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Bøger i Ancient Textiles Series serien

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  • af Eva Andersson Strand
    498,95 kr.

    Textile production is one of the most important crafts in Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age societies and recent interdisciplinary and collaborative work offers crucial new perspectives into this field.

  • af Giovanni Fanfani
    400,95 kr.

    528,95 kr.

    A collection of papers from leading researchers on the role of textiles in the ancient Mediterranean.

  • - The Beginnings of Textile Manufacture in Europe and the Mediterranean
    388,95 kr.

    Explores textile production, including its socio-cultural development, across prehistoric Europe and the Mediterranean.

  • - Patterned Textiles of the Aegean Bronze Age
    333,95 kr.

    Investigates evidence for patterned textiles produced by the Minoans and Mycenaeans.

  • af Gabriella Longhitano
    418,95 kr.

    Explores the role, significance and technological development of textile manufacture in 1st millennium BC Sicily.

  • - Trade and Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity
    333,95 kr.

    Collected papers presenting latest multi-disciplinary approaches to the manufacture, trade in and status of silk and other textiles between Rome and China along the Silk Roads.

  • - An Interdisciplinary Anthology
    443,95 kr.

    The essays in this volume offer a fresh insight into the emerging interdisciplinary research field of textile and dress studies by discussing archaeological, iconographical and textual evidence within a broad geographical and chronological spectrum.

  • - Textiles from 3rd to 4th-century AD Weapon Deposits in Denmark and Northern Germany
    af Susan Moller-Wiering
    415,95 kr.

    War and Worship concerns textile deposits from the bog sites of Thorsberg in Germany and Nydam, Vimose and Illerup Adal in Denmark.

  • - Memoirs of an 18th-Century Master Colourist
    af Dominique Cardon
    333,95 kr.

    A translation and facsimile reproduction of a unique 18th century French manuscript that provides colour recipes and samples for producing dyes for the textiles of the day. With analysis and essays setting it in context.

  • - Textiles in Greek Sanctuaries in the 7th to the 1st Centuries BC
    af Cecilie Brons
    443,95 kr.

    Textiles comprise a vast and wide category of material culture and constitute a crucial part of the ancient economy. Yet, studies of classical antiquity still often leave out this important category of material culture, partly due to the textiles themselves being only rarely preserved in the archaeological record. This neglect is also prevalent in scholarship on ancient Greek religion and ritual, although it is one of the most vibrant and rapidly developing branches of classical scholarship. The aim of the present enquiry is, therefore, to introduce textiles into the study of ancient Greek religion and thereby illuminate the roles textiles played in the performance of Greek ritual and their wider consequences. Among the questions posed are how and where we can detect the use of textiles in the sanctuaries, and how they were used in rituals including their impact on the performance of these rituals and the people involved. Chapters centre on three themes: first, the dedication of textiles and clothing accessories in Greek sanctuaries is investigated through a thorough examination of the temple inventories. Second, the use of textiles to dress ancient cult images is explored. The examination of Hellenistic and Roman copies of ancient cult images from Asia Minor as well as depictions of cult images in vase-painting in collocation with written sources illustrates the existence of this particular ritual custom in ancient Greece. Third, the existence of dress codes in the Greek sanctuaries is addressed through an investigation of the existence of particular attire for ritual personnel as well as visitors to the sanctuaries with the help of iconography and written sources. By merging the study of Greek religion and the study of textiles, the current study illustrates how textiles are, indeed, central materialisations of Greek cult, by reason of their capacity to accentuate and epitomize aspects of identity, spirituality, position in the religious system, by their forms as links between the maker, user, wearer, but also as key material agents in the performance of rituals and communication with the divine.

  • af Marianne Vedeler
    334,95 kr.

    The analysis of silk is a fascinating topic for research in itself but here, focusing on the 9th and 10th centuries, Marianne Vedeler takes a closer look at the trade routes and the organization of production, trade and consumption of silk during the Viking Age.

  • - Changing Trends in Fashions, Manufacturing and Consumption
    af Kathrine Vestergard Pedersen
    333,95 kr.

    The eight papers presented here provide a useful introduction to medieval broadcloth, and an up-to-date synthesis of current research. The word broadcloth is nowadays used as an overall term for the woven textiles mass-produced and exported all over Europe.

  • - Early Textile Production in Western Asia, Southeast and Central Europe (10,000-500 BC)
    421,95 kr.

    Papers on the study of wool and other fibers in ancient textile production.

  • - From the Beginnings of Sheep Husbandry to Institutional Textile Industry
    388,95 kr.

    Explores the place of wool in the ancient economy of the Near East.

  • - Production, Trade, and Consumption of Textiles, 8th-16th Centuries
    421,95 kr.

    Archaeologists and textile historians bring together 16 papers to investigate the production, trade and consumption of textiles in Scandinavia and across parts of northern and Mediterranean Europe throughout the medieval period. New in paperback.

  • - The Sacred and Secular Power of Embroidery
    af Alexandra Lester-Makin
    443,95 kr.

    Presents the first detailed analyses of all 43 known embroideries believed to have been made in Britain in the early medieval period.

  • - Textiles, Crafts Production and Social Dynamics in the Bronze Age southern Aegean
    af Joanne Elizabeth Cutler
    533,95 kr.

    Addresses 'Minoanisation' through examining the adoption of Cretan weaving technology throughout the southern Aegean.

    533,95 kr.

    Twenty-one papers on the role of textiles in ancient religion in Greece, Italy, The Levant and the Near East. Examines the topics of textile production in sanctuaries, the use of textiles as votive offerings and ritual dress using epigraphy, literary sources, iconography and the archaeological material itself.

  • - Sea Silk and Shellfish Purple Dye in Antiquity
    418,95 kr.

    Presents new research on the extraction and physical and chemical properties of, and the use and social significance of mollusc-extracted purple dyes and sea silk in textiles in Mediterranean prehistory

  • af Stella Spantidaki
    443,95 kr.

    First detailed, mutli-disciplinary analysis of textile technology and production in 5th-4th century classical Athens

    418,95 kr.

    The NESAT symposium has grown from the first meeting in 1981 which was attended by 23 scholars, to over 100 at the tenth meeting that took place in Copenhagen in 2008, with virtually all areas of Europe represented. The 50 papers from the conference presented here show the vibrance of the study of archaeological textiles today.

  • - Materialitat - Reprasentation - Episteme - Metapoetik / Materiality - Representation - Episteme - Metapoetics
    af Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer
    418,95 kr.

    Presents latest research on the processes of textile manufacture, weaving and the materiality of fabric in prehistory and late Antiquity.

    418,95 kr.

    Written sources from the ancient Near East and eastern Mediterranean, from the third to the first millennia BC, provide a wealth of terms for textiles.

  • - archaeology, epigraphy, iconography
    418,95 kr.

    In the past, textile production was a key part of all ancient societies. The Ancient Near East stands out in this respect with the overwhelming amount of documentation both in terms of raw materials, line of production, and the distribution of finished products.

  • af Margarita Gleba, Marie-Louise Nosch & Cherine Munkholt
    388,95 kr.

    17 contributors examine historic costumes, their sources and their designs.

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