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Den 12. august 2022 befandt Salman Rushdie sig på en scene i byen Chautauqua i Upstate New York, hvor han skulle holde foredrag om forfatteres sikkerhed. En sortklædt mand kom springende fra salen og gik koldblodigt til angreb på Rushdie med en kniv. Han stak ham overalt, han kunne komme til, 15 steder – stikket i det højre øje gik så langt ind, at det skar den optiske nerve over og var millimeter fra hjernen, millimeter fra at slå ham ihjel. KNIV ligner ikke noget Salman Rushdie har skrevet tidligere. Han skriver mere personligt end nogensinde. Og han pakker intet ind. Det er et råt dokument, og det gør indtryk. Bogen er selvbiografisk. Rushdie fortæller om sin barndom, sin familie, sin alkoholiserede far, sine børn og sin kone – og om det had, han oplevede, efter han skrev de Sataniske vers og de ti år, han levede mere eller mindre under jorden i England. Han fortæller også meget direkte om, hvordan flere ikke støttede op om ham på det tidspunkt og mente, han selv var skyld i sin situation – Jimmy Carter og Germaine Greer fx – det nager ham stadig. I 2000 flyttede han til New York og insisterede på at leve en fri tilværelse. KNIV handler om ytringsfrihed og Salman Rushdies insisteren på at leve i frihed, og den handler om at komme igennem en frygtelig begivenhed. Bogen er et stærkt dokument, fuldstændig ublufærdigt. Det er velskrevet og interessant læsning.
Memory is far more than a record of the past. In this groundbreaking tour of the mind and brain, one of the world’s top memory researchers reveals the powerful role memory plays in nearly every aspect of our lives, from recalling faces and names, to learning, decision-making, trauma and healing.A new understanding of memory is emerging from the latest scientific research. In Why We Remember, pioneering neuroscientist and psychologist Charan Ranganath radically reframes the way we think about the everyday act of remembering. Combining accessible language with cutting-edge research, he reveals the surprising ways our brains record the past and how we use that information to understand who we are in the present, and to imagine and plan for the future.Memory, Dr. Ranganath shows, is a highly transformative force that shapes how we experience the world in often invisible and sometimes destructive ways. Knowing this can help us with daily remembering tasks, like finding our keys, and with the challenge of memory loss as we age. What’s more, when we work with the brain’s ability to learn and reinterpret past events, we can heal trauma, shed our biases, learn faster, and grow in self-awareness.Including fascinating studies and examples from pop culture, and drawing on Ranganath’s life as a scientist, father, and child of immigrants, Why We Remember is a captivating read that unveils the hidden role memory plays throughout our lives. When we understand its power-- and its quirks--we can cut through the clutter and remember the things we want to remember. We can make freer choices and plan a happier future.
AN INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER'Masterly... Utterly compelling... A highly readable and engaging tour' Sam Freedman, The TimesFrom the New York Times bestselling author of The Signal and the Noise, the definitive guide to our era of risk-and the players raising the stakesIn the bestselling The Signal and the Noise, Nate Silver showed how forecasting would define the age of Big Data. Now, in this timely and riveting new book, Silver investigates "The River," or those whose mastery of risk allows them to shape-and dominate-so much of modern life. These professional risk takers-poker players and hedge fund managers, crypto true-believers and blue-chip art collectors-can teach us much about navigating the uncertainty of the 21st century. By embedding within these worlds, Silver offers insight into a range of issues that affect us all, from the frontiers of finance to the future of AI.The River has increasing amounts of wealth and power in our society, and understanding their mindset-including the flaws in their thinking-is key to understanding what drives technology and the global economy today. There are certain commonalities in this otherwise diverse group: high tolerance for risk; appreciation of uncertainty; affinity for numbers; skill at de-coupling; self-reliance and a distrust of the conventional wisdom. For the River, complexity is baked in, and the work is how to navigate it, without going beyond the pale.Taking us behind-the-scenes from casinos to venture capital firms to meetings of the effective altruism movement, On the Edge is a deeply-reported, all-access journey into a hidden world of powerbrokers and risk takers.
This book will restore your sense of control - and make you feel less alone in the world' ADAM GRANTBig Feelings addresses anyone intimidated by oversized feelings they can't predict or control, offering the tools to understand what's really going on, find comfort and face the future with a sense of new-found agency. Weaving surprising science with personal stories and original illustrations, each chapter lays out strategies for turning big emotions into manageable ones and will help you understand:- how to end the cycle of intrusive thoughts brought on by regret, and instead use this feeling as a compass for making decisions- how to identify what's behind your anger and communicate it productively, without putting people on the defensive- how to spot the warning signs for burnout and take the necessary steps to balance your life- why you might be suffering from perfectionism even if we feel far from perfect, and how to detach yourself-worth from what you do
Opgavesamling til lærebog om indkomstskat rummer flere end 500 test din viden-spørgsmål og over 150 opgaver, der kan anvendes som forberedelse til en skriftlig eller mundtlig eksamen i skatteret. I nogle opgaver ligger fokus på den juridiske afvejning, mens andre har mere fokus på konkrete beregninger. Opgavesamlingen kan derfor bruges ved professionshøjskoler og universiteter, for eksempel på jura-, erhvervsjura- og revisorkandidatstudiet. Til en del af opgaverne er der medtaget forslag til løsninger. De resterende – uden vejledende løsninger – er oplagte som afleveringsopgaver eller diskussionsopgaver i undervisningen. Bogen er en selvstændig publikation, som følger strukturen og kapitelinddelingen i den bredt anvendte Lærebog om indkomstskat. Forfatterne til Opgavesamling til lærebog om indkomstskat er Anders Larsen, Henrik Vestergaard Andersen, Jacob Engelsted Christensen og René Yssing Rasmussen, som alle har omfattende undervisningsog censorerfaring i skatteretlige fag fra blandt andet Aalborg Universitet, CBS og flere professionshøjskoler.
Maisie Hill turns her attention to our stress hormones and nervous system - and how women can revolutionise the way in which they interact with the world to harness our inner power and live our best lives. How we're wired has a lot to do with why we worry about the same things. We need to stop beating ourselves up and find the tools to thrive. Are you a habitual people-pleaser that leaves you feeling resentful and pissed off - with them and yourself? Do you lose all your time and energy because you're unable to say ?no'? Do you struggle to express your feelings, needs and desires - experiencing an irritability and rage that's eroding your career and relationships? Maybe you're struggling to do things that will make a difference to your health, such as over-drinking, over/under-exercising, and dietary and other lifestyle changes. Sound familiar? Then this is your chance to deal with that beautiful brain of yours. Starting now. It's time to do things differently. Find a new way to feel connected to your cycle and the wisdom of your body. Become full of emotional resilience so you can stop holding back and crack on with your life. And more than anything, become that person who ? calmly and unapologetically ? makes herself and the things you need a priority in your life. And who listens the inner whisper that brought you to this book for no other reason that you know?deep down?how important it is. Maisie shows us the simple and effective ways to get unstuck and change things with wise words and case studies from her own coaching practice, tried and tested on women who have struggled with the same issues. It's the essential guide to how to be human.
I bogen gennemgår Marianne Stidsen ulykkelige konsekvenser af den omstridte samtykkelov, som er gennemtrumfet. 10 mænd og drenge, der er blevet fængslet og dømt på grund af en lovgivning med en urealistisk opfattelse af forholdet mellem kønnene.Årsagen er, at Folketinget undlod at følge det klokkeklare råd, som størstedelen af de juridiske eksperter – herunder de 10 ud af Straffelovrådets 11 medlemmer – kom med, nemlig at en skærpet voldtægtslovgivning burde baseres på begrebet ’frivillighed’. I stedet valgte man at følge diverse interesseorganisationers samt det ene woke-feministiske strafferådsmedlems anbefaling af begrebet ’samtykke’.Det har vist sig at få voldsomme konsekvenser. Straffelovrådet – og de mange andre samtykkekritiske juridiske eksperter, fra juraprofessorer og forsvarsadvokater til medlemmer af Dommerforeningens bestyrelse – fik således fuldstændig ret i, at dette ville sende retssikkerheden ud i mørket. Det viser Marianne Stidsens grundige gennemgang af 10 konkrete samtykkesager, hvor mænd og helt unge drenge er idømt flere års ubetinget fængsel på et meget spinkelt grundlag.Skal identitetskampen og krænkelseskulturen have lov til at undergrave vores retsvæsen, spørger Marianne Stidsen. Marianne Stidsen er formand for foreningen "Ord mod ord", foreningen for drenge og mænds retssikkerhed i samtykkesager.Bogen er let illustreret.
Embark on a literary odyssey through ancient Greece with Homer's timeless epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey. In The Iliad, witness the ravages of the Trojan War as gods and mortals clash in a tale of honor, heroism, and the consequences of unchecked pride. Then, journey alongside Odysseus in The Odyssey as he battles mythical creatures, evades vengeful gods, ad strives to return home, navigating treacherous seas and testing the limits of human resilience. These masterpieces of ancient literature capture the essence of the human experience, exploring themes of love, loss, destiny, and the indomitable spirit of adventure. Epic tales of ancient heroes and legendary battles. Unforgettable characters shaped by gods and destiny. Timeless exploration of human emotions and triumphs. Gripping narratives of honor, courage, and sacrifice. Immersive journey through ancient Greece's mythical landscapes.
"Når kvinder har problemer, forsøger vi at ændre verden. Når mænd har problemer, forsøger vi - i det omfang, vi overhovedet interesserer os for dem - at ændre mænd." Aldrig din skyld, altid din skyld er en kritisk analyse af to fortællinger om køn, som ifølge forfatteren dominerer debatten og politikken om køn og ligestilling. Med eksempler fra de seneste 10 års ligestillingsdebat undersøger bogen, hvorfor fortællingerne eksisterer, hvordan de reproduceres, hvilke konsekvenser de har, og hvordan de kan nedbrydes. Analysen placerer en del af årsagen i den feministiske forestilling om patriarkatet og dennes betydning for det, forfatteren kalder den feministiske kirke og det feministiske økosystem. Men også politikere og medier tilskrives en del af ansvaret.Aldrig din skyld, altid din skyld er en debatbog, som forholder sig til en række af tidens ligestillingspolitiske aktører, idéer og diskussioner. Det er endvidere en personlig bog, i hvilken forfatteren inddrager sine erfaringer som deltager i debatten om køn og ligestilling.Tobias Petersen (f. 1979) er sociolog og har siden 2014 skrevet om køn og ligestilling på sin egen hjemmeside Reelligestilling.dk, for onlinemediet Kontrast og i debatindlæg og kronikker i blandt andet Politiken, Information, Jyllands-Posten, Altinget og Weekendavisen.
Lonely Planetâs USA's National Parks is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Marvel at the Grand Canyon, paddle the Everglades, and rock climb in Joshua Tree; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of USA's National Parks and begin your journey now!Inside the Lonely Planetâs USA's National Parks Travel Guide:Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020âs COVID-19 outbreakUser-friendly highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interestsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsEssential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices, emergency information, park seasonality, hiking trail junctions, viewpoints, landscapes, elevations, distances, difficulty levels, and durationsFocused on the best hikes, drives, and cycling toursHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, camping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, summer and winter activities, and hidden gems that most guidebooks missContextual insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, geology, wildlife, and conservationOver 52 full-color trail and park maps and full-color images throughoutUseful features - Travel with Children, Clothing and Equipment, and Day and Overnight HikesCovers California, The Southwest, Alaska & the Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains, Great Lakes & Great Plains, New England & the Mid-Atlantic, The South, Florida, Hawaii
"Traces the fight to preserve American democracy back to World War II, when a handful of committed public servants and brave private citizens thwarted far-right plotters trying to steer our nation toward an alliance with the Nazis. Inspired by her research for the hit podcast Ultra, Rachel Maddow charts the rise of a wild American strain of authoritarianism that has been alive on the far-right edge of our politics for the better part of a century"--
En teoretisk og praktisk gennemgang af retsforholdene for erhvervsdrivende juridiske personer efter selskabsreformerne i 2010 og 2013.Bogen giver en grundig gennemgang af retsforholdene for selskaber og andre juridiske personer, som følges gennem alle relevante faser:Valg af retsformStiftelseInterne regelsætKapitalforholdLedelseSammenlægning og overtagelseKoncernforholdÅrsrapport og evt. revisionOpløsning mv.Fremstillingen omfatter både det lille anpartsselskab og det store aktieselskab, der evt. opererer internationalt. Relevante internationale og EU-retlige aspekter inddrages i fremstillingen. Hovedvægten ligger på aktie- og anpartsselskaberne, men også andre retsformer behandles, herunder interessentskaber, kommanditselskaber, partnerselskaber, andelsvirksomheder, foreninger og fonde.Nyt i 9. udgaveBogen er ajour med reformerne i 2013, herunder indførelsen af iværksætterselskabet (IVS) med et kapitalkrav på 1 krone, muligheden for hjemstedsflytning til og fra Danmark samt en lang række forenklinger ved fusion, spaltning og andre transaktioner.MålgruppeBogen henvender sig til teoretikere, praktikere og studerende.Om forfatterenAdvokat (H), professor, dr. jur. Erik Werlauff forsker og underviser ved Aalborg Universitet. Han har sin egen specialiserede advokatpraksis og er desuden dommer i danske og internationale sager om erhvervsretlige forhold. (www.werlauff.com).
Immerse yourself in the profound wisdom and lyrical beauty of Kahlil Gibran's collected works. From The Prophet to The Broken Wings and Sand and Foam, Gibran's writings explore the depths of the human spirit and offer timeless insights into love, life, and spirituality. His poetic prose resonates with profound truths, touching hearts and inspiring souls across generations. Delve into the themes of self-discovery, freedom, and the interconnectedness of all beings. With his unique blend of spirituality and philosophy, Gibran's words illuminate the path to inner peace and fulfillment. This collection is a cherished treasure, inviting readers on a transformative journey of self-reflection and enlightenment. Timeless wisdom that transcends cultural and temporal boundaries. Poetic prose that touches the depths of the soul. Inspiring insights on love, spirituality, and the human condition. A treasured collection of transformative and enlightening writings. Gibran's profound words continue to resonate across generations.
How Israeli universities collaborate in Israeli state violence against Palestinians
Win Every Argument shows how anyone can communicate with confidence, rise above the tit for tats on social media, and triumph in a successful and productive debate in the real world.MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan isn't one to avoid arguments. He relishes them as the lifeblood of democracy and the only surefire way to establish the truth. Arguments help us solve problems, uncover new ideas we might not have considered, and nudge our disagreements toward mutual understanding. A good argument, made in good faith, has intrinsic value-and can also simply be fun. Arguments are everywhere-and especially given the fierce debates we're all embroiled in today, everyone wants to win. In this riveting guide to the art of argument and rhetoric, Hasan shows you how. As a journalist, anchor, and interviewer who has clashed with politicians, generals, spy chiefs, and celebrities from across the world, Hasan reveals his tricks of the trade for the first time. Whether you are making a presentation at work or debating current political issues with a friend, Mehdi Hasan will teach you how to sharpen your speaking skills to make the winning case.
Ytringsfriheden er blevet hyldet som den ”første frihed”, fundamentet for demokratiet og et værn mod tyranniets fjende, der åbner porten mod oplysningen. Begrebet er samtidig genstand for mange kontroverser, der udfordrer og kan synes kontraintuitiv, særligt i krisetider. Rundt omkring i verdenen – både i demokratier og autoritære stater – har ytringsfriheden trange kår.Ytringsfrihed – fra Sokrates til sociale medier går forfatteren og samfundsdebattøren Jacob Mchangama historisk til værks for at vise, hvordan ytringsfrihedens juridiske, politiske og kulturelle historie hænger nøje sammen med de fænomener, som vi er vidne til i dag. Ønsket om at sikre og kæmpe for ytringsfriheden har desværre også altid gået hånd i hånd med ønsket om at begrænse den: hver gang man søger at underordne ytringsfriheden andre hensyn og værdier, efterfølges den altid af censur og lignende foranstaltninger. Bogen viser på overbevisende måde, hvordan selv ytringsfrihedens forkæmpere kan føle sig fristede til at begrænse den, når modstridende stemmer udfordrer magt og privilegier.I bogen møder vi stemmerne fra antikkens talere til digitale aktivister, hvor forfatteren ikke blot demonstrerer, hvordan den intellektuelle og videnskabelige historie har været betinget af modige forkæmpere, der turde at stille spørgsmålstegn ved den gældende ortodoksi, men også hvordan ytringsfriheden har været medvirkende til at fremme frihed og lighed på verdensplan.
Title: The Missus, Author: E L James, Publication Year: 2023-06-20, Publisher: Random House UK Ltd, Language: eng
An intriguing new forensic mystery for Camden mortuary technician Cassie Raven to solve. Perfect for fans of Tess Gerritsen, Patricia Cornwell and Kathy Reichs.
"Tequila is predicted to soon become the most popular spirit in the United States, and yet few people know much about tequila's long, layered history, the quickly evolving industry, and what goes into the tequila designation. A Field Guide to Tequila is the ultimate guide to the world of tequila, for margarita lovers to 100 percent agave sippers and everyone in between. Written in easy-to-digest sections, underscored by photographs, illustrations, and charts, readers will discover everything there is to know about tequila: from the precolonial vino de mezcal to the establishment of tequila's denomination of origin (the largest in the world!), from blue agave to blancos and anejos, from expert guides on how to properly select and taste tequila to recipes for the perfect paloma or sunrise. The book features profiles on all the must-know producers, from industry giants like Patron and Josâe Cuervo to innovators like G4 and Cascahuâin. Informative essays shine light on hot topics that will bring readers' expertise to new levels, including the terroir of tequila and why so many celebrities are starting tequila brands. A Field Guide to Tequila dismantles tequila's old reputation as a party drink and reveals the truly sophisticated nature of this hallowed spirit that dates back more than two hundred years"--
Meet the little frog! With its mushroom cap and fabulous footwear, this adorable amphibian is here to be your new best friend. Whether you need a boost, some encouragement or an honest view on the world, these illustrations will fill your heart with love for yourself and others, and will remind you that it's brave and wonderful of you to exist!
An urgent follow-up to international bestseller HOW DEMOCRACIES DIE. In this razor-sharp analysis of one of the most important issues facing us today, leading Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt draw on their combined expertise of over 40 years to offer a dire warning about right-wing efforts to undermine multiracial democracy.
In August 1989, a group of Hungarian activists organized a picnic on the border of Hungary and Austria. But this was not an ordinary picnic-it was located on the dangerous militarized frontier known as the Iron Curtain. Tacit permission from the highest state authorities could be revoked at any moment. On wisps of rumor, thousands of East German "vacationers" packed Hungarian campgrounds, awaiting an opportunity, fearing prison, surveilled by lurking Stasi agents. The Pan-European Picnic set the stage for the greatest border breach in Cold War history: hundreds crossed from the Communist East to the longed-for freedom of the West.Drawing on dozens of original interviews-including Hungarian activists and border guards, East German refugees, Stasi secret police, and the last Communist prime minister of Hungary-Matthew Longo tells a gripping and revelatory tale of the unraveling of the Iron Curtain and the birth of a new world order. Just a few months after the Picnic, the Berlin Wall fell, and the freedom for which the activists and refugees had abandoned their homes, risked imprisonment, sacrificed jobs, family, and friends, was suddenly available to everyone. But were they really free? And why, three decades since the Iron Curtain was torn down, have so many sought once again to build walls?Cinematically told, The Picnic recovers a time when it seemed possible for the world to change. With insight and panache, Longo explores the opportunities taken-and the opportunities we failed to take-in that pivotal moment.
LA, 1962. Marilyn Monroe ODs. The Chief calls in Freddy Otash, a tainted ex-cop and freelance extortionist. He tears through all those who block his path to the truth and tracks down Marilyn Monroe's horrific last charade through a nightmare L.A. that he served to create. It's the Summer of '62, baby, and Freddy O.'s got a hot date with history.
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