Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Graviditet og forældreskab

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  • af Annabel Karmel
    166,95 kr.

    The all-you-need-to-know visual guide to weaning from Annabel Karmel, Britain's best-loved weaning expert, including one hundred easy recipes.

  • - Why Sensitive People Struggle and How All Can Thrive
    af W. Thomas Boyce
    106,95 kr.

    The Orchid and the Dandelion by W. Thomas Boyce is a captivating exploration of human temperament and how it shapes our lives. Published by Pan Macmillan in 2020, this thought-provoking book delves into the science of genetics and environment, drawing from Boyce's extensive research in pediatrics and biopsychology. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay between nature and nurture. Boyce's writing is both accessible and profound, making the book a compelling read for both experts and laypeople alike. Don't miss out on this remarkable contribution to the field of human biology and psychology, brought to you by the renowned publishing house, Pan Macmillan.

  • - Trouble Shooting Guide for Parents of Children Aged 3-8 Years
    af Carolyn Webster-Stratton
    358,95 kr.

    All children misbehave sometimes! Some children are temperamentally more difficult to parent because they are impulsive, hyperactive, inattentive, or delayed in some aspect of their development. This invaluable handbook uses the Incredible Years (R) Parenting Pyramid (R) as the architectural or construction plan for specific parenting tools that help prevent behaviour problems from occurring and promote childrens social, emotional, and academic competence, and healthy lifestyles. The book helps parents to build a strong positive relationship foundation before using respectful discipline tools to reduce target behaviour problems. The book also focuses on tools for building family relationships and support networks as well as problem solving methods and self-regulation skills to manage stress.

  • - How to cope with pregnancy number two and create a happy home for your firstborn and new arrival
    af Sarah Ockwell-Smith
    198,95 kr.

    The essential guide to choosing the best time to have a second baby, preparing for birth second time around and navigating all the practical and emotional challenges of the early days with two.

  • - Your All-in-One Guide to a Healthy, Holistic, Plant-Based Pregnancy
    af Reed Mangels
    133,95 kr.

    50 satisfying and nourishing vegan meals—especially for pregnant moms! Being a vegan mother not only means you have to worry about getting the right nutrients for your own body, but for your growing baby as well. The benefits of a vegan diet can be passed down to your baby by following a healthy, well-rounded diet that incorporates the proper nutrients and minerals. With Your Complete Vegan Pregnancy, you’ll learn everything you need to know to nourish and grow a healthy, happy baby. With 50 recipes for satisfying meals and expert advice on getting all the proper nutrition you and your baby need, Your Complete Vegan Pregnancy will keep you and your baby strong for all three trimesters.

  • - One of America's Leading Pediatricians Puts Parents Back in Control of Their Children's Health
    af Robert S. Mendelsohn
    108,95 kr.

  • af Steve Biddulph
    146,95 kr.

    Steve Biddulph's Raising Boys was a global phenomenon. The first book in a generation to look at boys' specific needs, parents loved its clarity and warm insights into their sons' inner world. But today, things have changed. It's girls that are in trouble.There has been a sudden and universal deterioration in girls' mental health, starting in primary school and devastating the teen years.Raising Girls in the 21st Century is both a guidebook and a call-to-arms for parents. The five key stages of girlhood are laid out so that you know exactly what matters at which age, and how to build strength and connectedness into your daughter from infancy onwards.Raising Girls in the 21st Century is both fierce and tender in its mission to help girls more at every age. It's a book for parents who love their daughters deeply, whether they are newborns, teenagers, young women - or anywhere in between.Feeling secure, becoming an explorer, getting along with others, finding her soul, and becoming a woman - at last, there is a clear map of girls' minds that accepts no limitations, narrow roles or selling-out of your daughter's potential or uniqueness.All the hazards are signposted - bullying, eating disorders, body image and depression, social media harms and helps - as are concrete and simple measures for both mums and dads to help prevent their daughters from becoming victims. Parenthood is restored to an exciting journey, not one worry after another, as it's so often portrayed.Steve talks to the world's leading voices on girls' needs and makes their ideas clear and simple, adding his own humour and experience through stories that you will never forget. Even the illustrations, by Kimio Kubo, provide unique and moving glimpses into the inner lives of girls.Along with his fellow psychologists worldwide, Steve is angry at the exploitation and harm being done to girls today. With Raising Girls in the 21st Century he strives to spark a movement to end the trashing of girlhood; equipping parents to deal with the modern world, and getting the media off the backs of our daughters.Raising Girls in the 21st Century is powerful, practical and positive. Your heart, head and hands will be strengthened by its message.

  • - Håndbog for forældre og professionelle
    af Camilla Grann
    268,95 kr.

    "Livet med et udviklingshæmmet barn" beskriver de særlige vilkår og udfordringer, man har i en familie med et handicappet barn. Bogen dykker ned i de forskellige dele af barnets opvækst fra fødsel over ungdomsliv og til tidlig voksenalder. Hver alder har sine egne udfordringer, hvor der kan være brug for at høre andres erfaringer eller blive udfordret på egen tænkning. Bogen er derfor krydret med citater og udsagn fra forældre, der selv har børn med udviklingshæmning. Deres bidrag gør bogen nuanceret og levende.Bogen giver kortt sagt svar på nogle af de uendeligt mange spørgsmål, der melder sig, og som man ikke kan gå ét sted hen og få svar på. Nogle af disse spørgsmål er eksistentielle og personlige – andre af mere lavpraktisk art.Bogens kapitler veksler fra letforståelig formidling af faglige emner som kromosomer og syndromer, regler og rettigheder og beskrivelse af barnets funktionsniveau til nære emner som tilknytning, sorg, opdragelse, handicapidentitet og familiedynamik.Bogen indeholder desuden praktiske informationer om merudgifter, tabt arbejdsfortjeneste, hjælpemidler, relevante foreninger mv. Bogen kan også bruges som opslagsværk, hvis der er en bestemt problemstilling i livet med det udviklingshæmmede barn, der kræver særlig opmærksomhed.Bogen henvender sig især til forældre, bedsteforældre og andre pårørende til børn med udviklingshæmning samt til professionelle, der arbejder med området i kommunalt eller specialpædagogisk regi.

  • - En guide til forældre og professionelle
    af Anine Boisen
    223,95 - 254,94 kr.

    Hvordan tager man som forældre eller professionel fat på samtaler med unge, der ryger hash? Hvad gør man, når den unges forbrug står i vejen for det gode ungdomsliv? Hvordan skaber man dialog i stedet for konflikt? Det giver denne bog konkrete og vedkommende bud på. På baggrund af sit mangeårige arbejde i Stofrådgivningen giver bogens forfatter, familieterapeut Anine Boisen, et væld af gode råd og konkret viden om unge og hash. Bogen rummer også casehistorier med brugbare ideer til, hvordan man – som forældre eller professionel – kan forstå og håndtere de problemer, der følger med, når unge har et forbrug af hash. Med udgangspunkt i fakta om hash og en nuanceret forståelse af, hvad det vil sige at være teenager, beskriver bogen en række centrale temaer: de første samtaler om hash, når unge lyver og stjæler, forældres afmagt og samarbejde omkring konflikter og forandringer. Bogen henvender sig til forældre, lærere, ungerådgivere, socialrådgivere og andre, der er tæt på unge, der har et forbrug af hash. "Nyt skal læres, gammelt skal kasseres, der skal tages hensyn til rusmidlernes virkning på den unge og til, hvem den unge er. I den situation er der brug for støtte, råd og vejledning. Det er her, denne bog kommer med viden og en række vigtige råd og ideer til handlemuligheder." - Henrik Rindom, misbrugsekspert og speciallæge i psykiatri

  • - Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood
    af Lisa Damour
    106,95 kr.

    Untangled is an enlightening book by the acclaimed psychologist, Lisa Damour. Published in 2017 by Atlantic Books, this work falls under the genre of self-help and psychology. Untangled is a guide for parents to understand and navigate the turbulent teenage years. Damour employs her expertise in psychology to untangle the complex web of adolescence, offering practical advice and reassurance. Through the pages of this book, she takes you on a journey of understanding, shedding light on the often misunderstood changes that teenagers undergo. Atlantic Books is proud to present this essential guide for anyone struggling to understand the teens in their life. Read Untangled, and discover the key to a happier, healthier relationship with your teenager.

  • - What Preschoolers Really Need From Grownups
    af Erika Christakis
    166,95 kr.

  • af Julia Festman, Gregory J. Poarch & Jean-Marc Dewaele
    126,95 - 425,95 kr.

    Raising a multilingual family can be both confusing and fulfilling. The authors, all multilingual parents and researchers on multilingualism, aim to provide advice and inspiration for multilingual families across the world. The latest research is used to provide a friendly, accessible guide to raising and nurturing happy multilingual children.

  • af Nancy Bardacke
    196,95 kr.

    With Mindful Birthing, Nancy Bardacke, nurse-midwife and mindfulness teacher, lays out her innovative program for pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond. Drawing on groundbreaking research in neuroscience, mindfulness meditation, and mind/body medicine, Bardacke offers practices that will help you find calm and ease during this life-changing time, providing lifelong skills for healthy living and wise parenting. SOME OF THE BENEFITS OF MINDFUL BIRTHING: Increases confidence and decreases fear of childbirth Taps into deep inner resources for working with pain Improves couple communication, connection, and cooperation Provides stress-reducing skills for greater joy and wellbeing

  • - Practices for Raising Conscious, Confident, Caring Kids
    af Susan Stiffelman
    166,95 kr.

    Our children can be our greatest teachers. Parenting expert Susan Stiffelman writes that the very behaviors that push our buttons — refusing to cooperate or ignoring our requests — can help us build awareness and shed old patterns, allowing us to raise our children with greater ease and enjoyment. Filled with practical advice, powerful exercises, and fascinating stories from her clinical work, Parenting with Presence teaches us how to become the parents we most want to be while raising confident, caring children.

  • - Shared experiences of Ashtanga yoga, pregnancy, birth and motherhood
    af Sharmila Desai
    146,95 kr.

    A heart-warming and indispensable companion for any practitioner of yoga who is hoping to become - or who already is - a mother.

  • - Advice for Raw Recruits: From pregnancy to birth
    af Neil Sinclair
    166,95 kr.

    Written by ex-Commando and dad of three Neil Sinclair, this no-nonsense manual is a must-have for every man about to embark on his greatest mission: fatherhood.With straightforward and practical advice for all new recruits, from early reconnaissance right up to the deployment date, learn how to:- Prepare for your baby trooper's arrival- Manage your Commanding Officer (i.e., the mum-to-be) in all terrains- Pack your Deployment Kit list (i.e., the hospital bag) ... and much moreLet the mission begin!www.commandodad.com

  • - Baby Sign Language Made Easy
    af Laura Berg
    108,95 kr.

    As confirmed by American Academy of Pediatrics, infant sign language is a boon for enhancing communication between parents and babies, helping to forge an important bond early in a child's life. This book provides step-by-step instructions for parents and other caregivers, and insight into why baby sign language is useful for children of all ages.

  • - Toward a New Paradigm in Parenting and Education
    af Jesper Juul
    158,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • - Understanding the Adopted Child
    af Nancy Verrier
    195,95 kr.

  • - Sådan styrker du gode tanker, livsglæde og trivsel hos dit barn (og dig selv)
    af Lene Væsel
    198,95 - 300,95 kr.

    Et højt selvværd hos vores børn er et godt udgangspunkt for livsglæde og trivsel. Men hvordan kan vi bedst muligt styrke voresbørns selvværd? Vi forældre er vores børns vigtigste rollemodeller. Derfor må vi først og fremmest se på vores eget selvværd og på vores egen adfærd. Alt for mange mennesker er meget selvkritiske, og vi kommer nemt til at tro, at andre også har de samme negative tanker om os. Så prøver vi på forskellige måder at kompensere, for eksempel ved at blive meget perfektionistiske eller ved helt at lade være med at gøre noget, som vi egentlig gerne ville. Gennem opdragelsen kan vi lære vores børn at være kritiske over for det billede af virkeligheden, som vores - til tider forræderiske- tanker opstiller. Vi kan hjælpe vores børn til at være sig selv på godt og ondt og hvile i sig selv. Det er aldrig for sent at gå i gang! Bogen er delt i tre dele. Første del beskriver selvværd, hvordan det udvikles, og hvad det betyder for vores livskvalitet. Anden del er bogens praktiske del. Her gives konkrete forslag, vejledning og øvelser i, hvordan man i familien kan arbejde med børns tanker, tankemønstre og større selvforståelse. Bogens tredje del omhandler lavt selvværd, mistrivsel, og hvad man skal være opmærksom på, hvis man overvejer, om barnet har behov for professionel hjælp. Bogen henvender sig til forældre til børn og unge, andre voksne, der er tæt på, og til alle faggrupper, der arbejder med børn, unge og familier. LENE VÆSEL er autoriseret psykolog med egen praksis i Viborg, hvor hun arbejder med unge og voksne med stress, angst og depression.

  • - En barselsdagbog
    af Charlotte Heje Haase
    44,94 - 206,95 kr.

    Mødre i dag bliver bombarderet med "gode" råd, løftede pegefingre, forbud og påbud, og det kan være svært at finde sin vej i junglen af holdninger og meninger. Charlotte Heje Haase, nybagt førstegangsmor, stiller sig i front med sin personlige beretning fra barslen, med alle sine usikkerheder, sin sårbarhed, bekymringerne og lykkestunderne, der kendetegner den første tid som mor.

  • af Jesper Juul
    275,95 kr.

  • af Dr Suzanne Goh
    166,95 kr.

    "For years, I searched for a book that I could recommend to parents-those just beginning to learn about autism as well as those with decades of experience. I looked for a book with all the essential information-the liquid gold-something a busy parent could get through while keeping up with the demands of life. I couldn't find that book, so I decided to write it."Dr Suzanne Goh is a renowned paediatric neurologist who has spent decades working with autistic children. In this ground-breaking book, Goh combines her extensive experience with original research to give you a clear understanding of what autism is and how to create a holistic treatment roadmap for your child. Based on Goh's revolutionary 'whole child approach,' you'll discover how to:- Best support every aspect of your child's health- Get the help you need and build a strong and supportive team- Make informed decisions based on a deep understanding of your child's brain and bodyMost importantly, Magnificent Minds will show you how to recognise and nurture your child's innate strengths - their intelligence, abilities, and gifts - and celebrate their neurodiverse magnificence.

  • af Jeffrey Mason & Hear Your Story
    143,95 kr.

    Give Your Grandmother the Gift of Love, Memories, and Legacy.Grandmother, I Want to Hear Your Story is the perfect place for your Grandmother to tell you her special life story while also creating a cherished legacy that you will return to again and again. Imagine reading your Grandmother's words as she shares her journey. Imagine sitting with your children, her grandchildren, and reading her story to them.This is the Original and Best-Selling Way for Your Grandmother to Share Her Life StoryGrandmother, I Want to Hear Your Story uses prompts and questions to guide your Grandmother, making it simple for her to tell the stories of her childhood, her teens, and her adult years. This will be her tale, her triumphs, and her challenges.Imagine Reading About the Details of Her Amazing Life and Journey.Bestselling author Jeffrey Mason and Hear Your Story Books have used their years of publishing experience to create this popular series of guided journals. Grandmother, I Want to Hear Your Story has been expertly designed to give your Grandmother a gift she will love while also creating a cherished legacy.Over 250 expertly created guided prompts to make it simple for your Grandmother to share her memories with you.Each question has plenty of room for your Grandma to write and share her life stories.Give your Grandmother the original memory-guided journal. Tens of thousands have been bought for and cherished by families all over the world.100% designed, created, and printed in the US.Order Grandmother, I Want to Hear Your Story and give your incredible Grandma a forever gift and the gift of legacy.

  • af Dr Alok Kanojia
    109,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Naomi Fisher
    198,95 kr.

    A Different Way to Learn is a compelling book by Naomi Fisher, an acclaimed author known for her insightful and thought-provoking works. Published in 2023 by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, this book promises to take readers on a unique journey of discovery and learning. The genre of this book is not easily defined, as it effortlessly blends elements of educational theory with practical advice and personal experiences. A Different Way to Learn challenges traditional notions of education and encourages readers to explore alternative methods. Fisher's writing is engaging and easy to understand, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in the future of learning and education. So, if you're ready to discover a different way to learn, grab your copy from Jessica Kingsley Publishers today.

  • af Shefali Tsabary
    166,95 kr.

    A revolutionary new parenting method by the New York Times bestselling author of The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family. We parents are plagued with doubt. In an ever-changing world our children must adapt constantly to the demands of the modern world - and we as parents do too. With social media pressures, generational expectations, and a mental health crisis sweeping the younger generation, parenting can be a challenging and uncertain journey through uncharted territory.Dr Shefali, a therapist who has worked with thousands of parents - and is a parent herself - is here to provide a helping hand. Empowering parents with her revolutionary conscious parenting method, The Parenting Map will lead you on an exciting path of growth, helping you to disrupt unhealthy belief patterns and overcome deeply ingrained fears so you can find an authentic connection between yourself and your children.Following a step-by-step plan to navigate everyday challenges, Dr Shefali will teach you how to shift your focus to a new consciousness, transform your mindset, and improve your communication within the parenting dynamic. Your entire relationship with your children - and with yourself - will change, resulting in deeper bonds and healthy, thriving, well-adjusted children.Featuring hands-on practical advice which will question and empower you, as well as case studies to help you day to day, The Parenting Map is the ultimate manual for the modern-day parent.

  • af Manu Sareen
    238,95 kr.

    Børn, unge og deres forældre fortæller modigt og reflekteret om livet med ADHD og ADD. I Der er ALT for meget i mit hoved fortæller Manu Sareen om sin egen barndom og ungdom med uopdaget ADHD, og han bliver inviteret indenfor hos 15 børn mellem 8 og17 år, der åbner op om deres liv med ADHD eller ADD.

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