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  • Spar 81%
    af Klaus Rifbjerg
    27,95 - 43,95 kr.

    Klaus Rifbjerg, født 1931. Debuterede i 1956 med digtsamlingen UNDER VEJR MED MIG SELV. Digtene følger et livsforløb fra undfangelse til voksenlivets borgerlige forpligtelser og bevæger sig undervejs fra det muntert charmerende til det pågående, frække og selvironiske.

  • af Jim Collins
    33,95 - 225,95 kr.

    Rigorously supported by evidence, his findings are surprising - at times even shocking - to the modern mind. Good to Great achieves a rare distinction: a management book full of vital ideas that reads as well as a fast-paced novel.

  • Spar 80%
    - (Book and audio support)
    af Dr Dr Rupert Snell
    47,95 kr.

    Get started reading, speaking and listening in Hindi. Ideal for complete beginners, this course comprises a book and audio support which is easy to download to your computer or MP3 player.

  • Spar 81%
    af Sam Harris
    21,95 kr.

    As it was in Anna Karenina, Madame Bovary, and Othello, so it is in life. Most forms of private vice and public evil are kindled and sustained by lies. Acts of adultery and other personal betrayals, financial fraud, government corruptioneven murder and genocidegenerally require an additional moral defect: a willingness to lie.In Lying, best-selling author and neuroscientist Sam Harris argues that we can radically simplify our lives and improve society by merely telling the truth in situations where others often lie. He focuses on "e;white"e; liesthose lies we tell for the purpose of sparing people discomfortfor these are the lies that most often tempt us. And they tend to be the only lies that good people tell while imagining that they are being good in the process.

  • Spar 81%
    af Jessica Fellowes
    31,95 kr.

    The best one-liners and caustic quips from all six series of Downton Abbey.

  • Spar 80%
    af Sofie Reimick, Lene Madsen, Dorte Thelander Motzfeldt, mfl.
    87,95 kr.

    Grundbogen til Religion C matcher gymnasiereformerne og rummer nye vinkler på faget og undervisningen – både fagligt og pædagogisk.Bogens grundidé er at aktivere eleverne mest muligt med øvelser, som styrker deres religionsfaglige kunnen og viden. Et indledende brillekursus præsenterer faget og herefter følger kapitler om verdensreligionerne, ateisme og fagets teorier. Bogen afrundes med en værktøjskasse til elevens arbejde med fagets materiale. Grundbogen til Religion C behandler: Kristendom, islam, jødedom, hinduisme og buddhismeReligioner i Kina og JapanAteisme og sekulariseringReligionsvidenskabelig teori og metodeReligionsfaglige begreberLigheder og forskelle mellem religionerne. I 2. udgaven er der foretaget enkelte rettelser i omtalen af den katolske kirke. Det drejer sig om siderne 61 og 62. 1. og 2. udgaven kan bruges parallelt, idet sidetallene ikke skrider.

  • Spar 81%
    - How to Solve the Innovator's Dilemma, Second Edition
    af Michael L. Tushman, Charles A. & III O'Reilly
    61,95 kr.

    Fully revised, this second edition offers a proven strategy for using ambidexterity to build incremental growth for mature organizations, and the flexibility to adapt in fast-changing environments.

  • Spar 92%
    af Caspar Eric
    16,95 - 72,95 kr.

    Med "Nye balancer" griber Caspar Eric tilbage til sin tidligere digtsamling Nike, hvor han i 2015 skrev om at være en handicappet krop i verden.I sin nye samling, der bærer genrebetegnelsen 'handicapdigte', italesætter Caspar Eric handicappet mere kropsligt og direkte, og samfundets stigmatisering og diskrimination af ‘det anderledes’ problematiseres med poppet præcision. Samtidig leder digtene efter nye fysiske og poetiske måder at findes i verden på og måske også efter et sprog, der kan røre os — med humor, power og et skarpt blik på krydsfeltet mellem det private og det politiske. Og herfra rækkes der ud efter nye fællesskaber.

  • Spar 81%
    af Edwina Dunn
    37,95 kr.

  • Spar 81%
    - Gather All 20 Original Amigurumi Characters
    af Yan Schenkel
    29,95 kr.

  • Spar 80%
    - A Guide to Wealth and Happiness
    af Eric Jorgenson
    58,95 - 172,95 kr.

  • Spar 81%
    - Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles
    af Shawn Coyne
    41,95 kr.

    A succinct, engaging, and practical guide forsucceeding in any creative sphere, The War ofArt is nothing less than Sun-Tzu for the soul.What keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do?Why is there a naysayer within? How can we avoid theroadblocks of any creative endeavor-be it starting up a dreambusiness venture, writing a novel, or painting a masterpiece?Bestselling novelist Steven Pressfield identifies the enemy thatevery one of us must face, outlines a battle plan to conquer thisinternal foe, then pinpoints just how to achieve the greatest success.The War of Art emphasizes the resolve needed to recognizeand overcome the obstacles of ambition and then effectivelyshows how to reach the highest level of creative discipline.Think of it as tough love . . . for yourself.Whether an artist, writer or business person, this simple, personal, and no-nonsense book will inspire you to seize thepotential of your life.

  • Spar 81%
    af Boris Hansen
    35,95 - 119,95 kr.

    ’Fiktionsagent’ er ikke ligefrem Olivia Albys drømmejob. Missionerne tager ofte en livsfarlig drejning, når Ministeriet sender hende ind i en roman for at redde den fra fremmede agenter. Derudover er hun havnet på et dysfunktionelt team, der tilsyneladende er ude af stand til at arbejde sammen. I det mindste er lønnen god, og Olivia har brug for pengene, hvis hun nogensinde skal realisere drømmen om at undslippe sin fortid.Men da en mission går galt, hvirvles Olivia og hendes holdkammerater ind i en global konspiration iværksat af usynlige fjender. Nogen har store planer for fiktionsteknologiens muligheder, og for at finde dem må Olivia følge deres blodige spor på tværs af både bøgernes fiktive verdener og hendes egen ..."Den usynlige krig" er første bind i serien "Tavse verdener".Boris Mølgaard Hansen (f. 1981) er uddannet og bor i Aarhus, hvor han til daglig nørder med at skrive bøger og udvikle computerspil. Han debuterede i 2006 med krimien "Marburg-Eksperimentet", men har siden kastet sig over fantasygenren og udgivet flere bøger for unge og ungdommelige voksne.

  • af Dusan Jurgen
    26,95 kr.

  • Spar 81%
    af Karl F. Wolff
    34,95 kr.

    The Dolomites, a range of mountains in the Southern Alps, are widely celebrated for their bizarre rock formations, light colour hues, and pristine nature. It is no coincidence that UNESCO declared the Pale Mountains a World Heritage Site and that, every single year, they attract tourists and nature enthusiasts from all around the globe. This enchanting mountain landscape, which is oftentimes cool and forbidding, has left an indelible mark on its inhabitants. Their veritable treasure trove of myths, legends and mystery stories is an integral part of the rich cultural heritage of the Dolomites: the older generation has always passed down this heritage to a wide-eyed audience comprised of both the young and the young-at-heart.This compilation by Karl Felix Wolff (1879-1966), probably the most prominent regional writer-explorer of legends, contains well-known tales like "King Laurin and the Alp-Glow" and "The Kingdom of the Fanes" in addition to lesser known stories such as "The Nightingale of the Sasslong", "Iron Hand" and "Merisana's Wedding". This book is a unique collection of legends that will shed a new and mystic light on your perspective of the Dolomites.

  • Spar 80%
    - Frameworks to Navigate Global Fintech Innovation
    af Helene Panzarino & Alessandro Hatami
    72,95 - 1.302,95 kr.

    Understand the global fintech ecosystem, recognise the emergence and specialisms of key hubs, and learn how collaboration can drive innovation.

  • Spar 81%
    af Sebastien de Castell
    15,95 kr.

    The sixth - and final - instalment of the inimitable SPELLSLINGER series. Even Reichis has come to appreciate having a noble purpose - so long as no one minds him committing the occasional act of theft from the royal treasury. But thousands of miles away a war is brewing that the Argosi always warned could destroy the continent.

  • Spar 82%
    af Malcolm Croft
    15,95 kr.

    Since releasing her debut single 'Drivers Licence' in January 2021, Olivia Rodrigo has rocketed to the top of charts around the world, and quickly become not only one of the most exciting young singer-songwriters of the moment, but one of the biggest stars in the world today. In Olivia Rodrigo The Ultimate Fan Book, you'll discover how this former Disney starlet has found such amazing success with her catchy songs, striking fashion choices and incredible charm. The book follows the rise and rise of Olivia, from High School Musical to her acclaimed album Sour and highlights how she's only just getting started. Filled with quotes from Olivia and her closest collaborators, discussing fame, fashion, fans and more, as well as tons of stunning snaps from the red carpet to stadium stages.

  • Spar 81%
    af Lonely Planet, Paula Hardy, Marc Di Duca & mfl.
    33,95 - 267,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet Venice & the Veneto is the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Absorb the architecture and mosaics at Basilica di San Marco, cruise the Grand Canal on a gondola, trace the development of Venetian art at Gallerie dell'Accademia; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • Spar 80%
    - Oplysning til borgerne om samfundssikkerhed
    af Rasmus Dahlberg & Siri Schrøder
    48,95 kr.

    OBS Danmark befinder sig i den alvorligste sikkerhedspolitiske situation siden Den Kolde Krig, og vi opruster militært som aldrig før. Spionage, cyberangreb, sabotageaktioner, påvirkningsoperationer og andre forsøg på at destabilisere samfundet er ifølge efterretningstjenesterne blevet hverdag herhjemme. Men selv om halvdelen af danskerne er nervøse for, at krigen i Ukraine skal få konsekvenser for deres egen sikkerhed, hænger den brede samfundssikkerhed stadig i bremsen. Vi snakker for meget og gør for lidt i Danmark. Det er alvor – og det er nu, vi skal handle.Stillet over for et sammensat trusselsbillede må vi sikre samfundet hele vejen rundt, så alle kommer med. Staten skal formulere strategi og myndighederne koordinere effektivt og fleksibelt under kriser og i værste fald krig. Der er dog også vigtige roller at spille i samfundssikkerhed for både den private sektor, civilsamfundet og den enkelte borger. Men forventningerne skal afstemmes, før krisen rammer.Denne bog giver en række bud på, hvad samfundssikkerhed betyder i praksis, og peger på, hvad vi kan og bør gøre for at styrke vores fælles modstandsdygtighed. Sådan sikrer vi samfundet.

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Using Rybelsus Tablet for Weight Loss Management
    af Mason Wood
    21,95 kr.

    In recent years, the landscape of diabetes management has evolved offering new and innovative approaches to address the complex interplay between type 2 diabetes and weight management.Among these advancements, Rybelsus stands out as a groundbreaking oral medication designed to not only control blood sugar levels but also aid in weight loss management.Rybelsus tablets, containing semaglutide, are prescribed for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus to regulate blood sugar levels involving diet and works by enhancing insulin release, reducing glucagon secretion, and potentially slowing stomach emptying after meals. Click buy to get this Product

  • Spar 81%
    af Ellen Lupton
    41,95 kr.

    "Revised and expanded third edition of the essential guide to how typefaces are constructed and how to use them"--

  • Spar 81%
    - How to Access 600 Million Customers in 10 Minutes
    af Perry Marshall & Thomas Meloche
    33,95 kr.

    Covers critical updates including:-Targeting by birthday, family status, and more-Pinpointing who is seeing your ads-Managing impressions per ad to avoid ad fatigue-Using Sponsored Story Adsthe newest advertising categoy-Creating a Facebook businessp and identityMAKE A FORTUNE WITH FACEBOOKPerry Marshall, author of the #1 selling book on Google advertising, and internet strategist Thomas Meloche lift the curtain to the 600 million potential customers on Facebook and show you how to reach them, convert them, and keep them as your fan, friend, and customer for life. Introducing game-changing strategies, tools, and reports, Marshall and Meloche breakdown the magic of Facebook Paid Advertising and show you how to gain dramatically on your investmentin clicks, customers, and profits. Perry and Tom not only understand every nuance of the technical aspects of getting Facebook ads to work for your business, they also understand the psychology behind what works and what doesn't when it comes to advertising online. If you're looking for an uber-effective way to master the art of driving traffic to your offers through paid advertising, get this book - it truly is the ultimate guide!Mari Smith, co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day and author of The New Relationship MarketingIf anybody can make practical sense of Facebook for marketers, its Perry. He has his finger on its truth - as advertising media not social media. This book shows how to capitalize on ideal timing with this media. He is a well-disciplined direct-response practitioner who holds this accountable for ROI. I bestow my No B.S. blessing.Dan S. Kennedy, legendary direct marketing advisor and author of the No B.S. book series, www.NoBSBooks.comUltimate Guide to Facebook Advertising just might be your ultimate guide to earning a ton of money with this social media phenomenon. What you don't know about Facebook could hurt you and what you will learn about Facebook from this book definitely will help you. It's a fun and easy read and a surefire way to seriously increase your income.-Jay Conrad Levinson, The Father of Guerrilla Marketing, author of Guerrilla Marketing series of books

  • - Arbejdsbog natur/teknik til 5. klasse
    af Dorthe L. Christensen & Carl Jørgen Veje
    19,95 kr.

    96,95 kr.

    Læreraftalerne 2018 indeholder alle de nye overenskomster og aftaler på folkeskoleområdet, og den er således et uundværligt værktøj for skoleledere, tillidsrepræsentanter, skole- og personaleforvaltninger, lærerkredse og andre, der arbejder med løn- og ansættelsesforhold på folkeskoleområdet og ved specialundervisning for voksne i kommunerne.Ligesom tidligere indeholder bogen også de nyeste udgaver af de mest anvendte generelle aftaler, bl.a. ferieaftalen og barselsaftalen.

  • Spar 81%
    - Improvisation and the Theatre
    af Keith Johnstone
    38,95 kr.

    A leading figure in the theatre, Keith Johnstone lays bare his techniques and exercises to foster spontaneity and narrative skill for actors.

  • Spar 81%
    - A People's History, 1962-1976
    af Frank Dikotter
    27,95 kr.

    Acclaimed by the Daily Mail as ''definitive and harrowing'' , this is the final volume of ''The People''s Trilogy'', begun by the Samuel Johnson prize-winning Mao''s Great Famine.After the economic disaster of the Great Leap Forward that claimed tens of millions of lives between 1958 and 1962, an ageing Mao launched an ambitious scheme to shore up his reputation and eliminate those he viewed as a threat to his legacy. The stated goal of the Cultural Revolution was to purge the country of bourgeois, capitalist elements he claimed were threatening genuine communist ideology. But the Chairman also used the Cultural Revolution to turn on his colleagues, some of them longstanding comrades-in-arms, subjecting them to public humiliation, imprisonment and torture.Young students formed Red Guards, vowing to defend the Chairman to the death, but soon rival factions started fighting each other in the streets with semi-automatic weapons in the name of revolutionary purity. As the country descended into chaos, the military intervened, turning China into a garrison state marked by bloody purges that crushed as many as one in fifty people.When the army itself fell victim to the Cultural Revolution, ordinary people used the political chaos to resurrect the marked and hollow out the party''s ideology. In short, they buried Maoism. In-depth interviews and archival research at last give voice to the people and the complex choices they faced, undermining the picture of conformity that is often understood to have characterised the last years of Mao''s regime. By demonstrating that decollectivisation from below was an unintended consequence of a decade of violent purges and entrenched fear, Frank Dikotter casts China''s most tumultuous era in a wholly new light.Written with unprecedented access to previously classified party documents from secret police reports to unexpurgated versions of leadership speeches, this third chapter in Frank Dikotter''s extraordinarily lucid and ground-breaking ''People''s Trilogy'' is a devastating reassessment of the history of the People''s Republic of China.

  • Spar 81%
    - Unveiling Nature's Wellness 2024: "Embrace the tangy and refreshing goodness of soursop leaf tea - the perfect blend of exotic flavors and natural wellness in every sip.
    af Glory Effanga
    22,95 kr.

    Check out my ebook to learn about the Soursop Tea's Hidden Healing Power! Discover traditional cures and cutting-edge strategies for maximising the amazing health advantages of this unusual fruit. Explore health advice, recipes, and unexpected applications. You will only be guided by your curiosity on this voyage, so beware. Today, take the risk and discover the natural miracles of soursop tea."

  • Spar 81%
    af Alison Taylor
    51,95 kr.

    "Today's headlines are full of employee unrest over racial injustice, communities infuriated by corporate environmental impacts, staff anxiety over surveillance, and discoveries of child labor in supply chains. We've traveled far and fast from the old world of business ethics, where black-and-white concerns about bribery and fraud could be addressed with rules and processes. Simply maximizing shareholder value while not breaking the law is no longer an option, but we've never been so confused about what it means to do the right thing. In this eye-opening, indispensable book, NYU ethics professor Alison Taylor argues that amid stakeholder demands and transparency pressures, we can no longer treat ethics as a legal and reputational defense mechanism. Leaders at Davos and the Business Roundtable have called for a new corporate responsibility paradigm, but how to implement their ideas remains an open question as organizations struggle in an atmosphere of heightened expectations and intense suspicion. Offering vivid stories and examples, Taylor brings this complex, risky environment alive to provide a blueprint for how leaders should rethink and reshape their practices. How can CEOs cut through the noise to set robust environmental and social priorities? When should they speak out on contentious social and political issues, and how? What does it really take to build a healthy organizational culture? How are we to approach corporate values when society is so divided? Higher Ground will show leaders how business can navigate this messy paradigm shift, build trust, and achieve long-term strategic advantage in a turbulent world"--

  • Spar 81%
    - Arbejdsbog
    af Lene Pors & Johanne Ridley-Remming
    18,95 kr.

    Håndværk & design – valgfag og prøve er elevens arbejdsbog til valgfaget i 7.-8. klasse.Bogen supplerer det praktiske arbejde i værkstedet med opgaver, øvelser og faglige tekster, som dækker valgfagets tre centrale indholdsområder.I bogen træner og samler eleverne deres viden om materialer, brugen af værktøj og tilegnelsen af teknikker. Nogle af de mest centrale designmetoder præsenteres gennem praktiske øvelser, og eleverne får eksempler på prøveoplæg og opgaver, som forbereder dem på den afsluttende prøve.I alle opgaver er der fokus på, at eleverne lærer at reflektere over og italesætte deres praksis.Bogen indeholder:    Praktiske opgaver i materialelære og værkstedskendskab  Instruktionsvideoer via QR-koder Praktiske øvelser i designmetoder Træningsopgaver til prøven  Eksempler på prøveoplæg  Beskrivelser af fagbegreber

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