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Politisk aktivisme

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  • af Francoise Verges
    168,95 - 933,95 kr.

    A vital feminist manifesto from one of our most inspiring political voices

  • af George Orwell
    52,95 kr.

    HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.

  • af Patrick Alley
    118,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • - My Journey into the Dark Web of White Supremacy
    af Talia Lavin
    118,95 - 186,95 kr.

    Fearless investigative journalist takes a deep dive into the dark world of online racist hatemongers - and shows us how we can fight back

  • - For an Alternative Hedonism
    af Kate Soper
    148,95 - 166,95 kr.

    An urgent and passionate plea for a new and ecologically sustainable vision of the good life.

  • - The Threat to Global Democracy and Why We Must Act, Now
    af Jason Y. Ng & Joshua Wong
    105,95 kr.

  • af Oswald Mosley
    323,95 - 335,95 kr.

  • - Claiming Space for Who You Are (No Matter What They Say)
    af Elaine Welteroth
    166,95 kr.

    In this part-manifesto, part-memoir, the revolutionary editor who infused social consciousness into the pages of Teen Vogue explores what it means to come into your own - on your own terms. Elaine Welteroth has climbed the ranks of media and fashion, shattering ceilings along the way.

  • - Her Life
    af Benjamin Moser
    186,95 kr.

  • - ... in a world gone wrong
    af James O'Brien
    126,95 kr.

    I have tried to dissuade them and sometimes succeeded... The challenge is to distinguishes sharply between the people who told lies and the people whose only offence was to believe them.'- James O'Brien

  • af Sarah Corbett
    148,95 kr.

    'This is mindful activism . . . thought-out, strategic and engaging' Guardian 'I love what Sarah does! It's quiet activism for everyone including introverts' Jon Ronson'Sarah Corbett mixes an A-grade mind with astonishing creativity and emotional awareness' Lucy SiegleIf we want a world that is beautiful, kind and fair, shouldn't our activism be beautiful, kind and fair?Award-winning campaigner and founder of the global Craftivist Collective Sarah Corbett shows how to respond to injustice not with apathy or aggression, but with gentle, effective protest.This is a manifesto - for a more respectful and contemplative activism; for conversation and collaboration where too often these is division and conflict; for using craft to engage, empower and encourage us all to be the change we wish to see in the world.Sarah's craftivism has helped change laws and business policies as well as hearts and minds; here, with thoughtful principles and practical examples, she shows that quiet action can speak as powerfully as the loudest voice.

  • - Defeating the New Shock Politics
    af Naomi Klein
    118,95 kr.

  • af Jon Ronson
    128,95 kr.

    The brilliant first book from the number one bestselling author of The Psychopath Test.

  • af Leon Trotsky
    196,95 kr.

    'The greatest history of an event I know' - C.L.R. JamesRegarded by many as among the most powerful works of history ever written, The History of the Russian Revolution offers an unparalleled account of one of the most pivotal and hotly debated events in world history. This book presents, from the perspective of one of its central actors, the profound liberating character of the early Russian Revolution.Originally published in three parts, Trotsky's masterpiece is collected here in a single volume. It is still the most vital and inspiring record of the Russian Revolution ever published.

  • - A History of the FBI
    af Tim Weiner
    146,95 kr.

    The epic, disturbing story of how the FBI is America's real secret service'Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out. The hand of our power should close over them at once' President Woodrow Wilson, 1919The United States is a country founded on the ideals of democracy and freedom, yet throughout the last century it has used secret and lawless methods to destroy its enemies. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is the most powerful of these forces. Following his award-winning history of the C.I.A., Legacy of Ashes, Tim Weiner has now written the first full history of the F.B.I. as a secret intellligence service. Drawn entirely from firsthand materials in the F.B.I.'s own files, Enemies brilliantly brings to life the entire story, from the cracking of anarchist cells to the prosecution of the 'war on terror'. It is the story of America's war against spies, subversives and saboteurs - and the self-inflicted wounds American democracy suffered in battle.Throughout the book lies the long shadow of J. Edgar Hoover, who ran the F.B.I. with an iron fist for forty-eight years. He was not a monster, but a brilliant confidence man who ruled by fear, force, and fraud. His power shaped America; his legacy haunts it.Reviews:'Truly impressive ... [Enemies] could have been put together only by a journalist of Weiner's stature' Keith Lowe, Sunday Telegraph'A history that moves at the pace of a James Ellroy novel. But Weiner's truth is wilder even than Ellroy's fiction. Weiner sets the record straight on the FBI's first 100 years using only the Bureau's documents and oral testimony, most of which has never been seen' David Blackburn, Spectator'An outstanding piece of work, even-handed, exhaustively researched, smoothly written and thematically timely ... This is certainly the most complete book we are likely to see about the F.B.I.'s intelligence-gathering operations, from Emma Goldman to Osama bin Laden' Bryan Burrough, New York Times'Extensively researched, admirably understated, yet terrifically entertaining' Boston Globe'Important and disturbing ... Weiner lays bare a record of embarrassing, even stunning failure, in which the bureau's lawlessness was matched only by its incompetence ... [he] has done prodigious research, yet tells this depressing story with all the verve and coherence of a good spy thriller' New York Times Book ReviewAbout the author:Tim Weiner is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist at the New York Times, where he has reported from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan and fifteen other nations. He was based for a decade in Washington, DC, where he covered the C.I.A. and the Military - the latter topic being the subject of his Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget. He is the author of the bestselling Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA, which won the 2007 National Book Award for Non-Fiction.

  • af Johan Ottosen
    104,95 - 248,95 kr.

    NB: Apokalypsens engle er anden del af Mirrin Bank trilogien. Læs Stenens tid først :-)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Sikke en åbning af en bog!” “En Robert Langdon kombineret med James Bond.”“Højspændt action.”“Johan Ottosen har en imponerende evne til at skrive billedmættede scener.”“Der er styr på selv de mindste kemi-beskrivelser.”“Johan Ottosen skriver hæsblæsende og stilsikkert i Apokalypsens engle. Tempoet er bestemt ikke sat ned i denne hans anden bog og anden del i trilogien om Søren Storm, Kurt Østergaard, Bodil Holm, de gamle hemmeligheder og en forestående krig. Det er som en film med mange sceneskift og actionfyldte scener rundt omkring i verden fra København, til Rom og Mellemøsten.” bogblogger.dkEn avanceret computermodel forudsiger at vesten står over for en krise, der overgår første og anden verdenskrig i tab af menneskeliv. Og vores team i Mirrin Bank har mindre end syv dage til at neutralisere truslen …Iran har udført hele to attentater mod Danmark.Statsminister Lene Bisgaard skal afklare om der er tale om et kriminelt angreb, begået af løsrevne elementer af Irans Revolutionsgarde, eller om der er tale om et statssanktioneret attentat hvilket vil resultere i en krig mellem NATO og Iran, sætte mellemøsten i flammer og i sidste ende kaste verden ud i tredje verdenskrig.

  • af Rebecca Solnit
    73,95 kr.

    Rebecca Solnit blev et ikon, da hun med sit skarpe og veloplagte essay Mænd forklarer mig ting satte ord på den lidt nedladende måde, nogle mænd forklarer kvinder noget, de allerede ved. Solnits beskrivelse gik sin sejrsgang over hele verden, og begrebet mansplaining var født. Titelessayet er humoristisk, men slår også en alvorligere tone an, for mansplaining kradser kun i overfladen af dybere kvindefjendske strukturer. Solnit kaster her lys over, hvordan den systematiske vold og undertrykkelse af kvinder viser sig i forskellige former for magtudøvelse, om det så drejer sig om gruppevoldtægter, seksuelle krænkelser eller en toppolitikers overgreb på en stuepige i New York. Rebecca Solnit (f. 1961) er prisvindende amerikansk historiker, aktivist og forfatter til 18 bøger om bl.a. landskab, miljø, kunst og politik. Hun er en af USA’s fremmeste og mest læste essayister.Pressen skriver:››Solnits essays er veloplagte, sjove, gennemarbejdede og velskrevne og fulde af de små ting, som vi skylder hinanden - både mænd og kvinder - at være mere opmærksomme på. Hendes grundighed og måde at gennemskue virkeligheden på er dybt inspirerende. ‹‹*****  ?  Femina››Rebecca Solnits to essaysamlinger Mænd forklarer mig ting og Alle spørgsmåls moder, der nu udgives samlet på dansk, handler i høj grad om tavshed… De er som den kontante, morsomme og ikke mindst rammende replik, man drømmer om at komme med, når nogen siger noget dumt.‹‹ – Information››Efter at have læst den amerikanske historiker og kulturkritiker Rebeccas Solnits to essaysamlinger Mænd forklarer mig ting og Alle spørgsmåls moder går det med nogen forsinkelse op for mig, at det er nødvendigt at skue grundigt indad… Hendes dybe indignation over måden, kvinder har været reduceret til parenteser i kulturhistorien indtil slutningen af 1960erne, og stadig med et heftigt efterslæb, er stærkt brændstof. ‹‹ – Weekendavisen››der er en uforskrækkethed over hendes essays… Fra voldtægt til Trump, over miljøaktivisme, ulighedsdebatter, skoleskyderier og det kulturelle ønske om kvinders tavshed. Altsammen båret af et ukrænkeligt håb om forandring. ‹‹ – Berlingske››Begge essaysamlinger handler om tavshed og opgøret med den. Både den tavshed, talende mænd pålægger kvinder, når de afbryder dem, den tavshed, ofre for overgreb tvinges ind i, eller den tavshed angående følelser, som patriarkatet pålægger mænd… Solnit er popfeminismens store stjerne… spiddende og morsom…‹‹ – Politiken››Rebecca Solnit har uden tvivl styr på hvad hun skriver om, og det emmer samlingen, eller rettere samlingerne, af. Der er ingen tvivl om at jeg skal læse mere af hende! Mænd forklarer mig ting / Alle spørgsmåls moder er en af de bedste essay-samlinger jeg længe har læst og uden tvivl også en af de bedste feministiske værker. En uforglemmelig, berigende læseoplevelse som jeg kun kan anbefale hvis man interesserer sig for emnet. ‹‹– Frk. Litteratur ››Hvis man var i tvivl om, at #metoo ikke er for det bedste og fuld berettiget, så burde man tage at læse den her bog. Den sætter det hele i perspektiv. Og jeg tror ikke, at der er nogen der bagefter vil påstå, at den bevægelse ikke har gjort en masse godt. … Og måske er lige netop denne bog bedst til mænd, fordi den indeholder så mange fakta, som ikke er til at løbe fra ‹‹– Skrivepulten

  • af Vaclav Havel
    108,95 kr.

    Vaclav Havel's remarkable and rousing essay on the tyranny of apathy, with a new introduction by Timothy Snyder Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer's unerring ideology?

  • - Insurgent Cities in a Post-Political Environment
    af Erik (Professor & The University of Manchester) Swyngedouw
    533,95 kr.

    The possibility of a new emancipatory and democratizing politics, explored through the lens of recent urban insurgencies.In Promises of the Political, Erik Swyngedouw explores whether progressive and emancipatory politics is still possible in a post-political era. Activists and scholars have developed the concept of post-politicization to describe the process by which "the political” is replaced by techno-managerial governance. If the political domain has been systematically narrowed into a managerial apparatus in which consensual governance prevails, where can we find any possibility of a new democratic politics? Swyngedouw examines this question through the lens of recent urban insurgencies. In Zuccotti Park, Paternoster Square, Taksim Square, Tahrir Square, Hong Kong, and elsewhere, he argues, insurgents have gathered to choreograph new configurations of the democratic. Swyngedouw grounds his argument in urban and ecological processes, struggles, and conflicts through which post-politicization has become institutionally entrenched. He casts "the city” and "nature” as emblematic of the construction of post-democratic modes of governance. He describes the disappearance of the urban polis into the politics of neoliberal planetary urbanization; and he argues that the political-managerial framing of "nature” and the environment contributes to the formation of depoliticized governance—most notably in the impotent politics of climate change. Finally, he explores the possibilities for a reassertion of the political, considering whether—after the squares are cleared, the tents folded, and everyday life resumes—the urban uprisings of the last several years signal a return of the political.

  • - How Facebook, Google and Amazon Have Cornered Culture and Undermined Democracy
    af Jonathan Taplin
    128,95 kr.

    Fake news. Digital monopolies. Stealth Marketing. This is the story of how the internet, which began as a dream, has become a nightmare.

  • - For when you just want to stab something a lot
    af Rayna Fahey
    128,95 kr.

    Inspired by the banners and signs at recent marches around the world, Really Cross Stitch takes all of that anger, outrage, and protest and puts it inside a decorative border . . . along with some snarky commentary and general annoyance.Stitching for public protest is not new. First-wave feminists in the US and in Britain used needlework in their demonstrations and public protest lectures during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Needlework and other handcrafts, however, declined throughout the twentieth century. But in the 21st century, there has been a steep resurgence and many are turning to crafting, especially needlework, as an activist strategy. In Knitting for Good, feminist Betsy Greer makes this point strongly when she proclaims, ΓÇ£I think every act of making is an act of revolution.ΓÇ¥Featuring more than 40 truly original cross stitch designs, the book also contains instructions on techniques for new stitchers. The projects include: - I am very upset- Brace yourself--women are coming- Too many issues to fit in one place- Nobody likes you- No you can''t take my rights, I''m still using them- Just Urgh- I can''t believe I still have to protest this shit- Girls just wanna have FUNdamental rights- Damn right we''re snowflakes; winter is coming!- Gram ''em by the patriarchy- I will not go quietly back to the 1950s- Same shit, different century- I''m so angry I made this- We''re not just nasty women, we''re REVOLTING- My body, my insatiable thirst for revenge- Down with this sort of thing-Nevertheless she persisted- We are sisters

  • af Arne Dahl
    82,95 - 128,95 kr.

    Hvad ville der ske, hvis terrorismen faktisk kom til Sverige? Hvordan ville medierne, politiet og borgerne reagere?Da en tunnelbanevogn i Stockholm bliver sprængt i luften, og mange mennesker dør, ser det ud til, at terrorismen er kommet til Sverige. Det fører øjeblikkeligt til et politiopbud uden sidestykke i landets historie. Og da en gruppe unge indvandrere påtager sig skylden for handlingen, synes det krystalklart, at der findes aktive terrorceller i Skandinavien. Men braget har efterskælv, og ...EFTERSKÆLV, niende bind i spændingsserien om Rigskriminalpolitiets specialenhed for voldskriminalitet med internationale aspekter – bedre kendt som A-gruppen – handler om terrortruslen, fordomme, politiske rystelser og personlige oprør.Mere sublimt bliver det ikke.Fyens StiftstidendeEndnu en rystende god krimi fra Arne Dahl.Dagbladenes BureauSindssygt spændende plot ... Han skriver så englene synger ...WeekendavisenEt plot og et persongalleri, som er enestående, enerverende godt lagt op og snedigt strikket sammen, sensationelt og anderledes og så alligevel et snært signalement af Sverige netop nu.Politiken

  • af Rachel Cargle
    138,95 - 186,95 kr.

  • af Wendy S. Painting
    238,95 kr.

    Presenting startling new biographical details about Timothy McVeigh and exposing stark contradictions and errors contained in previous depictions of the "e;All-American Terrorist,"e; this book traces McVeigh's life from childhood to the Army, throughout the plot to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and the period after his 1995 arrest until his 2001 execution. McVeigh's life, as Dr. Wendy Painting describes it, offers a backdrop for her discussion of not only several intimate and previously unknown details about him, but a number of episodes and circumstances in American History as well. In Aberration in the Heartland, Painting explores Cold War popular culture, all-American apocalyptic fervor, organized racism, contentious politics, militarism, warfare, conspiracy theories, bioethical controversies, mind control, the media's construction of villains and demons, and institutional secrecy and cover-ups. All these stories are examined, compared, and tested in Aberration in the Heartland of the Real, making this book a much closer examination into the personality and life of Timothy McVeigh than has been provided by any other biographical work about him

  • af Jon Lee Anderson
    196,95 kr.

    Brought to you by Penguin. He became a myth in his own lifetime and an international martyr-figure upon his death; he was a revolutionary fighter, a military strategist, a social philosopher, an economist, a medical doctor, and a friend and confidant of Fidel Castro. Che Guevara's dream was an epic one - to unite Latin America and the rest of the developing world through armed revolution, and to end once and for all the poverty, injustice and petty nationalisms that had bled it for centuries. In the end Che failed in his quest but he is recognized as that one-in-a-million personality who just might have pulled it off. Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life shuttles between the revolutionary capitals of Havana and Algiers to the battlegrounds of Bolivia and the Congo; from the halls of power in Moscow and Washington to the exile havens of Miami, Mexico and Guatemala, in a gripping tale of revolution, international intrigue and covert operations. It has an epic sweep as it evokes an era of tumultuous change, describing major events like the Bay of Pigs invasion, the October Missile crisis and Kennedy's assassination. Among its cast of characters are scores of historic personalities including Castro, Kennedy, Kruschev, Mao Tse-tung, Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, to name but a few. Jon Lee Anderson has been given unprecedented access to the Cuban Government's archives and has had total co-operation from Che's widow, Aleida March, who has never previously spoken for publication about her late husband. He has obtained hitherto unpublished documents, including several of Che's personal diaries and, in the course of his research, broke open a twenty-eight-year-old mystery - the whereabouts of Che's body in Bolivia. There is no doubt that this monumental work will stand as the definitive portrait of one of the twentieth century's most fascinating, yet largely unexplored, historical figures. (c) Jon Lee Anderson 1997 (P) Penguin Audio 2020

    523,95 kr.

    The Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security offers a comprehensive examination of security in the region, encompassing both state-based and militarized notions of security, as well as broader security perspectives reflecting debates about changes in climate, environment, economies, and societies.

  • af Rory Carroll
    128,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • - Iværksætteren | Bind 1
    af Peter Tygesen
    258,95 - 268,95 kr.

    På Rådhuspladsen løber Amdi og Walther ind i en gammel ven. Jørgen Kragh er lige blevet optaget på Københavns Universitet og på vej til rusfest i Studenterforeningen.”De spørger, om jeg vil med jorden rundt? Det er der jo kun ét svar på.”Allerede som dreng samler Mogens Amdi Petersen kammerater omkring sig i tætte fællesskaber, baseret på oprørsk munterhed og spejderære.”Man skal ville noget med sit liv,” siger Amdi. Sådan opstår Danmarks første kollektiv og landets første kulturhus, ligesom mødet med Jørgen Kragh fører til en legendarisk jordomrejse, der bliver skabelon for Den rejsende Højskole og siden Det nødvendige Seminarium – og Tvind.Samfundet rystes i 1960’erne og 1970’erne. Den gamle verden fungerer ikke længere, noget nyt skal fødes, men hvad? Den nye verden skal være mere bæredygtig, mere fri, mere retfærdig, men hvordan? Mange unge forkaster forældrenes værdier i kompromisløse eksperimenter med at skabe den nye orden, også på Tvind. Amdis fællesskaber er skabt til tiden – og skaber den.Første bind slutter med Mogens Amdi Petersens dramatiske exit fra offentligheden i 1979, netop som Tvind står på spring til en global ekspansion. Andet bind beskriver retsforfølgelsen og Tvinds aktiviteter som multinational koncern.Research, medforfatter til kap. 9, 10 og 13: Anders-Peter Mathiasen

  • af Torben Vigh & Thea Pedersen
    236,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Gennem 30 år - længere end nogen anden dansk livvagt - har Torben Vigh passet på danske og udenlandske politikere, Muhammed-kritikere og ikke mindst hele tre generationer af det danske kongehus - fra dronning Margrethe over kronprinsparret til deres børn. I denne bog giver han et indblik i arbejdet med personbeskyttelse fra 1980'erne og frem til i dag, hvor der er sket store forandringer i både det danske samfund og verden udenfor. Torben Vigh har rejst verden rundt med sine VIP'er på både private ferier, officielle besøg og store statsbesøg. Han fortæller om, hvordan man som livvagt altid skal være forberedt på det værst tænkelige, uanset om man kører tværs over USA med kronprinsen, går ved siden af dronningen på en karettur i København eller er på statsbesøg i Japan. Og han fortæller om, hvordan det føles, når man har fri lige præcis den dag, terroren rammer Danmark.

  • af Rafia Zakaria
    128,95 kr.

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