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Bøger i Currents in Comparative Romance Languages & Literatures serien

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  • - The Modernist Expression in Stephane Mallarme, T. S. Eliot, and Yosano Akiko
    af Noriko Takeda
    812,95 kr.

  • af Eduardo Blanco
    686,95 kr.

    The action of the novel takes place in 1825, a few years after Venezuela had sealed its independence from Spain by defeating the Spanish forces at the Battle of Carabobo, June 24, 1821.

  • - An Aestheticization of Politics
    af Gaetano DeLeonibus
    737,95 kr.

  • - The Occupation and Other Hi/stories in the Novels of Patrick Modiano
    506,95 kr.

  • - Flaubert, Maupassant, Cezanne, and Cassatt
    af Sharon P. Johnson
    665,95 kr.

  • af Gayle A Levy
    552,95 kr.

  • af Yaw B Agawu-Kakraba
    615,95 kr.

  • - Parallel Weakening of Os! in Italian, French and Spanish
    af Diana R Seklaoui
    398,95 kr.

  • - A Call for Evangelical Reforms in Colonial Peru
    af Gregory J. Shepherd
    564,95 kr.

    Jose de Acosta's 'De procuranda Indorum salute': A Call for Evangelical Reforms in Colonial Peru contextualizes and analyzes the deployment of Catholic missionary forces in the Andes. Its exhaustive approach to the ecclesiastic and political reforms of late-sixteenth-century Peru exposes the philosophical and legal underpinnings of Spain's colonial policies.

  • - The Re-Creative Modernism in Stephane Mallarme's Late Sonnets, T. S. Eliot's "Poems", and the Prose Poetry since Charles-Pierre Baudelaire
    af Noriko Takeda
    575,95 kr.

    The interactive cognateness of translation and modernist poetry is clarified through this book on the purported untranslatability of the poems by the avant-gardists, in particular, Stephane Mallarme and T. S. Eliot. These inspiring texts direct the reader to re-create the world with their multidimensional growth of meanings.

  • - Disease and Destiny in Plague Literature from Early Modern to Postmodern Times
    af Patrick Reilly
    732,95 kr.

    Bills of Mortality: Disease and Destiny in Plague Literature from Early Modern to Postmodern Times explores the dynamic between the fact of plague and the constructs of destiny deadly disease generates in literary texts ranging from Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year to Tony Kushner's Angels in America.

  • - Disappearing Act
    af Philip Beitchman
    827,95 kr.

    Establishes the incipiently revolutionary context more or less foregrounded or in the background of works by Zola, Strindberg, Ibsen, Hauptmann, Synge, Shaw, and Tolstoy, focused especially on issues of class struggle and class war, as well as the prospects and possibilities of challenging the hegemony of the ruling orders.

  • af Christian Martin
    832,95 kr.

  • - Piecing Things Together
    786,95 kr.

    Presents a variety of perspectives on Portuguese diaspora, from literature to identity discourse to biography and autobiography. This book includes: reading literary identities within and without borders; constructing extra-literary identities at home and abroad; and literary ethnic voices from North American diaspora and beyond.

  • af Sudarsan Rangarajan
    692,95 kr.

    Engaging contemporary theorists - Sartre, Foucault, de Man, and Prince among others - the essays encompass diverse areas: narratology, rhetoric, genre studies, existentialism, and postcolonialism. This book examines the different aspects of the novel from a postmodern perspective.

  • af Ana Emilia Leon
    837,95 kr.

    Los recursos que aparacen en Extinción de ¿vos¿ en el español peninsular esclarecen diversos reajustes sufridos por ¿vos¿ en el repertorio hispano peninsular durante el Siglo de Oro. Se dilucidan, además, los portentos extra-lingüísticos y los reajustes socio-comunicativos que surgieron en ese ámbito durante esa época. Paradójicamente, la mayoría de los elementos extra-lingüísticos que se analizan están relacionados con la pérdida del porte mayestático de ¿vos¿. Igualmente, se han observado rasgos que responsabilizan a diáspora ultramarina (Indianos) por las permutaciones sociolingüísticas que se generaron en España durante esas centurias. Tras el descrédito de ¿vos¿, los interlocutores comienzan a rechazar vehementemente este sociolecto, entre tanto, tu y vuestra merced ¿ usted comenzaron a disputarse el pedestal que ostentase el desvalido contendiente. La dinámica diacrónica establece, que, pese a la desaparición de ¿vos¿ en su lar de origen, una variante suya se reinstauró en el Nuevo Mundo. Cabe destacar, que este estudio diacrónico podría generar o contribuir en diversas investigaciones sobre los pronombres de tratamiento correspondientes al castellano peninsular.

  • - "A Mind of No Common Order"
    af Ellen McNiven Hine
    732,95 kr.

    Constance de Salm, Her Influence and Her Circle in the Aftermath of the French Revolution

  • - Uncommon Violence, Praxis, and Aesthetics in the Novels of Monique Wittig
    af James D. Davis Jr.
    705,95 kr.

    Beautiful War

  • - The "Wisdom Text" by a Catalan Writer of the Early Renaissance
    af Peter Cocozella
    932,95 kr.

    Fra Francesc Moner's Bilingual Poetics of Love and Reason

  • - The Love Poetry of Pedro Salinas- Translated with an Introduction by Ruth Katz Crispin
    af Ruth Katz Crispin
    948,95 kr.

  • - Translated by Pamela J. DeWeese
    af Pamela J. DeWeese
    759,95 kr.

  • - Translated with an Introduction by Barbara F. Ichiishi
    af Barbara F. Ichiishi
    451,95 kr.

    A memoir about life in post-Civil War Barcelona. It recreates the era from the standpoint of the winners. It paints a picture of life during the early Franco years, while offering an intimate, revealing look at the childhood and adolescence of one of Spain's remarkable contemporary authors.

  • - Intertextuality, Language, and the Ludic in the Novels of Jean-Philippe Toussaint
    af Sarah L. Glasco
    772,95 kr.

    Parody and Palimpsest: Intertextuality, Language, and the Ludic in the Novels of Jean-Philippe Toussaint adds to the emerging body of work on intertextuality through expansion of critical examinations of the novels of this award-winning author, presenting him as the ultimate magister ludi.

  • - "Le Cimetiere marin" - Translated, Described, and Peopled
    af Michael Comenetz & Hugh P. McGrath
    344,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

    On the basis of the French text and a translation that is at once accurate and poetical, this book provides an introduction to the poem, and thereby to the complex intellectual world of Valery. It exhibits the depth and breadth both of the poem and of the poet's thought.

  • - Campos, Posadas y Tabernas
    947,95 kr.

    La gavilla de artículos reunidos en este volumen forma un conjunto coherente de ensayos en torno a un tema común, la vida en la Andalucía rural en sus múltiples aspectos culturales, contada por viajeros extranjeros a lo largo de los dos siglos pasados. Con mayor o menor énfasis recalan en temas como la variedad y belleza del paisaje, en las costumbres culinarias, en las posadas y tabernas, en las diversiones, en fin, y las costumbres populares y folclóricas. Al tiempo, inciden en curiosas y sabrosas anécdotas que viven en persona de primera mano. Ello hace de esta singular antología una lectura jugosa y entretenida tanto para estudiantes como académicos interesados por los lazos entre culturas. En ella se brindan frecuentes encrucijadas de caminos y encuentros multiculturales sobre los que los curiosos viajeros escriben, asombrados unas veces y perplejos otras, al enfrentar costumbres y tradiciones tan alejadas de su propio acervo cultural. Esos rasgos distintivos, que tan acusados se perfilan en el agro andaluz, con el tiempo se han ido nivelando merced a la modernización de los medios de transporte y la transformación del espacio rural de antaño. Los viajeros aquí destacados, en su mayoría mujeres y hombres británicos y franceses, fueron sin duda testigos fieles y excepcionales del transcurrir de la vida cotidiana en esta peculiar y atractiva región de España. Los autores aquí reunidos han escrito todos ellos tesis, libros o artículos que iluminan de forma amena distintas facetas del poliédrico tema.

  • - Improvisation and Complexity - Translated by Anna Grazia Cafaro and Melina Masterson
    af Anna Grazia Cafaro
    837,95 kr.

    This book investigates in which dimension art meets science and how it happens.

  • - Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio - A Study of Their Times and Works - (Storia Letteraria del Trecento) - Translated with a Foreword by Vincenzo Traversa
    af Natalino Sapegno
    772,95 kr.

    A Literary History of the Fourteenth Century: Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio. A Study of Their Times and Works (Storia Letteraria del Trecento) focuses equally on Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio while minor writers are introduced in proportion to their importance and position in the cultural, historical, and social events of the time.

  • - Historical Vignettes
    af Eduardo Blanco
    851,95 kr.

    For more than a century, Venezuela Heroica has been a source of inspiring stories for Venezuelan schoolchildren. Now ably translated and profusely annotated, the book retains the literary beauty and entertaining character of the original, presenting a vivid account of the Venezuelan wars waged against Spain while seeking independence.

  • af Yumin Ao
    759,95 kr.

    This book is a study of the thematic, narrative, and musical structure of Yuanqu xuan [A Selection of Yuan Plays] edition of the Yuan zaju (variety play) Dou E yuan [Injustice to Dou E] originally composed by the highly regarded playwright Guan Hanqing (fl. 1260).

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