entrepreneurs for pitching their project to investors. It's also about what entrepreneurs need to do in order to develop and de-risk their startup project enough for it to become attractive to professional investors.Written by startup funding expert Nicolaj Hjer Nielsen, this book offers practical solutions and guides you step by step to secure the funds you need for your startup. Nicolaj Hjer Nielsen is a serial entrepreneur and business angel who has been building startups since 1999. He focuses on high potential startups, and has co-founded and invested in 13 companies, primarily within IT. He has experience of securing funding from all possible sources friends and family, business angels, venture capital funds and public funds. His experience is based on reviewing thousands of different investment opportunities and he knows the fundraising process from both sides of the table.By reading this book you will learn how investors think. Thinking like an investor will make you a more successful entrepreneur!

  • - Open Your Mind, Change Your Life
    af Tara Swart
    47,95 kr.

  • - Includes 12 Mini-Books Featuring Short and Long Vowel Sounds
    af James Dean
    41,95 kr.

    Pete the Cat helps kids learn to read with phonics! Who knew reading could be so groovy?This set of 12 simple and fun Pete the Cat storybooks is an excellent choice to share with your beginning reader. It's a fun way to learn to read and as a supplement for activity books for children ages 3 to 6. Enter into the world of reading with My First I Can Read! Reviewed by a phonics expert, these 12 short full-color books feature repeated examples of short and long vowel sounds and common sight words. Each of the simple stories in this box set is designed to teach kids how to master reading while rocking out with Pete the Cat.Phonics teaches children the relationship between letters and the sounds they make. A child who has mastered these relationships has an excellent foundation for learning to read and spell. According to the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, a child who has learned phonics has a method to recognize familiar words and ?decode? unfamiliar ones.

  • af Tim Weaver
    12,95 - 119,95 kr.

    Alex Towne forsvandt for seks år siden. Fem år senere dukkede han op igen, men som et udbrændt lig i et bil vrag. Men er Alex virkelig død? Alex’ mor, Mary, er sikker på, at hun har set sin forsvundne og ’døde’ søn gå ind på et lokalt bibliotek. Den tidligere journalist, David Raker, har efter sin kones død lagt sit skrivearbejde på hylden. Han lever nu af at finde forsvundne personer. Han er sikker på, at Mary er et håbløst tilfælde, der ikke vil give slip på sin afdøde søn. Raker er dog selv hjemsøgt af tabet af sin kone og modvilligt, siger han ja til at undersøge sagen nærmere.Raker bliver hurtigt hvirvlet ind i sagen om Alex, hvis liv slet ikke var så uskyldigt, som hans mor troede. Begravet i hans fortid findes hemmeligheder, som nogen slår ihjel for at bevare. David Raker må konfrontere både sine egne og Alex’ spøgelser for at finde ud af, om Alex endte sine dage i en udbrændt bil, eller han er vendt tilbage fra de døde.

  • af Alice Oseman
    30,95 - 118,95 kr.

    The fourth novel from the phenomenally talented Alice Oseman - one of the most authentic and talked-about voices in contemporary YA.

  • af Chris van Tulleken
    53,95 kr.

    THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERFORTNUM & MASON'S DEBUT FOOD BOOK OF THE YEAR 2024A TIMES AND SUNDAY TIMES SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023AN ECONOMIST, DAILY MAIL, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING and AMAZON BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023SHORTLISTED FOR WATERSTONE'S BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023Chosen by the SUNDAY TIMES, GUARDIAN, FT and DAILY MAIL as one of their BEST SUMMER BOOKS OF 2023'If you only read one diet or nutrition book in your life, make it this one' Bee Wilson'A devastating, witty and scholarly destruction of the shit food we eat and why' Adam Rutherford---An eye-opening investigation into the science, economics, history and production of ultra-processed food.It's not you, it's the food.We have entered a new 'age of eating' where most of our calories come from an entirely novel set of substances called Ultra-Processed Food, food which is industrially processed and designed and marketed to be addictive. But do we really know what it's doing to our bodies?Join Chris in his travels through the world of food science and a UPF diet to discover what's really going on. Find out why exercise and willpower can't save us, and what UPF is really doing to our bodies, our health, our weight, and the planet (hint: nothing good).For too long we've been told we just need to make different choices, when really we're living in a food environment that makes it nigh-on impossible. So this is a book about our rights. The right to know what we eat and what it does to our bodies and the right to good, affordable food.The Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, August 2023

  • af Naughty Dog Naughty Dog
    132,95 kr.

    The Art of The Last of Us Part II, penned by the creative minds at Naughty Dog Naughty Dog, is a mesmerizing journey into the world of one of the most critically acclaimed video games. This book, published by Dark Horse Comics, U.S., in 2020, offers an exclusive look into the immersive art and design that brought the game to life. As a reader, you're invited to witness the development of the game from the earliest concept art stages to the final, detailed production pieces. This book is a must-have for fans of the genre and a testament to the game's artistry. Dive into the captivating post-apocalyptic world of The Last of Us Part II, and appreciate the depth of detail and creative vision that Naughty Dog has brought to the gaming industry.

  • - The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
    af Paul Hawken
    66,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERFor the first time ever, an international coalition of leading researchers, scientists and policymakers has come together to offer a set of realistic and bold solutions to climate change. All of the techniques described here - some well-known, some you may have never heard of - are economically viable, and communities throughout the world are already enacting them. From revolutionizing how we produce and consume food to educating girls in lower-income countries, these are all solutions which, if deployed collectively on a global scale over the next thirty years, could not just slow the earth's warming, but reach drawdown: the point when greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere peak and begin todecline. So what are we waiting for?

  • af Jens Paulsen
    59,95 kr.

    Personalejura – regel- og paradigmasamling er anvendelig både for praktikere og studerende i arbejdsretlige fag. Bogen udkommer samtidig med Personalejura – praktisk arbejdsret (3. udg.),hvor der i betydeligt omfang er henvisninger til specielt aftaler og paradigmer i denne bog. Personalejura – regel- og paradigmasamling er opdelt i fire hovedafsnit. Afsnittene A og B rummer de væsentligste nationale og internationale arbejdsretlige love, bekendtgørelser og direktiver. I afsnit C er der gengivet en række væsentlige aftaler på det overenskomstdækkede arbejdsmarked. Et udpluk af arbejdsretlige paradigmer, men udvidet i forhold til andenudgaven, specielt inden for den individuelle arbejdsret, er medtaget i afsnit D.

  • - faglig tradition og global udfordring
    af Thyge Winther-Jensen
    40,95 kr.

    Den komparative pædagogik, der er en faglig disciplin under den almene pædagogik, er i disse år genstand for en voksende opmærksomhed. En medvirkende årsag til dette er den økonomiske udvikling, der på den ene side tvinger nationalstaterne ud i større indbyrdes konkurrence og på den anden side stiller krav til øget internationalt samarbejde. Uddannelse er blevet et vigtigt element i denne udvikling. Bogen rummer analyser af sammenligning som metode, af nationalstaten som sammenligningsgenstand og af aktuelle fænomener som globalisering, videnssamfund og internationalt samarbejde. Der lægges op til nye perspektiver på begrebet uddannelse. Thyge Winther-Jensen er magister i pædagogik fra Institut for Teoretisk Pædagogik ved Københavns Universitet. I en årrække var han lektor, senere docent, i pædagogik ved Københavns Universitet. Fra 2002 har han fungeret som professor i international komparativ pædagogik ved Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet og som leder af Enhed for international komparativ uddannelsesforskning.

  • af Erich Karsholt
    115,95 kr.

    Dette er ikke en bilbog i gængs forstand, men mere et stykke danmarkshistorie om produktion, handel, markedsføring og foretagsomhed. Udkommer medio NOVEMBER Erich Karsholt: Dansk bilproduktionBil- og samlefabrikker i det 20. århundrede. BILHISTORIE - INDUSTRIHISTORIE - KULTURHISTORIE - SAMFUNDSHISTORIE Det er en udbredt opfattelse, at der ikke er produceret biler i Danmark… Men det omvendte er realiteterne: Næsten en million biler er det blevet til! Nu kommer bogen der belyser denne side af dansk industrihistorie og bilkultur. Årets julegave til især mænd der interesserer sig for teknik og historie! I de to første årtier af 1900-tallet skete en revolutionerende udvikling af ikke blot selve bilen, men også omkring fremstillingen, der gik fra håndværksmæssig tilvirkning af få enheder til masseproduktion. De danske forsøg på en bilindustri kom ikke over begynderstadiet, før de udenlandske bilfabrikker viste deres styrke. Til gengæld betød bilernes voksende udbredelse at der opstod fordele ved at samle bilerne lokalt. De første var Ford Motor Company (1919) og General Motors (1924). Gennem årene er mere end 40 forskellige bilmærker samlet i Danmark. Samlefabrikkerne havde betydning for industriens udvikling gennem inspiration af amerikansk organisering, men de udenlandske fabrikker måtte også tilpasse sig de danske vilkår, herunder vores arbejdsmarkedsforhold. I mellemkrigsårene blev hovedparten af alle biler til det danske marked samlet herhjemme. Under besættelsen holdt fabrikkerne beskæftigelsen oppe gennem bl.a. fremstilling af gasgeneratorer - og arbejde for besættelsesmagten. I efterkrigstiden voksede produktionen gennem 1950'erne, hvor der også var toldfordele ved at samle bilerne herhjemme, men fabrikkerne var i længden for små og urentable. Samle-fabrikkerne lukkede én efter én op gennem 1960’erne. Den sidste og største dog først i 1974. Der blev i Danmark samlet ca. 920.000 biler. Til sammenligning blev der i sidste århundrede fremstillet ca. 10.000 biler af danske bilmærker. Der er tale om et stykke industrihistorie, der endnu ikke er blevet analyser og beskrevet. Bogen baserer på et stort antal kilder. Bogen indeholder desuden mere end 750 foto og illustrationer. Erich Karsholt: Dansk bilproduktion. Bil- og samlefabrikker i det 20. århundrede.456 sider, vejl. udsalgspris 499 kr. Niels Nørgaard Telefon 4052 0021

  • af Thomas Veber
    49,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Lucinda Riley
    56,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • - Essential Foundations and Techniques
    af Mark Stephens
    80,95 kr.

    Teaching Yoga is an essential resource for new and experienced teachers as well as a guide for all yoga students interested in refining their skills and knowledge. Addressing 100% of the teacher training curriculum standards set by Yoga Alliance, the world''s leading registry and accreditation source for yoga teachers and schools, Teaching Yoga is also ideal for use as a core textbook in yoga teacher training programs. Drawing on a wide spectrum of perspectives, and featuring more than 150 photographs and illustrations, the book covers fundamental topics of yoga philosophy and history, including a historical presentation of classical yoga literature: the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras of Pataljali, and the main historical sources on tantra and early hatha yoga. Each of the eleven major styles of contemporary yoga is described, with a brief history of its development and the distinguishing elements of its teachings. Exploring traditional and modern aspects of anatomy and physiology, the book provides extensive support and tools for teaching 108 yoga poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. Teaching Yoga offers practical advice for classroom setup, planning and sequencing classes, as well as the process involved in becoming a teacher and sustaining oneself in the profession. The book has over 200 bibliographic sources, a comprehensive index, and a useful appendix that lists associations, institutes, organizations, and professional resources for yoga teachers.

  • - Medicinfri og ti kilo lettere
    af Anders Bach
    32,95 - 119,95 kr.

    En personlig fortælling om at spise sig mæt og tabe sig samtidig. Bogen er for dig, som gerne vil opretholde en sund livsstil og måske smide nogle overflødige kilo. Læs om hvordan du undgår diabetes 2 og unødvendig medicin. Den rummer forklaringen på hvorfor diabetes- og fedmeepide-mien opstod og blev til den verdensomspændende udfordring den er i dag. Anders Bach har oplevet det på egen krop. Det tog ham fire dage at lægge om og kiloene raslede af. Han blev rask, sund og fri af diabetes 2 og medicin på få uger. Bogen indeholder klare budskaber fra en håndfuld førende læger om, hvad der har størst betydning for dit helbred, når du vil passe på din krop. Eksperterne er enige: Vægttab og kost med færre kulhydrater er den bedste og enkleste vej til at holde sig sund og rask i mange år. Bogen er til helt almindelige danskere – skrevet i et hverdagssprog uden lægefaglige udtryk. Bogen giver også et indblik i medicinalindustriens rolle i sundhedsvæsenet. Lær at spise naturlige, nærende fødevarer, som kan nedsætte eller udelukke behovet for medicin på livstid. Forord: Læge og forfatter Arne Astrup

  • af Peter Gill
    91,95 kr.

    Coupe & Roadster (convertible) 'Mk 1' with 1.8 litre (1781cc) 4-cylinder turbo engines and 2WD or 4WD (Quattro) transmissions Does NOT cover models with 3.2 litre V6 engines, DSG transmission or 'Quattro Sport' models Does NOT cover 'Mk 2' TT range introduced September/December 2006

  • - How the Little Blue Pill Changed Sex in America
    af Meika Loe
    85,95 - 778,95 kr.

    The first book to detail the history and the vast social implications of the Viagra phenomenon

  • af Various
    60,95 kr.

    The soundtrack to Nintendo's Wii is for advanced intermediate to advanced pianists.

  • af Alice Oseman
    39,95 - 108,95 kr.

    Stor Netflix-serie har premiere i foråret 2022 med Kit Connor og Joe Locke i hovedrollerne.Heartstopper 3 er tredje bind om Nick og Charlies blomstrende kærlighed. Charlie troede aldrig, at Nick også ville være vild med ham, men nu er de kærester, og Nick har endda fortalt det til sin mor. Men at springe ud som homoseksuel er ikke noget, der overstås på én gang. Nick mangler stadig at fortælle det til sin storebror, sin klasse, som snart skal til Paris, og til resten af sine venner og familie. Mens kærligheden vokser, får Charlie og Nick mere brug for hinanden end nogensinde før!Alice Osemans fortsætter her sin vigtige graphic novel-fortælling og udfolder nye sider af historien om at være ung og forelsket i en af samme køn.Heartstopper har fra starten været båret af en stærk fanbase. Forfatteren udgav oprindeligt fortællingen digitalt, og gennem crowdfunding lykkedes det hende på bare to timer at samle penge nok ind til den første fysiske udgave, der udkom i 2018 i England. Siden er det gået stærkt, og Nick og Charlies kærlighedshistorie er nu under udgivelse verden over – og en stort anlagt serie er på vej på Netflix.

  • af Cilla & Rolf Börjlind
    33,95 - 123,95 kr.

    En brutal eksplosion med flere døde ryster Sverige. Politiet mistænker, at det drejer sig om terror og den nationale indsatsstyrke sættes ind. Snart pågribes en mistænkt gerningsmand, der bedyrer sin uskyld, men alligevel dømmes. På trods af at de tekniske beviser peger på den dømte, mistænker Olivia Rönning og kriminalkommissær Mette Olsätter, at der er tale om justitsmord og de genoptager efterforskningen. En efterforskning som fører Olivia ind i en verden, hvor mænd begår seksuelle overgreb, og er klar til at gøre hvad som helst for at bevare deres magt. Samtidig befinder Tom Stilton sig på et retreat i Thailand. Han kontaktes af en kvinde, som behøver hans hjælp til at finde en mand, der siges at holde til på en flodpram i Den Gyldne Trekant, hvor en stor del af verdens heroin produceres. For at ransage sig selv, og forsones med en forbrydelse han for nylig har begået, påtager han sig opgaven. Koldbrand er den femte bog om Tom Stilton og Olivia Rönning. Pressen skriver: »Forfatterduoen Cilla & Rolf skriver modigt, uden klicheer og med sans for så mange detaljer, at man ikke kan dukke sig for de billeder, der skrives frem.« ***** – Femina »…forfatterne kan deres krimikram ned til mindste ledetråd.« ***** – Nordjyske Stiftstidende

  • af Casey McQuiston
    30,95 - 148,95 kr.

    When his mother became President, Alex Claremont-Diaz was promptly cast as the American equivalent of a young royal. Handsome, charismatic, genius-his image is pure millennial-marketing gold for the White House. There's only one problem: Alex has a beef with the actual prince, Henry, across the pond. And when the tabloids get hold of a photo involving an Alex-Henry altercation, U.S./British relations take a turn for the worse.Heads of family, state, and other handlers devise a plan for damage control: staging a truce between the two rivals. What at first begins as a fake, Instragramable friendship grows deeper, and more dangerous, than either Alex or Henry could have imagined. Soon Alex finds himself hurtling into a secret romance with a surprisingly unstuffy Henry that could derail the campaign and upend two nations and begs the question: Can love save the world after all? Where do we find the courage, and the power, to be the people we are meant to be? And how can we learn to let our true colors shine through? Casey McQuiston's Red, White & Royal Blue proves: true love isn't always diplomatic.

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