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I ”H. C. Andersen og Østjylland” følger vi den berømte digters ophold i Østjylland fra det første besøg i 1830 til det sidste besøg i 1868. I løbet af 8 somre blev det til ophold i Østjylland på sammenlagt 6 måneder, under hvilke Andersen fik stor inspiration til digtning, rejsebeskrivelser og eventyr. Af hensyn til læsere uden det store kendskab til Andersens levnedsforløb og ud fra ønsket om at give et tidsbillede af datidens Danmark sammenbindes hvert kapitel i denne bog med en meget kort biografisk oversigt. Herudover er det valgt at medtage udlandsrejser samt ophold andre steder end Østjylland for at fyldestgøre billedet af personen Andersen. De første eventyr, udgivet i 1835, har fået en nærmere belysning. Hans velkendte motto – at rejse er at leve – efterlevede han livet igennem med 30 store udlandsrejser og utallige rejser til herregårdene i Danmark. Besøgene i Østjylland satte et markant fingeraftryk i hans produktion og betød, at han også blev Jyllands digter.
Et forbryderalbum fra Falster1891-1922Ny bog bruger gamle straffeakter til at genskabe forbrydelser folk begik på Falster i årene 1891-1922.KriminalhistorieRekonstruktioner af de gamle straffesagergiver læseren mulighed for at gå i forbrydernes fodspor. Oftest er dethistorier om desperate mennesker, og de konflikter der prægede datidenssamfund, på et tidspunkt i Danmarkshistorien, hvor der ikke var et socialtsikkerhedsnet. Hovedparten er historier om mennesker på samfundets bund. Omkummerlige liv og besiddelsesløse personer, der blev udstødt og levede iudkanten af samfundet som skyggemennesker. SocialhistoriePolitiet på Falster var for 100 år sidengrundige med at afhøre vidner, ofre, pårørende, arbejdsgivere, naboer og muligegerningsmænd. Takket være denne grundighed, er de gamle straffeakter etværdifuldt kildemateriale. Man får ikke alene oplysninger om selveforbrydelsen, men også om de ting der foregik rundt om forbrydelsen. Manfår indblik i forbrydernes og datidens sociale forhold. Hvordan de levede, oghvad der fik dem til at bryde loven.LokalhistorieBogen er fuld af lokalhistorie. Den rummer 32levende personhistorier, og er illustreret med 72 forbryderfotografier, samt 68gamle, lokalhistoriske fotografier fra Falster. Tilsammen vækker de forbryderneog deres mørke underverden til live.ForfatterenSørenMarquardt Frederiksen er cand.mag. i litteraturvidenskab og har i 20 årundervist i kulturformidling på Københavns Universitet. Han er forfatter tilen række anmelderroste bøger om kommunikation. I de senere år har han skrevet historiskeromaner og kulturhistoriske fagbøger.Et forbryderalbum fra Falster er hans tredje forbryderalbum,hvor han genopliver og giver stemme til de mennesker, der gemmer sig bag gamleforbryderfotografier fra Lolland og Falster. Tidligere er udkommet Etlollandsk Forbryderalbum 1890-1915 og Et polsk forbryderalbum 1893-1929.
Dette er historien om to søstre Hansigne og Anne, som for 167 år siden udfordrede en mandsdomineret verden, og skabte en drøm, en vision og gjorde den til virkelighed. De åbnede deres egen ”Restaurant Faaborg” den 1. maj 1857 og senere med udvidelsen til gæstgiveri frem til det egentlige hotel. Det var ikke normalt ej heller muligt for kvinder, at de i 1860’erne kunne blive selverhvervende, selvom de havde formue, og der måtte også to mandlige værger til, før en endelig handel om et matrikelnummer kunne underskrives, og søstrene kunne starte deres egen første virksomhed. I alle årene har skiftende hotelejere og bestyrere sat deres personlige præg på hotellet, både på facaden samt i indretningen og interiøret. Men ånden fra den spæde hotelstart til opblomstringen i 1890’erne, hvor skænkestuen blev skabt med Carl Knippels total dekoration med den berømte buffet og maleriet af ”Pigen ved lågen”, med besøg af mange tusinder af gæster i mere end 100 år, har for længst bevist stedets berettigelse. Denne ikoniske hotelbygning, tegnet af Faaborgs mest kendte bygmesterfamilie (H.J. Lang), fra midten af 1800-tallet står foran Faaborgs mest berømte bygning fra middelalderen, Klokketårnet, som er et særligt symbol og uundgåeligt vartegn for Faaborg, hvad enten man kommer fra land- eller vandsiden.Om forfatterenHenrik Enemærke er født i Nakskov i 1959. Han er uddannet på Seminariet for Kunst, Design & Håndværk i Aalborg i 1994, med keramik og porcelænsdekoration samt kunst og kulturfag. Har været formand for LvH, håndarbejdslærernes forening under LVU (Landsforeningen af Voksenundervisere). Han har undervist på aftenskoler, daghøjskole og som billedkunstlærer på bl.a. LOF i Faaborg og Helnæs Højskole. Som udøvende billedkunster og mangeårigt medlem af ”Pakhuset” (Pakhusforeningen i Faaborg) har han også deltaget i mange udstillinger, både i grupper og separat. Han var med til at stifte kunstnergruppen DEN BLÅ TULIPAN. Han har altid haft en stor passion for historie, kunst & kulturformidling og har tidligere afholdt kurser med formidling af FYNBOERNEs kunst i Faaborg og Kerteminde. Har været museumsguide og arrangeret ture til Asger Jorn Museet i Silkeborg og Carl-Henning Pedersen Museet i Herning etc.
In the annals of legendary Wild West desperados, Belle Starr is remembered to this day as the Bandit Queen. Shortly after her murder in 1889, a highly romanticized, sensational book titled Bella Starr . . . The Bandit Queen, or the Female Jesse James was published-the first of scores of high-profile portraits to brand Starr as a villain. Now, celebrated historian Michael Wallis parses over a century of mythmaking to reveal the woman behind the "Wanted" poster. From war-torn Carthage, Missouri, to rollicking Scyene, Texas, Starr indeed ran in the same circles as notorious outlaws Cole Younger and Jesse James, but Wallis shows that the crimes ascribed to her were embellished. The result is a breathtaking portrait of a woman demonized for refusing to accept the genteel Victorian ideals expected of her. Instead, she chose to live her life outside the law, riding sidesaddle with a pearl-handled Colt .45 strapped to her hip.
A revelatory account of the wave of arson-for-profit that hit American cities in the 1970s, and of the tenants who put out the fires and reclaimed their neighborhoods.
Kort om bogen:Bogen fortæller om Rødovres historie fra 1901, da Rødovre blev en selvstændig sognekommune og helt op til i dag, hvor Rødovre er en moderne kommune. Historien fortælles med unikke billeder fra Rødovre Arkiv.Historien tager udgangspunkt i borgernes liv, samt de ønsker og drømme skiftende tiders indbyggere og administrationer har haft for at skabe ’det gode liv’. Bogen beskriver flere af de transformationer, som kommunen har undergået. Fra bondesamfund til den begyndende udflytning af arbejderfamilier fra det overfyldte København. Fra industrialiseringen og det enorme boligbyggeri i 1950’erne til velfærdssamfundets udbygning i 1960erne med indkøbscenter, daginstitutioner og plejehjem, der gjorde Rødovre til en mønsterkommune. Alt sammen noget som udenlandske statsoverhoveder ønskede at besøge. Fra 1970ernes krisetider til den nyeste by- og boligudvikling i Kaffebyen.Det hele krydres med historier om borgernes hverdagsliv og personer, der har sat særlige aftryk i og for Rødovre.
Are you ready for a stroll down memory alley?Can you recall a time when cops arrested rioters who were setting fire to buildings and vandalizing historical monuments? Remember when shoplifters actually went to jail? Imagine an era when violent lunatics weren't allowed to wander freely through neighborhoods and menace residents.Don't you wish you lived in a time when the police were allowed to do their jobs?Retired Southern California homicide detective John J. Lamb remembers those days because he was there.Service With a Sneer is the first volume in his entertaining, sardonic, and unremorseful memoirs. The book takes the bold reader on a journey a half-century into the past. It's an era before computers, automated license plate readers, and body cams. It's a time when Tasers didn't exist and the only "less lethal" options open to police officers were nightsticks and fists. Yet those old-time cops did a pretty fair job keeping the streets safe.The tale begins in the early 1960s. Lamb was a little boy with the deck stacked against him. He suffered from a crippling bone disease that forced him to wear a full metal leg brace, was so myopic he was legally blind, and was the victim of brutal and regular child abuse. Yet his improbable dream was to become a police officer.He made that goal a reality. First, in 1974 when he joined the USAF Security Police and five years later when he became a deputy sheriff with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, working in the desert and tourist cities near Palm Springs.Lamb's stories include:How his work with British police detectives on a major and successful drug trafficking investigation led to his being targeted as a troublemaker by his USAF commanding officer.How following shoe impressions in the desert sands led him to a pair of professional cat burglars who were pillaging homes in an exclusive community of millionaires.His surprising observation while working a traffic security detail for then President-elect Ronald Reagan's motorcade.Some readers might remember Lamb as the author of a series of "cozy" mystery novels set in the warm world of collectible teddy bears. Don't look for anything cute and cuddly in his newest book. Instead, he freely mixes tragedy with absurdity as he shares tales about vicious fights, high-speed fatal traffic crashes, the terrorist attack that wasn't, and how he convinced a woman that he had the know-how to evict Satan from her apartment.The stories are shocking, infuriating, ironic, heart-rending, and sometimes gruesomely funny. Best of all, they're all true.
Skjøt-Jens var uægte barn, født blandt fattige i Løkken i 1860-erne af en enlig mor, som var såkaldt almisselem. Han voksede op på fattiggården alene uden sin mor. Fra sin ungdom strejfende han rastløst rundt og kom konstant i problemer. Han oplevede piskning, fængsel på vand og brød, total isolation i forbedringshus, være marinesoldat på Holmen i København, druk, slagsmål og uægte børn, indtil han efter drikkelag i et fattighus i Himmerland mødte sin endelige kant. Bogen er en indlevende skildring af fattiggårdsdrengens liv, som giver en skjult og glemt skæbne en identitet og historie.
Jake Morris-Campbell sets out on a pilgrimage from Lindisfarne to Durham Cathedral, exploring thirteen-hundred years of social change and asking what stories the North East can tell about itself in the wake of Christianity and coal. -- .
Walk Her Way New York City is a collection of 10 curated walking tours through New York neighborhoods, each celebrating the city's history and the women that have made their mark here. Authors Jana Mader and Kaitlyn Allen have meticulously researched and traced the city blocks, uncovering important landmarks, events and women's stories, both well-known and forgotten, to create a series of fun and eye-opening walks that connect you to the city that surrounds you. Featuring beautiful illustrated maps and portraits by Aja O'Han, each walk covers a different neighborhood, including Brooklyn Heights and Dumbo, Central Park, Chelsea, Chinatown, East Side, Greenwich Village, Harlem, Midtown, Roosevelt Island, and SoHo. The walks can be done individually or paired together for an ultimate walking history lesson. While some stops along the walks are worth an extended visit, such as a museum, others are marked as “on the way.” All include significant landmarks of women's history, some of them not yet memorialized. The stories and events of famous and lesser-known women come alive within the pages of the book and on each street corner, as readers can walk in the steps of this diverse set of creative women.
A compelling on-the-ground account of Native activism in the Northwest A relentless advocate for Native rights, Ramona Bennett Bill has been involved in the battles waged by the Puyallup and other Northwest tribes around fishing rights, land rights, health, and education for over six decades. This invaluable firsthand account includes stories of the takeover of Fort Lawton as well as events from major Red Power struggles, including Alcatraz, Wounded Knee, and the Trail of Broken Treaties. She shares her experiences at the Puyallup fishing camp established during the Fish War of the 1960s and 1970s, which led to the federal intervention that eventually resulted in the Boldt Decision. She also covers the 1976 occupation of a state-run facility on reservation land and the lobbying that led to the property's return to the tribe. Bennett Bill served for nearly a dozen years as a Puyallup Tribal Council member and ten as chairwoman, organizing social welfare, education, and enrollment initiatives and championing Native religious freedom. Her advocacy for Native children, especially those who had been adopted out of their community, helped pave the way for the Indian Child Welfare Act. Now in her mid-eighties, she continues to organize for Native rights and environmental justice. The book is full of vivid stories of her fearless testimony in courtrooms and press conferences on issues affecting Indian Country, and of the many friends and comrades she made along the way.
Lumberjacks: the men, the myth, and the making of an American legend The folk hero Paul Bunyan, burly, bearded, wielding his big ax, stands astride the story of the upper Midwest—a manly symbol of the labor that cleared the vast north woods for the march of industrialization while somehow also maintaining an aura of pristine nature. This idea, celebrated in popular culture with songs and folktales, receives a long overdue and thoroughly revealing correction in Gentlemen of the Woods, a cultural history of the life and lore of the real lumberjack and his true place in American history. Now recalled as heroes of wilderness and masculinity, lumberjacks in their own time were despised as amoral transients. Willa Hammitt Brown shows that nineteenth-century jacks defined their communities of itinerant workers by metrics of manhood that were abhorrent to the residents of the nearby Northwoods boomtowns, valuing risk-taking and skill rather than restraint and control. Reviewing songs, stories, and firsthand accounts from loggers, Brown brings to life the activities and experiences of the lumberjacks as they moved from camp to camp. She contrasts this view with the popular image cultivated by retreating lumber companies that had to sell off utterly barren land. This mythologized image glorified the lumberjack and evoked a kindly, flannel-wearing, naturalist hero. Along with its portrait of lumberjack life and its analysis of the creation of lumberjack myth, Gentlemen of the Woods offers new insight into the intersections of race and social class in the logging enterprise, considering the actual and perceived roles of outsider lumberjacks and Native inhabitants of the northern forests. Anchored in the dual forces of capitalism and colonization, this lively and compulsively readable account offers a new way to understand a myth and history that has long captured our collective imagination.
In 1973, McComb, Mississippi, emerged from a troubled era of the civil rights movement as a small town ready to move past Jim Crow laws and segregation. Young families began to settle in the southwest Mississippi community, including one such family from Oklahoma, Larry and Pat Hicks, and their two young sons, Clark and Matt. Life in the 1970s and 80s in a quaint Southern hamlet became a breeding ground for stories of wit and charm. In the early 1990s, oldest son Clark married his high school sweetheart. The newlyweds moved eighty miles east to Hattiesburg, a thriving mid-size college town where a new generation of Hicks boys were born and raised. The expanded family in the "Hub City" of southeast Mississippi nestled into the fabric of a rapidly changing Southern culture, where tradition and technology created a fertile environment for storytelling reminiscent of an age long ago. Part memoir, part history, the book consists of short story vignettes sure to entertain all readers, particularly those who have connections to the Magnolia State.
This book is both a guide and a history, exploring the curious and entertaining glories of Oxford through two of the most famous fantasies in world literature.
Fish don't heed state boundaries, nor does this comprehensive, photo-filled guide to the diverse species of Chicago and beyond. Encompassing southern Lake Michigan, northeastern Illinois, and adjacent areas of Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, the Chicago Region is home to rare habitats supporting diverse fish populations. From small creeks to large rivers, and small ponds to one of the world's largest freshwater ecosystems, Lake Michigan, these systems are home to some 164 fish species representing 31 families. We meet them all--lampreys, sturgeon, paddlefish, gars, drum, darters, perches, sticklebacks, sculpins, and more--in this book, the most complete and up-to-date reference for fishes in the Chicago Region. Written by leading local ecologists, and featuring a pictorial family key, color photographs, and detailed distribution maps for each species, as well as natural history summaries with observations unique to the region, this go-to guide belongs on the shelf--and in the boat--of every angler, naturalist, fisheries manager, and biologist.
In 2003-04, the St. Joseph's Hawks became the most unlikely and captivating story in college basketball.
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