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Sprog og grammatik

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  • af Jiang Liping
    303,95 kr.

  • - Baby Sign Language Made Easy
    af Laura Berg
    108,95 kr.

    As confirmed by American Academy of Pediatrics, infant sign language is a boon for enhancing communication between parents and babies, helping to forge an important bond early in a child's life. This book provides step-by-step instructions for parents and other caregivers, and insight into why baby sign language is useful for children of all ages.

  • af Daria Gabryanczyk
    176,95 - 196,95 kr.

    Everything you need to speak Polish quickly and confidently Polish For Dummies gets you started with Polish language basics, so you can communicate with friends and loved ones, work and travel in Poland, or just enjoy the excitement of learning a new language. You'll learn the foundations of Polish grammar and how to engage in basic conversations. With the tried-and-true Dummies language learning method, you'll start speaking authentically right away, so you can interact in everyday situations. You'll also learn about social and cultural references that will help you keep up in Polish conversations. With access to audio files for dialogs in the book, you can improve your listening and pronunciation, too. This book makes it easy and practical to become a Polish speaker. Learn tips and tricks for improving your Polish language skills Access helpful verb conjugation tables, essential vocabulary lists, and straightforward pronunciation guides Master everyday words and phrases Discover Polish history, culture, and common colloquial expressions Polish For Dummies is perfect for anyone who wants to learn the basics of the Polish language or brush up on what they already know--no previous experience needed.

  • - An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslatable Words
    af Ella Frances Sanders
    126,95 kr.

    Did you know that the Japanese have a word to express the way sunlight filters through the leaves of trees? Or, that there's a Swedish word that means a traveller's particular sense of anticipation before a trip? This book includes a collection full of surprises that will make you savour the elusive, untranslatable words that make up a language.

  • - Learn the Two Japanese Alphabets Quickly & Easily with this Japanese Flash Cards Kit (Audio CD Included)
    af Glen McCabe
    183,95 kr.

    Learning to recognize and pronounce the basic hiragana and katakana phonetic alphabets is the first step in studying the Japanese language. This set of 200 flash cards along with accompanying booklet, wall charts, and audio disc contains everything you need to quickly gain mastery of the two Japanese syllabaries and is a great way to learn Japanese. Frequent review is the key to memorizing the characters, and these cards are easily carried in a pocket or purse for a quick review session anytime. This box contains: 200 hole-punched flash cards with an organizing ring. Two 24" x 18" wall charts showing all hiragana and katakana. Native-speaker audio recordings of 1,128 words and phrases. 32-page study booklet with indexes and practice tips.Also available from Tuttle Publishing, Japanese Kanji Flash Cards Kit can be used alongside these flash cards to master written Japanese.All disc content is alternatively accessible on

  • af Scott Berkun
    196,95 kr.

    In this hilarious and highly practical book, author and professional speaker Scott Berkun reveals the techniques behind what great communicators do, and shows how anyone can learn to use them well. For managers and teachers -- and anyone else who talks and expects someone to listen -- Confessions of a Public Speaker provides an insider's perspective on how to effectively present ideas to anyone. It's a unique, entertaining, and instructional romp through the embarrassments and triumphs Scott has experienced over 15 years of speaking to crowds of all sizes.With lively lessons and surprising confessions, you'll get new insights into the art of persuasion -- as well as teaching, learning, and performance -- directly from a master of the trade.Highlights include:Berkun's hard-won and simple philosophy, culled from years of lectures, teaching courses, and hours of appearances on NPR, MSNBC, and CNBCPractical advice, including how to work a tough room, the science of not boring people, how to survive the attack of the butterflies, and what to do when things go wrongThe inside scoop on who earns $30,000 for a one-hour lecture and whyThe worst -- and funniest -- disaster stories you've ever heard (plus countermoves you can use)Filled with humorous and illuminating stories of thrilling performances and real-life disasters, Confessions of a Public Speaker is inspirational, devastatingly honest, and a blast to read.

  • - Third edition revised
    af Oxford Languages
    193,95 kr.

    This is a revised edition of the Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English, which gives excellent coverage of essential vocabulary. This revised edition includes a wide selection of new words and phrases, together with all the latest vocabulary, and extra advice on how to improve your writing.

    186,95 kr.

    A reference work for those looking for help in order to write a letter, prepare a speech, solve a crossword, or write any manner of prose or poem. It includes various buzzwords and phrases, information about signs of the zodiac and the origins of familiar quotations.

  • - A Textbook for Beginning ArabicPart One
    af Kristen Brustad
    760,95 kr.

    Develops skills in standard Arabic while providing additional material in both colloquial and classical Arabic. Providing approximately 150 contact hours of college-level instruction, this edition includes audio tracks for vocabulary sections, and, a DVD containing substantially more material that exposes the learner to Egyptian Arabic.

  • - Book 2
    af Imran Alawiye
    91,95 kr.

    Gateway to Arabic is an enlightening work by author Imran Alawiye. Published in 2005, this book has stood the test of time and continues to be a valuable resource for those interested in the Arabic language. As the title suggests, it serves as an entry point for beginners and a comprehensive guide for those looking to deepen their understanding. The book is a testament to Alawiye's expertise and passion for the Arabic language, with each chapter crafted to enhance the learning experience. It covers a broad range of topics, from basic grammar to complex sentence structures, making it a versatile tool for both self-study and classroom use. The book's publication by Anglo-Arabic Graphics Ltd further underscores its credibility and commitment to delivering high-quality educational resources. Whether you're a language enthusiast or a professional seeking to expand your linguistic skills, Gateway to Arabic is a book that deserves a place on your bookshelf.

  • - Bescherelle 12 000 Verbs. Complete Guide to Conjugating Verbs
    af Bescherelle
    157,95 kr.

  • - En guide til akademisk skrivning
    af Charlotte Wegener
    148,95 - 199,94 kr.

    Denne bog handler om glæden ved at skrive. Den er et alternativ til forestillingen om, at det nødvendigvis er et surt slid at skrive; at skrivning forudsætter lange, uforstyrrede tidsrum; og at skrivning er det, man gør til sidst for at præsentere, præstere og publicere. Skriv med glæde præsenterer indsigter fra skriveforskningen, fortællinger om at skrive og giver en lang række ideer til at skabe vaner og finde inspiration, så skrivning bliver en måde at tænke, lære og være i verden på. Den handler om at blive og være et skrivende menneske. Bogen henvender sig til studerende, til undervisere og konsulenter, der skal publicere fra forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter, og til forskere, som mangler energi i deres egen eller deres studerendes skrivning. Den er til dem, der gerne vil have mere lystbetonede og fleksible skriveprocesser og til dem, der skal hjælpe andre med at få det.

  • af Charlotte Reusch & Solveig Troelsen
    50,95 kr.

    I dette hæfte, som introducerer til Skrivning og skriveundervisning (1.-6. klassetrin), demonstrerer Charlotte Reusch og Solveig Troelsen med udgangspunkt i forskningsbaseret viden om skrivedidaktik veje til god skriveundervisning og skriveudvikling. I hæftet lægges der vægt på at belyse skrivedidaktik ud fra primært to perspektiver. For det første giver hæftet læseren en forståelse af det at arbejde med elevens skriveudvikling set ud fra et elevperspektiv, fx elevens forsøg på at erobre skriftsproget og gøre det til et funktionelt kommunikationsmiddel med en klar hensigt og en veldefineret modtager. For det andet tager hæftet fat på de udfordringer, som læreren står over for i sin konkrete undervisning. Hvad skal en lærerstuderende i dansk vide og kunne for at kunne tilrettelægge hensigtsmæssige rammer om elevernes skrivning? Kapitlet forsøger at besvare de to centrale udfordringer gennem en afbalanceret forståelse af teori og praksis, så praktikeren oplever teorien som en nyttig forståelsesramme, idet begreber gøres praktisk anvendelige uden at give køb på den faglige og videnskabelige substans. Endelig præsenterer hæftet en model til analyse af elevernes tekster efterfulgt af eksemplariske tekstanalyser af forskellige genrer og en didaktisk model til lærerens planlægning af skriveundervisning. Der gives eksempler på opgaver, den studerende kan forfølge i praktik og bruge som studieopgaver. Hæftet er et særtryk af et kapitel fra serien Lærerprofiler i dansk. Serien, som omfatter tre bind, introducerer til det nye dansk fag i læreruddannelsen (2013), herunder de i alt otte kompetenceområder for hhv. 1.-6. klassetrin og 4.-10. klassetrin.

  • - Begyndersprog
    84,95 kr.

    Dette nummer af Sprogforum om begyndersprog indeholder en række artikler som fra forskellige vinkler illustrerer, belyser og analyserer arbejdet med begyndersprog fra folkeskolens yngste elever til studerende på universitetet. Spørgsmålene, som tages op, er mange: Hvornår skal begyndersprog begynde? I 1., 3. eller 5. klasse? Hvordan skal vi undervise i begyndersprog? Hvilke materialer skal vi bruge, og hvilken rolle spiller læreren, eleven, sproget og konteksten? Bidragene i dette nummer af Sprogforum er meget forskellige, men udspringer alle af en fælles interesse for begyndersprog, pædagogik og sproglæring.Der ser ud til at være momentum for begyndersprog i Danmark ─ ikke mindst foranlediget af den nye skolereform som indebærer at eleverne i folkeskolen fra august skal starte tidligere med både engelsk, tysk og fransk. Det betyder, at man får yngre elever og nye sammenhænge i både social, kognitiv og emotionel forstand. Hermed vil der komme nye udfordringer i læreruddannelserne og i forhold til de kvalifikationer, lærerne skal have.Det drejer sig især om nye sproglige og pædagogiske udfordringer. Og måske også udfordringer af den gode slags, for med yngre børn er man nødt til at tænke kreativt og arbejde ud fra kommunikative principper; grammatik vil som udgangspunkt ikke være en farbar vej for at lære det nye sprog. Lærerne må tage sprogligt afsæt i det børnene interesserer sig for, det de ved noget om, og det de synes er sjovt, så de opretholder glæden ved at lære sprog.Læs engelske abstracts fra Beginner Language her.

  • af Rebecca Wilms
    67,95 kr.

    ’Babytegn’ giver en introduktion til babytegn og vejleder i, hvordan du og din baby kommer i gang med at bruge babytegn sammen. Bogen bygger på den nyeste forskning om babyers udvikling ved brug af babytegn, samt nye skandinaviske undersøgelser om babytegn.Du kan blandt andet læse om barnets sproglige og motoriske udvikling, og hvordan babytegn fungerer som kommunikationsredskab der hjælper dit barn frem mod et godt sprog og færre frustrationer. I bogen finder du alle de babytegn som I får brug for, ligesom der er lærerige sange, som du kan bruge sammen med din baby.’Babytegn’ kan bruges af forældre, bedsteforældre samt pædagoger og andre der arbejder med de mindste børn.Babytegn kan benyttes fra baby er 0 til 3 år.Forfatteren Rebecca Wilms har undervist i brugen af babytegn i institutioner og mødregrupper siden 2009. I 2010 udviklede hun konceptet BabySigning - en kombination af rytmik og babytegn, som giver børn og forældre mulighed for at lære babytegn på en nem, lærerig og sjov måde.

  • af Peter Fregerslev
    238,95 - 304,95 kr.

    En grundbog til arbejdet med faktiske tekster i undervisningsfaget dansk i læreruddannelsen og en inspirationsbog til alle, der interesserer sig for argumentation. Peter Fregerslev præsenterer en række sproglige analyseværktøjer og demonstrerer, hvordan et fokus på argumentation kan danne en rød tråd i arbejdet med faktiske tekster. Forfatteren introducerer til en kommunikativ didaktik, hvor undervisning bygges op i tæt samspil mellem receptive og produktive læringsformer, og hvor der er vægt på mundtlighed, skriftlighed og argumentationsanalyse. Argumentation og faktiske tekster kan anvendes inden for flere faglige moduler i læreruddannelsen. Således både lokale moduler om faktiske tekster og de nationale moduler Literacy og Multimodale tekster. Bogen retter sig umiddelbart mod læreruddannelsen, men kan også anvendes i mange andre uddannelser: på gymnasier, på journalistuddannelsen og inden for diverse universitetsuddannelser.

  • - Spansk minigrammatik
    af Birgit Tengberg
    110,95 - 223,95 kr.

    Lommetyren er en overskuelig spansk minigrammatik, som hjælper dig med at få styr på vigtige strukturer og overblik over reglerne. Lommetyren er meget enkel i sin opsætning, og med korte forklaringer og mundrette eksempler er det en nem grammatik at anvende. Lommetyren er en beskåret udgave af den spanske grammatik Tag tyren ved hornene.

  • af Kaare Thomsen
    138,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Vil du være god til at formulere dig skriftligt? Med denne bog kan du lære det selv! Bogens mange opskrifter og eksempler er lige til at bruge. Til alle emnerne hører øvelser med løsningsforslag så du kan træne i dit eget tempo.Resultatet vil være at dine budskaber fremstår klare, professionelle og overbevisende.Emner:- Mails og breve- Letlæseligt (fag)sprog- Afsnit der hænger sammen- Effektfuldt og levende sprog- Skriv som en nyhedsjournalist- Få modtageren til at gøre hvad du ønsker- Fra idé til færdig tekst

  • af Zondervan
    108,95 - 113,95 kr.

  • af Julia Cameron
    186,95 kr.

    'Without The Artist's Way, there would be no Eat, Pray, Love' - ELIZABETH GILBERTWATKINS TOP 100 MOST SPIRITUALLY INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OF 2023How can we tap into the wisdom inside ourselves?LIVING THE ARTIST'S WAY is a Six-Week Artist's Way Program that explores the fourth essential Artist's Way tool of guidance. Bestselling author Julia Cameron has inspired millions through creative recovery with her essential tools including Morning Pages, Artist Dates, Walks, and now, Writing for Guidance. Through the practice of morning rituals and the faith of listening, Julia takes us further and shows how we can set the stage to receive guidance in both our lives and creative art. Writing about how she uses these tools to handle doubts in her life, Living the Artist's Way reveals a personal side and shares her pathway toward a happier, lighter life. Grounding and reassuring, guidance can quell our doubts and fears, and lead us to our inner wisdom and authentic selves. Living the Artist's Way is an invitation to seek the answers to navigate all areas of our lives, by tapping into our own wisdom and ultimately, guiding ourselves back to creativity.

  • af Helga Hilmisdottir & Jacek Kozlowski
    216,95 kr.

  • - Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and learn French the fun way!
    af Olly Richards
    128,95 kr.

    Short Stories in French for Intermediate Learners is an unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories at intermediate level for adult and young adult learners.

  • af Vivian Ling
    166,95 kr.

    The highly anticipated next book in Tuttle's Stories for Language Learners series is here!This book presents 22 classic Chinese proverbs and the traditional tales behind them. The stories are bilingual, with the Chinese and English versions presented on facing pages. Each includes an explanation of how the proverb is used today, cultural notes, vocabulary and discussion questions. Online audio recordings of the tales by native speakers give students a chance to improve their pronunciation and comprehension.Some of the proverbs featured in this collection include:"e;Painting the Eyes on the Dragon"e;Based on the story of a famous court painter in 6th century China who painted dragons, this proverb refers to the finishing touches needed to bring a work of art or literature to life. In a discussion, it refers to the final statements used to clinch the argument."e;Waiting for Rabbits by a Tree Stump"e;Based on an ancient folktale about a foolish farmer who sees a rabbit kill itself in front of him by running into a tree stump, then gives up tilling his field to wait for more rabbits by the stump. This saying is applied to people who wait passively for luck to strike again. It also refers to impractical people who stick to one way of doing things only because it has worked for them once in the past."e;Pure Water Has No Fish; Perfect People Have No Friends"e;Many versions of this historical tale exist. The one told here is about a 2nd century AD official sent to govern a far-flung outpost on the Silk Road who is fastidious in applying strict rules and thereby causes the local people to rebel against him. In the professional world, it is used to refer to people who do not like to work with an overly strict supervisor or colleague.Whether being used in a classroom or for self-study, Chinese Stories for Language Learners provides an educational and entertaining way for intermediate Mandarin learners to expand their vocabulary and understanding of the language.

  • af Nguyen Thi Lien Huong
    136,95 kr.

    A fun and helpful resource for anyone interested in learning some Vietnamesewhether you're 5 or 100!This picture dictionary covers the 1,500 most useful Vietnamese words and phrases. Each word and sentence is given in Vietnamese scriptwith a Romanized version to help you pronounce it correctlyalong with the English meaning. The words are grouped into 40 different themes or topics, including basics like meeting someone new and using public transportation to culture-specific topics like celebrating Vietnamese holidays and eating Vietnamese food.This colorful picture dictionary includes:Over 750 color photographs1,500 culture-specific Vietnamese words and phrases38 different topicsfrom social media and counting to Vietnamese food and holidaysExample sentences showing how the words are usedFree online audio recordings by native Vietnamese speakers of all the vocabulary and sentences to download or streamAn introduction to Vietnamese pronunciation and grammarA bidirectional index to allow you to quickly look up wordsVietnamese Picture Dictionary makes language learning more fun than traditional phrasebooks. This resource is perfect for beginners of all agescurious kids, visual learners and future travelers to Vietnam.

  • - Engage Readers, Tighten and Brighten, Make Your Case
    af Bryan A. Garner
    158,95 - 393,95 kr.

  • - Ancient Eastern wisdom for a flourishing writing life
    af Beth Kempton
    146,95 kr.

    THE ARTIST'S WAY for writing, with a Zen twist and a dash of BIG MAGIC.

  • af Clifford A. Hull, Steven R. Perkins & Tracy L. Barr
    199,95 kr.

    This title provides complete coverage of all Latin language essentials including grammar, usage and vocabulary to have readers reading and speaking Latin in no time. There are many examples to give readers language skills they can use immediately, no matter what their reason for studying.

  • af Educational Testing Service
    494,95 kr.

    Save money and get official TOEFL® test practice with this two-book bundle from ETS, the maker of the TOEFL® test!In this Official TOEFL iBT® Tests Savings Bundle you get the in-depth practice you need to do your best on the TOEFL® test-direct from the test maker! For less than you would pay separately, the bundle packages two uniquely authoritative test guides specially created for TOEFL® test takers by Educational Testing Service.Fully updated to reflect the latest exam, this two-book bundle provides plenty of TOEFL® test-taking practice. Both Official TOEFL iBT® Tests Volume 1, Third Edition and Official TOEFL iBT® Tests, Volume 2 offer you intensive practice with five real TOEFL® tests in print and online. Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on test day. So for intensive TOEFL® practice with real TOEFL® questions at a money-saving price, this bundle is a great choice!The Official TOEFL® Tests Savings Bundle, Second Edition offers:.Significant savings over purchasing each book separately.10 full-length authentic TOEFL® tests.Hundreds of real TOEFL® test questions with answers-so you can get familiar with the types of questions on the test.Downloadable interactive versions of all 10 tests.Audio tracks for all test listening sections

  • - 2000 Key Vocabularies
    af Pinhok Languages
    148,95 kr.

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