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  • - Awakening the Creative and Forgotten Powers of the Feminine
    af Padma Aon Prakasha
    165,95 kr.

    Tools to awaken the creative powers of the womb.

  • af Martin Kirk
    167,95 kr.

    Lets you experience the physical benefits and body awareness from hatha yoga - one of the most popular form of yoga. This book presents nearly 650 full-color photos to visually demonstrate 77 standard poses from hatha yoga that apply to major hatha styles including Iyengar, Astanga, Anusara, and Bikram.

  • - The Original Sanskrit and An English Translation
    af Svatmarama
    182,95 kr.

  • - Reclaiming your power, creativity, brilliance, and dreams
    af Debbie Ford
    125,95 kr.

    In this enlightening guide, Debbie Ford explains that the dark side of our personality should not be hidden. By denying our dark side, we reject these aspects of our true natures rather than giving ourselves the freedom to live authentically. Here she shows that it is possible to acknowledge and accept our so-called weaknesses, proving that these qualities may be important, hidden strengths. For example, perhaps some 'selfishness' can save us from exhaustion and resentment. Full of illuminating stories and practical exercises, Debbie Ford shows us how to reconcile our darker impulses and find the gifts they offer. Your life will be transformed when you unconceal, own, and embrace your shadow.

  • - The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
    af Richard Bach
    112,95 kr.

    For disillusioned writer and itinerant barnstormer Richard Bach, belief is as real as a full tank of gas and sparks firing in the cylinders ...until he meets Donald Shimoda - former mechanic and self-described messiah who can make wrenches fly and Richard's imagination soar...

  • af Paulo Coelho
    95,95 kr.

    In this gripping story, Paulo Coelho is on a quest for the ultimate in self-knowledge, wisdom and spiritual mastery.

  • af John Buchanan-Brown, Jean Chevalier & Alain Gheerbrant
    185,95 kr.

  • - The Practice Manual
    af David Swenson
    290,95 kr.

  • af Louise Hay
    117,95 kr.

    World famous teacher has already helped millions of people to free themselves from the cycles of fear, stress, and guilt which limit our lives. This book develops the ideas that she explores in You Can Heal Your Life, the multi-million bestseller, and teaches you how to build up your emotional and mental immune systems.

  • - Hemmeligheden bag verden bedste sportsfolk
    af Rasmus Ankersen
    227,95 kr.

    Forfatteren Rasmus Ankersen har besøgt seks steder, der masseproducerer sportsfolk i verdensklass. Hvordan kan det være, at alle de bedste langdistanceløbere i verden kommer fra to steder: En landsby i Etiopien og en landsby i Kenya? Hvorfor er der 10 russere blandt verdens 50 bedste kvindelige tennisspillere, mens USA kun har to spillere i top 50? Og hvordan kunne et lille land som Jamaica vinde syv guldmedaljer i sprintdisciplinerne ved VM i Berlin 2009? Disse spørgsmål besvarer forfatteren Rasmus Ankersen i sin nye bog ”Guldminerne – hemmeligheden bag verdens bedste sportsfolk”. Rasmus Ankersen har rejst til seks steder i verden med en usædvanlig høj koncentration af elitesportsfolk. Her har han undersøgt sportsfolkenes levestil og træningsmetoder og talt med trænerne, der står bag de imponerende resultater. I bogen afliver forfatteren talentbegrebet. Den vigtigste faktor for at kunne levere toppræstationer er træning i ekstremt store mængder. 10.000 timer er minimum for at nå toppen, fastslår den 27-årige forfatter. ”For at kunne træne så meget, har du brug for sult og masser af den. Men træningsmængden gør det ikke alene. Det handler også om kvaliteten af den. Du har brug for ærlig og konstant feedback, for kompetente trænere og et offensivt mindset. Alt det forener guldminerne”, siger Rasmus Ankersen.

  • af Gregg Braden
    43,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • - inkl. CD
    af Henning Daverne
    164,95 kr.

    Hvis meditation var en pille, som kunne give dig større indvendig ro, mindre stress, bedre kropslig velvære og mere succes i erhvervslivet, ville du så tage den? Ved at integrere meditation som et værktøj i sin hverdag, kan man opnå alle disse fordele. Det er en udbredt opfattelse, at meditation er noget der kræver fred og ro, lotusstilling, lukkede øjne og tændte røgelsespinde. Det er svært at forestille sig for et travlt karrieremenneske, der ofte ikke engang får tid til frokost. Men Henning Daverne er ikke i tvivl: hvis du ønsker at fokusere din opmærksomhed og blive den bedste udgave af dig selv, er meditation et fantastisk redskab. Bogen giver en velskrevet og kvalificeret hjælp til at finde den indre ro i en travl hverdag – og den gode begrundelse for at gå i gang med at meditere. Bare 4x5 minutter om dagen kan gøre en forskel. Bogen indeholder også en cd – og så er hjælpen til at komme i gang lige for. Henning Daverne har undervist mere end 20.000 mennesker og betragtes i dag som en af spidskompetencerne i Danmark inden for Erhvervsmeditation. Han har en baggrund indenfor kampsport, fitness, traditionel kinesisk medicin og selvudvikling. Han rangerer blandt de højst graduerede kampkunstsudøvere i Europa. Meditation er ikke bare en personlig sag, som er løsrevet fra dagligdagens gøremål – også arbejdet. ”Jeg ser netop meditation som en forudsætning for at agere bedst muligt i alle livets sammenhænge – og i høj grad også på arbejde.. meditation er først og fremmest et værktøj og en tilstand, som den vestlige verden først er ved at forstå omfanget af”, mener Henning Daverne Bogen henvender sig til alle travle mennesker, der ønsker at finde vejen til en indre ro. Både dem, der i forvejen har en interesse for det spirituelle, og i meget høj grad også til dem, der ikke ved noget om emnet eller ikke tidligere har interesseret sig for spiritualitet. Se Henning Daverne i Go'morgen Danmark Se Henning Daverne, og hør reaktioner på et af hans foredrag.

  • af Anne Bech
    43,95 - 205,95 kr.

    Har du altid drømt om flad mave, slankere lår, lækre arme eller en mindre numse? Men bliver de ekstra kilo siddende – uanset hvor sundt du spiser, og hvor meget du træner? Så er denne bog til dig. I "TAB DIG HVOR DU VIL" får du fitnessekspert og bestsellerforfatter Anne Bechs kost- og træningsplaner, der er skræddersyet til at gøre noget ved netop dit ømme punkt - på bare 10 uger.ANNE BECH har i sine 20 år i fitnessbranchen trænet hundredevis af kvinder og ved, hvad der skal til, hvis du skal de stædige kilo til livs, uanset om de sidder på mave, numse, lår eller arme. I "TAB DIG HVOR DU VIL" får du et målrettet 10 ugers forløb, der fjerner kiloene - en gang for alle. Du får kost- og træningsprogrammer til netop din kropstype og alle de sunde opskrifter og effektive øvelser, du skal bruge for at få drømmekroppen på bare 10 uger.ANNE BECH er personlig træner, fitness-ekspert og kendt fra tv og radio. Hun har været i fitnessbranchen i 20 år og er forfatter til bestsellerne ‘Guide til gudindekrop’, ‘Bikini Bootcamp’, ‘Fit på 100 dage’ og ‘Toptrimmet på 12 uger’.

  • af Eckhart Tolle
    167,95 kr.

    Bogen fortsætter, hvor Nuets kraft sluttede. I afsnit som Ro og stilhed, Hinsides det tænkende sind, Det ego-orienterede selv, Nuet, Hvem du virkelig er, Accept og overgivelse, Natur, Forhold til andre, Døden og det evige, Lidelse og lidelsens ophør fortæller Tolle, hvordan man kan få mere ud af livet og aflægge et par af de vaner, der forhindrer os i at nyde den fred og stilhed, som altid har været der - lige neden under dagligdagens trummerum.

  • - Meditationer og øvelser
    af Eckhart Tolle
    167,95 kr.

    »Alt, hvad du virkeligheden behøver, er at acceptere dette øjeblik fuldt ud. Så føler du dig hjemem her og nu og hjemme i dig selv«Eckhart Tolle er en af vor tids store spirituelle lærere. Han arbejder direkte med væren i Nuet og viser os, hvordan vi kan overvinde følelsesmæssig smerte og tankens tyranni ved at være fuldkommen nærværende. Tolles ord er fulde af indsigter og giver os glimt af en større virkelighed. Lev i nuets kraft præsenterer en række øvelser, der kan bruges, når man vil tackle de forhindringer, der uvægerligt vil opstå, når man vil ændre vanemæssige grublerier over fortiden og bekymringer for fremtiden.

    105,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • - Essential Kriyas for Women in the Aquarian Age
    af PhD Yogi Bhajan
    297,95 kr.

  • - Japanese Rituals, Recipes, and Arrangements for Thoughtful Living
    af Yumiko Sekine
    237,95 kr.

    Goodbye, Things meets The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up in this elegant guide to creating a beautiful, organised home from the founder of beloved Japanese lifestyle brand Fog Linen Work.

  • - Mastering Breathwork
    af Dan Brule
    152,95 kr.

  • - Your Guide to Mastering the Craft
    af Arin Murphy-Hiscock
    105,95 kr.

    Go beyond the basics of witchcraft and take your study of wicca to the next level: everything you need to know to have a deeper understanding of wicca, its teachings, and the meaning behind its rituals and practices.You’ve bought your crystals and cast your basic spells, planted your herb garden and smudged your home—now what? Wicca: A Modern Practitioner’s Guide takes you beyond the trendy witchy basics to the deeper roots the practice, with explanations of the traditions, beliefs, and rituals that make up the wiccan religion. Learn about Solitary Wicca, which teaches you how to practice wicca—whether you work with a coven or practice alone—and goes beyond the “how” of different practices to explore the “why”: for example, when should you create a sacred space rather than cast a circle? How and why do you purify yourself before a ritual? What is grounding, and why is it important for you to ground yourself before doing spellwork? For those who seek them, Wicca has all the answers.

  • af Michelle S. Fondin
    118,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • - Yoga In Your Hands
    af Gertrud Hirschi
    105,95 kr.

    With a foreword by Shelley von Strunkel.Mudras - also playfully called 'finger power points' are yoga positions for your hands and fingers. they can be practiced sitting, lying down, standing or walking, at any time and place!Schooled in the traditional knowledge of this Eastern art of healing, Gertrud Hirschi, the well-known Swiss yoga teacher and author of Basic Yoga for Everybody, shows you how these easy techniques can recharge your personal energy reserves and improve your quality of living. Use these mysterious healing gestures to calm the stress, aggravations and frustrations of every day life. In Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands, you will learn:- How you can apply these simple exercises to prevent illness and support the healing of a great variety of physical and emotional problems. - How to use mudras to promote your spiritual development. - How you can additionally intensify the effect with breathing exercises, affirmations, visualisations, herbs, nutrition, music and colours. Also included are several full body mudras and exercises to enhance your meditation and yoga practice.

  • - The Modern Science of Mental Health
    af L. Ron Hubbard
    155,95 - 447,95 kr.

    Describes the human mind. This book presents the anatomy and full description of the reactive mind, the previously unknown source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurities which enslave Man. It shows you how to get rid of it, and so achieve something Man has previously only dreamed of: the State of Clear.

  • af Diana Cooper & Shaaron Hutton
    105,95 kr.

    During its 1500-year Golden Age, Atlantis was at the height of its spiritual strength. Its inhabitants enjoyed incredible gifts including healing, levitation, clairvoyance and telepathy.Now, for the first time, world-renowned spiritual author Diana Cooper presents us with the first comprehensive guide to understanding the Golden Age of Atlantis. Discover the history and society of this most spiritual place and time, from the origins of Atlantis to the forces that finally caused its destruction. As well as revealing how to understand and use the Atlanteans' spiritual powers, Diana shows us how they lived, with new information about their homes, work, and their religious and social life.Diana reveals new information on the Temple of Poseidon, the Great Crystal of Atlantis and the original Sphinx, as well as on the awesome wisdom of the famous crystal skulls.There are easy-to-follow exercises to develop your spiritual powers, some of which were used by the High Priests and Priestesses themselves.Accessible yet inspirational, this book is the only guide you will need to understand the history of Atlantis - and how to harness its unique powers for yourself.

  • af A. H. Almaas
    195,95 kr.

    The opening installment in a five-volume series on the Diamond Approach-a path to greater self- and spiritual realization-presented by its founder Founded by spiritual teacher A. H. Almaas, the Diamond Approach presents a unique path to enlightenment that borrows from modern psychology and therapy. Through the method's core practice of inquiry, practitioners engage with their inner world-the very qualities and experiences that make them human-as a means of unlocking their potential and discovering the true power of their spiritual nature. This five-volume series is a collection of Almaas' lectures on the Diamond Approach. In Elements of the Real Man, he covers topics such as faith, commitment, nobility and suffering, truth and compassion, allowing, and growing up. Through these talks, Almaas offers valuable guidance and advice for those on a spiritual path, and he explores the challenges and psychological barriers faced by those seeking self-realization.

  • - A Guide to Liberating Yourself from the Judge Within
    af Byron Brown
    195,95 kr.

    Whether we call it the inner critic, superego, or just plain nag, most of us have a "judge within" who''s constantly on our case. A comprehensive guide to understanding how the inner critic works, this book offers practical, positive suggestions for breaking free of it. Using straightforward language and examples from everyday life, Byron Brown shows:    •  Where the inner judge came from    •  How it operates    •  Why it trips us up    •  Why we believe we need it    •  How to develop awareness of it    •  How to disengage from it    •  The "soul qualities" we can develop to weaken its influence Each chapter begins with an episode of the "Frank and Sue story," dramatically illustrating how the inner critic works; each chapter ends with a simple exercise designed to help the reader move along the path of self-discovery.

  • - Vitality and Good Health through Essential Breath Work
    af Donna Farhi
    257,95 kr.

    A new approach to improving quality of life through your most accessible resource: your breath. Internationally renowned yoga instructor Donna Farhi presents a refreshingly simple and practical guide to reestablishing proper breathing techniques that will dramatically improve your physical and mental health. Complete with more that seventy-five photos and illustrations, The Breathing Book offers a thorough and inspiring program that you can tailor to your specific needs. Whether you need an energy boost or are seeking a safe, hassle-free way to cope with everyday stress, you will find answers here. These safe and easy-to-learn techniques can also be used to treat asthma, depression, eating disorders, insomnia, arthritis, chronic pain, and other debilitating conditions."Donna Farhi has been a student, researcher, and teacher of the breath for many years, and now we get to reap the results of her studies in this exquisite manual." -- Yoga Journal

  • - The Enneagram of Holy Ideas
    af A. H. Almaas
    264,95 kr.

    Facets of Unity presents the Enneagram of Holy Ideas as a crystal clear window on the true reality experienced in enlightened consciousness. Here we are not directed toward the psychological types but the higher spiritual realities they reflect. We discover how the disconnection from each Holy Idea leads to the development of its corresponding fixation, thus recognizing each types deeper psychological core. Understanding this core brings each Holy Idea within reach, so its spiritual perspective can serve as a key for unlocking the fixation and freeing us from its limitations.

  • - meditationstekster og bekræftelser
    af Louise L. Hay
    73,95 - 207,95 kr.

    126 tekster over emner som humor, sult, bevidsthed, sygdom, børn osv. til støtte, opmuntring og viden til at klare hverdagen.

  • af Pep Lijnders
    95,95 - 173,95 kr.

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