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  • - your journey to mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition
    af David Thomas
    433,95 kr.

    The Pragmatic Programmer is a remarkable book penned by David Thomas. Published in 2019, this book falls under the genre of computer programming and software development. The book is a gem for those who seek to enhance their programming skills. It provides practical advice on a wide range of topics, including personal responsibility, career development, and creating flexible, robust code. The Pragmatic Programmer is not about a particular language or development environment; it's about approaching programming in a pragmatic and thoughtful way. The book is published by Pearson Education (US), a well-known name in the field of educational and professional publishing. It's an essential read for programmers who are serious about honing their craft.

  • - for alle
    af Lars Ljungqvist
    128,95 kr.

    Du får en grundig introduktion til både Access 2016 og databaser generelt. Du lærer at bygge din egen database helt fra bunden. Du lærer selve kernen i databaser: at lave relationer i databasen, så du kan koble forskellige tabeller i databasen sammen. Du lærer også teorien bag, så du undgår databasens mange faldgruber. Du lærer at oprette indtastningsformularer, at importere data fra f.eks. txt- og csv-filer og Excel-dokumenter, og du lærer at danne avancerede rapporter med mulighed for at lave sum- og andre beregninger. For at komme godt i gang med Access, introducerer vi grundbegreber inden for databaser, ligesom vi gennemgår "normalisering", som er den proces, du skal igennem, for at transformere rådata eller ustrukturerede data til at være data i en form, som egner sig til en database.Access 2016 er Microsofts databaseprogram, og programmet retter sig mod brugere, der har behov for en mindre til mellemstor database med op til 100.000 poster.

  • af Eric Matthes
    428,95 kr.

    Since its initial debut in 2015, this critically acclaimed quick-start guide to programming has taught millions of people all over the world to write clean code, solve problems, and build custom applications in the popular language of Python. The highly anticipated third edition of Python Crash Course has been completely revised with updated code, practices, and projects-making it the ultimate launchpad for beginners to start their engines and code in Python 3!

  • - The Cyberweapons Arms Race
    af Nicole Perlroth
    113,95 kr.

  • af Seth Godin
    163,95 kr.

  • - A five-step guide to creating unforgettable photographs
    af Finn Beales
    166,95 kr.

    Don't just take a picture, make it. Using a proven five-step process - Pitch, Prepare, Shoot, Edit and Deliver - readers will develop the same successful, reliable working methods that earn influence and delight audiences, regardless of what genre you're working in.

  • af Michell Cronberg
    163,95 kr.

    BEMÆRK: Der er udgivet en ny bog dækkende den nyere version 9.0 - EAN 9788799338238 - Bogen om C# 9.0---------------------------Hvis du gerne vil lære grundlæggende programmering med Microsofts populære programmeringssprog C#, eller har brug for et opslagsværk, har du fat i den helt rigtige bog. Bogen om C# 8.0 er opdelt i følgende kapitler: Introduktion til .NET, Udviklingsmiljøer, Introduktion til C#, Simple variabler, Tekster, Konstanter, Programflow, Metoder, Fejlhåndtering, Arrays, Samlinger, Dine egne typer, Klasser, Hukommelsesteori, Indkapsling, Arv, Polymorfi, Interface, Delegates, Hændelser, LINQ, Asynkron programmering.På kan du desuden finde masser af videoer som understøtter mange af kapitlerne. Bogen kan benyttes som lærebog i C# programmering for private og på uddannelsesinstitutionerne og tager udgangspunkt i både Visual Studio og Visual Studio Code.Bogen er skrevet af Michell Cronberg, som har mange års erfaring med programmering – både som underviser, foredragsholder, konsulent og forfatter. Michell Cronberg har udgivet flere bøger og hæfter om forskellige former for programmering.

  • - The Art of Scepticism in a Data-Driven World
    af Carl T. Bergstrom & Jevin D. West
    128,95 kr.

  • - Plader, Bjælker, Søjler, Vægge
    af Knud Ahler
    248,95 kr.

    Byggeriets teknikere har ofte brug for hurtigt at kunne finde overslagsmæssige dimensioner på diverse bygningsdele. Dimensionering med diagrammer er et opslagsværk, der kan anvendes til at få et overblik over dimensionerne på vigtige bygningsdele, der indgår i almindelige bærende bygningskonstruktioner. Bogen dækker alle de fire lastformer og grupperne tag og bolig samt let og tungt erhverv.

  • - The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
    af Martin Kleppmann
    474,95 kr.

    Data is at the center of many challenges in system design today. Difficult issues need to be figured out, such as scalability, consistency, reliability, efficiency, and maintainability. In addition, we have an overwhelming variety of tools, including relational databases, NoSQL datastores, stream or batch processors, and message brokers. What are the right choices for your application? How do you make sense of all these buzzwords?In this practical and comprehensive guide, author Martin Kleppmann helps you navigate this diverse landscape by examining the pros and cons of various technologies for processing and storing data. Software keeps changing, but the fundamental principles remain the same. With this book, software engineers and architects will learn how to apply those ideas in practice, and how to make full use of data in modern applications.Peer under the hood of the systems you already use, and learn how to use and operate them more effectivelyMake informed decisions by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of different toolsNavigate the trade-offs around consistency, scalability, fault tolerance, and complexityUnderstand the distributed systems research upon which modern databases are builtPeek behind the scenes of major online services, and learn from their architectures

  • - Beregninger udført i Excel.
    af Kurt Allenberg
    158,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Kendskab til statistik er nødvendigt i forbindelse med planlægning af kvantitative forskningsprojekter, metodeudvikling samt analyse og publicering af resultater. Desuden er kendskab til statistik en betingelse for forståelsen af videnskabelig forskningslitteratur. Denne bog giver i Del 1 et overblik over grundlæggende statistiske begreber og metode med let tilgængelige udregninger uden brug af computer. Del 2 gennemgår et udvalg af procedurer, der leder op til den endelige forsøgsgang, herunder metoder til beregning af stikprøvestørrelser og til kvalificering af dataindsamlingsværktøjer. Del 3 og 4 bearbejder i detaljer tænkte forsøgsresultater fra spørgeskemaundersøgelser og undersøgelser med måledata. Beregninger i Del 2-4 foretages i Excel og inkluderer de hyppigst anvendte test af frekvensdata samt parametriske og nonparametriske måledata. Bogen henvender sig til studerende på en mellemlang videregående uddannelse og på gymnasie niveau.

  • - A Modern Introduction to Programming
    af Marijn Haverbeke
    375,95 kr.

    Completely revised and updated, this bestselling introduction to programming in JavaScript focuses on writing real applications.

  • - En bog om kunstig intelligens
    af Peter Svarre
    248,95 kr.

    I disse år opstår der en lang række nye problemer og etiske dilemmaer i forbindelse med kunstig intelligens: Kommer robotterne til at tage vores arbejde? Bliver de klogere end os? Kan man stole på en selvkørende bil? Og hvem skal bestemme, hvem den skal slå ihjel, hvis et uheld er uundgåeligt? I Hvad skal vi med mennesker? diskuterer Peter Svarre på medrivende vis disse etiske dilemmaer og klæder læseren på til at forstå, hvordan kunstig intelligens overhovedet fungerer. Kunstig intelligens er nemlig ikke så kompliceret, som mange tror. Alle kan deltage i denne vigtige diskussion om vores fremtid!

  • af Amy Edmondson
    166,95 kr.

    Winner of the Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award'A masterclass in navigating, and even seeking out, the inevitable failures that pave the way to success . . . A must-read.' Angela Duckworth, author of GritForget 'fail fast, fail often'. This revolutionary book reveals how we get failure wrong - and how to get it right.We used to think of failure as a problem, to be avoided at all costs. Now, we're often told that failure is desirable - that we must 'fail fast, fail often'. The trouble is, neither approach distinguishes the good failures from the bad. As a result, we miss the opportunity to fail well.Here, Amy Edmondson - the world's most influential organisational psychologist - reveals how we get failure wrong, and how to get it right. She draws on a lifetime's research into the science of 'psychological safety' to show that the most successful cultures are those in which you can fail openly, without your mistakes being held against you. She introduces the three archetypes of failure - simple, complex and intelligent - and explains how to harness the revolutionary potential of the good ones (and eliminate the bad).And she tells vivid stories ranging from the history of open heart surgery to the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster, all to ask a simple, provocative question: What if it is only by learning to fail that we can hope to truly succeed?_'Great clarity and insight . . . Right Kind of Wrong will inspire you to do your boldest work.' Ed Catmull, co-founder of Pixar and author of Creativity, Inc.'No skill is more important than learning from failure - and no one on earth knows more about it than Amy Edmondson.' Adam Grant, author of Think Again'Absolutely outstanding . . . A pleasure to read, incredibly fluently written, full of interesting stories . . . This is the real deal.' Tim Harford, author of The Undercover Economist'An excellent new guide to how to promote "intelligent failures" and learn from them.' Financial Times

  • - Idiomatic Programming for Experienced Developers
    af Jon Gjengset
    375,95 kr.

    Master professional-level coding in Rust.For developers who’ve mastered the basics, this book is the next step on your way to professional-level programming in Rust. It covers everything you need to build and maintain larger code bases, write powerful and flexible applications and libraries, and confidently expand the scope and complexity of your projects. Author Jon Gjengset takes you deep into the Rust programming language, dissecting core topics like ownership, traits, concurrency, and unsafe code. You’ll explore key concepts like type layout and trait coherence, delve into the inner workings of concurrent programming and asynchrony with async/await, and take a tour of the world of no_std programming. Gjengset also provides expert guidance on API design, testing strategies, and error handling, and will help develop your understanding of foreign function interfaces, object safety, procedural macros, and much more. You'll Learn:How to design reliable, idiomatic, and ergonomic Rust programs based on best principlesEffective use of declarative and procedural macros, and the difference between themHow asynchrony works in Rust – all the way from the Pin and Waker types used in manual implementations of Futures, to how async/await saves you from thinking about most of those wordsWhat it means for code to be unsafe, and best practices for writing and interacting with unsafe functions and traitsHow to organize and configure more complex Rust projects so that they integrate nicely with the rest of the ecosystemHow to write Rust code that can interoperate with non-Rust libraries and systems, or run in constrained and embedded environments Brimming with practical, pragmatic insights that you can immediately apply, Rust for Rustaceans helps you do more with Rust, while also teaching you its underlying mechanisms.

  • - Designing Great Products with Agile Teams
    af Jeff Gothelf & Josh Seiden
    395,95 kr.

    Lean UX has become the preferred approach to interaction design, tailor-made for todays agile teams. In the second edition of this award winning book, leading advocates Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden expand on the valuable Lean UX principles, tactics, and techniques covered in the first edition to share how product teams can easily incorporate design, experimentation, iteration, and continuous learning from real users into their Agile process.Inspired by Lean and Agile development theories, Lean UX lets you focus on the actual experience being designed, rather than deliverables. This book shows you how to collaborate closely with other members of your Agile product team, and gather feedback early and often. Youll learn how to drive the design in short, iterative cycles to assess what works best for the business and the user. Lean UX shows you how to make this changefor the better.Frame a vision of the problem youre solving and focus your team on the right outcomesBring the designers toolkit to the rest of your product teamShare your insights with your team much earlier in the processCreate Minimum Viable Products to determine which ideas are validIncorporate the voice of the customer throughout the project cycleMake your team more productive: combine Lean UX with Agiles Scrum frameworkUnderstand the organizational shifts necessary to integrate Lean UX

  • - The Future of Artificial Intelligence and the Role You Need to Play
    af Mo Gawdat
    198,95 - 243,95 kr.

    Scary Smart explains tech and why we need to pay attention to it. From Mo Gawdat, international bestselling author of Solve for Happy.

  • af Mads Vestergaard
    158,95 kr.

    Den digitale revolution har været båret af løfter om demokratisering og frigørelse. Men virkeligheden er blevet en anden. Det sociale kreditsystem, som er under udvikling i Kina, står som skræmmeeksempel på en statsmagt, der anvender de nyeste teknologier til at virkeliggøre en social kontrol af borgerne uden fortilfælde. Men Kina er ikke alene. I USA er der åbnet nye markeder for digital overvågning, adfærdspåvirkning og datahandel, som truer friheden, hvis ikke de kommercielle teknologigiganter møder modstand fra befolkning og politikere. Og i Danmark har vi så travlt med at vinde digitaliseringskapløbet, at borgernes retsstilling, tillid og demokrati er under pres. I Digital totalitarisme stiller filosof Mads Vestergaard skarpt på den mørke side af den digitale revolution. Kun hvis vi kender truslerne mod det frie og demokratiske samfund, kan vi bekæmpe dem. Anmeldelser: "Det er på tide, vi opgraderer den generelle forståelse af de enorme udfordringer, den digitale udvikling giver vores samfund. Digital Totalitarisme er et rigtig godt sted at starte." - Journalisten Mads Vestergaard (f. 1979) er uddannet filosof og ph.d.-studerende ved Center for Information og Boblestudier (CIBS), Københavns Universitet.

  • - How to Create Art on an iPad (R)
    216,95 kr.

    Delve into the world of digital painting on an iPad with step-by-step tutorials, hints, and tips from professional artists.

  • - Med kommentarer
    af Kristian Korfits Nielsen & Anders Lotterup
    1.663,95 kr.

    Databeskyttelsesforordningen og databeskyttelsesloven med kommentarer beskriver reglerne og praksis vedrørende både forordningen og loven, som samlet set fremadrettet vil udgøre reguleringen af databeskyttelsesretten i Danmark.Lovkommentaren er et praktisk redskab for medarbejdere i den offentlige sektor, private virksomheder, foreninger m.v., som er beskæftiget med aktiviteter, der er omfattet af forordningen og loven, og for advokater, revisorer og andre rådgivere. Bogen indeholder relevant praksis fra Datatilsynet og relevante afgørelser fra bl.a. danske domstole, EU-Domstolen og det nye Europæiske Databeskyttelsesråd.

  • - A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
    af Robert Martin
    318,95 kr.

  • - Hvordan skærmen kom imellem dig og mig - og hvordan vi tager kontrollen tilbage
    af Jakob Sorgenfri Kjær
    208,95 kr.

    Har du oplevet at tale med en, der pludselig afbryder jeres øjenkontakt for at tjekke sin mobil? Kan du sidde i et tog i dine egne tanker uden at tage telefonen frem? Kan du fordybe dig i en bog i bare en halv time ad gangen uden digitale distraktioner? Er du lige så nærværende i samtaler, og sover du lige så godt og stabilt, som du gjorde engang?Mennesket er blevet forandret af den digitale revolution, og mange af os føler, at telefonen slavebinder os. Undersøgende journalist Jakob Sorgenfri Kjær udforsker, hvordan teknologien har påvirket mennesket og samfundet: Vores forhold til hinanden, til vores børn, partner, os selv og vores sind. Undervejs præsenteres læseren for stribevis af tankevækkende studier og detaljer om mennesket og det digitale liv, vi fik. Personlige beretninger blandes med den nyeste viden fra hjerneforskere, psykologer, sociologer, dataloger, antropologer og historikere.På få år er vi blevet ført baglæns ind i et verdensomspændende socialt eksperiment, og vores autonomi er udfordret. Men heldigvis er det ikke for sent at kigge op og tage kontrollen tilbage over vores liv.

  • af Hannah Ritchie
    166,95 kr.

    ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **'A book for anyone who finds it difficult to believe in a better future' THE TIMESFeeling anxious, powerless, or confused about the future of our planet? This book will transform how you see our biggest environmental problems -- and how we can solve them.A STYLIST BEST NON-FICTION 2024 * A GUARDIAN BIGGEST FICTION AND NON-FICTION FOR 2024 * A WATERSTONES 'BOOK YOU NEED TO READ IN 2024' * A GUARDIAN 'FIVE GREAT READS' We are bombarded by doomsday headlines that tell us the soil won't be able to support crops, fish will vanish from our oceans, that we should reconsider having children.But in this bold, radically hopeful book, data scientist Hannah Ritchie argues that if we zoom out, a very different picture emerges. The data shows we've made so much progress on these problems, and so fast, that we could be on track to achieve true sustainability for the first time in history.Packed with the latest research, practical guidance and enlightening graphics, this book will make you rethink almost everything you've been told about the environment, from the virtues of eating locally and living in the countryside, to the evils of overpopulation, plastic straws and palm oil. It will give you the tools to understand what works, what doesn't and what we urgently need to focus on so we can leave a sustainable planet for future generations.These problems are big. But they are solvable. We are not doomed. We can build a better future for everyone. Let's turn that opportunity into reality.'Practical and truly essential' MARGARET ATWOOD * 'Does for the environment what Hans Rosling did for health' BILL GATES * 'Invigorating, inspiring, often surprising' DAVID WALLACE-WELLS * 'I find it hard to express how much I love this book' RUTGER BREGMAN * 'An unmissable myth-busting book to save our planet - read it' TIM SPECTOR

  • af Ros Atkins
    128,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af James Bridle
    126,95 kr.

    What does it mean to be intelligent? Is it something unique to humans - or do we share it with other beings? Recent years have seen rapid advances in 'artificial' intelligence, which increasingly appears to be something stranger than we ever imagined. At the same time, we are becoming more aware of the other intelligences which have been with us all along, unrecognized. These other beings are the animals, plants, and natural systems that surround us, and are slowly revealing their complexity and knowledge - just as the new technologies we've built are threatening to cause their extinction, and ours. In Ways of Being, writer and artist James Bridle considers the fascinating, uncanny and multiple ways of existing on earth. What can we learn from these other forms of intelligence and personhood, and how can we change our societies to live more equitably with one another and the non-human world? From Greek oracles to octopuses, forests to satellites, Bridle tells a radical new story about ecology, technology and intelligence. We must, they argue, expand our definition of these terms to build a meaningful and free relationship with the non-human, one based on solidarity and cognitive diversity. We have so much to learn, and many worlds to gain.

  • af Mojang AB
    118,95 kr.

    Master the art of building in Minecraft

  • - Words of Wisdom from Satoru Iwata, Nintendo's Legendary CEO
    af Satoru Iwata
    186,95 kr.

    "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." -Satoru Iwata

  • - Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services
    af Jon Yablonski
    473,95 kr.

    An understanding of psychologyspecifically the psychology behind how users behave and interact with digital interfacesis perhaps the single most valuable nondesign skill a designer can have. The most elegant design can fail if it forces users to conform to the design rather than working within the blueprint of how humans perceive and process the world around them. This practical guide explains how you can apply key principles in psychology to build products and experiences that are more intuitive and human-centered. Author Jon Yablonski deconstructs familiar apps and experiences to provide clear examples of how UX designers can build experiences that adapt to how users perceive and process digital interfaces.Youll learn:How aesthetically pleasing design creates positive responsesThe principles from psychology most useful for designersHow these psychology principles relate to UX heuristicsPredictive models including Fittss law, Jakobs law, and Hicks lawEthical implications of using psychology in designA framework for applying these principles

  • af Martin Gottlob
    168,95 kr.

    Denne bog har til hensigt at gøre dig klar til at analyse nøgletal og i sidste ende vurdere, hvilke virksomheder, der er gode at investere i. Med denne lille guide får du en grundlæggende og fyldestgørende introduktion til fundamental analyse, hvor det her handler om at lære virksomheder bedre at kende. Guiden dækker mange års dybdegående erfaring med analysering af aktier opsummeret og videreformidlet af den dygtige Martin Gottlob. Om forfatteren: Martin Gottlob har en imponerende karriere bag sig. Han har blandt andet været chef for investor relations i Danske Bank, og var hos flere banker som aktieanalytiker i de tidlige år af hans karriere. Martin lod sig pensionere fra en direktørstilling i A. P. Møller fonden og ved siden af sine mange bestyrelsesposter i dansk finansliv lærer han fra sig igennem denne bog. Bogen er redigeret af Sarah Ophelia Møss som er sociolog, iværksætter og ligesom Martin, også aktieinvestor. Tilsammen en duo der på kærlig, lærerig og forstående måde klæder dig på til at foretage fundamentale analyser.

  • - Communicate with Stakeholders, Keep Your Sanity, and Deliver the Best User Experience
    af Tom Greever
    395,95 kr.

    The second edition of this practical guide focuses on principles, tactics, and actionable methods for presenting your designs. Whether you design UX, websites, or products, you'll learn how to win over anyone who has influence over the project-with the goal of creating the best experience for the end user.

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