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  • - De tsjinstfeinten fan 'e macht en har aventoeren.
    af Arduino Rossi
    135,95 kr.

    De steatsarbeiders 3 - De nuttige idioatenDe tsjinstfeinten fan 'e macht en har aventoeren.Sarkastysk ferhaal Fan ARDUINO ROSSIOp de omslag acryl op doek troch Arduino RossiPresintaasjeMacht hat altyd idioaten nedich, dy't it yn bepaalde kommandoposysjes set, om te manipulearjen en te brûken foar har eigen doelen.Yn Itaalje, oer de lêste 70 jier, idioaten hawwe klommen alle karriêre ljedders, iepenbier yn it algemien, mar ek privee.Se binne de krêft dy't in parasitêr, smoarch en ûndemokratysk systeem ûnderhâldt, mei absurditeiten werhelle as wierheid en ynformaasje temdSe hearre ta de middenstân, dy't ik as midsmjittich definiearje, troch it gebrek oan wearden, oan idealen, mar mei neat yn 'e holle, fan domestisearre minsken, net by steat ta kreativiteit, mar ek fan rasjonele en krityske yntelliginsje.Tsjintwurdich binne se do-goeders, mar eartiids wiene se sosjalisten, kristen-demokraten, '68-oanhingers, mar ek rjochters mei al har ferskillende nuânses, of trouwe parochianen dy't har lykwols frij makken fan 'e parochy doe't it net mear rendabel wie. .Se binne union leden, mar de partij syn posysje is net fêst, alle symboalen binne nuttich en wat is altyd iten.Se binne jammerdearlik, ûnwittend, mei in fiktive kultuer, se kinne fjouwer feiten út it hert en se roppe der op, mei har efterkant altyd lêzen yn stee fan it boek.De macht is offisjeel yn 'e hannen fan 'e fixers, korrupten, korrupteurs, pro-mafia, mar ek altyd trou oan 'e ynstellingen, se binne gelyk oan 'e plebs, dy't se ferachtsje, allinich mei folle mear jild.Hja hawwe it skaaimerk fan witten, dat hja yn alle opsichten net folle wurdich binne, mar hja forachtsje hjar heiten en pakesizzers, arbeiders en boeren, dy't wiere, autentike, earlike minsken wiene en wantrouwend tsjin stinkers.It binne de minsken sûnder siel, sûnder ferline, dy't libje fan subkultueren, banaliteiten en klisjees, dy't se komselden lêze yn kranten of hearre op 'e televyzje, hast altyd en hjoed de dei ek op sosjale media.Ik definiearje se as de domme minsken, dy't foarbestemd binne om op it lêst út te stjerren, mei har neat: it libben, de skiednis, sil se fuortsveegje en fan har bliuwe allinich grappen oer.In protte ferhalenIn karriêre wurdt makke yn it oratoriumDe ûndernimmer boargemasterRykdom giet troch de partijenCharity makket dy rykSûnenssoarch en in protte bedriuwenBoiled sardinesKarriêre magistraatDe fakbûn giet nei de konkurrinsjeHugs yn 'e tiid fan' e pestDe nije partisanenDe universitêre learaarDe suksesfolle bumDe bankierDe kameleonDe sjoernalistKompetysjeDe burosaurusDe prostitueeDe bezorgerDe bonsaiDe keardel

  • - Let's jot them down and compile a list of 'The Biggest Lies We've Ever Heard.' It's all in good fun, and who knows, we might discover some hidden gems of creativity and humor along the way. What do you think?"
    af Jotting Junction
    99,95 kr.

    A collection of the most outlandish and jaw-dropping tales ever whispered, shared, or passed down. I'm calling it 'The Biggest Lies We've Ever Heard Chronicles.' I bet you've come across some doozies. How about we put them all in one place? It's a celebration of the wild, the imaginative, and the downright unbelievable. Grab a pen, let those creative juices flow, and let's make this collection legendary. Are you in?"

  • - And Other Malapropisms
    af Lane Lowry
    144,95 kr.

    "Hindsight is 50-50." "Fat as molasses." "A calamity of errors," literally. Every office has one. Every family has one too--the person that mixes up words in common phrases and makes us bite our lips to keep us from laughing out loud and making them feel badly. And you thought Michael Scott from The Office was bad? A malapropism is defined as, "the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect." It's origin comes from a character in Richard Sheridan's 1775 play The Rivals, Mrs. Malaprop, known for her verbal blunders. The word malapropism derives from this character's name, which Sheridan took from the French term mal a propos meaning "inappropriate." When it comes to the fabrication and use of malapropisms, we acknowledge that we worked in the presence ofgreatness. As certain co-workers spoke, we would wait with great anticipation, pen in hand, for their magical command of the English language to "blossom before our ears." Simple mistakes like, "I pale in your footsteps," and "wake up and smell the roses" were humorous, but other phrasescreated mental images that gave us the laughs we needed to survive the pressures of our daily office environment. This diversion, and the friendship created thereby, drove us to capture these phrases and to "preserve them for posterior." We have been "raging at the bit" to create this book for many years and its completion is "finally coming down to fruition." Sometimes one must stop "waiting for the procreation of funds" or "mis-underestimating their own potential" and just make things happen. We decided not to "sit on our laurels" any longer (it's very uncomfortable)! We hope this compilation of Malapropisms, along with Jared Beckstrand's masterful artwork, brings as much laughter to you as it has to us!

  • - Wacky words for your workplace!
    af Jasper Hale
    114,95 kr.

    Impress your workmates with your catchy takes on everyday workplace situation! Uncover a playful and peculiar lexicon for the workplace in Cubictionary: Wacky words for your workplace! This inventive guide helps steer you through the maze of quirky vernacular that colors the halls of every office, from the cubicle farms to the lofty boardrooms. Each page of this whimsical journey introduces a newly minted term, offering a humorous reflection on daily office antics, camaraderie and the occasional calamity. Whether you're a seasoned executive, a budding intern or anyone in between, you'll find a hearty dose of humor and nostalgia in this collections of neologisms. You may even impress your colleagues and friends with your newfound insights into their behavior! Dive into a world where deadlines become 'dead-lions', and the coffee corner morphs into the 'procrastination station'. Beyond the humor, this collection holds a cheeky and insightful mirror up to the modern workplace culture, camaraderie and banter that make the daily grind bearable. Grab your copy of Cubictionary: Wacky words for your workplace! and navigate the lighter, humorous side of 9 to 5. Prepare to chuckle, chortle and see your workspace in an entertaining new light!

  • - At least you'll be warm...
    af Bart Hubbard
    116,95 kr.

    Sometimes you have to call it like it is: a mess, hot garbage, ...a dumpster fire.If life has you down, calm yourself by coloring this fanciful collection of 58 dumpster fires inspired by business, art, history, science, and modern life.From the ancient world to the moon, from the office to the sea, there's a dumpster fire to capture any mood and give you a little taste of control.

  • - Le Voyage de Kairos
    af Leonardo Gudiño
    281,95 kr.

    Entre grottes et diamants: le voyage de Kairos", un roman d'aventures qui raconte les aventures d'un jeune homme nommé Kairos, de sa soeur et de son père, qui embarquent pour une expédition

  • - Strings of Success
    af Melissa B Quintana
    200,95 kr.

    JACK ANTONOFF'S Strings of Success is a biography of the Grammy Award-winning producer and songwriter. The book tells the story of Antonoff's rise from humble beginnings to become one of the most successful musicians in the world. It also explores his creative process and his collaborations with some of the biggest names in music, including Taylor Swift, Lorde, and St. Vincent.Antonoff was born in New Jersey in 1984. He began playing guitar at a young age and started his first band in high school. After graduating from college, he moved to New York City to pursue a career in music. He quickly found success as a producer and songwriter, working with artists such as Fun., Bleachers, and Carly Rae Jepsen.In recent years, Antonoff has become one of the most sought-after producers in the world. He has worked on albums for some of the biggest names in music, including Taylor Swift, Lorde, and St. Vincent. He has also won numerous awards for his work, including eight Grammy Awards.JACK ANTONOFF'S Strings of Success is a must-read for any fan of music. It is a fascinating and inspiring story of one of the most talented and successful musicians of our time.

  • af Leonardo Gudiño
    163,95 kr.

    Entre diamantes y secretos: El Viaje de Kairos es un libro de fantasía y aventura escrito por Leonardo Uriel Patric González Gudiño. El libro narra el inicio de la aventura de Kairos, un joven que vive en un mundo donde los diamantes son la fuente de poder y magia. Kairos descubre que posee un don especial que lo hace capaz de controlar los diamantes y sus propiedades. Junto con sus amigos, se embarca en un viaje para explorar los misterios de su mundo y enfrentar a las fuerzas oscuras que amenazan con destruirlo. El libro es una obra llena de acción, emoción, humor y romance, que invita al lector a sumergirse en un universo fantástico y original.

  • af Andrea Louise
    103,95 kr.

    The cocobunnies are a wild bunch. They have treehouse orgies, booze it up, cuss up a storm, duke it out, swipe things now and then-sounds like humans, right? But as mystical rabbits of the Easter Rabbit Clan, they also work in the secret chocolate cave for Clyde, the Easter rabbit himself, making the world's best chocolate to be delivered to the poor children of Sunnybrook village. But Coby wants recognition, so he leaves Thumper Village for the human world, where he announces to a chocolate store that it is actually he and the cocobunnies who have been making their best-selling chocolates all along, not some boring human. Coby is of course captured and taken to a lab, forcing Clyde and Hopperstopper to face the perils of the human world to rescue him.Once safe, Coby and his wife Caroleen attend the annual treehouse orgy, and six months later, Caroleen gives birth to Juniper, a bunny who grows suspiciously tall and turns transparent the moment he becomes upset. As the ghostly Juniper bares no resemblance whatsoever to any of the rabbits in the entire clan, Coby goes crazy wondering who at the orgy got his wife knocked up. (Or had she gotten knocked up just before the orgy? After?) Coby is determined to find out, and what he finally discovers is something so surprising that he defies its very existence.

  • - L'histoire du pet
    af Skyler Désolé Papa Lalain
    151,95 kr.

    Un livre rempli du même mot en boucle.. prout. Je trouvais ça drôle de me dire que certaines personnes pouvait l'offrir à quelqu'un, du coup je le publie.. de rien: )

  • - Rules for Kids, Adults, Aliens and Androids
    af Aimee Militano
    172,95 kr.

    Elevate Your Everyday with This Ultimate Guide to Being Respectable!Living in a world overrun with scatterbrains and misfits? Struggling to navigate the intricacies of daily life? Dive into 'How to Be a Respectable Human Being' - your essential guidebook to mastering life's dance of positively contributing to society.KEY FEATURES: Comedic Genius: A "how-to" guidebook filled with real (and not-so-real) rules, humor, wit, and elegance.Everyday Etiquette: Discover rules for waking up, dressing appropriately, dining with finesse, socializing like a pro, and much more.Universal Appeal: Perfect for readers of all ages, from kids to adults, this guide serves as a beacon for those seeking refinement and respectability.Whether you're embarking on a personal journey of self-improvement or mentoring others on the path to respectability, this rulebook offers a refreshing take on the do's and don'ts of daily living. Bursting with hilarity, its insights cater to both novices and those well-versed in the realm of etiquette.

  • af Lucia Pozzo Ardizzi
    193,95 kr.

    Questo è il racconto della mia vita passata con i miei innumerevoli animali. Dotata di gran sensibilità nei confonti di tutti gli animali il mio intento è far riflettere il lettore sul significato dell'Amore puro che un amico a quattro zampe può donarti. Li ho coccolati ed amati all'estremo. Mi sentivo abandonata dai genitori così occupati a lavorare, avevo bisogno di regalare e ricevere l'affetto che solo gli animali possono dare.

  • - La Madre del Cordero
    af Yolanda Quiralte
    152,95 kr.

    ¿Puede un accidente casero cambiarle la vida a un ser maduro, cabal y emancipado? Puede. Y es que la vida de Mauro Álvarez Toledo no es la misma desde que se partió los codornizos en la bañera por culpa del Gel de Coco Paraíso Tropical y se enamoró perdidamente de Marta, su Pichóloga del alma. Vuelve el personaje más gamberro de la literatura y esta vez no lo hace solo; su madre, la Pichóloga, Chucky, los cafres de sus amigos, Madame Puri Parra, Juan Claudio, el Rey y por supuesto, Chuso le acompañan en una desternillante novela con la que no podrás dejar de sentir.

  • - Leaf Lessons from the Ganja Guru
    af Atxlol Novelties
    176,95 kr.

    If you ever smoked weed with friends, you know how entertaining, funny, thought provoking and interesting those deep, cannabis fueled conversations can be. You probably have one of those friends that once they get stoned you never know what is going to come out of their mouth. The conversations jump from one story to the next. Often forgotten is the original point of the discussion. There are periods of silent zoning out followed by a small giggle or a look that erupts into belly rolling laughter. It can be a truly magical experience that creates a special bond between stoners and is remembered by all for life. Even if your stoner days are behind you, you will always have those friends, memories and experiences of a lifetime. This book is in honor of those good times, chill vibes, great friends, life lessons learned along the way and amazing weed.Our narrator and guide for this book is none other than the Ganja Guru. He will share leaf lessons he has learned through the years to serve as a guide to living a good and happy life. He will also provide us history lessons sharing little known stories of great moments in weed history. Open your heart and your soul to the lessons of the leaf you are about to read. The words of our Ganja Guru are shared for all to hear, but only a special few will understand.

  • af David Merino
    123,95 kr.

    En los estertores del s.XX, una parejita con pocos posibles se va a pasar unos días de camping a Asturias. Allí, una rocambolesca sucesión de eventos hará que se pasen medio cómic en pelota picada. Eso sí, por exigencias del guion, no vaya usted a pensar mal.Basado parcialmente en experiencias propias acontecidas a lo largo de la vida del autor, le corresponde a usted, lector, adivinar cuáles son reales y cuáles inventadas. Él lo negará todo.

  • - Blagues pour Enfants
    af Mitica Lazariuc
    80,95 kr.

    Découvrez un monde de rires en feuilletant les pages de "Rires en Folie: Blagues pour Enfants". Ce livre captivant regorge de blagues sur une multitude de sujets, des animaux aux super-héros, de l'école aux voyages, en passant par l'astronomie. Les blague sont accompagnée d'illustrations hilarantes, ajoutant une touche visuelle aux éclats de rire.Que vous soyez à la maison, en voyage ou en compagnie d'amis, "Rires en Folie: Blagues pour Enfants" est votre billet pour un voyage amusant à travers le monde des blagues. Plongez dans ce livre rempli de sourires et de fous rires, idéal pour divertir les petits et les grands, et laissez-vous emporter dans un tourbillon de joyeux éclats de rire.

  • af Andrew Mackay
    107,95 kr.

    Though my soul may set in darkness, a new adventure begins. As I sit here, contemplating the many misadventures that have befallen me, I can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

  • - Hysterical Potty Training Stories and More
    af Irv Brechner
    89,95 kr.

    Potty training your child now?Been there, done that? Either way you will laugh and laugh and laugh some more when you read "Oops, Poops" - hysterical potty training stories and more. Inspired by his grandson's potty training antics, author Irv Brechner has written a book with the funniest potty training stories on planet poop and much more. He's sifted through piles of dung to scoop up the "crème de la poop" of stories submitted by parents and grandparents. "Oops, Poops" provides comic relief for those parents and grandparents are in the middle of the pooping and peeing messes. For everyone else, it will bring back unpleasant and smelly memories of days gone by. For all, it's "great reading for when you're doing your own business," said Brechner. One of the stories is called "Like Puppy, Like Boy: " One day dad Kyle let out the family dog in the backyard where he did his business near a bush in the corner of the yard. Dad promptly took a bag to collect the poop. Dad didn't see young James observing this chain of events. Moments later, James went near a bush on the other side of the yard and promptly pooped, imitating the dog. When dad started to walk toward James, empty handed, James held up his hand and said, "Dada, stop, bring the bag!" In addition to hysterical stories, "Oops, Poops" includes related jokes, riddles, puns and the lyrics to the poopular hit song "Poopin' USA." Rounding out the poop parade is a turd word search puzzle and a smell-free pile of cartoons.

  • - Un Circo di emozioni - 50 scenette comiche con i clown
    af Giorgio La Marca
    111,95 kr.

    Benvenuto in questo viaggio fantastico... "Le Straordinarie Avventure di Flip e Flop: Un Circo di Emozioni!"Un libro magico che raccoglie le straordinarie avventure dei simpatici clown Flip e Flop, due personaggi adorati dai bambini di tutto il mondo. In questa raccolta speciale, i lettori avranno l'opportunità di immergersi nelle esilaranti scenette teatrali interpretate da Flip e Flop, i due clown inventori, esploratori, artisti, e custodi di mondi fantastici.Ogni capitolo del libro presenta una delle avventure di Flip e Flop, ognuna con un tema unico e coinvolgente, adatto a un pubblico di bambini dai 3 ai 6 anni. I lettori potranno seguire Flip e Flop mentre esplorano il Circo delle Emozioni, il Mondo della Natura, il Viaggio sulla Luna, il Mondo dei Giochi, il Mistero del Tempo, e la Ricerca del Tesoro Perduto. Ogni avventura è piena di sorprese, lezioni importanti e tanto divertimento.Questo libro è un'opportunità per i bambini e le bambine di sperimentare la magia del teatro, di imparare importanti messaggi e discoprire la bellezza dell'immaginazione, il tutto in modo adatto alle loro età. Le avventure di Flip e Flop sono un inno alla creatività, all'amicizia e alla gioia di imparare attraverso il gioco."Le Straordinarie Avventure di Flip e Flop: Un Circo di Emozioni" è un libro che affascinerà e intratterrà i giovani lettori, ispirandoli a esplorare il mondo con curiosità e a creare il loro circo di emozioni. Con una varietà ditemi e lezioni importanti, Flip e Flop dimostrano che la vita è una meravigliosa avventura, pronta ad essere scoperta con un sorriso.Struttura delle Scenette: Questo libro raccoglie una serie di scenette teatrali appositamente concepite per un pubblico di bambini dai 3 ai 6 anni. Ogni scenetta è stata progettata per essere esilarante, coinvolgente e ricca di messaggi educativi positivi. Le scenette presentano i due simpatici clown, Flip e Flop, che sono i protagonisti di ogni avventura. Ogni capitolo del libro è dedicato a un tema diverso, che va dal Circo delle Emozioni al Viaggio sulla Luna, offrendo ai piccoli spettatori una varietà di esperienze divertenti e istruttive.I Personaggi: Flip: Flip è il clown curioso e creativo. Indossa un vestito colorato con strisce e un cappello a punta. Ha una borsa magica da cui estrae oggetti e costumi per le scenette.Flop: Flop è l'amico fedele di Flip. Indossa un abito simile a quello di Flip, ma ha un cappello a tesa larga. Anch'egli contribuisce alla magia e alla comicità delle avventure.La Voce Fuori Campo (VOCE): Nelle scenette, c'è un personaggio chiamato "VOCE" nei copioni. Questa è una voce fuori campo che interagisce con Flip e Flop da dietro le quinte.La "VOCE" è responsabile di introdurre i clown, porre domande e guidare il racconto. È importante che la "VOCE" sia chiara e ben udibile per l'interazione con i personaggi principali.Messaggi Educativi: Ogni scenetta è progettata per trasmettere messaggi educativi positivi. È importante che gli addetti ai lavori sottolineino questi messaggi durante la rappresentazione e possano anche discutere di essi con i bambini dopo lo spettacolo. Ad esempio, nelle scenette, sono trattati argomenti come l'importanza del sorriso, il rispetto delle mani e dei giochi, l'esplorazione del tempo e la valorizzazione dell'avventura.La Magia dell'Immaginazione: Incoraggiate gli addetti ai lavori a enfatizzare la magia dell'immaginazione durante le rappresentazioni. Anche se gli oggetti estratti dalla borsa di Flip sembrano immaginari, incoraggiate i bambini a "vederli" e "usarli" nella scenetta. Questo stimola la creatività e l'immaginazione dei giovani spettatori.Che l'avventura abbia inizio!

  • af Paul Murdock
    215,95 kr.

    The third book in Paul Murdock's trilogy, takes you again into a magical world that reiterates the theme that " what goes around comes around." You will want to continue to follow the series of fascinating characters, along with their struggles with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and the surprising miracle curable blood substance obtained from his beloved pet, a half-wolf half dog. A series of coincidences and lucky breaks all coalesce into the exciting finale. The actions of a Good Samaritan lead to the surprising discovery that gives hope to people with bipolar disorders and schizophrenia. Murdock has the talent to bring all the characters and scenarios together until the astonishing conclusion that will give hope to anyone facing life challenges.

  • - Del Humor a la Espiritualidad Yoga para perezosos
    af Calogero Mancuso
    91,95 kr.

    "En el terreno del humor y la espiritualidad, 'Aforismos inventados al azar para leer mientras haces caca' es la guía revolucionaria que te llevará a un viaje de autoexploración e iluminación directamente desde el trono del bienestar. Este libro único mezcla aforismos surrealistas y sabiduría profunda, ofreciéndole una increíble colección de pensamientos y reflexiones para disfrutar mientras se relaja en el baño. En este viaje filosófico, descubrirá cómo convertir su momento de tranquilidad en el baño en una oportunidad para el crecimiento espiritual y la risa. A través de aforismos como: "Soy tan perezoso que, para dar un paso adelante, tendrías que decirme que ahí hay una pizza", "En el silencio del alma, descubrimos la armonía del universo", "He estado entrenando para el maratón de la procrastinación. ¿La fecha de salida? Quién sabe cuándo..." o "La pereza es contagiosa. Basta con estar 5 minutos en su compañía para darse cuenta" o "El amor es la trama de la existencia, tejida con los hilos de la empatía y la comprensión", "La introspección profunda comienza con un ruido sospechoso", etc... te inspirarán a reflexionar sobre la vida, el amor y el sentido de la existencia. Tanto si eres un avezado practicante de yoga como si simplemente buscas momentos de claridad mental, "Aforismos inventados al azar para leer mientras haces caca: del humor a la espiritualidad Yoga para perezosos" es una experiencia literaria única que te hará reír, meditar y apreciar el baño desde una perspectiva totalmente nueva. Así que coja su rollo de papel higiénico favorito y comience este extraordinario viaje hacia la iluminación desde la comodidad del trono de su cuarto de baño."

  • af Andrew Mackay
    106,95 kr.

    Fictional story that i hope will keep you enthralled to the end. Enjoy!

  • - Breve saggio di società e costume
    107,95 kr.

    Avete mai riflettuto sulla poesia nascosta in un rutto? Sulle sue sfumature socio-culturali, sul suo impatto estetico, sul suo potenziale di rottura degli schemi? "Il mio rutto libero" non è solo un viaggio nel tempo e nello spazio attraverso l'atto più democratico e umoristico che ci accomuna, è un manifesto di libertà, un invito a ridere di noi stessi e delle rigidezze del mondo che ci circonda.Questo libro è una risata liberatoria che risuona tra le pagine di un saggio sulla società e il costume. Un'esplorazione arguta e sarcastica di un fenomeno che, nonostante la sua universale presenza, rimane uno degli ultimi tabù. Dagli annali della storia agli angoli più remoti della cultura pop, dalla scienza alla filosofia e oltre, vi invitiamo a seguire il rutto nel suo viaggio dall'oscurità all'illuminazione.Non temete: non si tratta di un'apologia dell'indelicatezza, ma di un omaggio alla sincerità del corpo, all'ingenuità delle nostre origini, e un'ode alla semplicità in un mondo complesso. "Il mio rutto libero" vi sfiderà a riflettere su ciò che è socialmente accettabile e vi inviterà a liberare, con il dovuto rispetto, la vostra gioiosa essenza umana.Riservate un posto d'onore a questo libro nella vostra biblioteca, tra i classici e i testi sacri, e preparatevi a scoprire che un rutto può essere tanto più di un semplice atto biologico: può essere un piccolo atto di rivoluzione.Scappati da La GabbiaNon perderti gli altri irriverenti titoli: "Il sale aggiusta tutto, forse pure te""A te e famiglia: Il libro Augurio degli Auguri""Si, avevi ragione tu. Saturno ti odia.""La sfiga è dietro l'angolo""Invasioni acustiche: dal microfono al misfatto""Sei un 8! Smettila di buttarti giù"e molti altri

  • af Myrtle Walker
    114,95 kr.

    Enjoy over 500+ common phrases people say everyday! Myrtle Walker is an 80 year old first time generational author from Dadeville, AL. She has an infectious personality and is full of laughter! Enjoy this quick read and be reminded of things your grandparents use to say and the things we say today!

  • af Goofy Gary
    137,95 kr.

    Welcome to 'The Manual of the Art of Silence.' This beautiful book is a unique work in which, on every page, you will find a special message: Liam if you shut up, the world will thank you. Whether it's for a Secret Santa Claus gift or simply for a friendly prank, this is the perfect book for you. Inside, you'll find a special thank-you that will make Liam believe this is a serious book, but he won't know what is hidden. Goofy Gary

  • - A Very Hoppy Spring
    af Brittany Pennel
    107,95 - 143,95 kr.

    The Adventures of Tink: A Very Hoppy Spring is a fun and exciting children's story about having fun and taking adventures with friends.

  • - Navigating The Cruel World With A Smile
    af Ho Karez
    148,95 kr.

    Discover the hilarious and heartwarming truth of faking it in this crazy world!From pretending to love kale salads while secretly pining for pizza and mustering fake enthusiasm for early meetings, we've mastered the art of fakery.Through life's twists, a wink, a nod, and a punchline have been our secret weapons, making everything a bit more bearable.So, this book is to us, my dear faker-in-crime! Together, we've sailed the seas of absurdity with sarcasm as our lifebuoy and wit as our life jacket.Cheer up your friends, family members, partners, coworkers, and boss with this sarcastic and funny book.This funny book makes a perfect gift for: Any human you knowGag giftBirthday giftSecret Santa gift for coworker and bossChristmas gift for family members and loved onesMother's day or Father's day giftsAnd moreToodle-Oo to the Fakes of the Universe - because we're all in it together!

  • af Andrew Mackay
    93,95 kr.

    A fictional undersea, humorous book designed to delight

  • - Not Even Your Dad Would Use: "Groan-Worthy Humor for the Brave at Heart"
    af Juan Gonzales
    89,95 kr.

    Prepare to embark on a hilarious journey into the world of humor, where groans and giggles go hand in hand. "Lame Dad Jokes: Not Even Your Dad Would Use" is a rib-tickling collection of dad jokes, knock knock jokes, and riddles that are so corny, even the most seasoned dad joke connoisseurs would cringe. Inside these pages, you'll find a treasure trove of side-splitting quips and wordplay that transcend generations. Whether you're a dad-to-be, a seasoned dad, or simply someone who appreciates a good laugh, this book offers a comical escape from the daily grind. From punny one-liners to whimsical riddles, these jokes are perfect for sharing with family and friends, and they're guaranteed to elicit eye-rolls and laughter in equal measure. In "Lame Dad Jokes," you'll discover: Dad jokes that are so bad, they're good.Classic knock knock jokes that will have you knocking on laughter's door.Brain-teasing riddles suitable for all ages. So, get ready to embrace your inner dad joke enthusiast and add a dose of laughter to your life. "Lame Dad Jokes: Not Even Your Dad Would Use" is your passport to a world of giggles and shared moments of pure, unadulterated silliness. Whether you're looking for a witty icebreaker or simply want to keep your friends and family entertained, this book has the perfect joke for every occasion. Get ready to laugh, cringe, and create unforgettable memories with these delightfully lame dad jokes!

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