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Religiøse studier

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  • - The Groundbreaking New Evidence For God And Near-Death Experience
    af Jeffrey Long
    148,95 kr.

  • - An Essay on Religion in Late Medieval Europe
    af Caroline Walker Bynum
    288,95 kr.

    Late Medieval Christianity's encounter with miraculous materials viewed in the context of changing conceptions of matter itself.

  • - The Making of an Image
    af Norman Daniel
    215,95 - 518,95 kr.

    Explores the political and religious considerations behind the typically negative western views of Islam, examining Christian-Muslim interaction from medieval times to the modern world. This study is suitable for those who wish to gain a deeper insight into the complex relations between Christianity and Islam.

  • - and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects
    af Bertrand Russell
    193,95 - 2.138,95 kr.

    Why I am not a Christian is considered one of the most blasphemous philosophical documents ever written, and at a time when we have faith schools and wars over religious beliefs, its message today couldn't be more relevant.

  • af Frances Yates
    198,95 - 1.374,95 kr.

    In 1600, renagade philosopher and theologian Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake in Rome. His crime was to preach a doctrine of brotherhood, peace and free love. Four centuries later he is known as the Prophet of the New Age.

  • af Michael Theunissen
    322,95 - 627,95 kr.

    The literature on Kierkegaard is often content to paraphrase. By contrast, this book articulates one of Kierkegaard's central ideas, his theory of despair, in a comprehensible manner and confronts it with alternatives. In addition to articulating and evaluating his concept of despair, it relates his ideas to those of Heidegger, Sartre, and others.

  • - Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters
    af Deepak Chopra & Menas Kafatos
    136,95 kr.

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERIn this book, that combines cutting edge science with real world applications, Chopra and Kafatos redefine our nature of reality and what is possible.Here they ask 9 questions: What Came Before the Big Bang? Why Does the Universe Fit Together So Perfectly? Where Did Time Come From? What Is the Universe Made Of? Is There Design in the Universe?Is the Quantum World Linked to Everyday Life?Do We Live in a Conscious Universe?How Did Life First Begin? Does the brain create the mind?You Are The Universe offers answers that open up new possibilities for all of us to lead more fruitful, peaceful and successful lives.

  • af Carl Gustav Jung
    180,95 kr.

  • - Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
    af Daniel C. Dennett
    126,95 kr.

    Few forces in the world are as potent as religion: it comforts people in their suffering and inspires them to both magnificent and terrible deeds. In this provocative and timely book, Daniel C. Dennett seeks to uncover the origins of religion and discusses how and why different faiths have shaped so many lives, whether religion is an addiction or a genuine human need, and even whether it is good for our health. Arguing passionately for the need to understand this multifaceted phenomenon, Breaking the Spell offers a truly original and comprehensive explanation for faith.

  • af Martinus
    37,95 kr.

    Mange moderne mennesker betragter bøn som naivitet og overtro. – Bøn er en videnskab for sig. - Bønnens funktion er at blive en levende samtale eller en korrespondance med det universelle væsen, som vi lever i. - Udførlig forklaring på bønnen ”Fadervor”.Der er udgivet 28 mindre bøger af Martinus, de såkaldte småbøger. De omhandler afgrænsede emner inden for verdensbilledet, hvoraf nogle af dem er i artikelform. Emnerne beskrives på en enkel og letforståelig måde, og flere af bøgerne egner sig glimrende som introduktionstekster.

  • - The Way of Knowing, The Christ Mind Trilogy Volume III ( Pocket Edition )
    af Jeshua Ben Joseph
    168,95 kr.

  • af Jens Fischer Nielsen
    178,95 kr.

    En fornøjelig erindringsbog om en kendt præst og missionær Jens Fischer-Nielsen har oplevet mere end de fleste. Han har hilst på både Moder Teresa og Indira Gandhi. Han og familien er blevet truet og overfaldet af røvere i Bangladesh, mens de var missionærer. Jens har været fødselshjælper for et helt nyt kirkesamfund af kristne bengalere, som han stadig følger.De fleste herhjemme kender nok Jens fra hans tid som højskolelærer på Haslev Udvidede Højskole eller som en nytænkende og utraditionel sognepræst i Esbjerg.Mange kender ham også fra arbejdet blandt indvandrere eller fra Danmission og Dansk Oase. I denne bog kigger Jens tilbage på det gode liv, som han føler, han har fået – af bare nåde. Vi følger ham lige fra barndommen i en stor familie og i tiden som lærling i en isenkrambutik – til alle de udfordringer, der siden fulgte.Det er fornøjelig læsning! Og bogen hjælper os til at se det positive i livet.”Vi kan ikke leve hinandens liv. Du har ikke mine muligheder. Jeg har ikke dine. Men vi kan lære af hinanden og opmuntre hinanden. Læs ligesom når du spiser fisk: Spis kødet og spyt benene ud.”(Fra bogens forord.)

  • - Min vej til lamaerne
    af Ole Nydahl
    198,95 kr.

    I foråret 1968 tog Ole og Hannah Nydahl fra det københavnske hippiemiljø af sted på bryllupsrejse. Målet var det eventyrlige Nepal; landet, der i de blev betragtet som et jordisk paradis. Denne rejse blev en åndelig odyssé og en total omvæltning af deres liv.I Kathmandu mødte de buddhismen i skikkelse af en tibetansk lama med ekstraordinære psykiske kræfter. Han gav dem sin velsignelse, og efter flere års skoling blandt de højeste lamaer, deriblandt den 16.Karmapa, overhoved for Karma Kadjy linjen.Bogen tager os med gennem meditationer, indvielser, ritualer og hele den tibetanske buddhismes levende praksis.Lama Ole og Hannahs arbejde med at bringe buddhismen til Vesten opfylder en 1300 år gammel profeti, fremsat af Guru Rinpoche:"Når ildoksen kører på hjul og jernfuglen flyver overalt, vil min lære komme til den hvide mands land."

  • af Arthur Edward Waite
    313,95 kr.

    Arthur Edward Waite's ¿The Book of Black Magic¿ represents an exhaustive guide to the occult, looking at lore, magick, occultist history, ceremony, and much more. It contains a large number of magical spells and occult writings taken from a variety of sources, and it constitutes one of the greatest overviews of occultism by one of the most influential figures in Western occultism. Arthur Edward Waite (1857 ¿ 1942), more commonly referred to as A. E. Waite, was an British scholarly mystic and poet. He was a prolific writer on occult and esoteric subjects who also co-created the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.

  • - The Book of
    af King James
    198,95 kr.

    This keepsake edition of The Book of Job was taken from the King James translation of the Bible. The King James Translation is a masterwork of style, and the most important book in the English language, it has been the driving force in shaping the English-speaking world for hundreds of years.The Book of Job is one of the best known books of the Bible and it has been deeply influential in Western culture. Job is introduced as a righteous man, blessed with wealth, sons, and daughters. God asks Satan for his opinion of Job's piety. Satan answers that Job is pious only because God has blessed him; if God were to take away everything that Job had, then he would surely curse God. God gives Satan permission to take Job's wealth and kill all of his children and servants, but Job remains steadfast and continues to praises God.

  • - The Legend of the First Woman (Hardcover)
    af Ada Langworthy Collier
    298,95 kr.

    This edition of Lilith: The Legend of the First Woman contains illustrated depictions of the mythic Lilith, in her role within the garden of Eden.Collier uses poetry to detail an account of Lilith as an alternative narrative of the Book of Genesis. Originating from Rabbinic circles, the notion of Lilith was as Adam's first wife, with her expulsion taking place before God created Eve as her replacement. Drawing upon aspects of Jewish, Christian and Islamic law, Collier ably details Lilith's characteristics - she appears not as a malevolent demon or temptress, but as an intelligent being with a great capacity for affection. Owing to the interpretation being in verse form, we may observe an aesthetic description of the Garden of Eden and the circumstances of Lilith's arrival there.A fascinating interpretation of ancient myths, Lilith: The Legend of the First Woman is a worthwhile and intriguing read for those interested in Old Testament lore and Lilith as legend.

  • - Or, A Compendius System of Natural Religion
    af Col Ethan Allen
    110,95 kr.

    Reason, the Only Oracle of Man is Colonel Ethan Allen's polemical treatise wherein he argues for the power of reason, and reason's nature as a God-given attribute of man.Received to a negative reception during its original publication in 1785, Reason, the Only Oracle of Man divided opinion on the grounds of its rejection of traditional, Christian religious beliefs. At the time, the fledgling nation of the United States was deeply devoted to the traditional Christian establishment, with many suspicious of the recent progress of science in many fields. Ethan Allen rejected many traditional beliefs of the Christian church. He considered much of the Bible to be mythical superstition, and held great contempt for organised religion which he viewed as corrupt and sinful, with the priesthood in particular targeted for its inadequacies. While not an atheist, Allen believed strongly in the power and capacity of reason, and considered its use to be virtuous.

  • af Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
    310,95 kr.

    Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future is a seminal work of moral philosophy by Friedrich Nietzsche, presented here in hardcover form.First published in 1886, it expands on the ideas put forth by an earlier work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. The tone this text carries is more critical, polemical and argumentative, its words representing the fierce maturing of Nietzsche's ideas. In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche boldly claims that earlier philosophers are lacking in good critical sense, basing their ideas upon a wide, uncontested acceptance of the dogmatic principles of ordinary morals, virtues and vices. The first claim Nietzsche makes is that his forebears and contemporaries have founded grand metaphysical systems upon the faith that good people are the opposite of evil people. This, as opposed to both poles of duality being a different expression of the same impulses more directly and plainly expressed by the evil man.

  • af St Augustine
    173,95 kr.

    This is a unique work from one of the preeminent early leaders of the Christian Church. These are wonderful and inspiring writings of St. Augustine that not only teach us some of the intellectual and theological elements of our faith, but also of the passion.

  • af John Lennox
    108,95 kr.

    Evangelistic book looking at whether science and religion are opposed.

  • - The Discussion that Sparked an Atheist Revolution Foreword by Stephen Fry
    af Richard (Oxford University) Dawkins
    173,95 kr.

    _________________Includes a foreword by STEPHEN FRY'A classic for our time...And all time.' - Michael Shermer'The words of Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris and Dennett are needed more than ever.

  • - A Call to Uncommon Courage
    af Joan D Chittister
    183,95 kr.

    A beloved nun and social activist offers a soul-stirring guide for all who feel disillusioned and dissatisfied with the power-hungry institutions and systems of this world "A cri de coeur against the status quo and for a bold spirituality to fight injustice."-The New York Times In The Time Is Now, Sister Joan Chittister-a rabble-rousing force of nature for social justice and fervent proponent of personal faith and spiritual fulfillment-draws on the wisdom of prophets, both ancient and modern, to help us confront the societal forces that oppress and silence the sacred voices among us. Pairing scriptural insights with narratives of the truth-tellers that came before us, Sister Joan offers a compelling vision for readers to combat complacency and to propel ourselves toward creating a world of justice, freedom, peace, and empowerment. For the weary, the cranky, and the fearful, this energizing message invites us to participate in a vision for a world greater than the one we find ourselves in today. This is spirituality in action; this is practical and powerful activism for our times.Praise for The Time Is Now"For decades Chittister has been a prolific author and advocate for women and social justice inside and outside the realm of the Catholic Church. Here she shares her perspective on the current state of equity, social justice, and the environment and calls on all Christians to explore the traits of prophets, many of which they can find within themselves . . . offering motivation as well as ways to accomplish change."-Booklist "A series of short essays to encourage and refresh the spirit of activists . . . applicable to both progressive and conservative Christians. Will appeal to spiritual readers seeking an encouraging book for social justice advocacy."-Library Journal (starred review)

  • - Filosofiens renæssance
    af Karsten Pultz
    178,95 kr.

    Er stof det fundamentale i universet, eller er der dokumentation for, at bevidsthed er altings ophav? Er tro og videnskab hinandens modsætninger, eller er der en sammenhæng mellem de to? Har videnskaben gjort Gud overflødig, eller er der blot nogen, der får det til at se sådan ud? I medier og undervisning fremstilles det i overvejende grad som om, videnskabelige facts taler for et gudløst univers. Indflydelsesrige ateister hævder, at videnskaben understøtter ateismen, og at det kun er et spørgsmål om tid, før forskningen definitivt kan mane illusionen om Gud i jorden. Karsten Pultz mener, at denne forestilling er forkert og viser i bogen her, hvordan kvantefysikken modsiger et materialistisk og ateistisk verdenssyn. Karsten Pultz (f. 1967) viste i sin første bog, Exit Evolution, hvordan de videnskabelige data entydigt peger på, at Darwins teori er forkert. Evolutionsteorien er tæt forbundet til materialisme – en filosofi, som hævder, at stof er fundamentalt, og at alt i denne verden kan forklares ved stof, der reagerer med andet stof.

  • - An Introduction to Ethics
    af Scott Rae
    345,95 kr.

  • - Parts One and Two
    af George W Carey
    143,95 kr.

  • af Gary Chapman
    136,95 kr.

  • af Birgit Klein
    178,95 kr.

  • - med ny fortale og formaning til skriftemål
    af Finn B. Andersen
    70,95 - 108,95 kr.

    I 1528 var Luther med på en rundrejse til de nye lutherske menigheder. Han kunne da konstatere, at det stod sløjt til med folks viden om selv de helt grundlæggende ting i kristendommen. For at råde bod på det, udarbejder Luther noget undervisningsmateriale. Det er en bearbejdning af en række undervisningsforløb, som Luther selv havde haft over katekismen. Resultatet af det er Den Lille og Den Store Katekismus. De svarer til hinanden som det vi i dag ville kalde elevens bog og lærerens bog. I den lille finder man det stof, som børnene og den jævne kristne skulle kunne. I den store et dette så uddybet og forklaret. Luther giver desuden er række gode pædagogiske og teologiske råd, samtidig med at der er konkrete vejledninger til de enkelte emner og afsnit. De første udgaver udkom i 1529, men allerede året efter kom der et nyt oplag. Her har Luther udvidet sin indledning med en række vigtige iagttagelser og gode råd. Desuden tilføjer han en kort vejledning om skriftemålet, hvor det især er den personlige sjælesorg, Luther er optaget af. Det er denne reviderede og udvidede udgave fra 1530, der her bringes i en ny oversættelse med Cranachs originale tegninger.

  • af Helen Leathers & Diane Campkin
    148,95 kr.

    An introduction to the theory and practical basics of spiritual and psychic development. From meditation to dowsing, card readings to working with the chakras, understanding crystals to connecting with your Spirit guides. Do you want to increase your intuition, work with healing energy, learn how to meditate or develop your own clairvoyant ability? This book will facilitate an opening up to and development of your own natural spirituality and psychic skills. Essential basics, simple to understand theory and practical exercises make this a beginners guide for everyone. And there's not too many long words either. This is the book we've been looking for for years.

  • - The Five Books of Moses, The New Translation of The Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text
    318,95 kr.

    The Torah is the essence of Jewish tradition; it inspires each successive generation. The current JPS translation, based on classical and modern sources, is acclaimed for its fidelity to the ancient Hebrew.

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