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  • af Viviana A. Zelizer
    226,95 kr.

    A dollar is a dollar-or so most of us believe. Indeed, it is part of the ideology of our time that money is a single, impersonal instrument that impoverishes social life by reducing relations to cold, hard cash. After all, it's just money. Or is it? Distinguished social scientist and prize-winning author Viviana Zelizer argues against this conventional wisdom. She shows how people have invented their own forms of currency, earmarking money in ways that baffle market theorists, incorporating funds into webs of friendship and family relations, and otherwise varying the process by which spending and saving takes place. Zelizer concentrates on domestic transactions, bestowals of gifts and charitable donations in order to show how individuals, families, governments, and businesses have all prescribed social meaning to money in ways previously unimagined.

  • - How the City Works
    af Philip Coggan
    128,95 kr.

    What happens in the City has never affected us moreIn this excellent guide, now fully revised and updated, leading financial journalist Philip Coggan cuts through the headlines, the scandals and the jargon to explain the nuts and bolts of the financial system.What causes the pound to rise or interest rates to fall? Which are the institutions that really matter? Why is it we need the Money Machine - and what happens when it crashes? Coggan provides clear and concise answers and shows why we should all be more familiar with a system we so intimately depend upon.

  • - How to Prepare for the Coming Global Gold Standard
    af John Butler
    315,95 kr.

    Why the gold standard is due for a comeback A reserve currency can only function as such if there is a general consensus that it provides a stable store of value. Without this trust, money, no matter what form it takes, will be abandoned-either suddenly in a crisis, or gradually over time-in favor of something else.

  • af John Jagerson
    173,95 kr.

    Covers all aspects of forex trading, from the fundamentals to more advanced trading techniques

  • - A Survival Guide for the Rise of the New World Order
    af Damon Vickers
    148,95 - 226,95 kr.

    How to profit from the events leading up to the likely collapse of the U.S. dollar Society is at a crossroads. Here at home and around the world, we are living in a manner that is absolutely, unconditionally, irrevocably unsustainable.

  • - A Guaranteed Income for Life
    af Courtney Smith
    443,95 kr.

    * How toMake a Living Trading Foreign Exchange takes the world ofForex, and puts it at readers' fingertips. * Smithbegins with an introduction to the Forex market - what it is, andhow it works.

  • af Partha ( Dasgupta
    108,95 kr.

    Economics has the capacity to offer us deep insights into some of the most formidable problems of life, and offer solutions to them too. Combining a global approach with examples from everyday life, Partha Dasgupta reveals the connections between economics, politics, and development, and shows how these interactions create the world we live in today.

  • - Europa mellem pengestyre og folkestyre
    af Anders Lundkvist
    67,95 kr.

    I bogen forklarer forklarer Anders Lundkvist Eurokrisen, så også ikke-økonomer kan forstå den. Hvordan den er opstået, hvordan den er forløbet og hvordan udsigterne er. Skyldes krisen staternes fråds? Eller skyldes den snarere, at bankerne fik lov at fortsætte uden væsentlige reguleringer og uden samfundsansvar? Hvilken rolle spiller den Europæiske Centralbank? Nedskæringspolitikken og neoliberalismen har, i Nord- såvel som i Syd, gjort ondt værre for skatteyderne og for det store befolkningsflertal, men til gengæld er det en kurs, der har beriget bankerne. De skiftende regeringer har valgt at beskytte finanskapitalen og bankerne gennem de såkaldte ”bankpakker”, hvor skatteyderne med statsstøtte i milliardklassen er blevet pålagt at holde finanskapitalen skadesløs. I perioder overtog bankfolk regeringsledelsen i Italien og Grækenland, og flere og flere centrale økonomiske beslutninger træffes af den Europæiske Centralbank og den Europæiske Domstol. Den herskende politik i Euro-zonen og dens omegn truer derfor ikke blot almindelige menneskers levestandard og beskæftigelse, men også demokratiet – det er i kortform bogens perspektiver – og Anders Lundkvists synspunkter.

  • - En samfundsmodel møder virkelighedens ubønhørlighed
    af Henrik Christoffersen
    196,95 - 220,95 kr.

    Henrik Christoffersen er tidligere forskningschef i den liberale tænketank CEPOS og mangeårig iagttager og kritiker af det danske velfærdssamfund. I sin nyeste bog går han i rette med de faste forestillinger om lighedens velsignelser og statens monopol på velfærd.Lighed har været velfærdsstatens sande dna siden velfærdsstatens dannelse. Frem til 1980’erne blev den økonomiske ulighed mellem danskerne da også stadig mindre. Herefter, og altså i mere end fire årtier, er uligheden imidlertid øget år for år. Bogen eftersøger, hvad der ligger bag.Det var ikke realistisk fortsat at øge skattetrykket efter begyndelsen af 1980’erne, og der opstod nye prioriteringer i dansk politik. Stort set alle økonomiske reformer i de senere år har i sig selv øget den økonomiske ulighed. Det er en udvikling, som sætter spørgsmålstegn ved, om ligheden overhovedet har været en grundlæggende værdi for danskerne, eller om udviklingen blot har været drevet af trangen til økonomisk vinding for det bestemmende flertal.

  • - The world's real debt burden
    af David Kauders
    156,95 kr.

    Why were economies sluggish before the pandemic? Why have interest rates paid by businesses and households been rising even though deposit rates are nil? Does the policy of bailing out economies bring any dangers?British investment manager David Kauders FRSA puts forward three radical theories.

  • af Christopher E.S. (East Stroudsburg University Warburton
    1.455,95 kr.

    This book explores the challenges of economic growth and development confronting some Sub-Saharan African countries and focuses on analysing the progression of underdevelopment in Sierra Leone, presenting the internal frictions and external threats that can stifle its economic growth and sustainable development.

    1.455,95 kr.

    The book describes the evolution of international economic policy, offering a comparative analysis of foreign trade theories, especially in the context of macroeconomic trends and the impact of international trade in goods and services in the new balance of power of the global economy.

    322,95 kr.

    The Soviet Economy on the Brink of Reform (1988) is a collection of essays in honour of Alec Nove and covers such topics as Leon Trotsky, Navrozov, Soviet Investment criteria, Soviet Agricultural, and economic politics under Andropov and Chernenko.

  • af G. Ratner
    322,95 - 1.169,95 kr.

  • af Bruno Grancelli
    322,95 - 1.238,95 kr.

  • af N. Mikhaylov
    322,95 - 1.238,95 kr.

  • af A. Yugoff
    343,95 - 1.444,95 kr.

  • af Erich Strauss
    343,95 - 1.444,95 kr.

  • af W.P. Coates
    322,95 - 1.169,95 kr.

  • af Simon Bergstrand
    322,95 - 1.236,95 kr.

  • af Various authors
    343,95 - 1.444,95 kr.

  • af Colin White
    322,95 - 1.238,95 kr.

  • af Roger Munting
    322,95 - 1.238,95 kr.

    343,95 kr.

    The Soviet Far East (1990) examines the largest economic region in the Soviet Union, the Far East. The region is explored in all its geographical and economic complexity, including its development, history, analysis of its environment, and of the region's vital strategic significance to the Soviet Union.

  • af Boris Z. Rumer
    322,95 - 1.238,95 kr.

    343,95 kr.

    The Disintegration of the Soviet Economic System (1992) examines in detail the collapse of the Soviet economic system, and is set in its political context, both international and domestic. The collapse is looked at from a macroeconomic point of view, both real and financial, as well as from a mesoeconomic viewpoint.

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