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  • af Reina Valera Revisada 1960
    60,95 kr.

    Biblia tamaño manual, ultrafina y con letra grande. Tapadura con tela rosada y flores, cinta marcadora y fotos a color de Tierra Santa.Su encuadernación de lujo con tela y flores, con página para dedicatoria, y cinta marcadora, hacen que la Santa Biblia RVR 1960 sea ideal para el uso personal o para regalo. Con letra grande y las palabras de Cristo destacadas en rojo, la Biblia incluye la esencia de Tierra Santa con preciosas imágenes a todo color, que nos invitan a orar por el pueblo de Israel. Esta elegante edición conserva la belleza clásica y la elocuencia de la Reina Valera Revisada 1960. Liviana, práctica y resistente, su encuadernación alegre y elegante la hace perfecta para acompañarte a todas partes, para la lectura diaria y el uso en la iglesia cada domingo. El texto incluye:• Letra grande que facilita la lectura (10.5 pts)• Concordancia • Palabras de Cristo en rojo• Encabezados visibles para encontrar fácilmente las referencias• Más de 10,000 referencias cruzadas• Plan de salvación• 16 páginas con imágenes a todo color de Tierra Santa • Cinco formas cristianas de apoyo a Israel Además, esta edición Reina Valera Revisada 1960 ofrece: • Encuadernación tapa dura con tela• Resistente y durable• Ultrafina• Página para dedicatoria• Cinta marcadora• Tamaño: 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 pulgadas (13.6 cm x 20.3 cm)• 1,216 páginasENGLISH DESCRIPTIONMedium size Bible, thinline, with large print. Hardcover floral design with pale pink cloth, ribbon marker, and images of the Holy Land. The RVR 1960 Spanish Bible  has a quality bookbinding with floral cloth, a dedication page, and a ribbon marker —ideal for personal use, or to give away as a gift.  With a large font and the words of Christ in red, this Bible features the essence of the Holy Land through beautiful illustrations in full color, inviting us to pray for the people of Israel.   This is an elegant edition that retains the classical beauty and eloquence of the Reina Valera Revisada 1960. Light, practical, and durable, it is perfect to take anywhere with you for your daily reading, or to church on Sunday.   The text includes:   •Easy-reading large print (10.5 pts) •Concordance •Words of Christ in red •Visible headers to find references easier •Over 10,000 crossed references •Plan of salvation •16 pages with full-color photographs of the Holy Land •5 ways Christians can show their support for Israel   In addition, this Reina Valera Revisada 1960 edition has:    •Hardcover binding •Resistance and durability •Ultrafine •Dedication page •Marker ribbon •Size: 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 inches (13.6 cm x 20.3 cm) •1,216 pages

  • af Artur Kilian Vogel
    50,95 kr.

    Sommer 1984. In Genf trifft sich die Sippe zur Feier des siebzigsten Hochzeitstages von Großvater Henri und Großmutter Gabrielle Corbaz-de Blanchard. Kinder und Enkel des greisen Paares sind aus der Waadt, dem Wallis, aus Bern, Luzern, Baden und der Ostschweiz, aus Frankreich und Schottland angereist. Der Deutschschweizer Familienzweig hat sich in vier Generationen aus der schreienden ländlichen Armut des Bernbietes emporgearbeitet; bei den Welschen ist es eher umgekehrt: Genfer Patrizier und Waadtländer Großbürger riskieren den Abstieg, weil sie träge geworden sind. Die Familie genießt ein lukullisches Mahl und trifft sich zwischen den Gängen in wechselnden Gruppierungen im Garten zum Rauchen und Tratschen. Dabei kommen nach und nach diverse peinliche Geheimnisse ans Tageslicht, welche der Clan viele Jahre lang geflissentlich unter den Teppich gekehrt hat.

  • af Anna Heringer
    78,95 kr.

    Lehmbau gehört nicht nur zu den ältesten, sondern auch zu den modernsten Bauweisen unserer Zeit. Welche ökonomischen, ökologischen und sozialen Chancen liegen in der verstärkten Nutzung von Erde als Baumaterial? Zement als wichtiger Bestandteil von Beton wird - wie andere knappe Ressourcen auch - in Zukunft nur noch begrenzt herstellbar sein und immer teurer gehandelt werden. Es ist notwendig, alternativen Baumaterialien mehr Beachtung zu schenken.Dieser Band stellt ein weites Spektrum gebauter und ungebauter Projekte sowie neue Strategien zur Realisierung von Lehmarchitektur vor - eine Bauweise, die jeder Kultur und jedem Kontext angepasst werden kann. Die Autoren präsentieren anhand eindrucksvoller Beispiele bahnbrechende technologische Innovationen, wobei sie die Vorteile dieses Materials veranschaulichen: von der weltweiten Verfügbarkeit bis zur Möglichkeit der vollständigen Wiederverwertung, von der klimaneutralen Produktion bis zum sozialverträglichen Einsatz insbesondere auch in Schwellenländern. Dieses Buch zeigt die erstaunlichen Potenziale der Lehmarchitektur auf - für die Menschen und für den ganzen Planeten.

  • af Stiftung Humboldt Forum
    57,95 kr.

    Die Naga bilden eine Minderheit im Nordosten Indiens und im Nordwesten Myanmars - und bestehen zugleich aus über 30 verschiedenen Ethnien: drei bis vier Millionen Menschen, mit zahlreichen Sprachen. Wie gelingt es ihnen, ihre traditionellen Überlieferungen zu bewahren und in veränderte Lebensweisen zu integrieren? Wie passen moderne Tattoos, Mode und Social Media zusammen? Welche Rolle spielt die christliche Religion? Autor/-innen u. a. aus Nagaland beschreiben unterschiedliche Facetten ihrer gegenwärtigen und vergangenen Kultur und lassen die um zeitgenössische Gegenstände ergänzte Naga-Sammlung des Ethnologischen Museums Berlin in neuem Licht erscheinen. Die Künstlerin Zubeni Lotha veranschaulicht das heutige Leben der Naga in beeindruckenden Fotografien.

  • af R. A. Salvatore
    22,95 kr.

  • af Sabine Bohlmann
    26,95 kr.

    So macht Lesen lernen Spaß: Lustiges Erstleserbuch über den kleinen Siebenschläfer Der kleine Siebenschläfer ist sehr aufgeregt, denn heute ist sein erster Schultag! Zum Glück ist er mit seinem besten Freund, der Haselmaus, unterwegs. Zusammen gehen sie mit ihren prall gefüllten Blättertüten in die Waldschule, wo ihre Lehrerin schon auf sie wartet. Sie lernen die anderen Tierkinder kennen, machen Pause und finden heraus, was jedes Tier am besten kann. Und was kann der kleine Siebenschläfer am besten? Genau, einschlafen! Besonders nach so einem turbulenten Tag wie heute. Das ideale Geschenk für alle Kinder, die die Bilderbücher vom kleinen Siebenschläfer lieben und nun Schulkinder sind. Ebenfalls in der Reihe Kleine Lesehelden erschienen: "Die kleine Hexe" von Otfried Preußler "Der Räuber Hotzenplotz" von Otfried Preußler "Milla und die sehr gefräßige Schule" von Ralph Caspers

  • af Annette Moser
    26,95 kr.

    Ihr denkt, wir Mäuse wären klein?Dann werdet ihr gleich neidisch sein.Ich reck mein Schnäuzchen in die Luft,hoch bis zur Blume ¿ welch ein Duft!Pah, da kann der Waschbär nur müde lachen: Er reicht schon bis zur Wäscheleine. Doch das Schaf und der Bär sind noch viel größer. Und die Giraffe? Klar, die überragt alle. Mit ihrem langen Hals erreicht sie selbst die höchsten Baumkronen.Und wie groß bist du?Die Messlatte auf der Rückseite verrät es dir und begleitet dich beim Großwerden.

    27,95 kr.

    Die Neubearbeitung der WELT DER ZAHL wurde passgenau zum aktuellen Bildungsplan für Baden-Württemberg entwickelt.Sie legt großen Wert auf eine klare Struktur, welche die Orientierung auf der einzelnen Seite sowie im Buch insgesamt erleichtert. Die verschiedenen Inhaltsbereiche im Schülerbuch sind den inhaltsbezogenen Kompetenzen des Lehrplans entsprechend farblich gekennzeichnet. Die zu erwerbenden prozessbezogenen Kompetenzen sind im Inhaltsverzeichnis erkennbar. Die Aufgaben im Schülerbuch und in den Begleitmaterialien sind nach den drei Anforderungsbereichen der Bildungsstandards kenntlich gemacht.Durch beziehungsreiche Lernangebote werden die Kinder ermutigt, eigene Wege zu gehen, diese zu formulieren und gemeinsam zu reflektieren. Dabei entsteht ein Wortspeicher, der Fachsprache und Grundvorstellungen miteinander verbindet. Im Sinne einer Zieltransparenz werden die Kinder angeregt, ihre Arbeitsergebnisse selbst einzuschätzen und zunehmend selbst Verantwortung für ihr weiteres Lernen zu übernehmen.Motivierende Aufgabenformate bieten mit einer sanften Progression des Schwierigkeitsgrads die Möglichkeit einer natürlichen Differenzierung: Die Kinder arbeiten auf unterschiedlichem Niveau mit unterschiedlichem Tempo am selben Thema. Die Aufforderung zu Eigenproduktionen stärkt ihr Selbstbewusstsein.Die Digitalen Lehrermaterialien auf DVD bieten neben Kommentaren und einer Fülle an zusätzlichen Materialien das Schülerbuch als E-Book, das auch zur Präsentation im Unterricht eingesetzt werden kann.Ein umfangreiches Angebot an Zusatzmaterialien aus der ZAHLENWERKSTATT, z. B. zum Fördern und Fordern, vertieft und erweitert die Angebote des Schülerbuchs. Neben Heften, Postern und Ähnlichem stehen hierfür auch Interaktive Übungen zur Arbeit an Tablet oder PC zur Auswahl.Für den inklusiven Unterricht mit WELT DER ZAHL stehen insbesondere für Kinder, die zieldifferent in einer Grundschulklasse unterrichtet werden, zusätzliche Arbeitshefte zur Verfügung.

  • af Wendy Yanagihara
    57,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you.

  • af Arne Svingen, Line Hansen Hjellup, Joron Pihl & mfl.
    99,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er skolebiblioteket viktig og hvilken rolle bør det ha i skolen? Skolebiblioteket. Læring og leseglede i grunnskolen er en bok som forklarer hvorfor skolebiblioteket bør være en sentral del av den pedagogiske virksomheten i enhver skole. Denne boka vil bevisstgjøre deg som lærer, lærerstudent eller skolebibliotekar på gevinstene ved å gi skolebiblioteket en sentral posisjon i leseopplæringen. Boka er fylt med gode, praktiske eksempler på hvordan man legger til rette for læring og leseglede gjennom aktiv bruk av skolebiblioteket.Skolebiblioteket. Læring og leseglede i grunnskolen viser hvordan helhetlig tenkning rundt lesing og skolebibliotek må være prioritert i hele skolestrukturen, fra pedagog til skoleeier. Dette gir resultater som ikke bare gir gode lesere, men som på sikt også vil bidra til reflekterte, demokratiske borgere.Gjennom både teoretiske og praktiske tilnærminger understreker forfatterne betydningen av tett samarbeid mellom pedagoger og skolebibliotekarer. På ulike måter viser forfatterne viktigheten av leseglede og hvordan man kan arbeide målrettet og systematisk for å stimulere til lesing og leselyst.Boka er skrevet for lærerstudenter og lærere, samt for folkebibliotekarer, skolebibliotekarer og rektorer.

  • af Planet Lonely
    53,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Cancun, Cozumel & the Yucatan is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you.

  • - Everyday Slang from 'What's Up?' to 'F*%# Off!'
    af Gabrielle Euvino
    34,95 kr.

    Learn the slang words, modern phrases, and curses they definitely never taught you in Italian class with this super-handy and hilariously improper English-Italian phrasebook.You already know enough Italian to get by, but you want to be able to tell those inside jokes, greet your friends in a laid-back manner, and casually pick someone up at a bar. From “What’s up?” to “Wanna go home with me?” Dirty Italian will teach you how to speak like you're a regular on the streets of Milan or Rome. But you’ll also discover material that goes beyond a traditional phrasebook, including:  Hilarious insults Provocative facts Explicit swear words Themed Italian cocktails And more! Next time you’re traveling or chatting with your Italian friends, pick up this book, drop the textbook formality, and get dirty!

  • - A Clinical Approach
    519,95 kr.

    Comparative Veterinary Anatomy: A Clinical Approach describes the comprehensive, clinical application of anatomy for veterinarians, veterinary students, allied health professionals and undergraduate students majoring in biology and zoology. The book covers the applied anatomy of dogs, cats, horses, cows and other farm animals, with a short section on avian/exotics, with a focus on specific clinical anatomical topics. The work improves the understanding of basic veterinary anatomy by making it relevant in the context of common clinical problems. This book will serve as a single-source reference on the application of important anatomical structures in a clinical setting. Students, practitioners and specialists will find this information easy-to-use and well-illustrated, thus presenting an accurate representation of essential anatomical structures that relates to real-life clinical situations in veterinary medicine.

  • af Jenny Ashcroft
    47,95 - 108,95 kr.

    How far would you travel to find home? A captivating and sweeping historical love story, set against the raw beauty and epic expanse of a cattle station in rural Queensland from the much-loved Jenny Ashcroft.

  • af Amalie Smith
    53,95 - 126,95 kr.

    Recently unearthed from the ground, Marble leaves her new lover in Copenhagen and travels to Athens. The city is overflowing with colour, steam and fragrance, cats cry like babies at night, the economic crisis is raging. In this volatile landscape, Marble grasps the world by exploring its immediate surfaces. Capturing specks of colour on ancient sculptures in the Acropolis Museum with an infrared camera, she simultaneously traces the pioneering sculptor Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen, who spent several months in the same place 110 years earlier. Far away from her husband and children, Carl-Nielsen showed that Archaic sculptures were originally painted in bright colours – a feat which meant defying Victorian gender roles and jeopardising her marriage.Amalie Smith ignites everyday encounters into sites of revelation and metamorphosis. Sensuous and electric, yet admirably forensic in its approach to mineral life, Marble is a galvanizing novel about the materials life is made of, about korai and sponge diving, about looking and looking again, written in a spare and pellucid style.

  • af Aino Corry
    77,95 kr.

    Retrospectives are indispensable for continuous learning and improvement in Lean, Agile, DevOps, and other contexts, but most of us have suffered through at least one retrospective that was a waste of time, or worse. Now, leading agile coach Aino Vonge Corry identifies 24 reasons that retrospectives fail and shows how to overcome each of them. Using the familiar patterns approach, Retrospectives Antipatterns introduces antipatterns related to structure, planning, people, distributed teams, and more. Corry shares traps shes encountered and mistakes shes made over more than a decade of leading retrospectives and then presents proven solutions. With her insights and guidance, you can run enjoyable retrospectives that deliver concrete improvements and real value--or at the very least recognise when you are making the same mistake as the author! Create a common language, actionable solutions, and proven plans for solving the retrospective problems youll encounter most often Recognise symptoms, assess tradeoffs, and refactor your current situation into something better Plan more effectively: decide who should attend and facilitate, when to schedule your retrospective, and how much time to set aside Handle people problems: deal with negativity, silence, distrust, disillusionment, loudmouths, and cultural differences Facilitate better virtual retrospectives, with tips for online retrospectives included in each antipattern

  • af Lonely Planet
    74,95 kr.

    7th edition November 2017. 896 pages in full colour. Lonely Planet Caribbean Islands is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Travel back to the 18th century as you wander along cobbled lanes and past meticulously restored buildings at English Harbour, Antigua; hoist a jib and set sail from sailing fantasyland, Tortola, and enjoy the journey to one of the 50 or so isles making up the British Virgin Islands; or hit the atmospheric streets of Cuba's Habana Vieja and join in the living musical soundtrack of rumba, salsa, son and reggaeton; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Caribbean Islands and begin your journey now!

  • af Mair-Dumont
    33,95 kr.

    Falset kort i målestokken 1:200.000. Register med stednavne er indsat i et lille hæfte som også indeholder 6 bykort og afstandstabeller. 7 selvklæbende markeringspile gør det nemt at bevare overblikket.

  • af Beth C. Spacey
    289,95 kr.

    First comprehensive study of miracles in Crusade narrative, showing how and why they were deployed by their authors.The medieval Latin Christian narratives of the crusades are replete with references to miracles, visions and signs. Mysterious white-clad knights lead crusader armies to victory in battle, Christ and the saints offer guidance in visions, and great signs are seen in the skies. However, despite the frequent appearance of these themes in the sources, and the evident importance of these ideas to the narratives which describe them, scholars have often analysedexamples in isolation. This book represents the first far-reaching examination of the miraculous in crusade narrative, offering an analysis of the role of miracles, marvels, visions, dreams, signs and augury in narratives ofthe crusades of 1096 to 1204 and produced between c.1099 and c.1250. It argues that the miraculous and its related themes represented a powerful tool for the authors of crusade narrative because of its ability to convey divine agency and will, ideas which were central to the belief held among Latin Christian contemporaries that crusade was divinely inspired and spiritually salvific. Overall, the volume demonstrates how the authors of crusade narrative drewupon various intellectual authorities on the miraculous in the service of their narrative agendas and reveals how the use of the miraculous changed as authors were forced to respond to the challenges of narrating crusade during this period. BETH C. SPACEY is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Queensland.

  • - The Inconvenient Pragmatic Truth
    af Kevin Lee Smith
    97,95 kr.

    So, why did I decide to compile this book.I believe that TOGAF has done more to damage the EA "profession" (such as it isn't!) than anything else in the world, and that the EA "profession" would be in a much better place today if TOGAF had never existed.There are two main confusions that exist with regards to peoples (practitioners and management) understanding of EA. Most people (90% perhaps) think that "it's all about IT". Most people (90% perhaps) think that its all about running (mostly large) IT projects.And the reason for this mass misunderstanding is because this is what TOGAF tends to push. People are told that TOGAF is an EA framework by the confused majority and so new people believe it to, which of course, adds to the majority thinking and saying the same wrong things.These fundamental misunderstandings have to be tackled if an EA profession is to exist.I compiled this book to start a proper debate on the subject and also to allow people to realise that there is a choice out there between which EA frameworks they can use and who they talk to that may have different ideas to The Open Group.Why have so many people been on TOGAF training courses? I believe that everyone goes on TOGAF courses for 2 main reasons: Because everyone else goes on TOGAF courses. (The herd mentality is strong and Nobody ever got fired for - hiring IBM / sending people on a TOGAF training course) Because people do not know there is a choice. The market is saturated with companies and individuals selling TOGAF training courses (a google search of "+TOGAF +Training" returns over 400,000 results) and this saturation feed point 1 above.

  • af Amalie Skram
    47,95 kr.

    With high hopes, Captain Riber embarks with his young bride Aurora on a voyage to exotic destinations. But they are an ill-matched pair; her naive illusions are shattered by the realities of married life, whilst his hopes of domestic bliss are frustrated by his wife's unhappiness.

  • af Kitty Kelley
    50,95 kr.

    The #1 New York Times bestselling, controversial portrait of the British royal family -- as told from behind the palace walls -- for fans of Netflix's The Crown and all royal watchersThey are the most chronicled family on the face of the globe. Their every move attracts headlines. Now Kitty Kelley has gone behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and Kensington Palace to raise the curtain on the men and women who make up the British royal family. Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Princess Diana...here are the scandals of the last decades: the doomed marriages and the husbands, wives, lovers and children caught in their wake and damaged beyond repair. No one is spared.

  • af Frits Remar
    32,95 kr.

    I årevis har en smuglerring styret af bossen Bertie floreret i København. Politiet ved ikke, om det er penge eller trusler, der gør, at ingen vil vidne imod ham, så nu bliver kaptajnløjtnant Lars Nord mere kommanderet til end bedt om at gå undercover. Men først må han vinde Berties tillid, og det er ikke så ligetil, som man kunne håbe.Frits Remar er født i 1932 i København. Efter en meget tilfældig skolegang begyndte han i 1949 at sælge annoncer og har fra 1956 gjort det for De Berlingske Blade, indtil han i foråret 1972 helt helligede sig sine kriminalromaner. Siden debuten i 1967 er der fra hans hånd kommet 2 kortromaner, 12 noveller, 50 kriminalgåder og 36 kriminalromaner.Lars Nords liv i forsvarets efterretningstjeneste sender ham verden rundt og ud i alle mulige vanvittige situationer, men indimellem bliver det lige spændende nok. For eksempel når han er ved at få skåret halsen over af en sindssyg, amerikansk mangemillionær, blive stranguleret i en napolitansk sidegade, forsvinde i et polsk fængsel eller få maven fyldt med maskinpistolkugler af en uruguayansk bandit. Men med lidt held og hjælp fra sine trofaste soldaterkammerater overlever han den ene fare lige tids nok til at nå den næste.

  • af Dave Hewett
    151,95 - 1.604,95 kr.

    This is the ultimate book on what is now an established methodology in teaching the fundamentals of communication to children and adults who have severe learning difficulties or autism.

  • - Les alpinistes professionnels et la peur
    af Christophe Lachnitt
    91,95 kr.

  • af Norimitsu Kaihou (Nitroplus)
    34,95 kr.

    With Ruu-chan as their new companion, the rest of theSchool Living Club are at St. Isidore University. As Yuki''s and the rest searchfor the Randall Corporation, the Militants decide that the moderate members ofthe Circle are the source of the continuing crisis and begin their assault.Meanwhile, Kurumi''s symptoms grow worse. What will become ofher...?

  • af Jenny Kane
    67,95 kr.

  • - A History of the World's Most Liberal City
    af Russell Shorto
    30,95 kr.

    Amsterdam is not just any city. Despite its relative size it has stood alongside its larger cousins - Paris, London, Berlin - and has influenced the modern world to a degree that few other cities have. Sweeping across the city's colourful thousand year history, Amsterdam will bring the place to life: its sights and smells; its politics and people. Concentrating on two significant periods - the late 1500s to the mid 1600s and then from the Second World War to the present, Russell Shorto's masterful biography looks at Amsterdam's central preoccupations. Just as fin-de-siecle Vienna was the birthplace of psychoanalysis, seventeenth century Amsterdam was the wellspring of liberalism, and today it is still a city that takes individual freedom very seriously. A wonderfully evocative book that takes Amsterdam's dramatic past and present and populates it with a whole host of colourful characters, Amsterdam is the definitive book on this great city.

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