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  • - Simple ways to help you and your family feel calm, connected and content
    af Izzy Judd
    128,95 kr.

  • - Easy Weaning Recipes for All the Family to Enjoy
    af Rachel Boyett
    146,95 kr.

  • - Easy Activities & Creative Craft for Kids and their Grown-ups
    af Laura Brand
    146,95 kr.

    The Joy Journal for Magical Everyday Play is an activity guide with creative ideas of things to make and do with children

  • af Maise Njor & Asta-Maja Njor Boisen
    138,95 kr.

    At flytte hjemmefra kan være udfordrende, men at være den, der bliver ladt tilbage, kan være mindst lige så svært. Det fandt Maise Njor ud af, da hendes datter Asta-Maja fløj fra reden til Rom. Heldigvis var de ikke længere væk fra hinanden end en mail, og gennem deres korrespondance får de styr på nogle af de ting, som kan være svære at tale om, når man sidder ansigt til ansigt: kærlighed, skilsmisse, opdragelse, venskaber, feminisme og italienske mænd. Alle veje fører til moR er et kærligt og ærligt portræt af to generationer – en gribende, sjov og alvorlig korrespondance mellem mor og datter. Bogen er for alle, der er eller har været barn af en forælder. Mens I havde allermest brug for nogle stærke forældre, lå jeg på sofaen og stirrede ud i luften. Det kunne jeg ikke være bekendt.– MaiseForældre er jo bare voksne børn, og når man fatter det, kan man jo næsten ikke blive sur.– Asta-Maja

  • af Frances E. Jensen
    146,95 kr.

    Why is it that the behaviour of teenagers can be so odd? As they grow older, young children steadily improve their sense of how to behave, and then all of a sudden, they can become totally uncommunicative, wildly emotional and completely unpredictable. We used to think that erratic teenage behaviour was due to a sudden surge in hormones, but modern neuroscience shows us that this isn't true. The Teenage Brain is a journey through the new discoveries that show us exactly what happens to the brain in this crucial period, how it dictates teenagers' behaviour, and how the experiences of our teenage years are what shape our attitudes, and often our happiness in later life. Many of our ideas about our growing brains are completely re-written. They don't stop developing at the end of our teens - they keep adapting until we are in our mid-twenties. They are wired back to front, with the most important parts, the parts that we associate with good judgement, concentration, organization and emotional and behavioural control being connected last of all. The Teenage brain is a powerful animal primed for learning, but this creates problems. Addiction is a form of learning, and Frances Jensen, Professor of Pediatric Neurology at the teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School reveals exactly what lies behind all aspects of teenage behaviour and its lasting effects - from drugs, lack of sleep and smoking to multi-tasking and stress. As a mother and a scientist, Professor Jensen offers both exciting science and practical suggestions for how parents, teens and schools can help teenagers weather the storms of adolescence, and get the most out of their incredible brains.

  • af Annabel Karmel
    166,95 kr.

    The all-you-need-to-know visual guide to weaning from Annabel Karmel, Britain's best-loved weaning expert, including one hundred easy recipes.

  • af Beccy Hands & Alexis Stickland
    166,95 kr.

  • af Julia Festman, Gregory J. Poarch & Jean-Marc Dewaele
    118,95 - 425,95 kr.

    Raising a multilingual family can be both confusing and fulfilling. The authors, all multilingual parents and researchers on multilingualism, aim to provide advice and inspiration for multilingual families across the world. The latest research is used to provide a friendly, accessible guide to raising and nurturing happy multilingual children.

  • - A Parents' Guide to Building Creativity, Confidence, and Independence
    af Tim Seldin
    146,95 kr.

  • - Emergency Procedures for all Parents and Carers
    af DK
    128,95 kr.

  • - Poetry and Parenthood
    af Hollie McNish
    118,95 kr.

    Winner of the Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry 2016There were many things that Hollie McNish didn't know before she was pregnant. How her family and friends would react; that Mr Whippy would be off the menu; how quickly ice can melt on a stomach. These were on top of the many other things she didn't know about babies: how to stand while holding one; how to do a poetry gig with your baby as a member of the audience; how drum'n'bass can make a great lullaby. And that's before you even start on toddlers: how to answer a question like 'is the world a jigsaw?'; dealing with a ten-hour train ride together; and how children can be caregivers too.But Hollie learned.And she's still learning, slowly. Nobody Told Me is a collection of poems and stories taken from Hollie's diaries; one person's thoughts on raising a child in modern Britain, of trying to become a parent in modern Britain, of sex, commercialism, feeding, gender and of finding secret places to scream once in a while.

  • af Jesper Juul
    66,95 - 94,95 kr.

    Kunsten at sige nej handler om at tage ansvar for sig selv - også af hensyn til andre. Kunsten at sige nej er at lære at afgrænse og definere sig slev uden at krænke eller såre andre.I det lange løb er det kun muligt at sige et helhjertet ja til sig selv og hinanden, hvis vi også føler os frie til at sige nej, når det er det mest autentiske svar. Kunsten at sige nej handler om at tage ansvar for sig selv - også af hensyn til andre. Kunsten at sige nej er skrevet i dyb respekt for en forældregeneration, der som den måske første i verdenshistorien skal skabe deres forældrerolle indefra - fra deres egne tanker, følelser og værdier, fordi de hverken har en kulturel eller en saglig konsensus uden for sig selv, som de kan støtte sig til eller kopiere. Samtidig skal de forsøge at skabe parforhold som er ligeværdige og på en og samme tid båret af respekten for det enkelte menneske og fællesskabets krav om forpligtelse og samarbejde. Hvis det skal lykkes, må man lære sig Kunsten at sige nej

  • - a science-based guide to pregnancy, birth, and infancy
    af Cecilia Chrapkowska
    166,95 kr.

    Swedes are some of the world's happiest people, and their children are no exception. Expecting - the Swedish Way will help you and your family embrace the Scandi style of childrearing: practical, egalitarian, and free from outdated myths. Expectant parents will be relieved to hear: Put away the vacuum - dust does not lead to allergy. Breastfeeding protects against allergies? Never has done, never will do. Stop boiling bottles and pacifiers - sterilising is unnecessary in most industrial countries. Think you shouldn't drink alcohol when breastfeeding? Plain moralism. Dr Agnes Wold has been named Sweden's Woman of the Year for her tireless work in women's health. Paediatrician Cecilia Chrapkowska runs the country's most popular parenting blog and is a specialist on vaccinations. Together they present cutting-edge research from around the world which can guide you to make better parenting choices. Drawing on Sweden's famously generous parental leave and enlightened social policies, they also demonstrate the importance of equal parenting and provide practical tools for parents everywhere to share responsibility equally. From the progressive land in the North, this is the fact-based, feminist guide to parenting you have been waiting for.

  • - Why Sensitive People Struggle and How All Can Thrive
    af W. Thomas Boyce
    128,95 kr.

    The Orchid and the Dandelion by W. Thomas Boyce is a captivating exploration of human temperament and how it shapes our lives. Published by Pan Macmillan in 2020, this thought-provoking book delves into the science of genetics and environment, drawing from Boyce's extensive research in pediatrics and biopsychology. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay between nature and nurture. Boyce's writing is both accessible and profound, making the book a compelling read for both experts and laypeople alike. Don't miss out on this remarkable contribution to the field of human biology and psychology, brought to you by the renowned publishing house, Pan Macmillan.

  • - Trouble Shooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 3-8 Years
    af Carolyn Webster-Stratton
    315,95 kr.

    All children misbehave sometimes! Some children are temperamentally more difficult to parent because they are impulsive, hyperactive, inattentive, or delayed in some aspect of their development. This invaluable handbook uses the Incredible Years (R) Parenting Pyramid (R) as the architectural or construction plan for specific parenting tools that help prevent behaviour problems from occurring and promote childrens social, emotional, and academic competence, and healthy lifestyles. The book helps parents to build a strong positive relationship foundation before using respectful discipline tools to reduce target behaviour problems. The book also focuses on tools for building family relationships and support networks as well as problem solving methods and self-regulation skills to manage stress.

  • - Your All-in-One Guide to a Healthy, Holistic, Plant-Based Pregnancy
    af Reed Mangels
    128,95 kr.

    50 satisfying and nourishing vegan meals—especially for pregnant moms! Being a vegan mother not only means you have to worry about getting the right nutrients for your own body, but for your growing baby as well. The benefits of a vegan diet can be passed down to your baby by following a healthy, well-rounded diet that incorporates the proper nutrients and minerals. With Your Complete Vegan Pregnancy, you’ll learn everything you need to know to nourish and grow a healthy, happy baby. With 50 recipes for satisfying meals and expert advice on getting all the proper nutrition you and your baby need, Your Complete Vegan Pregnancy will keep you and your baby strong for all three trimesters.

  • - - jeg har spurgt
    af Magnus Trampe Broch, Stine Trampe Broch, Julius Mygind Mühlhausen & mfl.
    91,95 - 133,95 kr.

    Stofferne er ved at blive en ny normal for unge mennesker, der ubekymret tager dem hver weekend. Stofferne er allevegne, nemme at få fat på, og misbruget er ofte usynligt for selv den nærmeste familie. Indtil det griber om sig. Og hvad gør man så?Julius Mygind og Magnus Trampe Broch har prøvet det. De passede skole og venner, men kæmpede samtidig med et stigende weekendmisbrug af henholdsvis hash, MDMA og kokain.I Mit barn tager ikke stoffer – jeg har spurgt … fortæller Julius, Magnus og deres mødre fra hver sin vinkel om den svære tid, hvor stofferne fyldte alt for meget for drengene. Om deres kamp for at blive fri af misbruget, om den angst og det tungsind, der fulgte med – og om at finde hjem til sig selv og lære at sige ”Nej tak.”Mit barn tager ikke stoffer – jeg har spurgt … forholder sig helt konkret og uden tabuer til den virkelighed med stoffer, som alle unge og deres forældre står i i dag.

  • - A Keepsake of Milestone Moments
    af Annabel Karmel
    148,95 kr.

    Baby's First Year Journal is a heartwarming and insightful book penned by the renowned author, Annabel Karmel. Published in 2019 by Dorling Kindersley Ltd, this book falls under the genre of parenting guides. The book serves as a comprehensive guide, offering a wealth of information for parents navigating the first year of their baby's life. Annabel Karmel, a leading authority on feeding babies and children, shares her expertise and experiences in this beautifully crafted journal. The book is brimming with practical advice, helpful tips, and nutritious recipes, making it an indispensable resource for new parents. The publisher, Dorling Kindersley Ltd, is known for its high-quality publications, and this book is no exception. It is a must-have for every parent who wants to make their baby's first year a memorable and enjoyable journey.

  • - 9 måneder før og 9 måneder efter
    af Lotte Arndal
    74,95 kr.

    "Sund graviditet" inspirerer og guider dig til alle aspekter af en sund graviditet, så du kan få øget velvære med færre gener og mindre vægtøgning både under og efter din graviditet.Trin fra trin opnår du den fornødne viden, så du føler dig sikker og får lyst til at være aktiv igennem din graviditet. Og med øvelser skræddersyet for bækkenbund og mave sørger du for at holde din bækkenbund i form, så du hurtigt kan komme dig efter din fødsel.Efter-graviditetsprogrammet hjælper dig sikkert og effektivt med at opnå en flot mave, runde baller og en stærk bækkenbund og ryg. Så du kan hoppe og løfte din baby ubesværet uden at få ondt i ryggen. Og det ingen ser, at sexlivet kan blive det samme som før.Bogen henvender sig til alle gravide. Både til dig som allerede træner, men er usikker på, hvordan du kan forsætte din træning. Og til dig, der ikke er vant til at træne, men ønsker at gå i gang, men er usikker på hvordan. Og ikke mindst til dig, der lige har født og hurtigt og effektivt ønsker at genvinde din form."Sund graviditet" er anbefalet af sundhedsforsker og professor Bente Klarlund og fysioterapeut, uroterapeut og sexolog Birthe Bonde.

  • - A Celebration of Nature for Parents and Children
    af Rachel Carson
    126,95 kr.

    First published a half-century ago, Rachel Carson''s award-winning The Sense of Wonder remains the classic guide to introducing children to the marvels of natureIn 1955, acclaimed conservationist Rachel Carson—author of Silent Spring—began work on an essay that she would come to consider one of her life’s most important projects. Her grandnephew, Roger Christie, had visited Carson that summer at her cottage in Maine, and together they had wandered the surrounding woods and tide pools. Teaching Roger about the natural wonders around them, Carson began to see them anew herself, and wanted to relate that same magical feeling to others who might hope to introduce a child to the beauty of nature. “If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder,” writes Carson, “he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in.”The Sense of Wonder is a timeless volume that will be passed on from generation to generation, as treasured as the memory of an early-morning walk when the song of a whippoorwill was heard as if for the first time. Featuring serene color photographs from renowned photographer Nick Kelsh, “this beautifully illustrated edition makes a fine gift for new and prospective mothers and fathers” (Gregory McNamee), and helps us all to tap into the extraordinary power of the natural world.

  • - Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood
    af Lisa Damour
    106,95 kr.

    Untangled is an enlightening book by the acclaimed psychologist, Lisa Damour. Published in 2017 by Atlantic Books, this work falls under the genre of self-help and psychology. Untangled is a guide for parents to understand and navigate the turbulent teenage years. Damour employs her expertise in psychology to untangle the complex web of adolescence, offering practical advice and reassurance. Through the pages of this book, she takes you on a journey of understanding, shedding light on the often misunderstood changes that teenagers undergo. Atlantic Books is proud to present this essential guide for anyone struggling to understand the teens in their life. Read Untangled, and discover the key to a happier, healthier relationship with your teenager.

  • - The Breastfeeding Book Mothers Trust, from Pregnancy Through Weaning
    af Kathleen Huggins
    166,95 kr.

    In The Nursing Mother's Companion, Kathleen Huggins equips breastfeeding mothers with all the information they need to overcome potential difficulties and nurse their babies successfully.

  • - Proven Strategies to Enhance Learning and Focus for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Disorders
    af Dr. Robert (Dr. Robert Melillo) Melillo
    147,95 kr.

    A scientifically developed program for feeding kids with special needs--based on the popular Brain Balance Program   Dr. Robert Melillo’s Brain Balance program has helped thousands of families across the country, offering a drug-free, scientifically based method for addressing a wide range of conditions, including autism spectrum disorders and ADHD. In this new book, he presents the nutritional side of the Brain Balance Program, featuring guidelines, tips, and kid-friendly recipes based on the latest scientific research on how food affects the brain.   Designed to help busy parents feed picky kids in a beneficial way, the book will show readers how to:    • Recognize the difference between a fussy eater and a problem eater.   • Ease the sensory issues that make for mealtime mayhem.   • Identify food sensitivities using a simple elimination diet.   • Choose supplements that will help ensure adequate daily amounts of the specific vitamins and minerals important to brain health.   • Prepare delicious, healthy meals that will pass the taste test of even the most finicky eaters.   • Understand how the brain plays a primary role in many dietary and nutritional issue including food sensitivities.

  • - Practices for Raising Conscious, Confident, Caring Kids
    af Susan Stiffelman
    166,95 kr.

    Our children can be our greatest teachers. Parenting expert Susan Stiffelman writes that the very behaviors that push our buttons — refusing to cooperate or ignoring our requests — can help us build awareness and shed old patterns, allowing us to raise our children with greater ease and enjoyment. Filled with practical advice, powerful exercises, and fascinating stories from her clinical work, Parenting with Presence teaches us how to become the parents we most want to be while raising confident, caring children.

  • - Baby Sign Language Made Easy
    af Laura Berg
    108,95 kr.

    As confirmed by American Academy of Pediatrics, infant sign language is a boon for enhancing communication between parents and babies, helping to forge an important bond early in a child's life. This book provides step-by-step instructions for parents and other caregivers, and insight into why baby sign language is useful for children of all ages.

  • - Understanding the Adopted Child
    af Nancy Verrier
    195,95 kr.

  • - Sådan styrker du gode tanker, livsglæde og trivsel hos dit barn (og dig selv)
    af Lene Væsel
    198,95 - 300,95 kr.

    Et højt selvværd hos vores børn er et godt udgangspunkt for livsglæde og trivsel. Men hvordan kan vi bedst muligt styrke voresbørns selvværd? Vi forældre er vores børns vigtigste rollemodeller. Derfor må vi først og fremmest se på vores eget selvværd og på vores egen adfærd. Alt for mange mennesker er meget selvkritiske, og vi kommer nemt til at tro, at andre også har de samme negative tanker om os. Så prøver vi på forskellige måder at kompensere, for eksempel ved at blive meget perfektionistiske eller ved helt at lade være med at gøre noget, som vi egentlig gerne ville. Gennem opdragelsen kan vi lære vores børn at være kritiske over for det billede af virkeligheden, som vores - til tider forræderiske- tanker opstiller. Vi kan hjælpe vores børn til at være sig selv på godt og ondt og hvile i sig selv. Det er aldrig for sent at gå i gang! Bogen er delt i tre dele. Første del beskriver selvværd, hvordan det udvikles, og hvad det betyder for vores livskvalitet. Anden del er bogens praktiske del. Her gives konkrete forslag, vejledning og øvelser i, hvordan man i familien kan arbejde med børns tanker, tankemønstre og større selvforståelse. Bogens tredje del omhandler lavt selvværd, mistrivsel, og hvad man skal være opmærksom på, hvis man overvejer, om barnet har behov for professionel hjælp. Bogen henvender sig til forældre til børn og unge, andre voksne, der er tæt på, og til alle faggrupper, der arbejder med børn, unge og familier. LENE VÆSEL er autoriseret psykolog med egen praksis i Viborg, hvor hun arbejder med unge og voksne med stress, angst og depression.

  • - Guide til en bedre skilsmisse for dig og dine børn
    af Annika Lillelund Fauli & Lene Stephensen
    223,95 - 334,95 kr.

    Det er vigtigt at være gode forældre – også når man er skilt. Men hvordan gør man det? Det er spørgsmålet for rigtig mange forældre, som står midt i deres livs største krise: skilsmissen. Det er en skrøbelig tid, og det kan være rigtig svært at samarbejde og kommunikere ordentligt med eks-partneren. For meget kan gå galt, når smerten, krisen og sorgen raser. Skilsmissens ABC er en guide til forældre, som skal skilles. Bogen hjælper dig med at træffe de bedste beslutninger for dig og dine børn, med at forstå børnenes reaktioner, følelser og tanker gennem skilsmissen. Bogen giver dig redskaber til at håndtere de forskellige situationer, du kan komme ud for med dine børn. Skilsmissens ABC er til dig, som har brug for et praktisk såvel som følelsesmæssigt overblik over din skilsmisse. Bogen behandler tiden før, under og efter en skilsmisse og livet i den sammenbragte familie, måske med en ny kæreste. Du kan læse bogen fra A-Z eller dykke ned i den fase, du befinder dig i lige nu og få gode råd. Alle råd i bogen peger på de løsningsmuligheder, der er bedst for børnene, så du som forælder får overblik over, hvordan du støtter dit barn bedst muligt. Skilsmissens ABC er skrevet af psykolog Lene Stephensen og skribent Annika Lillelund Fauli. Lene Stephensen har gennem 40 år bistået par i deres skilsmisser og har et skarpt blik rettet mod barnets stemme i skilsmisserne. Annika Lillelund Fauli er skribent og skriver til daglig om familie og livsstil. Hun lever desuden selv i en sammenbragt familie. Annika og Lene er familiært forbundet, da Annika er gift med Lenes eks-svigersøn, Søren Fauli, som til denne bog har skrevet et personligt forord om sin egen skilsmisse.

  • - En barselsdagbog
    af Charlotte Heje Haase
    44,94 - 206,95 kr.

    Mødre i dag bliver bombarderet med "gode" råd, løftede pegefingre, forbud og påbud, og det kan være svært at finde sin vej i junglen af holdninger og meninger. Charlotte Heje Haase, nybagt førstegangsmor, stiller sig i front med sin personlige beretning fra barslen, med alle sine usikkerheder, sin sårbarhed, bekymringerne og lykkestunderne, der kendetegner den første tid som mor.

  • af Ellen Beate Sandseter Hansen
    37,95 kr.

    Hvad er risikofyldt leg, og hvordan kan den kategoriseres og identificeres i børns leg? Hvad viser forskningen om børns oplevelse af at involvere sig i risikofyldt leg, og hvad kan børn lære af denne form for leg? Hvordan skaber man gode rammer for den risikofyldte leg, og hvordan kan pædagoger forholde sig til, at børn tager risiko i legen? Disse spørgsmål besvarer Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter i denne single med afsæt i aktuel forskning i emnet."Udviklingen går i retning af at gøre børns opvækst så tryg og bekvem som muligt, og vi glemmer måske, at et vigtigt element for den optimale stimulering og udvikling af børn også er, at de får mulighed for at nærme sig det usikre og spændende." – uddrag fra bogenEllen Beate Hansen Sandseter er førsteamanuensis i fysisk aktivitet og helse ved Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole.‘Boblende glæde og et sug i maven – risikofyldt leg i daginstitutionen’ er en digital single baseret på et uddrag af bogen ‘Vildt og farligt – om børns og unges bevægelsesleg’, Akademisk forlag 2015.

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