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  • - Ny indsigt i aggressivitet, lederskab og signaler
    af Freddy Worm Christiansen
    112,95 kr.

    Freddy Worm Christiansen og hans kone Britta Rothausen er adfærdsbiologer, der i en årrække har levet med ulve og studeret deres adfærd indgående. De har desuden gået til træning med dem og skriver i denne bog om de erfaringer, de har gjort med ulve generelt og med deres egne ulve i særdeleshed.I denne bog præsenteres en masse ny og ikke tidligere offentliggjort viden om hundes og ulves adfærd, bla. baseret på forfatterens egen forskning og mange års erfaringer.Bogen omfatter tre hovedemner og handler især om nogle meget store misforståelser, som har betydet, at man har behandlet hunde på en uhensigtsmæssig og hundeuvenlig måde, der har medført unødige adfærdsproblemer, ofte med aflivning til følge.Del 1: Påviser et fejlagtigt syn på aggressiv adfærd.Forfatteren kommer med en enklere og mere biologisk funderet forklaring, som bygger på fænomenet ejerskabszoner, og han foreslår tre enkle koncepter.Del 2: De restriktive lederskabsregler skyldes nogle kæmpe misforståelser, som forfatteren analyserer i detaljer. Reglerne skal forkastes totalt, og han begrunder hvorfor.Del 3: Fortolkninger af hundes signaler har hos hundefolket udviklet sig langt ud over det rimelige. Forfatteren gennemgår nogle af de mange påstande og påviser det manglende grundlag. I bogen kommer han med en række velbegrundede og anderledes forklaringer.

  • af Alan Kenworthy
    143,95 kr.

  • af Nancy Hajeski
    195,95 kr.

    Ideal reference for dog lovers with information, colour illustrations, tables and charts for over 450 breeds, ancient and modern, from all over the world (including designer dogs and rare breeds).

  • af T Duke-Novakovski
    1.118,95 kr.

    New edition of a popular guide for small animal veterinary practitioners covering anaesthesia and its administration.* This new edition covers not only the medical aspects, but also the legal, ethical and practical consequences before, during and after surgery* The use of anaesthetics and analgesics is broken down into their use in dental, ophthalmic and thoracic surgery among others, and the impact of various diseases and disorders on their efficacy* Provides advice on how to deal with complications and emergencies and techniques for managing pain

    268,95 kr.

    In BAT 2.0, the focus is to empower the dog to approach his trigger on his own with his caretaker playing a more supportive role, intervening only when necessary to keep the dog working below his threshold level. The new techniques are less stressful for the student dog, help promote good choices on the part of the dog, and focuses on BAT set-ups which arrange a safe environment so that the desired behavior can occur and be reinforced naturally.

  • af Nic Barker
    156,95 kr.

    Many horses will, at some point during their lives, suffer hoof problems which, in extreme cases, can cause permanent lameness. So why should outstandingly healthy, hardworking feet be a relative rarity? Performance Hoof, Performance Horse explores the idea that, given the right conditions, healthy hooves are not difficult to maintain and neither do they need much in the way of human intervention, and that the unshod or ''barefoot'' horse can be tough, strong and sure-footed. The book offers practical advice on how best to work with a horse with compromised feet in terms of nutrition, surfaces and exercise in order to restore its hooves to optimum condition. Topics covered include: assessing hooves and hoof balance; the pros and cons of trimming; fixing problem feet and, finally, developing stronger hooves.

  • af Merck
    464,95 kr.

    The Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) covers all domesticated species and diseases in veterinary medicine worldwide. This completely revised and redesigned new edition of the veterinary classic uses a two-column format and color throughout for easy-to-read text and tables. Hundreds of color images enhance and illustrate the text.

  • af Chris Dyer
    173,95 kr.

    Plants, Potions and Oils for Horses takes a new look at some old remedies, together with some contemporary alternative therapies to offer the horse owner some simple but safe treatments for common horse ailments. Topics covered in this new book include: herbal remedies; treatments from the kitchen; traditional treatments and aromatherapy.

  • - What Dogs See, Smell, and Know
    af Alexandra Horowitz
    118,95 kr.

    A fresh new book on the psyche of dogs from a bright young behavioural scientist and dog lover.

  • af Tim Couzens
    395,95 kr.

    Practising veterinary homeopath Tim Couzens' clear descriptions of a wide range of equine ailments and their accompanying suggested remedies will enable treatment to be tailored specifically to the individual, and thus ensure the best chance of success.

  • af Cesar Millan
    126,95 kr.

    The book that started it all, from international bestselling author, dog trainer and TV star, Cesar Millan offers definitive advice for understanding dog behaviour and correcting common dog problems.

  • af David Douglas Duncan
    126,95 kr.

    David Douglas Duncan introduced Lump, a stray dachshund, to Pablo Picasso in 1957. It was love at first sight, and Lump became the artist's inseparable companion and sometime muse. This collection of photographs, celebrating Picasso and Lump's relationship, is a record of mini-chapter in the history of 20th-century art.

  • - A Pictorial Approach to Equine Structure
    af Peter Goody
    193,95 kr.

    Including over 250 individual drawings, labelled and annotated in the accompanying legends, this text is primarily to explain and in many instances to expand upon the content of the drawings. It considers the basic make-up of the horse with the 'points' of the horse being shown from several different views.

  • af Irene H. Jarnved
    94,95 - 288,95 kr.

    Mange hunde udvikler uvaner og problemer i hverdagen. Alle uvaner og problemer kan have en eller flere årsager.Bogen er en brugsbog for alle hundeejere, der gerne vil forebygge uvaner og problemer og for hundeejere, hvis hund har en adfærd, som de gerne vil ændre.Adfærdskonsulent Irene Jarnved viser ved eksempler, hvorledes man kan kortlægge og ændre sin egen og dermed hundens adfærd, så begge parter får størst glæde af hinanden.Udgivet i samarbejde med Dansk Kennel Klub.

  • - - Hvad de kan lære os om kærlighed og venskab
    af Elli H. Radinger
    188,95 kr.

    Gamle hunde er fantastiske. Vores øjne og vores hjerter åbnes, når vi bor sammen med en gammel hund og passer den i dens sidste år. Gamle hunde kan lære os meget. Elli Radingers bog er fuld af praktiske råd, opløftende historier og videnskabelig ekspertise. Hun afslører en helt ny verden set med vores aldrende kæledyrs øjne. En varm, indsigtsfuld og åbenhjertig beretning om alt det, vores lodne venner kan lære os om livet, og hvordan hunde kan være en konstant kilde til visdom, trøst og kærlighed i deres alderdom. En fantastisk kompliment til menneskets bedste ven.

  • af Liz Eddy
    186,95 kr.

    This book includes: - Thorough explanation of the sophisticated theories behind Equine Shiatsu - Comprehensive guidance to a full-body Shiatsu, including simple step-by-step instructions for each technique - How to deal with each horse as an individual, considering different horse behaviours - Examples of tricks of the trade and what to do when things do not go quite to plan

  • - Winner of the National Book Award for Fiction
    af Sigrid Nunez
    118,95 - 128,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE 2018 NATIONAL BOOK AWARD and a NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER: a moving story of love, friendship, grief, healing, and the magical bond between a woman and her dog.

  • af Terry Runyan
    146,95 kr.

    Following on from the hit PAINTING HAPPINESS, quirky and super-popular Instagram artist Terry Runyan presents a playful follow-up in her same charming, unique style - PAINTING CATS.

  • af J.-M. Denoix
    2.567,95 kr.

  • af Jean-Marie Denoix
    572,95 kr.

  • af The Schipperke Club of America
    202,95 - 314,95 kr.

  • af Mim Eichler Rivas & Melissa Shapiro
    118,95 - 200,95 kr.

  • af David Hone
    129,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • - Shiba Inu Dog Complete Owner's Manual
    af Lolly Brown
    173,95 kr.

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